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need help with middle name

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Ok I should have gave more info.

We already used faye,grace, anne and rose. We don't like joy or hope. Our last name is 2 syllables. My husband is kinda liking madeleine or madison but it doesn't catch me when he says them. I kinda like Liberty. My one dd likes Elizabeth but I grew up on Elizabeth St and I'm not to fond of it. So can someone Help???

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We don't name our kids after family. My family HATES my dh and DH doesn't get along with my mom either. But neither do I.and my DH family is all drunks. DH had a terrible up bringing (mom had a different guy everynite) and she was never home (she worked 2nd) their babysitters were local drunks too. So we stay away. My DH can't stand his mom (I can't either she's one of those loud mouth drunks) so no family names here.

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Oh, you picked Hadassah! :001_smile: I just LOVE that name! I know the sweetest little girl named Hadassah...


I was gonna suggest Grace, but I see you already have one of those. :001_smile: I can't think of anything off the top of my head; I wish I could remember what 'my' Hadassah's middle name is!


Hmm, what about Abigail?


Or, if I may be so bold, I think Hadassah Bethany would be beautiful. ;)


Some other ideas:



Mercy (I really like this one!)

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I'd suggest a very normal middle name, in case they want to use it later. I took care of a "Gertrude" and while at one time that might have been popular, it isn't now. She was kinda looked at like she was joking when she said her name, but her middle name was Alexandra, and so as an adult she had many choices.



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I don't think I would choose a middle name that is too drastically removed from the first name's style. IOW, nothing too modern.

I second the suggestions that are simple, one-syllable names.


How about "Kate"?


Good luck!

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I agree about the one syllable idea. It makes the name sound more poetic. But some names may roll together better than others.


I love Salome but looked it up & it was the daughter of King Herod who wanted John the Baptist' head on a plate.... other meaning also... but that one popped out.



Althea (the name for the rose of sharon)



We are trying to find a name for our baby (due in Oct) and it is difficult b/c we are trying to use family names. If that fails, we will use a biblical heritage name. Hadassah is beautiful.... good job!

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Hadassah Johanna


I am biased as Johanna is my dd. Her middle name is Eliese. I like the longer names together. To me nothing sounded right, until it was RIGHT. kwim. I loved a lot of names, but even Johanna was Eliese Johanna for 3 weeks, til we changed our mind

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I don't know about middle names, but this is the 5th baby in the last few weeks that I have heard who are going to be named Hadassah! Wow. I am so looking forward to seeing the top 100 baby names next year.


In the past, I have only known a couple of Jewish girls named this, but it looks like it is becomming a very popular Christian name!


So interesting!

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I agree about the one syllable idea. It makes the name sound more poetic. But some names may roll together better than others.


I love Salome but looked it up & it was the daughter of King Herod who wanted John the Baptist' head on a plate.... other meaning also... but that one popped out.




Well, that definitely isn't the one I was thinking of. Salome is in the book of Mark. She is among those who come to anoint the crucified Lord. She was Mary's sister and the wife of Zebedee. She was a follower of Christ who stood with the others as He was crucified.


The name is Hebrew and means "Peace".


I love this name, can you tell?, but it just didn't fit our last girl so I had to let it go!:D

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We always (half jokingly) choose middle names on how well they can be yelled, as in "MICHAEL JOHN, GET OUT OF THE STREET!" Otherwise, they aren't usually said in regular conversation or attention getting. (At a quiet dinner, it's just, "Michael, please pass the milk.")


So, I also vote for a one sylable name, mainly because "HADASSAH ELIZABETH GET OUT OF THE STREET!" doesn't exactly roll off the tongue as well as "HADASSAH ANN" or "HADASSAH BETH"


(Feel free to disregard this if yelling isn't an issue in your family! ;))

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