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What are your dc doing this summer?

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I plan on the dc doing a hour or so of school work each day and go to the pool for a couple of hours. Dc and I are going visit grandparents for a week mid-June, other than that nothing else.


All the camps around here are so expensive $200+ a week per child. That is more than I want to spend for a week!


Vacation Bible School will be held the week we are gone, so that is out.

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4 weeks of swim lessons, maybe more.

Summer reading program.


Playing outside.


Do you have a good zoo or children's museum nearby? Investing in a membership might be a great way to fill some time.

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Mine have both auditioned for a free 3 hour a day, 7 week long Shakespeare camp. I so hope they get in!


Piano Girl will be working on 2 to 3 hours of piano a day, in addition. Not sure what the Boy will be doing- maybe summer school if his grades don't get better really soon,sigh.


We are planning on doing several field trips, just not sure what they are yet, and we will be taking our annual group camping trip, as well as a weekend trip for the Dude's bday.


Other than that, they will be helping to paint their rooms.

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Both kids were cast in a professional production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The kids' roles are small, but that will keep them busy...


Otherwise, we'll be finishing up a little school work in June and July (August off), and spending time at the pool. Probably a week of ballet intensive, and the kids would like a week of "Camp Grandma", if we can work the schedule out. :)

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Schoolwise, we are doing school every day that we are here - two subjects per child per day. They have their schedules. Ds5 will be continuing Phonics Pathways, ETC, Math, Language Arts, Cursive Handwriting, and finishing up LLATL Blue. Ds9 will be doing Math, LA, ETC, Handwriting, and WWE over the summer.


Activity wise, my older son visits his dad at least 2 weeks in the summer. Then he has various camps - basketball, Christian overnight camp, etc. We all do Summer Reading Program at our library. DH is taking a week off at the end of May and we are going to Alabama sometime in June or July for time on the lake and visit with family.


During the time we spend at home during the summer, we spend a great deal of time gardening, playing at the park, running through the sprinklers, wading in the creek, hiking and camping in our little forest acreage, and so on. Summers here are wonderful!

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Dd1 is doing three weeks of GS day camp, one week of VBS, one week of 1/2 day "musical theatre" camp at a local high school, and maybe one week of 1/2 day tennis camp @ the Y. Ds is doing two weeks of 1/2 day minicamp at the Y. Dd1 may do swim lessons, but ds is taking the summer off swim lessons. We'll try to swim several days a week, though.


Schoolwise, we'll take a week or two after our official school year is over to finish up GWG (she'll end the school year with five lessons remaining), Writing Tales (two lesson remaining at the end of the year), and The Elements (she'll have one or two chapters left, I can't remember which). She has four books she's expected to read over the summer, and we'll probably play with Hands-On Equations.

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I don't know yet. If we're in Michigan for most of July, that puts a wee kink in them doing anything scheduled, really. My plan is to spend a lot of time at the pool. Hopefully we will get to play with some friends. Abbie is supposed to do gymnastics 2x per week year round, so if we're here, she will do that. Emma usually takes the summer off dance but I don't know if she will want to do that - but being gone in the middle of the summer means she would miss part of either one of the half-terms they offer at her dance studio. I'm babbling and my answer is not in the least helpful, is it?


Short answer: I have no idea. Maybe nothing.


ETA: If we go up north when we want, the kids may participate in a "kids college" near where my folks live. The classes sound like a lot of fun - *I* want to take them, LOL! I know they would enjoy that a lot.

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We're doing one half-day summer nature camp for one week. They'll hike around the park while I....I don't know. It's the first year I'll have all three boys in camp.


We'll be hosting students from China for two weeks in June-July.


That's all we have planned, on purpose. No swim lessons, no karate, no piano, no gymnastics.


I want the kind of summer where we get up in the morning and think, "What shall we do today?" And then we do it. Or not.



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Opera Camp in the afternoons (HMS Pinafore), with performances mid July.

Swimming lessons

Music lessons (guitar and piano)

Two camps each (both to a Christian camp for Homeschool, then boy to Boy Scout camp, and girl to Pathfinders Camporee at Osh Kosh)

Family vacation

I think that's enough. :o)

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We'll be spending about an hour a day doing light schoolwork. We will spend the bulk of the rest of our time at the pool, playground, roller rink, and visiting cousins and grandparents. Each child will be in a week or 2 of scouting camps and attend VBS. I'm looking forward to having some special one-on-one time with each child while the other is at camp.



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Hanging out? We'll probably go to the pool sometimes and go for lots of long walks. Husband is going to take a couple of weeks off work just to enjoy being at home, so I'm sure we will go on some day trips. They might do a few one day activities (art, drama, etc.)



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Mine will be doing schoolwork 2-3 days a week, practicing their instruments, and going to Poppop's to swim.


Dd received a full scholarship to a fiddle camp in NC in mid-July and will attend a Suzuki violin camp in VT the end of August so both of us will be going to those while boys and Daddy spend those weeks at the beach. We also have a very long weekend planned in NC for a wedding with a little vacationing mixed in.


We will possibly do something else but nothing yet planned. Last summer we were touring the WY and CO for 5 weeks so we don't have anything big planned this year. (I am working on doing AZ and CA next year though.)

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Our June is pretty busy with swim lessons, 1 week art camps at the local community college, and the Classical Conversations parent practicum.


July has NOTHING and I am keeping it that way. I figure a month is a good amount of time to have some lazy summer days.

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DD (20) will be working full-time as a certified nursing assistant at a local nursing home. She's a nursing major in college.


DS (20) will be spending 8-9 weeks in Canada as staff for a wilderness canoe camp.


DS (17) will be spending 7 weeks in northern Quebec canoeing approximately 700 miles down rivers to Hudson Bay. They will have one resupply (float plane). It's a rugged trip.


DS (15) will be on an wilderness canoeing exploring trip in northwestern Ontario; the canoe camp is looking for another outpost. He'll be over 1000 miles away from the base camp.


DS (13) and DS (12) will be based on Lake Temagami, Ontario and will be canoe trips of 5, 10, and 21 days.



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Help out in a couple of 5-day clubs with both older kids, mostly for dd though.

Golf camp in July for 11yo ds.

Maybe soccer camp for dd.

Swim lessons for 5yo ds & maybe 3yo ds

Family vacation


Most of that takes place in June other than the golf camp. I think we'll take some fieldtrips and go swimming & bowling some in July. I don't know. Sometimes I wish the older two had plans for the entire summer, but then I also want them to learn how to occupy themselves better, without my constant running, kwim? If I'm doing a bunch of running I feel we should be working on projects at home. If I'm working on projects at home, I feel like we should be running. :lol:

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We will do a little bit of school work in June and July, but not nearly as much as normal (just a little math & Latin for dd, math & phonics for ds, and both will need to finish their handwriting books).


We will spend a lot of time swimming at the pool. DD will have gymnastics practices for 12+ hours a week, and probably a week of gymnastics camp. Ds will be playing t-ball in June and July.


We have a membership to the zoo & aquarium, and conservatory/botannical gardens, and soon will be purchasing a membership to the science museum, so we'll probably hang out at those places.


I'd like to get dd into some art classes at the art museum and some theater classes if we can fit it into her schedule. Dd will also be continuing piano lessons throughout the summer and we're all considering taking tennis lessons. I've considered enrolling ds in some single-day or week-long science camps at the science museum or botannical gardens, but haven't decided yet whether they would be worth the money.


Even though it sounds as if they will be in a lot of organized activities, most of the time will just be spent swimming at the pool, riding bikes, playing in the yard, etc. We always go on a weekend or few-day trip to an amusement park a few hours away and visit the really nice aquarium in that city while we're there.


We'll probably visit a water park; I've considered purchasing a season pass, but I'm not sure if it would be worth the money since it's at least an hour away.


We might take a vacation in the late summer after most of the kids are back in school and things aren't so packed and busy.

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Youngest dd, 13, will have a pool pass along with her older sister (15). They will swim with the neighbors 11 and 9 yr-olds at our public pool. She will also continue to have 6 hours a week of martial arts. DS1, 17, will be visiting colleges (this includes a ten-day car trip for the entire family with stops in Nashville and the Smokies) and writing essays, filling out applications...and playing computer games. Oh, yes - should finish getting his driver's license before the permit expires! His fraternal twin AutismSillyBoy will watch DVDs, play computer games, play with the dog, play with his action figures...just play.


Almost forgot - dd13 has a week at a Girl Scout camp (emphasis on rock climbing). AutismSillyBoy has a week at a Special Camp at a horse ranch (!!!)...where his twin and dd15 are camp counselors (assistants to one or two disabled kids each, with adult supervision. Counselors attend for free!!!)

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We're moving home to the states the first weekend in June. Hopefully we'll be able to get into a house by the first of July. But because we spending that first month at my FIL's while waiting on a house, and then getting an address in July, we'll miss out on everything that might be offered in the new area. That's one of the things I hate about moving during PCS season. Every couple of years we are royally screwed for summer events. Between getting there late in the summer, house hunting, waiting to take residency, waiting on our stuff, it's just frustrating. He misses a summer of fun stuff and I miss a summer of gardening.


What I would have loved to do was let him do some special stuff this summer, but like I said, we are most likely way to late for getting into anything like that. I know we'll get Museum of Natural History membership and a bunch of other museums and places memberships, but we may wait till it cools down and school is back in to do all that. Plus we have to spend a lot of time going and seeing people we haven't seen for two years. At some point we'll be driving from NYC to Charlotte to Hilton Head to Florida and then back home by way of Hilton Head I'm sure.

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We will do minimal schoolwork (mostly reviewing math facts and Latin vocabulary).


My two daughters will continue with dance and gymnastics, my 15yo is on the Junior Olympic track/field team and that will continue through the summer, and my 10yo is playing baseball through the first week of July. We also have three out of town meets for track and gymnastics.


Other than that, we will go to the pool, take a week long camping trip to the beach, and go to Florida to visit relatives for a week.

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Well, we will be doing morning school a good part of the summer. We will take the last week in May off just because, the last week in June off for VBS and 3 wks off the last of July and first of Aug.

We are also putting a 15' above ground pool in our back yard so I imagine a lot of time will be spent there.

In Aug. we will be pretty busy with our garden(I hope) and getting all preserved for this coming winter. My kids help with all of that also. They also help with the garden during the summer months with cultivating and such. They think it is fun. Last summer they would come in and ask me if it was time for them to go weed again.:hurray::hurray: I never refuse that one.

We also live in the Black Hills of SD so we do little trips here and there throughout the summer. We don't do 'vacations' per say as there are some things about that which is totally exhausting but there is so much around here to do and see that is a nice drive that we could do something every week and not even begin to cover them all.

One other main activity that we have is just sitting in the back yard on the swing and 'visiting'. My ds invited me to do that with him yesterday. It was so sweet.

I love summer.

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School as usually full time here....


We'll fit in some swimming and bowling (apparently NOT swimming in our own pool :glare:) hopefully, have a few plans with friends coming into town in June. They have gymnastics as normal.


But overall, it's going to probably not be a fun summer for anyone here in the house due to divorce stuff.

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My DD8 will be:


- doing about 1 hour of school on days we're home

- in a couple of horse shows

- going on a couple of weekend horse camping trips/ trail rides

- swim lessons ( daily for 2 weeks)

- VBS (possibly at 2 churches for 2 seperate weeks if we can fit it in, HS friend wants DD8 to come to her church too!))

- 1 week science day camp ( 9:00 am to 3:30 pm at local university )

- 1 week trip to visit DD23 in Illinois, day trips to Chicago, Milwaukee zoo, Six Flags

- 1 week at Camp Awana in Fredonia, WI ( if I can get her in)

( we'll combine these last 2 trips, which means I'll be gone for 2 weeks, but also that I'll get a week to myself to visit old friends!)

- getting ready for the fair, training her market goat and weanling hiefer for show


I don't KNOW what my older 2 still at home will be doing and I don't care! LOL, Just happy not to be responsible for scheduling them anymore!

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Summer School for my two youngers. Not quite a full load of classes, but close.


4-H camp (4 days)

Lots of horse activities (lessons and trail riding)

Swimming at home


2 weeks of family vacation


By then, summer will be gone... and we will wonder why we didn't get as much school done as we had planned!

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Both kids were cast in a professional production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. The kids' roles are small, but that will keep them busy...


Otherwise, we'll be finishing up a little school work in June and July (August off), and spending time at the pool. Probably a week of ballet intensive, and the kids would like a week of "Camp Grandma", if we can work the schedule out. :)


I think we will do a week of Gramma camp here too, but as mine are teens and Gramma is blind and has serious memory issues, it may not be quite as fun for mine, lol. Our Gramma camp will be more service related- scraping the moss off her roof, etc.

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My youngest convinced me to pay for a drama workshop (1/2 days, 1 week), an ancient history workshop (same), a cartooning class (same), and a nature/art program (same). The older hs'd child will be taking summer (teen) art classes at a local uni.


We live in a tourist-y village beach area, so yeah, finally can enjoy the sand and sun without cold winds whipping off the water.


For me, lots of garden work, walks, library trips, carting kids around, beach afternoons. Plus, local Farmer's Markets! Finally, finally!!!

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The same as we do the rest of the year. Depending on the weather we may take some neat field trips though. My wish (as has been my wish for the last umpteen years) is that we could get the house completely decluttered and organized over the summer.


We should call WTM Cassandra, and schedule a weekend of decluttering party. You know I can donate several hours to the cause this summer too.

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  • 4 weeks later...

DS (20) will be spending 8-9 weeks in Canada as staff for a wilderness canoe camp.

DS (17) will be spending 7 weeks in northern Quebec canoeing approximately 700 miles down rivers to Hudson Bay. They will have one resupply (float plane). It's a rugged trip.

DS (15) will be on an wilderness canoeing exploring trip in northwestern Ontario; the canoe camp is looking for another outpost. He'll be over 1000 miles away from the base camp.

DS (13) and DS (12) will be based on Lake Temagami, Ontario and will be canoe trips of 5, 10, and 21 days.



Oh Ria! Every year, I think about those canoe camps, and every year, I lose the information!

So, once again, please, would you share the info for those camps????


Thank you kindly!

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A gentle school schedule in the mornings (or early afternoon when the heat is such that hard outdoor play would be best in the morning). We'll drop down to four school days a week to accommodate an all day homeschool park day. The kids said they just wanted to play, play, play, so no camps are scheduled this year (other than a one day circus skills camp with Dad), though that could change. Continue swim lessons, Aikido, gymnastics -- each once a week -- plus free swim at a friend's or at our community centre 3 or 4 hours each week.

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We'll finish up history and science during June. My son wants to finish MUS Gamma and Delta before we start school again next year. He's doing both at an accelerated pace (first 2 pages of every lesson + the word problems) since he knows most of it already. My son will continue his taekwondo. He averages 10 hours a week during the school year but will probably drop down to 6-8 during the summer so we can do more family things.


The rest of summer is fitting in all of the fun stuff we can before the baby comes. That includes the library summer reading program. Free events at the library (puppet shows, the Noise Guy, etc). Free concerts at the park. Free movies at Regal Cinemas. Playing at the park, especially ones with spray grounds.


We also signed up for the kidsbowlfreeprogram so we'll go bowling several times. The kids will continue their free bowling lessons every other Thursday evening, too.


Oh, and we want to make it to the science center to see their Animal Grossology exhibit before it leaves.

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-We are doing school here- maybe a little lighter.

-Signed up for the summer reading program and other activities through the library

- 2 oldest have a week of church camp in June

- 2 weeks of swimming lessons in July

-Piano/violin lessons

-karate 2x's a week

-a week off in July for cousin's visit

-loads of 4-H activities

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I bought season passes for the local waterpark so we'll go there at least one day a week. It was a really great price or I wouldn't have bought them. We also have memberships to the Pittsburgh Zoo and Carnegie Museums.


We have an above ground pool. However, the brand new liner's seams just split and our pool is empty:glare: We'll eventually get the pool refilled but not until the liner company sends us a new one.


The kids will go to one or two VBS this summer. The local park system is also having a program for 4 weeks. I may send ds11 to a week long day camp for Lego Mindstorms. It's within walking distance but it's not cheap so we'll see...


The kids will be involved with the library's reading program. I have a list of books to order for each of them during the summer.


We'll be having some family visit during the summer. There is also a camping trip planned for us. We may do some day trips and possibly a trip to D.C. overnight.


Gosh, what happened to having a relaxing summer?

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Mostly things that are cheap or free... spending lots of time at our apartment complex pool, playing outside, going to playgrounds, picking fruit at local farms. Free summer movies at Regal Cinemas, free local tennis for kids program (MWF, June-July), low-cost CEF day camp (9-3pm one week in July), library summer reading program, a VBS or two. We'll take a couple family day trips to amusement parks, museums, etc. I want to start getting more into the habit of family read-alouds over the summer, too. Somehow we've gotten away from that over the past year.


After a few more weeks of pure break from school, I'd like to start doing an hour or so in the mornings, in just a few areas.

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We will get up early (by 7am) and be at tennis courts at 8am to play together (hopefully most days). It gets very hot during the day, so this is the time to play!


Then we will come home and get chores done, followed by:

independent time for teens

spelling/phonics/reading help for 2 sons, ages 9 and 11

math lesson for son who is stubbornly behind, age 10


They will have free time around the house until evenings, during which time I hope to take them swimming a few days a week...


Bed times will stay at 9pm because regardless what month of the year it is, dad has to get up really early and mom needs her rest, too!

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We're doing some things that cost money and some that don't.


Things that cost money:


karate "camps" (these are day camps)

church camp for the oldest (our church pays for the kids to go)

rowing "camps" (for the older two)

soccer skills training (for the 8 yo)


Things that don't cost us a thing:


art museum (we have a membership) - they have wonderful shows and programs for kids. We go to the museum when they have "drawing in the gallery." They'll have artists there and easels with watercolors, charcoal, etc and these artists will teach the kids! It's FREE!


Local pool - we go nearly every night.


Local parks to meet up with friends. We'll do this once/week or so. We have wonderful resident-only parks that are gorgeous!


I know there are more things, but those are the ones off the top of my head!

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The girls and I are heading to Nashville (9hrs away:tongue_smilie:) as they are attending a Fine Arts Academy for nearly 3 weeks. Each will be participating in their instrumental area (piano, violin and flute). They will actually be broadcasting the final performance on DayStar. Keep an eye out for us!:D

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This summer has more than usual planned.

We school through the summer because it's hot, hot, hot in the desert.

The boys and I are taking a trip for 8 days in July to see family in Illinois and Iowa. They can't wait to fly on a plane. I'm looking forward to being home again. LOL

A local homeschool group is having a space camp with an engineer from NASA in August. It's only 2 hours a day for a week but it includes a build and is pretty dang cheep. I'm trying to figure out how to be included in the loop of this group without having to actually go to playgroups, etc. We're too busy for that usually and I have one son who doesn't do well in big crowds of kids. This camp is going to be a trial run for him in this group. He's done a couple Mad Science camps and hasn't really enjoyed them.

We hope to make it to a pool a lot. I hope to be able to watch some afternoon movies. :o

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I plan on the dc doing a hour or so of school work each day and go to the pool for a couple of hours. Dc and I are going visit grandparents for a week mid-June, other than that nothing else.



Yes on the hour of schoolwork. Some fun-in-the-pool group activities at the Y, which are cheap, a family reunion (and a revisit to the Getty, yea!), and a 7th birthday. Our outdoor weather is okay almost all year round, so the fellows will not be out "extra", but just carrying on as usual, which is 3+ hours a day.

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