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Would you go 12 hours away for a week with dh and no kids?

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Absolutely! I would love the time alone with DH. In fact, I sent them both to church camp in June and had 5 days to myself and with DH. I figure Mom knows them better than the people I sent them to camp with. If she is willing, I would do it. We now live 200 miles away from my parents, so I could really use a break. Can you tell?

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It would all depend on your mother. If you trust her to care for your kids as well as you do, then go for it. I have some undisclosed people that I will not trust with my kids. One treats a 4 year old as an adult. One never changes diapers and had my 14 year old nephew do it. Another rolls her eyes when we mention food allergies. Another has health problems bad enough that I don't think she could handle it.


So if your mother can handle it and will agree to following your rules, then I would go, otherwise no.

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You have to ask yourself how much you can trust your mom. I understand your worries but if your mom is someone you trust and can follow your instructions then I say you should go for it. For me, personally, I would not do it but that is only because my mother is very unreliable. She has a weird idea of discipline, is on a ton of medications that make her loopy and she tends to fall asleep easily and often. So, I could not go. If I had someone reliable I'd do it though.

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No, I wouldn't, not with those factors. I just couldn't fully enjoy myself.


I WOULD however consider renting a second condo for my mom (or getting a larger one so she'd have her own bedroom/bathroom) and bringing her along to babysit so my husband and I could go out to dinner etc.

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Hmmmm....I would be hesitant. Especailly the 12 hours away part. And especailly due to the food allergies.


I guess it all depends on how close you are to your mother and how much she knows about your children's food allergies. I would definitely have her stay at your house with them as opposed to hers. That way, you can create a "safe zone" and tell her not to bring any food into the house other than what you already have in there. And no taking them out to eat while you are gone.


I'm not sure that I would be able to relax. My kids are 5 and 2 and we've never left them overnight (my 5 year old does spend the night with my parents sometimes though). I trust my parents with them completely, but I'm just not ready yet. And mine do not have food allergies as yours does.


Time with hubby is definitely important, but you would need to trust your mother with them completely for it to work.

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*I* would with my kids (no food allergies) and my parents (very dependable.)


I'm assuming you feel your mom is reasonably responsible, or you wouldn't consider it.


I would board the dog so that your mom can focus on the kids.


How old are the kids? I'm wondering if they are old enough to be helpful in self-regulation of their allergies? Do they recognize their own symptoms of an allergic reaction so that they can tell her their throat is getting scratchy (or whatever the early symptoms are...)


ETA: This is good advice.

I would definitely have her stay at your house with them as opposed to hers. That way, you can create a "safe zone" and tell her not to bring any food into the house other than what you already have in there. And no taking them out to eat while you are gone.
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I agree, it would really depend on whether you feel your mom can handle the kids and their allergies. Has mom ever had them overnight before...or for a day....or even a few hours without you? Has mom ever fixed them a meal without your input? If the answer to those two was no, then I'd probably not go right now.....but perhaps you could start working towards "training" mom :lol: so that you would know that she could care for them. Maybe wait until next year to go the same week, or just wait until you feel confident that she can handle them.


If mom has fixed them meals and is well versed in what they can and can't eat, and has had them for a day alone, then I wouldn't worry so much about the length of time. Yes, a week with active boys may turn out to be more exhausting than mom thinks right now, but so long as she's healthy, she should be able to handle an exhausting week. It's the light at the end of the tunnel that will get her through, lol.....as parents we can't see the light:lol:.



I do agree with the poster who suggested that the dog be boarded......maybe at a place that allows visiting and that could be an activity for Mom to do with the boys each day (or every other day). It would be much easier on Mom and give them all an activity to do. Of course, that all depends on the dog's disposition whether boarding would be ok for him.


You might also want to suggest that Mom stay at your house with the boys for the week. That way you know that there isn't some food item lurking in her fridge that is not ok, but that she might forget to read the label, you can stock your pantry with safe/appropriate snacks and foods. But mostly, because the boys will be more used to what activities they can and can't do at home (and Mom's knic knacks and furntiure will stay safe) and they have ALL their toys to play with. Mom will be the one having to adjust not your boys, and she'll do it much better than the kids would! Also, since you have never left them before, having their own bed to sleep in, toys to play in, and house to roam, they are less likely to have separation issues.


I hope that Mom is ready to take this on for you so that you can have a wonderful time away with DH. :auto:

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We woulndt have because thats just how we were, and we never felt the need to have a honeymoon, and we didnt ever have anyone we trusted with the kids enough to leave them. However, one or the other of us has gone away. I have been away for 3 weeks overseas, twice. But the kids were with dh.

Each family has their comfort zone. I think it's one of those things you have to follow your gut feeling on and not worry about what anyone else thinks.

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Yes!!!! We just did this and it was the best week. It was great to reconnect with my dh and strengthened our marriage.


Maybe you can board the dog and prep some of the food before you leave. Also do you have to go so far away? Could you vacation closer to home so you can get back quick if you need to?

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well a few weeks ago I would say no, but now I would say yes.


My son has anaphylactic peanut allergy and grandma has never kept the kids overnight. We were on a trip when my dh's affair came out, and I had to leave my kids with grandma so I could come home to deal with my marriage woes. I never would have left them with her otherwise. But I left food, instructions for every detail of their lives(LOL) and had to go.


I was shocked and pleased to hear that not only were the kids alive and well, but that grandma was doing fine :-) She even took them camping!!! They ate well, no allergic reactions, and other than the black eye from my ds falling in the tub they had a fantastic week! It was only 4 nights, but she offered a few more...which means she could do a week.


I have learned so much from my dh's affair...and if you have a chance to get away alone please go!!!!! Your kids will be ok. Your mom will do ok with them if you provide the info she needs. And I promise it will be so liberating to realize you can get away!!!


I never thought I would be so willing to leave mine but in my case I had to, and am glad I finally learned to let grandma take care of them alone...b/c now we know she can and we will be taking them back this fall for time away together. And the kids can't wait!!!

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Yes, but I have complete faith in my inlaws, parents to take care of kids.

My only concern would be the food allergies but I think it would be great to have a family member that you can trust should you ever need to leave them for more than a vacation. Can you have her come over for the day and see how it goes?

If you decide to go for it, I would do the following:


1. Board the dog.

2. Buy groceries for the week and lay out menu ideas for her as detailed as you feel necessary.

3. Eliminate any foods of concern from your pantry that she may not be aware of.

4. Have the necessary physician info available in plain view for her.

5. Go and relax...

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*I* wouldn't, for two reasons.


One, I'd not enjoy myself being away from my children for that long. I'd miss them too much, and worry about them too much. I think two nights is probably the longest I could go and really still enjoy myself.


Two, there's no one I would leave my children with for that long. Sad, but true. I don't know anyone who would fit all of these: I trust them enough, they would want to, and my dc would want to stay with. Again, I realize that may be sad, but it's true, at least right now. Again, I think a max of two days is all that any of us would be comfortable with.


But that doesn't answer if I think *you should do this. Only you, dh, and your dc can answer that. :001_smile:

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If we felt our children were in good hands, we would absolutely take a long trip alone together. When my oldest dd was 6 and my son was 8 months old, my DH and I went on a late honeymoon. We were gone for a week on a cruise. I did think about my children but I knew both were in absolutely safe and loving arms. My dd was with her dad. My ds was with my cousin who happens to be named our children's guardian in our will.


Our 14th anniversary is coming up in October. We were trying to plan a week-long second honeymoon and had to give up completely. We simply have no safe place for our children to be during our absence. I cannot trust them with my mom or sister. My DH's mom is too old and feeling unwell most of the time. And my wonderful cousin, that I miss so very much, lives in Florida with her husband and his 3 kids. We're actually quite disappointed that we can't have an anniversary trip, but our children are definitely more important than time alone together.

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Yes, I probably would. I trust my in laws completely, and believe they'd be in great hands. They babysit all the time. My kids are too young right now, but when they get older I hope to get away for at least a 3 day weekend or so with hubby cause we never had a honeymoon either.


If you do, one thing I would probably do is draw up a temporary power of attorney for the grandparents in case of an emergency. If you're 12 hours away you want them to be able to make any emergency medical decisions until you get back. http://www.legalhelpmate.com/power-of-attorney-health-child-care-nd.aspx That website talks a little about it.


Good luck with your decision!

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Hmmm. I think no, mostly because of the food allergies. Then again, I don't leave my kids very often. I've never been apart from the 18-month-old for more than a few hours and just 2 days for the older two only when giving birth and looking for and buying our current house. I assume your kids are older, so if there were no food issues I would probably do it. I like the idea of bringing the kids and grandma along so that you can still have alone time with dh.

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My son has anaphylactic peanut allergy and grandma has never kept the kids overnight. We were on a trip when my dh's affair came out, and I had to leave my kids with grandma so I could come home to deal with my marriage woes. I never would have left them with her otherwise. But I left food, instructions for every detail of their lives(LOL) and had to go.


I was shocked and pleased to hear that not only were the kids alive and well, but that grandma was doing fine :-) She even took them camping!!! They ate well, no allergic reactions, and other than the black eye from my ds falling in the tub they had a fantastic week! It was only 4 nights, but she offered a few more...which means she could do a week.


I have learned so much from my dh's affair...and if you have a chance to get away alone please go!!!!! Your kids will be ok. Your mom will do ok with them if you provide the info she needs. And I promise it will be so liberating to realize you can get away!!!


I never thought I would be so willing to leave mine but in my case I had to, and am glad I finally learned to let grandma take care of them alone...b/c now we know she can and we will be taking them back this fall for time away together. And the kids can't wait!!!


Honestly, nothing would have saved my former marriage. However, I looked at my side of the situation in depth anyway to see what I did wrong.


And being *child* centered and not nurturing the marriage was part of it.


Personally, it's my observation that a significant percentage of people in the homeschool community (and attachment parenting community) make an idol out of "never leaving the kids" or doing everything "as a family".


I believe that in today's culture, parents need time away and alone (together and separate even).


I'd go and use some of the wise suggestions included in this thread.

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I did do this, only I went more than 12 hours away. We left the kids in Chicago with my inlaws, and we went to Seattle. Both of my boys had anaphylactic food allergies, and one was too young to know what was, and was not, safe for him to eat. But we went and had a great time. The reason this worked was because my MIL was hyper-vigilant about food and knew what the kids could safely have. I double checked ingredient labels for her before we left. She knew the signs of a reaction, and how to use an epi-pen. She was well prepared. The kids had a great week. We had a great week. I would do it again.


Really, I think it all comes down to your MIL and how well she deals with their allergies.


I second the recommendations to board the dog, and prepare and freeze some meals ahead.

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The food allergies give me pause but I think it could still work. I'm assuming you trust your mother so based on that assumption I would:


1. Consider boarding the dog.


2. Draw up medical forms (I'm spacing as to what they are called) for your mother so that, should the need arise, she can seek and authorize medical treatment for your kids. Leave their insurance cards with her as well. Show her where the medical supplies are and how to use them if she doesn't already know. Post a list of emergency phone numbers by the phone in case she needs them.


3. Go grocery shopping and have the house well-stocked with safe foods for the children. Instruct you mother not to give them any outside foods. She will likely follow your instrunctions given the severity of your childrens allergies.


4. Ask her to remain home with the children if you feel it is necessary.


I would really try to work it out so that I could go. Good luck!

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Absolutely I would - and we will be next week! We will be far away from them for 5 days but they will be having fun with Grandma and Grandpa. They survived the childhood of their sons, why wouldn't they be able to handle mine? You have to nurture your marriage, too.

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My DD gets very bad asthma at times.


We went away for about 4 days for a big anniversary a few years back, and we left her with a mom of a friend of hers. In that case, the mom is a registered nurse, and we gave her signed authorization for all medical care, and I knew for sure that she would make sure that DD took allergy meds the whole time we were gone (not something I would do normally, but in this case for 4 days I thought it was a reasonable precaution) and keep an eye out in case she started coughing.


I would not have entrusted DD similarly to any family members that I can think of -- they are more the type to put you down for being overly careful than the type to be as vigilant as I felt the situation called for.


In your case, the speed with which things can get so serious would really give me pause. I would suggest that whether or not you go on this trip, it would be a really good idea to decide to educate a few other trusted people about this allergy issue, over, say, the next 6 months. It will be increasingly precious to have back ups as the children get older.

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We went to China for 11 days. I signed the medical releases, filled the prescriptions for the inhalers, found someone to feed the cats, parked the boys (9 and 12 at the time) with another swim family and left my dd (14 then) with her best friend. The last four days, all 3 kids were with my parents.


My kids were older and I have the utmost faith in the people I left my kids with.

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Several years ago, when we lived in NC, my DH and I went on vacation alone. My sister came and stayed with our kids. We don't have any serious allergies but my son does have lung issues. We left medication, strict instructions and his doctor's number. It was fine, we had a wonderful time.

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Probably not. I would consider going away for sure, but with a few adjustments.


I'd board the dog to have one less variable in the mix.


I wouldn't go 12 hours away - - if the kids have a reaction, I'd want to go home. If I go a shorter distance, one that can be managed round trip in one day, there's a chance I could return and complete the vacation.


Finally, it would very much depend on how much experience your mom has in managing their allergies, and what type of allergies they have. If it's an allergy that's more easily managed, no shellfish, for example, then that's much easier to control. But if it's a severe peanut allergy where every label needs to be read and every fast food place scrutinized under a microscope, then I wouldn't go unless she was quite knowledgable about it.


Oh, and you say that you've never been away from the kids. If you mean that you've never been away for even a weekend, then going 12 hours away for a week is kind of jumping in at the deep end, y'know? We just left our kids with the inlaws this year for four days, and they had a great time but were pretty much done on that last day.


They were 8 & 10, no allergies or other issues, and we chose not to do it before this year. 1, they live, yep, 12 hours away :tongue_smilie:. We solved that by dropping off the kids and going to a hotel two hours away. 2, they love, love, love the inlaws, but only see them 3 or 4 times a year, and have only been in their house a few times, so we weren't sure what the comfort level would be.


When is the trip? Is there time to educate your mom on allergies (if needed) and perhaps have a trial run of couple of days? or is she coming in from out of town to watch them?

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If you trust your mom to be vigilant about the allergies, I say...GO! You will be glad you did. I agree with the poster who said to board the dog. That would be one less distraction. My husband and I went on vacation together for the first time when my first son was 2 yrs old. I had barely been away from him for an evening date, and never overnight! This was a CRUISE...far, far away. I was extremely nervous, but once on the cruise, I was able to relax a bit and enjoy myself. 2 years later we did it again when my 2nd son was only 5 months old. I left detailed instructions on thawing breastmilk, sleep habits, etc, etc. I didn't need to worry. My MIL was wonderful with them, and my vacation was even more relaxing than the first one! 2 years later we are now going on our 3rd vacation. I must be dreaming...God has truly blessed us! Leaving both boys (will be 5 and 2) with the ILs again. Totally confident this time and looking forward to the time away! And THEY love the extended time with their grandparents, so it is a win-win!


Grab these opportunities! It has done wonders for my marriage and my own mental health! ;)

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If you decide to go for it, I would do the following:


1. Board the dog.

2. Buy groceries for the week and lay out menu ideas for her as detailed as you feel necessary.

3. Eliminate any foods of concern from your pantry that she may not be aware of.

4. Have the necessary physician info available in plain view for her.

5. Go and relax...


:iagree: Yes! Go! To this I would add (depending on ages of kids)

1. Set up pre-planned play dates with friends you trust, where the other mom does all the work (picks up, drops off.) Of course, it would be a mom who is a good, trusted friend.


2. Pre-plan, pre-pay for a babysitter at regular intervals to give your mom a rest, even if she says she doesn't need it.


Our children's security is a strong marriage.

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I would like to add: My dh and I went to Ireland for 10-12 days with my gestapo MIL in charge, and my narcissistic nutty mother helping.


Not everything went perfectly while we were gone, i.e. exactly as I would have planned. But I think it makes for resilient children to handle all kinds of experiences. (Of course, this is assuming the food allergies are carefully monitered.)

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9, 7, and 5. The oldest is very cautious when eating. The youngest won't help himself to other food, but wouldn't question what is given to him either.


My mom currently buys groceries for us when we come to visit, she lives in another state. She said she was insulted because we brought our own food and asked for a list including special "grandma's house only treats" of things that are safe for them to eat. She's done well sticking with the list. She's watched them while dh and I have gone out and overnight once, but never this long.


I'm not concerned about health issues, trusting her, etc, I just struggle with thinking that is a lot for someone not used to the constant activity, YKWIM?


Another option would be to bring her, the kids, and dog along. Dh and I could get one on one time throughout the vacation. We'd also be able to squeeze some one with mom and dad time for each child too.


Part of me would miss the kids terribly, the others wonders how refreshed dh and I would feel after a week of eating adult food, not having an alarm clock, being able to talk without little ears around, etc. :D


So I guess there are three options, don't go, bring Grandma, or drop the kids and dog off at "camp grandma".


Dude, you really don't want to board that dog, do you? :D


It is a lot for someone who isn't used to it, but hey, she's offering!


I will say that my family often goes on vacation with my mom and sister. It's quite fabulous. Depending on the vacation, we often get lots of alone time: going out to dinner, 'napping' in the room while the others go off, etc. The kids always sleep in their room at least once. My sis says that if we buy her plane ticket when go to California, she'll babysit as much as we want, sweet! ((we have a free place to stay))


Your mom's had them overnight and knows about the allergies, so either decision would be reasonable. It all comes down to your comfort level.

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Yep. We did this and went to Hawai'i and had a wonderful time. I had never been away from the kids but daily phone calls kept us in touch and the kids has a great time with grandma.


Since then I have left them to go to Mexico, the Bahamas and Arizona. We live in the midwest so some of these are quite a distance. The only time we had any problems were when we left the country and our cell phones didn't work right.


My friends all say that when I come back from these trips I seem so much more relaxed. I know that the children benefit from a happy relaxed Mommy who is more attentive and fun.


Go on your trip. Have fun, relax and renew your relationship.:001_smile:

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I definitely would, but I totally trust my parents to take care of my children. My son has many severe food allergies, but whenever we go over to visit, my mother always prepares meals that he can eat. She is wonderful!






We have left our kids with my mom many times and I have no regrets! I only wish I could come up with the money to go away again! :tongue_smilie::lol:

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