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what's the worst thing you've ever done?

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One time I was rushing around when I saw a cop. I noticed that I was going 52 mph in a 40 mph. The second he spotted me the blue lights came on. So I sped up, made the next turn, and then the next. I lost him. Now I WAS going home, but I sped up to lose him, and I did.


When I got home I parked the car in the garage and was in a state of panic for the entire day. I was shaking like a leaf and had heart palpitations! I was glued to the bay window, fearing the sight of a police cruiser coming down our RURAL dirt road. I was a wreck and was shocked at myself and ashamed.


I even called dh to confess, and he laughed at me.


My biggest fear was that I could easily be spotted again - I was the ONLY Suburban in town whose windows had those cute stick family stickers. Six, cute family members, and then the dogs and cats. I could NOT be anonymous.


I never did hear from the police department...... Whew.


The guilt of it all came flooding at me again yesterday when I got pulled over. For an instant I almost considered doing the same again, but I just couldn't put myself through that stress again. I'm going to be using my cruise control from now on. I get lost in my thoughts (usually going through my mental to-do list) and just....... don't pay attention.





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Stole a car??


We were talking to some guys we didn't really know. I was visiting a small town in some unnamed state with a friend who shall be known as "Jane Doe". He had a new 1985 Chevy Berlinetta. We took around the corner as a joke while my friend and another girl were talking to them. I was not driving, he and his friends did not think it was funny.


Needless to say they did not stop to talk to us again.


And I was a good kid otherwise. :D

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One time I was rushing around when I saw a cop. I noticed that I was going 52 mph in a 40 mph. The second he spotted me the blue lights came on. So I sped up, made the next turn, and then the next. I lost him. Now I WAS going home, but I sped up to lose him, and I did.


When I got home I parked the car in the garage and was in a state of panic for the entire day. I was shaking like a leaf and had heart palpitations! I was glued to the bay window, fearing the sight of a police cruiser coming down our RURAL dirt road. I was a wreck and was shocked at myself and ashamed.


I even called dh to confess, and he laughed at me.


My biggest fear was that I could easily be spotted again - I was the ONLY Suburban in town whose windows had those cute stick family stickers. Six, cute family members, and then the dogs and cats. I could NOT be anonymous.


I never did hear from the police department...... Whew.


The guilt of it all came flooding at me again yesterday when I got pulled over. For an instant I almost considered doing the same again, but I just couldn't put myself through that stress again. I'm going to be using my cruise control from now on. I get lost in my thoughts (usually going through my mental to-do list) and just....... don't pay attention.






Well, I've done some pretty terrible things in my life, but nothing even comes close to what you did. Be ashamed.



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Told my teacher in Kindergarten that I didn't know the man trying to pick me up at school. It was my grandfather. This man was like a dad to me, but I had this strange fear of being alone with a male (I liked to have females around...weird...I know) and I didn't want to go with him. He died 6 years later and I have never really forgiven myself for that.


The other thing I did that haunts me to this day is my reaction to my now ex-husband after he did something thoughtful. We didn't have a lot of money that year and he went to the dollar tree and picked out 20 little things he thought I would like. He was NOT a shopper and especially not in a dollar general. He walked around for an hour picking little things - picture frames, some potato chip clips since I was always saying we needed them. Just really sweet of him to do it. On Christmas morning, when I opened my gifts, I yelled, "why did you buy me all of this crap??? And it looks like it came from the dollar tree." He was so hurt by my reaction. I would like to think I have grown up a lot since then (I was 21), but to this day, I think OMG what a total b*tch I was to him. What an ungrateful and total b*tch!

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Drove drunk


Slept with my boss in college - bad enough but he was also married


Mistakenly thought maids stole a bag of children's clothes. Called it in. Got them in trouble. Found out they didn't steal it and never called to make amends.


Had various fantasies that I am sure qualify as "bad".


Stole money from my mom.

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oh, COME ON, all of you who won't share! It'll be fun! We're ALL stupid at SOME time in our lives!


My "outrunning the cop"incident happened about 4 years ago. How AWFUL is that? I don't blame myself, really, it's SO out of my character. I plead TEMPORARY INSANITY. :w00t:


Which do you think is worse - outrunning a cop, or the fact that I had my best friend's sister sit through ALL my drivers ed. classes in high school so I could be with my boyfriend?! Heck, I think I could have learned a thing or two had I attended those classes!



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I'll tell the one that comes to mind. I worked in an upscale bakery, and a really nice woman came in and ordered a lovely wedding cake. We did a lot of weddings, of course, but I had a lot of fun with this lady and was looking forward to seeing her cake. The day of her wedding, I was waiting for the cake to show up, and it wasn't there. I got nervous and called the main bakery.


I had screwed up the order. I had typed in the wrong date (just a little typo, put in last year's date instead of this year's). The usual manager would have caught it right away, but she was on vacation and no one had seen it. There was no wedding cake and the reception was in an hour.


The main bakery did the best they could and delivered something, I don't know what. I cried a lot. I wrote a humble (and heartfelt) apology to her. But the fact is I totally messed up her wedding and I still feel terrible about it. 12 years later, I hope she doesn't still hate me; she was the nicest lady.

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Oh Denise, your story just cracks me up! I'll bite. Brace yourselves- when I was a s*x crazed 16yo, my boyfriend and I had s*x on a playground. A church playground. That boy is now my dh. My dh is now a pastor. Fitting, no?


One time I was rushing around when I saw a cop. I noticed that I was going 52 mph in a 40 mph. The second he spotted me the blue lights came on. So I sped up, made the next turn, and then the next. I lost him. Now I WAS going home, but I sped up to lose him, and I did.


When I got home I parked the car in the garage and was in a state of panic for the entire day. I was shaking like a leaf and had heart palpitations! I was glued to the bay window, fearing the sight of a police cruiser coming down our RURAL dirt road. I was a wreck and was shocked at myself and ashamed.


I even called dh to confess, and he laughed at me.


My biggest fear was that I could easily be spotted again - I was the ONLY Suburban in town whose windows had those cute stick family stickers. Six, cute family members, and then the dogs and cats. I could NOT be anonymous.


I never did hear from the police department...... Whew.


The guilt of it all came flooding at me again yesterday when I got pulled over. For an instant I almost considered doing the same again, but I just couldn't put myself through that stress again. I'm going to be using my cruise control from now on. I get lost in my thoughts (usually going through my mental to-do list) and just....... don't pay attention.





Edited by Shannon831
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Well, one that I will admit to publicly.... in second grade I wrote a naughty poem and put it on the car of a substitute teacher who was mean to our class. I won't post the entire text of the poem (though I still remember it word for word!!), but I will tell you that it contained the name of a body part that rhymes with "tiny." :blush5:

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I think the worst thing I ever did was tell a friend of a friend of a friend who was shady that my most unwanted roommate was growing 50 pot plants in the garage. Shady person then did the expected thing: steal them.


It was the most reasonable rent near school, perfect for me and my dog, nice neighbors, etc, but I moved in in the summer not knowing in the fall the real roommate, his punk rock, his troops of friends, and his bumper crop were moving in. I should have just moved, but the rent...the location...

The whole affair was so depressing, both of us moved out.


Oh, to be 21 and not so stupid or broke.


BTW: I have never, ever told anybody this.

Edited by kalanamak
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ok, ladies, PLEASE keep them coming! If you just can't share your worst, then share something that you're at least embarrassed of!


Like the time I was grocery shopping with hubby. You know those open freezers that you just reach in to grab what you want? Well, we were shopping along and I was looking at the freezer section to my left, produce to the right, for the length of the store. This was the last aisle, we were almost done with our shop! When we got about half way through I noticed....... a pair of LEGS sticking straight out of the freezer a little further down! The legs had jeans on and dress shoes. I laughed SO embarrassingly LOUD (like a HUGE horse, or perhaps an ELEPHANT!) that I just was absolutely consumed with horror at my lack of concern. What I *SHOULD* have done was help the poor person out of the freezer but, NO, I laugh my butt off at him! Dh laughs out of control at ME. The man climbs out of the freezer and gives us the MEANEST look ever. :cursing:


Being the mature woman that I am, we left our FULL cart of groceries right there because I was just too mortified to go check out and have to see this man again. I couldn't believe that dh or I were incapable of helping him due to our state of hysterics.





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I have done a lot of bad things and even a few not quite legal things but one of the things that I feel the worse about:


When I was young, not exactly sure how old but younger than eleven, I called the operator, said something unintelligble and then hung up. The operator called my house, talked to my mom and told her than some young child had called. My mom assumed it was my youngest brother, who is 6 years younger than me and punished him for it. I didn't speak up even though he got in trouble. I always felt so bad. I fessed up once we were grown. He doesn't even remember but he forgave me.

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In high school I stole the Spanish teacher's lunch. She always packed a sack lunch, and left it on the window sill to keep it cold. Someone dared me. I was actually in the French class next door, and climbed out the window to steal it. We all had a laugh and ate her lunch (I don't know where the French teacher was during all of this). I confessed a couple of hours later when one of my classmates was wrongly accused.


So yeah, I've led a pretty dull life. ;)

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I'll share great embarrassment, and it also contains laughing at someone: I was taking tae kwon do with several friends while I was in high school. I had gotten my BEST guy friend into the class, and since I knew him best and we were close in height, the master paired us for sparring. And I kneed him. In the groin. HARD. And then started laughing so hard.... :blink: that I literally fell over. He had to sit out the rest of the class. Did I mention that I also had the hugest crush on him?? Yeah, that went nowhere...


Worst thing I've ever done may have involved a poker game, my husband, and my youngest brother-in-law, but I'm not saying more.

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One time I was rushing around when I saw a cop. I noticed that I was going 52 mph in a 40 mph. The second he spotted me the blue lights came on. So I sped up, made the next turn, and then the next. I lost him. Now I WAS going home, but I sped up to lose him, and I did.


When I got home I parked the car in the garage and was in a state of panic for the entire day. I was shaking like a leaf and had heart palpitations! I was glued to the bay window, fearing the sight of a police cruiser coming down our RURAL dirt road. I was a wreck and was shocked at myself and ashamed.


I even called dh to confess, and he laughed at me.


My biggest fear was that I could easily be spotted again - I was the ONLY Suburban in town whose windows had those cute stick family stickers. Six, cute family members, and then the dogs and cats. I could NOT be anonymous.


I never did hear from the police department...... Whew.


The guilt of it all came flooding at me again yesterday when I got pulled over. For an instant I almost considered doing the same again, but I just couldn't put myself through that stress again. I'm going to be using my cruise control from now on. I get lost in my thoughts (usually going through my mental to-do list) and just....... don't pay attention.






Hmmm, if the worst you've ever done is 52 in a 40 mph you're doing pretty well. I'm converting to Catholicism and getting a bit apprehensive about going to confession for the first time. We're talkin' mortal sin(s) here. Ouch. Nothing I'd say on a discussion board, though, sorry.

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Not the worst but just what I am willing to admit :0)


Summers full of skinny dipping at the lake as a teen in Texas (I lived in a small town that was like a resort) . Lots of drinking. Lots of ***awfully fun summer nights***....man if my parents had a clue what I was doing, they would have fallen over dead!


This song realllllllly makes remember those days and plants a big fat smile on my face thinking back at the crazy, crazy things we did. Thank God we didn't get caught!






:tongue_smilie: I mean we were bad, bad kids. I feel really, really bad about the things we did. :lol::lol: (we never hurt anyone/anything , we just took a lot of stupid risks)

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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Great, I'm new here and one of the first things I am going to do is make a confession. ;)


When I was a senior in high school, my English teacher asked our class if anyone wanted to baby-sit her daughter one night. I told her sure, but I wanted to check if my boyfriend had anything planned for that night. He had been in her class the year before, so she told me we could both come.


Yep. After the baby went to sleep, we had sex on my teacher's living room floor. :blushing:


Later, I remembered my teacher saying she would have no problems setting up a "nanny-cam". I wonder sometimes if there is video out there......


It's been 12 years, and I haven't told anyone that story.

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I don't think it's so bad, surely not the worst, but the only thing I can think of right now.


21 year old boyfriend and I broke up. A few months later a good friend and I went to restaurant he worked at late at lunch time. So all day managers were there, but most of the lunch crowd was gone. He was also not working. We sat right by one of the computer stations where I knew one of the day managers would be doing lunch numbers.


We then proceeded to "discuss", possibly loudly, how the ex-boyfriend had so many discount cards he was making around $30-$40 extra a night. He'd wait till it was busy, and a cash paying customer left, then he'd take their bill to a manager and get them to sign off $8 off their bill. Then he'd pocket the $8.


Not long after that lunch he was suddenly out of a job.

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not the worst (some things that I did in college, I would rather not admit on a message board). so here is one from high school:


a bunch of us kids decided to skip school and have a party at one of the kids houses. One of the boys and I went to the liquor store and bought a case of beer. We were walking as none of us had a car. We were walking down the highway carrying the case of beer when a police car spotted us. The police chased us, we ran across the highway, still carrying the beer, ran thur several back alleys until we got to the party.


Each of us, of course, wrote our own excuse notes to give to the school office the next day and never got caught.


p.s. I have no idea why the liquor store sold us the beer, I guess that the clerk didn't care that we were obviously underage.

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Not the worst but just what I am willing to admit :0)


Summers full of skinny dipping at the lake as a teen in Texas (I lived in a small town that was like a resort) . Lots of drinking. Lots of ***awfully fun summer nights***....man if my parents had a clue what I was doing, they would have fallen over dead!


This song realllllllly makes remember those days and plants a big fat smile on my face thinking back at the crazy, crazy things we did. Thank God we didn't get caught!






:tongue_smilie: I mean we were bad, bad kids. I feel really, really bad about the things we did. :lol::lol: (we never hurt anyone/anything , we just took a lot of stupid risks)




I could have written this post... just substitute a small Kansas town near a large lake for the Texas resort town. :blushing:


My parents would have been mortified and I'm sure I would have been locked in my room for life if they'd had any inkling what we were up to. Crazy, stupid, and reckless...

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Oh yeah...I posted the things I still felt bad about. LOL If I were to post all of the bad things I did - dating back to a teen, I would take up this entire page.


Stole phone cards - over $500 worth from the place where I WORKED when I was 16 and needed to call my boyfriend who lived long distance. He was a great guy...got me started stealing. The next guy I dated was like, "OMG are you seriously STEALING something??? Here, let me pay for it." After that, I realized it was not a cool practice as far as most normal people were concerned. I never stole anything again, ever.


Had "relations" in my mom's house at the age of 17 - she walked in, gasped, and I closed the door and keep right on keepin on. Obviously she was an overworked single parent to allow such a thing. My boys would be out on their EARS and my dh would absolutely go ballistic.


Skipped school too many times and had my mom lie and say my grandmother was sick (...she was already dead) so I didn't fail my senior year of highschool.


Went to said deceased grandmother's house with theif boyfriend in order to have ...relations.


I could go on, but I think this may be enough for one day...LOL


Good thing I am not Catholic...I would be saying Hail Marys for eternity.

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I only got brave enough to post because of another poster's admission.


When I was 18, I made several dumb and dangerous choices with my (infant) daughter in tow.


One night (wee hours of the morning) I was driving home and started "hallucinating" I was so tired. I saw children playing with grocery carts in the street and "Mary" crouching, praying in the road!


Another night (again, wee hours of the morning), I left a coffee shop with a man I barely knew and went to a park in an area of town I didn't know, an hour from home, with him.


In either situation, my daughter and I could have been severely hurt, even killed. Thankfully nothing bad happened in either situation. In fact, I married that guy from the second incident!

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Along those lines, I still feel bad about going out with a TA when I had no interest in him and he was pretty taken with me. He was my TA in my quantitative analysis lab and he gave me a LOT of extra attention. I knew he liked me but could not ask me out because of the teacher/student situation. However, when I changed lab times due to work schedule, he called me right away. I went out with him and purposely made a fool of myself so he wouldn't ask again. To this day he probably thinks he had really poor judgment thinking I was such a nice girl in class only to be so stupid outside of class. I still get embarrassed when I think about it.

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Worst of the Worst?


I ran away from home for a week, left the day before my mom's birthday and hitchhiked 50 miles away from home. I was 12 and it was the second time but the longest/furthest and my grandmother had just passed away and I wasn't allowed to go the funeral but there were other reasons that my 12yo brain justified for leaving as well. I changed my name to Heather O'Brien, lol.


Thankfully an adult that I came across turned me in, I was living in a tent at a campsite. The police picked me up and my parents gave me the choice of foster care or to come home. I chose home, my room was bare, nothing but mattresses and an empty dresser. I had to earn everything back, even my sheets.


My mother will gladly tell anyone all about the h#ll I put her through, and then she'll tell you how I left home at 18 with just a note left behind (leaving an empty room except for the bed and dresser) and didn't contact them (my parents) for five months letting them know where I was. Sigh. If I could take back those two times, I would.


I also stole checks from my mom in 5th grade to buy the 'cool' pencils from the school store, forged them and the only way I got caught was b/c I wrote the checks in pencil. (Hilarious now, I think)


Oh, the stories that I will never escape...

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Two things come to mind.


First, in college, a boy asked me out for Valentine's Day but I really wanted to go out with another. I lied and said it was my grandmother's birthday and I was going to see her (it was her birthday, but I wasn't going to see her).


Then the boy I wanted to go out with asked me. I said yes. Then I broke the date to go see my grandmother because I felt so guilty.


Another time, soon after college, I was out in downtown Dallas with a couple of friends. I was driving after too much to drink. The boy in the passenger seat took my checkbook and threw it out the window. I turned around, drove down a one way street and then down a SIDEWALK to get it. I retrieved the checkbook without incident if you can believe that. I still can't figure out how I didn't get stopped late on a Saturday night in downtown Dallas driving on a sidewalk. You'd thinks the police would be all over the place!


I still feel really bad about how I broke up with my first real, longterm (2yrs) boyfriends. I wasn't nice.


There were plenty of others, but these stand out in my mind.

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Well, one that I will admit to publicly.... in second grade I wrote a naughty poem and put it on the car of a substitute teacher who was mean to our class. I won't post the entire text of the poem (though I still remember it word for word!!), but I will tell you that it contained the name of a body part that rhymes with "tiny." :blush5:



Oh, Erica! That's so bad, and yet...so cute!

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In 7th grade I noticed the "troubled" kids got special attention from the art teacher. She was so cool. I *really* wanted her to focus on me.


One day we were alone in the supply room. I blurted out, "I'm pregnant." I had never even held a boy's hand and I hadn't yet begun to menstruate. But I did watch a lot of One Life to Live.... I followed it up by stating that my parents would kick me out of the house if they knew. I was terrified and had no one to talk to.


It worked. We began a special relationship. She took me shopping, out to lunch, on walks... I knew everyone in class was jealous, she was the. coolest. teacher. ever.


A few weeks later, at an ice cream store, she inquired as to the identity of the "baby's" father. I knew I couldn't name anyone at our school, she knew everyone. So, I told her it was my best friend's older brother.


I didn't know that this particular boy was a former student. I was also unaware, as I had never actually spoken to him, that he was 20. I was 12. Ooops.


Two hours later CPS was at my front door. The police had already visited the boy and his parent's house.


Obviously, my best friend and her parents never spoke to me again. :( The art teacher was pissed. She refused to even look at me. I was black listed.


My parents put me in counseling and I changed schools the following year.


I still can't believe I did that.

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In 7th grade I noticed the "troubled" kids got special attention from the art teacher. She was so cool. I *really* wanted her to focus on me.


One day we were alone in the supply room. I blurted out, "I'm pregnant." I had never even held a boy's hand and I hadn't yet begun to menstruate. But I did watch a lot of One Life to Live.... I followed it up by stating that my parents would kick me out of the house if they knew. I was terrified and had no one to talk to.


It worked. We began a special relationship. She took me shopping, out to lunch, on walks... I knew everyone in class was jealous, she was the. coolest. teacher. ever.


A few weeks later, at an ice cream store, she inquired as to the identity of the "baby's" father. I knew I couldn't name anyone at our school, she knew everyone. So, I told her it was my best friend's older brother.


I didn't know that this particular boy was a former student. I was also unaware, as I had never actually spoken to him, that he was 20. I was 12. Ooops.


Two hours later CPS was at my front door. The police had already visited the boy and his parent's house.


Obviously, my best friend and her parents never spoke to me again. :( The art teacher was pissed. She refused to even look at me. I was black listed.


My parents put me in counseling and I changed schools the following year.


I still can't believe I did that.


:001_huh::001_huh::001_huh: Okay that may win the prize.

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Mine happened during high school (don't they all?!?)


Really cute guy dating really stuck-up girl. Both in the "in" crowd, of which I am definitely not in. Neither one of them even knew I existed. But I knew he existed, for sure!


One day I run across a folded up piece of paper on the hallway floor. Just me in the halls, and there is this piece of paper. So I pick it up and read it.


It is a note. A note from the really stuck-up girl to her girlfriend about how she had a mad crush on this other guy and how she was cheating on her really cute boyfriend.


Whatever the destination I was headed in while in that empty hallway --- I didn't end up going to. I immediatly marched to the really cute guys locker and popped the note in through the crack.


I attended a small high school. Within hours everyone knew the scandal. No one knew how he got a hold of the note. I remember sitting in the cafeteria as he stomped by, followed by some friends. One of his friends said "How did it get there?" and he said "That's the thing! I have no idea!"


Thinking back, what are the chances I (the one with the crush on the really cute guy and hated the stuck-up girl) would be the one to find the note AND then be the one he passes by while venting his frustration about how the note got there. Maybe I was meant to do it?


Or maybe I was immature and a catty when I didn't get what I wanted. :D

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well my list has some really stupid, some illegal,


stupid, my parents wouldn't let me date so I had a guy from church they trusted pick me up for a church lock-in, this guy from church took me to meet up with a boy from school who I stayed out with until about 4:00 am

My sister told preacher at church anyway they were looking for me all night.



I also drove drunk, did pot, shop lifted. I also drank and was very self destructive for some years so I don't remember some of my dumber stuff


Daring S*x on the hood of a car in a public park and other inappropriate places


Most embarrassing :

my brother- in -law walked in on my dh and I in the act before we were married .

He saw a whole lot of everything (We were in a closed room)


I really hope he forgot:blushing:

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Okay, I'll go only because I finally confessed to my mom...at least I think I did. I faked pain in my side for weeks and got to stay home from school for about a week. Even got checked into the hospital for a night.


Well, what goes around....my ds tried the same thing except his was faking a major allergy attack and headache. At first I thought he was so sick the way he acted and talked, I thought for sure he had sinus infection, strep, pink eye, everything going on, brought him to the dr and he got a clean bill of health.:glare: I told him that I don't mind on his worse allergy days if heneeds to stay home in his room with the hepa filter but also that I will not fall for that one again.

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Well I know I had it coming, I know I can't be free

But those people keep a movin', and that's what tortures me.




Off to Netflix to put Walk the Line in my queue.


Good idea!


And in the meantime.....










































I'll just leave you all wondering :D

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I could have written this post... just substitute a small Kansas town near a large lake for the Texas resort town. :blushing:



Hummmm, I skinny dipped in many a Kansas lake, but especially Tuttle Creek. I actually thought it was rather harmless, but we were egghead kids, no drinking AT ALL (we considered it rather lower class, I think). Not one of us had a teen pregnancy, and actually, in that pack of kids I ran with (we were almost all professor's kids), there were no couples, even. It was very innocent, actually. Our group even did a May pole. And drum circles before it caught on. And Indian sweat lodges in the hills.


Such days of innocence.

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