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List the reasons you've heard why not to homeschool.

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We've all heard reasons why we shouldn't homeschool. Some of them are thoughtful while others seem silly.




won't learn how to be around other people.


won't learn to work in groups.


won't have the skills needed to take the SAT and enter college.


can't get into college because colleges shy away from homeschoolers.


don't learn how to separate from their mother.


don't learn how to do things they don't want to do.


Homeschooling parents without teaching degrees cannot teach their children everything they need to know.


Any others?

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According to my older brother I am ruining my children for life (apparently he did not see the results of my son's standarized tests).


My mother used to protest that they would have no friends and that they would miss out on all the great things about school. You know like cliques, bullies and teachers who should have quit teaching 25 years ago.

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Believe it or not...I had a woman once tell me:


"I could never home school my children...I couldn't be around them all day long!"




I have had someone say this to me before. Actually she said, "How do you be with them all the time?", as if I shouldn't be able to tolerate being with my kids so much.


I just said that I enjoy being with my kids and I enjoy learning with them. They're not bad kids. We have fun together. (Well, most of the time :D)

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Believe it or not...I had a woman once tell me:


"I could never home school my children...I couldn't be around them all day long!"


I think my jaw dropped and I quickly closed it. Smiles!


That is the one i hear the most. They can't imagine i LIKE my kids enough to spend all day with them.


According to my older brother I am ruining my children for life (apparently he did not see the results of my son's standarized tests).


My mother used to protest that they would have no friends and that they would miss out on all the great things about school. You know like cliques, bullies and teachers who should have quit teaching 25 years ago.

I'm now hearing about all they are missing out on during this divorce. Funny how "they" forget about the 2nd 1/2 of your statement.....

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When we were trying to determine if my ds was dyslexic my sister informed me via e-mail that I should put him in public school so they could deal with it. :glare:


How about you shouldn't homeschool so you'll have more time for ministry work. :001_huh:

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This actually came up a few days ago while visiting a friend and one of her other acquaintances stopped by. After a cup of tea she said “You don’t seem like a homeschooler.” I bit and asked “How so?” “Well you don’t seem like a religious freak, you’re educated, you aren’t a hippie, and your kid seems pretty normal.” “Ummmm” jaw dropping moment “Thanks??? I think” . Wow, what a stereotype. I was on neutral ground so I minded my manners. I did tell her though I don’t own a denim jumper, sometimes in the winter I don’t shave for weeks. I wonder if that is the real world perception out there. I don’t really care but, geesh.

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I have had someone say this to me before. Actually she said, "How do you be with them all the time?", as if I shouldn't be able to tolerate being with my kids so much.


I just said that I enjoy being with my kids and I enjoy learning with them. They're not bad kids. We have fun together. (Well, most of the time :D)


Actually, this was my reason - that I didn't think I had the patience.

Really, I still feel this way some days. Like today - yeah - we all have THOSE days haha.


Hmmm...I think the whole "socialization" thing is what I have heard the most.

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I have been told before that my kids don't act like "normal" kids, because they don't know/like rap music, they don't dress like most kids (my son doesn't wear his pants hanging off of his butt), they don't speak in slang or purposely use incorrect grammar, etc....


My dad once made me very upset because he told my kids he was sorry that they were going to miss out on going to a prom and having a graduation ceremony. He was wrong about that, and even if it was true, he shouldn't have said it.

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Since I am in Mexico people are very unfamiliar with homeschooling. I get more questions like... You're a teacher? So, your kids just don't go to school?


Yeah I am a teacher (for my boys) and no they don't go to school, they live it.


Funny thing happened this morning. I was hitting the back to school sales in San Diego (where my family is) and someone asked why I was getting back to school supplies. Are you enrolling the kids in school? This person happened to be from Mexico as well and I guess she believes homeschooling means we sit at home and stare at the wall..we don't learn how to read or write, so why buy pencils.



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My dad wanted to know how long I was going to keep my son from the real world. All I could think of is "I wish he had kept me from the real world of middle school". Now it makes me smile, my kids are much more exposed to the real world than any of the public school friends they have.


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How will you teach upper level subjects like calculus and foreign language?


I think that some people are so accustomed to being in conflict with their kids that the idea of being in conflict over family issues AND school issues just overwhelms them.


When we lived in Germany, the idea that someone could homeschool and then qualify in any way for either the various job certification processes or for university was something that people couldn't conceive of. Homeschooling there (were it ever legal) would have to take a different form, because the role that schools play in prepping people for work and higher education is different.


Now the funniest one that I've ever heard was from a troll on the old boards, way back. He suggested that it wasn't safe for the kids to be home with mom teaching while she was having her monthly cycle. Anyone else remember that one?

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According to my older brother I am ruining my children for life (apparently he did not see the results of my son's standarized tests). QUOTE]


My Dad said something similar -- along with:


My DS needed to be around kids who would take him down a notch or two. :glare:



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"...but, he'll never get to ride the school bus..."


This woman obviously has no idea what goes on during those unsupervised bus rides. I remember sitting in the front seat of the bus when I was younger bc I was terrified to sit in the back with the big kids.

I think most parents would be shocked to know what kinds of sexual activity goes on in the back of the bus. I was a middle school teacher for 7 years, and the stories I heard would make your jaw drop to the floor!!!

My children will NEVER ride the bus - even if they do eventually go to ps!!

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Eh, the usual.


What about socialization?


(from ps teachers) Homeschoolers take the best students and keep them out of the public school so it hurts the schools.


You're turning your back on the (failing) local school, instead of staying and fighting to make it better.


How will you teach them higher level science courses?


How will they be able to prove they graduated to employers?

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Believe it or not...I had a woman once tell me:


"I could never home school my children...I couldn't be around them all day long!"


I think my jaw dropped and I quickly closed it. Smiles!




I've actually heard that from a lot of people.

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Believe it or not...I had a woman once tell me:


"I could never home school my children...I couldn't be around them all day long!"


I think my jaw dropped and I quickly closed it. Smiles!




I have heard this one several times, often with the person's child standing right there. It makes me intensely sad. I can't imagine the emptiness of life if you don't want to be around your own children.


On a lighter note, the sillier ones I've heard are:


How will you teach Algebra? (At the time my oldest was 8 years old, yes she was advanced but that was not my biggest worry.)

Won't they miss the Prom? (Really, 12 years of school and the key moment is the Prom? :glare:)

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The ones that I think deserve consideration (based on what I've seen in the homeschool community):


Trouble teaching high school material

Won't learn to work in a group

Have trouble with deadlines, expectations, etc. in college

Could fall behind other students


The silly ones:


Won't be bullied

Won't ride a bus

Won't get to go to prom

How will they get a boy/girl friend

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...you need some time for yourself.....


(True statement. That time is less than 15 years away:lol:).


...you need time to keep the house, do grocery shopping, cook, get haircuts....


(True statement. My kids learn valuable life skills as the help me with all of these. Well, maybe not the haircuts. But they do remember to use their manners when they say, "thank you" for the suckers:D).

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"Is that legal?"


When I assured him it was, he wanted to argue about it. I walked away as quickly and politely as possible. (I was actually afraid he would try to pursue something...it was a postal clerk to whom I'd handed some mail with our return address on it...)

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Eh, the usual.


(from ps teachers) Homeschoolers take the best students and keep them out of the public school so it hurts the schools.


You're turning your back on the (failing) local school, instead of staying and fighting to make it better.



This is exactly what my ex-ps teacher mil says...

All my ds friends' parents say the "I couldn't imagine being with them all day..."

seriously, this just seems so sad. Anyone who talks about the socialization issue, I just laugh and tell them not to go there..it is not a conversation we want to have..

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This woman obviously has no idea what goes on during those unsupervised bus rides. I remember sitting in the front seat of the bus when I was younger bc I was terrified to sit in the back with the big kids.

I think most parents would be shocked to know what kinds of sexual activity goes on in the back of the bus. I was a middle school teacher for 7 years, and the stories I heard would make your jaw drop to the floor!!!

My children will NEVER ride the bus - even if they do eventually go to ps!!


My DH LOVED the bus as a kid.


I hated it, for all the reasons above.

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"Kids need to go to school so they can learn to stand in line."


I guess they assume homeschool families don't go to restaurants, grocery stores, the movies, banks, etc. Believe me, they will have plenty of opportunities to learn how to stand in line.:lol:

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Same old same old..."Why would you want to be with your kids all day?"


What really shocks me though, is even after something like that comes out of their mouth...they still have no idea how stupid and horrible it is to say such a thing...and mean it!



6 kids, 7-34

hsing 22 years

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My ds has been dx as mild Aspergers and apparently my hs'ing him has caused it!!! :cursing:


I've been told the same thing about my Aspie. I was told that without going to school, he won't learn how to do regular life things like shopping in a grocery store, going into a bank, or carry a conversation with other peers.


How hilarious it would be for me to tell people that my son is in public school so he can learn how to shop at the grocery store.

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I've been told the same thing about my Aspie. I was told that without going to school, he won't learn how to do regular life things like shopping in a grocery store, going into a bank, or carry a conversation with other peers.


How hilarious it would be for me to tell people that my son is in public school so he can learn how to shop at the grocery store.


Yup. I am told that my aspie won't be able to learn social norms if he's not in a classroom full of kids. Forget the fact that I'm opposed to some of those "social norms"- this is a kid who has been diagnosed with an INABILITY to "pick up" on social norms!!!!!!!!!!


My sister also worries about the lack of proms. :tongue_smilie:


And, of course, there's the fact that I never went to school to learn how to teach.

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