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If you were Elizabeth Edwards...

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and you read in tomorrow's New York Times that your husband promised to marry his mistress after your death, how would you react? (The news is reporting that that *will* be in there.)


I'm not a fighter normally, but I'd make very sure there were no assets left in that marriage. I'd divorce him and take every last dollar, burn the house to a crisp, and chop every tree on the property down before I'd let THAT WOMAN live in my home with my husband. (If you knew me IRL, you'd be laughing at the thought of my doing those things!)


I would hope I wouldn't just give up and die. But I might. This whole horrible situation would be too embarrassing and heartbreaking to deal with.

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I cannot CANNOT imagine Elizabeth's having to deal with this. There has been SO MUCH grief -- losing their son -- the affair --


Is it too awful to hope that she's so ill and so sedated she wouldn't know? Yes, I know it is. I just can't imagine how painful it would be.


I'd hope that I would be tough and would fight-fight-fight, but terminal cancer takes so much of the fight . . . :angry:

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I'm not a fighter normally, but I'd make very sure there were no assets left in that marriage. I'd divorce him and take every last dollar, burn the house to a crisp, and chop every tree on the property down before I'd let THAT WOMAN live in my home with my husband. (If you knew me IRL, you'd be laughing at the thought of my doing those things!)


I would hope I wouldn't just give up and die. But I might. This whole horrible situation would be too embarrassing and heartbreaking to deal with.


:iagree: What you said. And since I am a fighter, a little more. :sneaky2:

And then I'd happily saunter on my merry little way (to jail, probably, but whatever).

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After she dies her children will be left with him. There isn't a darn thing she can do about that and I would guess that is what she fears more than some scamp and being married to a cheating good for nothing. Everything she has done has been to help her kids deal.


Sigh. He's a right bastard.

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After she dies her children will be left with him. There isn't a darn thing she can do about that and I would guess that is what she fears more than some scamp and being married to a cheating good for nothing. Everything she has done has been to help her kids deal.


I don't know what her prognosis is but if it were me and I was doing well, he would get a run for his money.


You said it much better than I!! I cannot imagine being in that situation . . .

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and you read in tomorrow's New York Times that your husband promised to marry his mistress after your death, how would you react? (The news is reporting that that *will* be in there.)


I'm not a fighter normally, but I'd make very sure there were no assets left in that marriage. I'd divorce him and take every last dollar, burn the house to a crisp, and chop every tree on the property down before I'd let THAT WOMAN live in my home with my husband. (If you knew me IRL, you'd be laughing at the thought of my doing those things!)


I would hope I wouldn't just give up and die. But I might. This whole horrible situation would be too embarrassing and heartbreaking to deal with.


Get out! I think my jaw just dropped to the floor. This is so sordid I can't bear to actually read about it. I will have to wait for tomorrow's interpretation here ...

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:D:D:D I'd make sure to call him close for a last kiss..... and chop it off. Oops... Did I just say that?? And, I wouldn't spend the money early, but it'd be in a trust... and not be able to be used by him... Let him enjoy being green with his own money.... The guy isn't a good guy. (Since when does it matter what kind of wife she is?)


And more...:lol:

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If I were Elizabeth Edwards, I would do as much as I could to live as long and as well as I possibly could. Give thousands of dollars to charities, pre-pay the medical for hundreds of years of cancer therapies of all kinds, alternative or whatever, set up well endowed trust funds for my children, prepay for years of high school boarding schools abroad, and demand to be buried with every. single. piece of jewelry I could purchase between now and the ultimate end of us all.

with each post of yours I read, I like you more.....that dirty rotten #(*)!@#(*&%)@*##*%#&%)@#(*_

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He is the slimiest lawyer I have ever met. That is saying something as I have met hundreds and he takes the slimeball cake. I am thrilled to see that castration remains to be named as an option so with that small offering as to the query of what Elizabeth Edwards should do. I offer also this joke about my bretheren some of whom are beneath the ****on my shoes.:lol: Seriously how very lily livered of him I cannot believe the spineless wimp actually got a woman to sleep with him.Ever.




What is the difference between a dead lawyer in the road and a dead dog in the road??


There are skidmarks in front of the dog.:lol:

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So Young just signed a big book deal, which makes him seem to have a motive to exaggerate and pretend to know things he doesn't really know or to outright lie. He wants to sell books. He also took money to lie about being the father of the child himself - a father of three kids. Can you imagine? Young has lied. Edwards has lied. Is Young lying about this? I don't know. If I were Elizabeth I'm not sure I would trust John OR Young. Ick.


But honestly, I wouldn't believe something just because this lying creep said it.


I have no idea what I would do if I were EE. She has just had the hardest time. Maybe I would insist on John suing for visitation with the baby so that I could have some time getting to know my childrens' half brother and have them get to know each other under MY roof.

Edited by Danestress
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At this point, I'm sure she's entirely focused on her children and preparing them for after she's gone. A divorce wouldn't do them any good, so if I were her I wouldn't do it; I'd do whatever I thought would be best for the kids.


:iagree:I think the time for punishing John may have passed (not that I think he doesn't need punishing). We'll have to hope karma comes for him.

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Well, I would want to make sure THAT WOMAN never got near my children's inheritance. The only way I could ensure that would be to take it via divorce and leave it directly to the kids.


I had heard rumors about J.E. making that promise to her a year or more ago. What I heard then was that she was content to stay in the background for the time being, because he had promised her that after Elizabeth's death they could marry.

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Elizabeth Edwards and Jenny Sanford seem to be doing an amazing job handling these weak and damaged men that they are married to.


We can't know what their private situation is, but if I were Elizabeth Edwards, I would keep doing whatever would be best for my kids long-term. I would try to teach those children grace, maturity, and strength of character, because they will need those attributes when dealing with their father for the rest of their lives. I would not acknowledge any marriage intentions for the future, since it may never come to pass anyway. I wish Elizabeth could acknowledge the baby and let this innocent child meet her siblings and father, but I can't judge her on her position knowing all the other grief she is dealing with. Thank God the child is too young to know what she is missing right now.


Could John Edwards and Rielle Hunter have any kind of public relationship even after Elizabeth is gone? I would think they would be absolutely reviled.

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Here's from the NYT article:

In the proposal, which The New York Times examined, Mr. Young asserts that he assisted the affair by setting up private meetings between Mr. Edwards and Ms. Hunter. He wrote that Mr. Edwards once calmed an anxious Ms. Hunter by promising her that after his wife died, he would marry her in a rooftop ceremony in New York with an appearance by the Dave Matthews Band.

I think all that shows is that Edwards will say anything to get out of a situation he doesn't like. I would be very surprised indeed to actually see them get married, and I bet it will never happen. It's the equivalent of "my wife doesn't understand me, and I can't get a divorce now, but someday I will and then we'll get married."

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I'd probably pay his dentist to really mess up his pearly whites in some manner. That way when he smiled at the one person he cares about (himself in the mirror) it wouldn't be pretty staring back at him. :D


I can think of other things, but I wouldn't post them here.


I had a mild form of cancer many years ago and I can tell you the support of a spouse is paramount during that time.

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You know... even if you don't get along anymore, even if you don't really love each other anymore, when your spouse is dying that is not the time to go swinging your d*ck around another chick. Have a little humanity, be there until the end, then go do whatever you think you need to do.

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Andrew Young--what a horrible creature he must be. He's the father of three young kids himself and took the fall for JE when the scandal first broke, claiming to have been the baby's father. I wonder what kind of arrangment he made with JE and his own wife. Good heavens.


In any case, Andrew Young made these assertions in a book proposal--which is essentially a piece of sales writing presented to get a lucrative book deal. Which he did. Does this mean it is true? No, but I wouldn't put much past either of these men.


If I were EE I would be sobbing now--imagine it is true and JE does marry this woman and she and he raise EE's children and their child together. What a horrible thought for any woman who has suffered through infidelity, nevermind one who is also facing terminal cancer and the rest.


Then I hope I'd have the strength to focus on my children as others have said.


What a dreadful, dreadful and sad situation.

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I wonder if he's thought about his future with his children (by Elizabeth) when they'll be grown -- so very soon -- and remember the things he did to their mother. He's very short-sighted, IMO.


If I were Elizabeth, I'd take good care of myself. Maybe she'll outlive him. LOL.


Regardless, I feel so sorry for the kids especially. Ugh.

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I wonder if he's thought about his future with his children (by Elizabeth) when they'll be grown -- so very soon -- and remember the things he did to their mother. He's very short-sighted, IMO.


If I were Elizabeth, I'd take good care of myself. Maybe she'll outlive him. LOL.


Regardless, I feel so sorry for the kids especially. Ugh.


Maybe she'll outlive him because she murders him in his sleep??? :D


I've always loved what Ruth Bell Graham said when asked during an interview if she ever considered divorce...


Divorce, no, she answered. Murder, yes. ;)


It's amazing someone as classy as EE has ended up with such a scumbag as JE. I sincerely hope the assertion is not true.

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and you read in tomorrow's New York Times that your husband promised to marry his mistress after your death, how would you react? (The news is reporting that that *will* be in there.)


I'm not a fighter normally, but I'd make very sure there were no assets left in that marriage. I'd divorce him and take every last dollar, burn the house to a crisp, and chop every tree on the property down before I'd let THAT WOMAN live in my home with my husband. (If you knew me IRL, you'd be laughing at the thought of my doing those things!)


I would hope I wouldn't just give up and die. But I might. This whole horrible situation would be too embarrassing and heartbreaking to deal with.


That sounds like a good start. :LOL:


I think he's supposed to admit to the paternity of the baby also.


It is so very sad and humiliating for Elizabeth. I watched Oprah's interview with her awhile back. It seemed to me that in her heart of hearts she knew the baby was his. She tried to say that it didn't matter in her life if the child was his or not. It was evident that it matter greatly though. JE is an arrogant horse's a$$ and never deserved Elizabeth to begin with.


The scumbag told Elizabeth of his affair right before kicking off his campaign. Shortly afterwards Elizabeth's cancer returned and she was given a terminal prognosis. And yet, this sack of pooh expected Elizabeth to put on her happy face and campaign for him, knowing that he had hardly begun to tell her the full truth about the affair.

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I just read the article on Fox news and honestly it just turned my stomach. What ever happen to keeping our vows, intergity and honor? I'm totally disgusted with John Edwards! I feel really sorry for the children who have to endure this and his wife. Bless her heart. She is a much better person than I. I would make his life a living hell.

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Sorry, I would have never been attracted to that man in the first place. Yuck!


Ditto. He gives me the creeps.


As for Elizabeth, I really feel bad for her with all she is dealing with healthwise, the loss of a child and not thinking enough of herself to leave the scumbag. I lost some respect for her when I found out she stood next to him supporting his campaign for President, knowing he was a liar and a cheater.

Edited by TXMary2
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