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How many days of the week do you homeschool/What is your weekly schedule?

How many days out of the week do you homeschool?  

  1. 1. How many days out of the week do you homeschool?

    • 4 days
    • 5 days
    • 6 days
    • 7 days

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Not sure how best to answer the poll so I'll list it here:


Monday: Homeschool until 2pm; Latin class 2:15-3:30


Tuesday: Music lessons at 8am; homeschool 9-2 or 3pm


Wednesday: Homeschool until 2pm; 2x/month ds has a Bible discussion at a friend's house; during winter months we also do noon skate at the ice rink.


Thursday: Homeschool until 3pm; Girls Bible study 3-5pm (taught by me)


Friday: Kids in outside co-op 9-2pm


Saturday: 1-2 hours homework for dd; ds occasionally has some but not as much

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We actually do 4-5 days. We do 4 days if we can buckle down and get it all done. If not, we go into day 5. My oldest does 5 days, just can't get it all done in 4. Usually Friday is a day set aside for nature journaling, fine arts studies, science experiments we couldn't get to in the week, outside gardening projects, and things like that--a catch up day.

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Monday is co-op day, and we school at home Tuesday-Friday at home. The 'core' subjects we do in the morning (9-11:30 or 12), and after lunch is 'fun' time for experiments, art projects, and general creativity stuff. Of course we have several outside activities during the week too, but that is our general outline. This seems to change each year as our kids have different activities and such.

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I put 5 days, because that is the plan. But, each week at least one day there is some appointment to get to. We school around the appointment.


And sometimes we have a day that I give out one subject for son to focus on and I get myself busy getting caught up around the house, which falls short during the business of the week. So, Fridays we accomplish less if I am trying to get the house in shape.


Some day my delightful brood will all busily help me prior to and following their school days and I wont have to take a day here or there to catch up... right? right? Oh, I was dreaming again... (we are getting better at getting the children to work with us... what a process)

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but I aim for 50 days of lessons / 10 week term. My boys do lessons M-F mornings, my dd studies M-W mornings + M&W afternoons, TH-F she is away at polytech & T afternoons she has flute lessons, volunteers at SPCA, & sails (summer) or has fencing (winter). If my dc don't complete the workload I've set for them for the term, they need to finish it during the 2 week PS holiday that follows each term.



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For the first three or four years, we only did Official School Stuff two days a week, on Monday and Tuesday. Every Wednesday we went to the library. Every Thursday we left the house for a field trip. Every Friday we cleaned house, with a park day once a month.

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Five days a week, full days except for Thurs. which is shorter due to music lessons. We are done by 2:30/3:00 - books are put away even if we aren't done - so we can be ready for dad and family time when he comes home. We pick up where we left off the next day.



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We do 5 days a week, but Friday is usually pretty light. Here's a basic run down


5 days a week: Math, phonics (for my 1st grader), Spelling, geography,penmanship

4 days a week: Grammar (for my 4th grader), history, writing

3 days a week: Science

1 day a week: Art, Latin


We also have free reading daily including weekends.

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5 days a week here, all with pretty much the same schooling routine. I want to make sure I get everything done during the year and also don't want to stress when I take an extra day off here and there for whatever reason. Our schedule is not M-F, however, b/c dh & I both work odd schedules. We fit our 5 days in whenever one or both of us is home to teach the kids. We did school today (Sunday), but kids are having Monday off b/c I work & dh is out of town.

With that said, we're new to hs'ing and I can't say this is how it will always be. I plan on doing school-light during the summer months, and will be using different curriculum next year, so we'll just adjust as necessary.

Our school day runs from 8am until 12:30 (more or less) with the core subjects. After lunch we do music & science.

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When they were little, it was just 3 days a week, and fairly informal. Then 4, and last year (4th grade for the older two) we had 5 mornings a week at home for our regular homeschool schedule. We didn't do all subjects all day, but we had the same routine of get up, practice music, do school.


I feel like it's only 4 this year as Friday mornings we can't do our regular schedule, but it's because we have an academic coop -so I'm sure my kids feel like they have school that day. Saturdays they have German school, and Sundays they usually end up doing leftover homework for the week. Is it 4, is it 5, 6 or 7? I'm not sure...


One thing is certain -next year I'm making sure we have 5 mornings free at home again. Having that weekday morning busy is really killing me.

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The 5th day is our co-op, which for state accounting purposes I count as school but which for "my" purposes I don't. The only academic classes DS8 has at co-op are Spanish and Book Club. DS5 has geography, math, science, and art, which are all "real school" to me, but hey, he's only 5 anyway!

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I was thinking we do school only 3 days a week, but she does Latin (Henle) on Mondays between 3-5 hrs. Tuesday we try to make sure lots of History is done and IEW and such are ready for our Classical Conversations day. Thursday is more independent as I'm pretty tired from CC the day before. Friday we do school as well, although what is a bit up in the air, depending on what we need to get done. Saturday and Sunday, I try to get her Latin done and IEW again. If she's still having to work on Sunday, that's between 1.5-2hrs or so. She does Math, hopefully. 4-5 times a week.

Not as much work as most students on here have, but 6th grade, she'll have more.


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We're doing 6 days most weeks, mainly because I have to log 180 days for state requirements and I want them all in by the end of April because we have a baby due in early May. Thursdays and Fridays are really 1/2 days for us because of outside activities in the afternoons. On Saturdays, dd almost always has math to finish from the week, or she'll do CWP with my dh (she loves those!). We'll do some learning games (like Word roots), some history reading, a new piano lesson with dh. I try to keep Saturdays light since it's Saturday, but we do enough to count it as a day.

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We do the full school routine on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. We either fit a lighter day in on one day of the weekend, or do a bit on each day of the weekend. Tuesdays are for field trips/science class at the museum/dance class/library, and Fridays are for swimming/playgroup/one-on-one playdates/yet more library time. As my kids get older I figure we will have to buckle down to at least 4 solid stay-at-home days each week, but this fits very well now. Even on our busy days, we usually fit in some read-aloud time, oral reading for dd (1st grade), plus oral math facts and outdoor time.

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We try to stay within the hours of 8-3:30, with an hour out for lunch. Some outside activities interrupt work at home almost daily, but we do work in the car back and forth to those, so don't lose out on work time.


Fridays are scheduled much lighter, to allow for field trips, make up from earlier in the week, etc. My son also has a gym and swim class from 2:15-4:15 on Fridays.

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We do school Monday through Friday but we're quick to drop a day if we have somewhere we want to go.


It is hard to give hours because it varies so much from day to day and whether you count PE, field trips, individual reading, creative writing, etc. We don't current have a set schedule for when school is done. We used to have a loose, flexible schedule but my son's taekwondo school changed class times and we haven't adjusted yet.


We spend anywhere from 2 hours to 4 hours a day on school. The only time it is more is when we are working on a major craft project or going on a field trip.

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We do school 5-6 days a week but not every day is the same intensity. M, T, Th, F we do regular school, Wed is fine arts, health, geography, and Saturdays is homework that they did not complete during the week do to goofing off/arguing. We aim for just those 5 days but the 6th day is often present.

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We do 4 days a week, year-round, too. I'm only counting the days that I have scheduled our at-home lessons, and don't count piano practice (daily) or reading (every free moment) because they're not so much "assigned" as just done.


Tuesdays are somewhat abbreviated, though, because we have piano lesson in the morning. Fridays, we have our co-op, then art, so we're gone from 8:30 until about 3:00 and we're just done by the time we get home.

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Fridays are for volleyball and the algebra tutor.


I also try to keep the daily schedule short; four or five hours daily for the ninth graders. (Much, MUCH less for the Littles). Of course, that's not set in stone; if they need to work longer, they do, if they're done sooner, then great!


We generally have a year 'round schedule with weekly breaks here and there, and a slightly longer one in the summer.

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