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s/o: How/when do you wake up in the morning?

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I wish I could sleep later but for some reason I'm up between 6 and 6:30 every morning. This morning I slept in until about 7 but I didn't go to bed until 1 a.m. last night. I'm usually asleep by 11 so I guess I average around 7 hours per night. I think I would do better with another hour or two of sleep per night. It's hard for me to go to bed earlier because my only down time is when everyone else is asleep. I'd rather not sleep through it. :) Since I work Mon through Sat, I can't take naps in the afternoon. But I try to get one every Sunday afternoon. It's so nice when I get to do that. I love naps.

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Up anywhere between 6-6:30 am depending on if our dog wakes me up or our 4yo. If left on my own, I cannot sleep past 7 am. I try to take a nap on the nights I work 4-10:30pm but I'm averaging about 1 nap every two weeks right now, lol!


On nights I work, I'm asleep by midnight.

On nights I don't work, I'm asleep by 11-11:30pm.


I'm averaging about 6-6.5 hours of sleep a night, I do much better on 7.

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I am trying to improve and need some inspiration;)...


Do you use an alarm clock...or count on dc/dh to kick you out of bed?

Are you quite regular or tend to fluctuate?

How many hours of sleep do you get? Is it enough? What about naps?





I use an alarm clock as backup and because I have one daughter in public school. My alarm is set for 5:45, but usually I wake up just before it goes off. I usually get 7 or so hours of sleep - some nights more - some less. On weekends I turn the alarm off and hope my internal clock knows to take a break. Sometimes I wake at 6:30 - rarely later than 7 or 7:30. There are days I feel like I NEED a nap, but that rarely happens either. Generally I think I get enough sleep for me.

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I wake up early- sometimes 5ish, often 6ish- depends when I went to bed and what time of the month it is- I tend to wake up really early premenstrually.

I never use an alarm clock.

I need 8 hours sleep. I tend to go to sleep around 10pm.

I nap many afternoons.

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We have kids crawling in bed with us around 6:30 to 7 at the latest. I usually get up at 7 or so. No alarm clock needed... I probably get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. I tend to go to bed around 10:30 or 11 but sometimes I read for a while.

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My radio alarm goes off full-blast at 7am. I roll over and turn it down to a moderate level then snuggle back down to listen to the news for a bit. My blood pressure is usually high enough to force me out of bed before 8... depends on the day's headlines. ;)


ETA: I usually get 7-9 hours of sleep and try to take a 30 minute nap most afternoons.

Edited by Tutor
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Oh my goodness,

I wish I could get up early to exercise. I do when I feel like I had a good nights sleep.(When not dealing with a new baby, I usually wake up at 6am and run) I average 6hours at night - sometimes less and sometimes more. I am tandem nursing a two and half year old and my two month old. We always have many children coming and going. I always try to take a nap in the afternoon - does not always happen.

Wow to those that get 8hours a night - I'm jealous!


Mother to the Tribe

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but....I have always needed at least 9 hours of sleep each night. I usually got to bed around 1am....then usually wake up around 10am or 11am. If I happen to stay up later (which I have been due to Australian Open coverage) I will definitely sleep in later.


Sleeping is my number one priority, LOL.....it always has been because I can't function with any less.


When I was a child....my mother NEVER had to tell me to go to bed....I went to bed when I was tired....which was earlier than everyone else because I needed more sleep, LOL.


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Generally, on weekdays, dh wakes me up around 6:30 and I stagger around putting on layers of clothes and go for a 30 min walk with the

dog right away. Usually by the time I get back, I'm more or less awake & a cup of coffee finishes the process. I need at least 8h sleep though & I'm not getting it because we generally go to bed between 11 & 12, so usually once every 2 weeks or so, I go back to bed for another hour after the walk, or I take an afternoon nap. Or both.


Left to my own devices, I would go to sleep around 11 and get up around 8 or 830.

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My radio alarm goes off full-blast at 7am. I roll over and turn it down to a moderate level then snuggle back down to listen to the news for a bit.


Hey, this is a good idea! I wonder if my DH could deal with that at 6:30 a.m. He always says he wants to be up earlier too. That might help both of us.


To answer the OP's question, I'm trying to break my night owl habits and get to bed around 11 so I can be up by 6:30. It's been slow going, but I'm definitely making some progress. I feel SO much better when I'm up early instead of up late, and our days go better too.


I use an alarm clock. The kids don't typically rise until between 8:30 and 9:30, depending on the day.

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One of our cats wakes me up around 6:50 each morning with her loud meowing for breakfast. This triggers one of the other cats to start bumping me for petting. The third cat is content to sleep in for as long as possible.


Now that we've added a puppy to the mix, he also gets me up early, usually around 7.


I would prefer to sleep until around 8 or 8:30, but very rarely get that chance.

Michelle T

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I try to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night, because I really tend to need even more than that. I get up by about 7:10 (using an alarm clock to make sure) to take my high schooler to school by 7:25 (usually - I hope, LOL). I get back by 8 and start the school day with my younger son. I/we do occasionally still take naps if we can fit one in. We can't do that too often nowdays, but I am a firm believer in naps for all! They can do a world of good!

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Oh, it never even ocurred to me to try to get up before the dc, lol. But I did streamline my morning by taking a shower the night before, so I could get up and get dressed right away; then I'd make my bed before leaving my bedroom. I always cleaned the kitchen and tidied up the rest of the house before I went to bed, so at least in the morning when we all mosied out into the kitchen for breakfast I'd be dressed, bed made, house clean.

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I set my alarm for 7:30, about 30 minutes after my husband's goes off. That way, he has time to shower and shave and such before I get in his way.


I used to be able to reliably get by on about six hours, but nowadays I really need seven or eight (and nine is better).


It really works better when I get up 30 minutes before my son, but my husband keeps adjusting his schedule, and this is where we are now.

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One of our cats wakes me up around 6:50 each morning with her loud meowing for breakfast. This triggers one of the other cats to start bumping me for petting. The third cat is content to sleep in for as long as possible.


See the fella in my avatar? That's one of our four, Max - and if I don't get up when I'm supposed to (4am), he climbs on the bed and bites my nose. :D

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I get up at 6 mintues after 5. I have an alarm, but it rarely goes off. I have a good internal clock. My motivation it to not miss my carpooler, and not miss morning report.


I get 4-7 hours of sleep at night, and if I'm less than 6 hours, I try to get half an hour in the following afternoon. I am older than most here, and the older you are, the less sleep you need, at least for most people. You don't tolerate going without sleep as well, but you need less.

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Our three kittens wake me up around 6:00 every morning. If i'm extremely tired, will just throw them outside and go back to sleep til James gets up around 8:00. Otherwise get up and if didn't get my 8 hours will end up taking a nap at some point during the day.


I ended up taking a 2 hour nap today which wasn't conducive to getting anything done, but must have needed to sleep. Hence still up and wide awake, instead of heading off to bed.


Have to stop reading in bed at night. :)

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DH wakes me around 5:10 as he gets into the shower. I make him breakfast - we read the paper together - he goes to work and then I generally have 2 hour window before the kids get up.


On weekends, he and I are still up by 6 ... we try to stick to the same schedule throughout the week. We're usually in bed by 9. Though sometimes, I get up after he falls asleep if I have a project in mind. I'm a night owl and love to work while everyone else is sleeping.


He sets an alarm but is generally awake before it goes off.

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I have chronic insomnia, sometimes only getting 2-3 hours of sleep per night for weeks at a time. So NO ONE wakes me up ever when I am actually sleeping. My natural circadian rhythm seems to be delayed so that even when I am sleeping well, I rarely fall asleep before 1 or 2 and even then I may wake up for 2-3 hour stretches in the middle of the night. On blessed occasions when I can actually sleep, I fall asleep around 1 or 2 and wake up between 9 -10. This is when I function my best. Fortunately for me, my family life is set up in such a way that I can easily work this schedule. My dh is the only early bird in the family and he appreciates the quiet time in the mornings when the rest of us are sleeping.

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Rarely use/need an alarm clock.... i'm an early bird by nature, and require 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Always have! LOL!!


So i'm awake between 6-6:30 most mornings, 7 days a week. I have been staying in bed because, well, it's darn cold out.


I'm perfectly happy going to bed at 9pm, but try to wait till 10 to give myself a bit of time without kids around.

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I'm with Tammy.


My current normal is different from normal because I'm pregnant and have to take Unisom (a sleeping aid) every night as part of my anti-nausea combo. I typically go to bed no later than 10pm, right after reading to the kids for 30-45 minutes. I typically crawl out of bed at 9am but no earlier than 8am. I'm usually tired all day. I don't use an alarm clock unless I have a doctor's appointment that I couldn't convince them to schedule later.


My not-pregnant normal varies with the seasons. During the winter, I go to bed around 10pm and wake up without an alarm clock about 8am. I'm usually tired all day during the winter. During the summer, I go to bed around 11pm and wake up without an alarm clock around 6am. I'm never tired during the summer.


I hate alarm clocks.

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