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POLL: Elementary math program


What math are you using/used that produced results.  

  1. 1. What math are you using/used that produced results.

    • Rod and Staff
    • Singapore
    • Horizons
    • Math U See
    • Saxon
    • other

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...and Math U See Gamma. I've been very happy with both.


Oldest ds has used Horizons K, BJU Math 1 & 2, Saxon Math 3, 5/4, A.C.E. gr.5 and now TT -- it has been the best fit so far. :)


Younger 2 kiddos used Shiller Math Kit 1 in the past and now are using MUS Gamma -- it's working out well. :D

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We use BJU math. We will use it until 5/6 or so, just for consistency. I really like it. It is not a favorite or a least favorite subject and by sticking with one program, I feel very comfortable that we won't have any gaps. I like the spiraling aspect of going a little further everytime we revisit a skill.

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My "other" is RS. My oldest did exclusively Singapore through 6B and, while math is not his favorite subject, I definitely feel he has a solid grounding in it from his years with SM. RS was not around yet for him, but was the new and exciting program on the block when I was starting to fold in number 2. It took me a little while to get the hang of RS and we had some stop and go moments and long periods of doing it inconsistently, but I am absolutely blown away by how well it teaches kids to think mathematically. My younger two have such an intuitive understanding of math and I am absolutely certain that it is a direct result of using RS. We are behind because of those stop and go and inconsistant periods, but I will not skip anything or switch because I am so convinced of the value of RS. I am having the older one of my two RS users do some Singapore on the side, but I consider Singapore to be the supplement and RS to be his core. Next year I will also have my younger RS user supplement with Singapore.

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I voted "other".


I started out with Miquon and Singapore with my oldest ds. Then we went to RightStart (the whole series, a little BJU (most of BJU6), Life of Fred (Fractions/Decimals), and now VideoText Module A (Pre-Alg).


My younger son has some processing issues so finding what works for him has been hard. We started with RightStart which was great for his addition and I've been scrambling since. We worked through RS A, B, and part of C. Now we're with CLE Math and so far is working great for him. He needs more practice and more repetition than what RS was giving him.

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We are Math-U-See fans.


The older 2 are currently finishing up with the Epsilon book ( and the toddler just plays with all of the manipulatives!)



We have been using MUS for a few years now, and will hopefully continue to while we home school.

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I voted Singapore, as that will almost certainly provide our "spine" in future years.


But reading the Miquon teachers materials (all three books, First Grade Diary, Notes to Teachers, and the Lab Annotations) and implementing Cuisenaire Rod work, and using Miquon, and letting the "Miquon attitude" permeate every thing else we do math-wise has been one of the most important things I've ever done. Absolutely transformative. Liberating. Inspiring.


I love Miquon!



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This program is nothing short of amazing.


My dc are ordinary kids, and I wouldn't describe myself as a math whiz; today ds 6 was adding numbers in the trillions (without regrouping, but with an accurate understanding of place value) and ds 9 was doing long division (1278 divided by 23) and 4 digit multiplication (3726 x 478). Next week's lesson is on prime numbers, and he clearly understands the concept already (he's been working on factors / multiples in recent weeks as well).


Ds 6 will be adding and subtracting numbers in the trillions with regrouping before the end of the school year (once they leaned their basic math facts and were introduced to place value it was just a matter of keeping the columns straight) as well as telling time to the nearest minute and counting money.


The link is in my signature line :)

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We just switched from Horizons to Abeka and are very happy with the switch. Personally, although I may be in the minority, I LOATHE manipulatives and my oldest daughter has absolutely no patience for them in the context of her math lessons. She enjoys playing with them but not for school purposes.

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I voted other. I've primarily used Miquon up through 3rd grade supplementing with Mathematical Reasoning, Math Detective, etc. My last dd went from Miquon to Saxon 7/6. My 8 yr old twins are now using Miquon and supplementing with MUS. However, I'm thinking about looking into Singapore for next year.



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We use Singapore and our DS really likes it. We like the variety of problems used in their workbook, extra practice, intensive practice, and word problem books.


Our only complaint is the lack of "true" math vocabulary used. This really won't be an issue unless you are a total math geek. :tongue_smilie: For those of us who are geeks, and you know who you are, just use the vocabulary in lessons and math questions around the house. DH and I do this all the time.

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I voted other because I only used Saxon 2 for my oldest and then moved him to TT after bouncing around with Horizons and singapore for 3rd. My dd tried horizons (disaster for her) and did about half of Saxon but wasn't grasping it all, so I switched her to CLE math and we LOVE IT. I wish I had found it before trying Saxon with her, it is so easy to present, the TM's are wonderful and useful.

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I voted for 4 of the 5. Singapore was great with my oldest (the Primary Math series), and she is currently doing well with MUS (did Pre-Algebra last year, now using Algebra). I tried all of the above and more with my second child, but it wasn't until we started with Saxon this year (2nd grade) that I really found something that works for him. With my little guy I use Horizons, and while it is "working," I think I'll switch him to Singapore for 1st. He is a lot like his sister, and since SM was a good fit for her, I'm hoping it will be for him as well. I've had enough of number lines via Horizons . . . guess I'm more of a mastery teacher as they are mastery learners!

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I voted Rod and Staff, Singapore and Horizons.


When I pulled my oldest ds from public school way back in 2002, I put him in Singapore as it was sold by the semester and we only had half the year left (good reason right? lol!). He was 7 and had been in gr 2 (technically for the second time). Deciding now was the time to move forward, I put him in 3A. That could have been a disaster, but he flew through 2.5 levels in 18 mos. When we put him in (very small--almost like one on one tutoring) private school he ended up in a 6th grade math book within weeks. I still don't think the first year there really challenged him.


I am currently using it again with 5 yo ds. We also use Horizons for an occasional extra worksheet. I may or may not continue with Horizons for him when the current book is gone. He's a mathy kid (like big brother) and gets on very well with Singapore.


I also use Singapore part time with 8 yo dd. I plan to keep using Rod and Staff for extra practice for her until we get through their 3rd and 4th grade books. I guess I just like to combine programs. This past week in my house we are also enjoying Evan-Moor's Take it to Your Seat math centers for a little extra hands-on (spring fever?).


All that to say Singapore is the program I keep coming back to for the meat of our math. The one kid I haven't used it with is using Teaching Textbooks pre-algebra and Life of Fred.


ETA: mom2att, the number lines may be the thing that gets me to drop Horizons. I see no reason to be adding those big numbers until they grasp place value.

Edited by darlasowders
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We have used BJU Math for the first time this year, and for the first time both ds and I are satisfied with our Math program. It is such a relief to see that ds's natural math ability is beginning to resurface after I allowed it to be dampened by boring math programs.

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Horizons. We love it, although I wish the teacher's guide was more than just an answer book.





Horizons is our main curriculum for k-6, we supplement with Life of Fred, MEP (for extra practice here and there) and RightStart. And recently I have been using Danica McKellar's book Math Doesn't S.... with my 11 year old daughter.


But Horizons is always the main course and I have always been pleased with it's pace and rigor.

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To date: Saxon, Teaching Textbooks and Scott Foresman and Life of Fred. My oldest used SF when we used Sonlight... it was the suggested curriculum then. He used it for 4th and 5th grade. It was a good experience.


Saxon was used for lower grades for all my children with a short stint w /MUS ( other than my son using SF)... I liked MUS at first... but it was not good for us in the end...


My tops for K-7 is Saxon


My tops for Jr/Sr. Teaching Textbooks and Life of Fred.


Its what worked for us.:)

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