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Ugh, how long does Covid take to get better?


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I've been sick since the evening of the 24th. One night of chills (that I originally thought was just due to cold weather, lol...in retrospect that wouldn't explain me being cold during the night in the perfectly warm house!), and then just nasal congestion and fatigue. My congestion is significantly better, but not gone and I'm still more feeling worn down despite having rested more in the last 10 days than I can remember. I told DH after the 3rd day that I hadn't been in bed this much since I gave birth! 

I'm feeling almost like low grade sinus infection - just off/tired/not quite a fever but almost like one. Just..sick. Still. I don't usually stay sick this long. And yes, I know I'm lucky and I'm being whiney. My kids are mostly better, with some sinus congestion left for them as well. 

Any idea how long this lasts?

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I’m sorry you aren’t well! I was quite sick for a week when I had it in the fall of 2022. Most of my family started feeling better around that point (a week in), but I still felt congested and just not turning the corner like them. I went to urgent care on the 13th day since first symptom and sure enough, had a sinus infection. I’m prone to them and pretty much knew at that point, so I went in to get antibiotics. They did an X-ray on my chest too since I was still coughing, but thankfully it was clear. 

I hope you feel better soon!

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ugh, so I dug out the thermometer from my backpack of all places, and I DO have a low grade fever. No wonder I feel cruddy. I had insomnia last night (normal for me right after ovulation, sigh) and I'm sure the lack of sleep didn't help. I mean, I don't feel like I have a BAD sinus infection - I've had ones where I was ready to drill a hole in my skull. But I don't feel good, by any means. I think I'll buy some Mucinex in the morning as we ran out a few days ago and try that plus fluids and steam and if not better in a few more days will go in and get antibiotics or something. I would go now but in my experience they won't give them until you've been sick 14 days now, rather than the 10 it used to be. 

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Week 1 I had minor cold/ sinus symptoms.
Week 2 I was tired enough that I took an 1-2 hour nap most days even though I was still off work and only staying in one room of my house.

Week 3-3.5 I was coughing and sleeping 12-16 hours a night. I suspect I had bronchitis but it eased up before I was going to be seen by doctor


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9 hours ago, Acorn said:

Week 1 I had minor cold/ sinus symptoms.
Week 2 I was tired enough that I took an 1-2 hour nap most days even though I was still off work and only staying in one room of my house.

Week 3-3.5 I was coughing and sleeping 12-16 hours a night. I suspect I had bronchitis but it eased up before I was going to be seen by doctor


it's crazy the way people (myself included) are more fatigued AFTER 7 days than in the first few days! Or at least it seemed that way, maybe just because I stayed mostly in bed/laying down the first few days but then was up and trying to feed people and such after that (we were all already exposed and most of us already positive by then)

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I was actually less congested at bedtime last night than previous nights - only difference was I took some ibuprofen. I didn't sleep great (again, not unusual especially as I forgot to take my tiny dose of cannabis chocolate which I normally use to help me sleep) but feel better this morning than I have been. Maybe I turned the corner? 

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24 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

I was actually less congested at bedtime last night than previous nights - only difference was I took some ibuprofen. I didn't sleep great (again, not unusual especially as I forgot to take my tiny dose of cannabis chocolate which I normally use to help me sleep) but feel better this morning than I have been. Maybe I turned the corner? 

Fingers crossed! 

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Hugs.  I got sick last weekend with flu, been a week and still feeling pretty sick- congestion and tired.  I'm pretty sure I don't have an infection,  it's just this flu taking a long time to get over!  I hope you are better soon- I think we forget how long stuff lingers! 

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2 hours ago, ktgrok said:

it's crazy the way people (myself included) are more fatigued AFTER 7 days than in the first few days! Or at least it seemed that way, maybe just because I stayed mostly in bed/laying down the first few days but then was up and trying to feed people and such after that 

Covid seems to be one of those illnesses that really requires people to rest rather than push through (I understand when you’re a mom taking care of others, sometimes you just don’t have a choice). But rest as much as you can and don’t try to get right back to life sooner than you feel up to it. I hope you’re turning the corner and will have a full recovery very soon.

Can ‘Radical Rest’ Help With Long COVID Symptoms?

There’s growing evidence that overexertion and not getting enough rest in that acute phase of COVID-19 infection can make longer-term symptoms worse. 


eta: one more Why You Should Rest—a Lot—If You Have COVID-19

Yet another reason the whole “5 days and then back to work” policy is bad and ends up particularly hitting lower income workers the hardest—perhaps not surprisingly, a group that is disproportionately affected by long Covid. 

Edited by KSera
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5 hours ago, Ginevra said:

Do you have a pulse Oximeter? Lower oxygen levels in your blood will be fatiguing. 

yes, I have a finger one and my apple watch also takes readings. I tested the other day and it was 99-100%. Just checked now and after doing dishes for 20 minutes was 96% on my watch. Went and got the finger one and sat down and it was going between 96% and 98%. After sitting for a while checked again on finger one and between 98% and 99%. 

I know anything over 95 is considered normal, but I'm going to keep an eye on it because it is definitely lower today than a few days ago, which is a bit concerning....not upsetting, but I'll keep an eye on it better. No cough to speak of. 

3 hours ago, KSera said:

Covid seems to be one of those illnesses that really requires people to rest rather than push through (I understand when you’re a mom taking care of others, sometimes you just don’t have a choice). But rest as much as you can and don’t try to get right back to life sooner than you feel up to it. I hope you’re turning the corner and will have a full recovery very soon.

Can ‘Radical Rest’ Help With Long COVID Symptoms?

There’s growing evidence that overexertion and not getting enough rest in that acute phase of COVID-19 infection can make longer-term symptoms worse. 


eta: one more Why You Should Rest—a Lot—If You Have COVID-19

Yet another reason the whole “5 days and then back to work” policy is bad and ends up particularly hitting lower income workers the hardest—perhaps not surprisingly, a group that is disproportionately affected by long Covid. 

Yes, I remember reading that and it made sense to me, the people I know with Long Covid all had to push through symptoms while in the acute phase, and the more they did that the worse the outcome. So I actually laid in bed or in a recliner for 3 days other than getting up to make quick food for kids (like, throw nuggets in air fryer, heat up a pizza, quick spagetti with meat sauce, cut up apples, that kind of thing) and do a load of dishes a day. Heck, I didn't even do dishes for a few days because DH was off work still and he did them, and he did the laundry. I figured that was enough, lol. But here it is day 10 or 11 (10 if we count first day of symptoms as day 0) and I guess I still need to rest. But I mean...at some point my floors NEED to be vacuumed! I have a Roomba thing but I need to pick up the floors enough to run it or it gets confused. Plus pick up any small things that will get stuck in it. that's my only other goal today, to do that downstairs. Was going to vacuum using the regular vacuum upstairs, but that will wait. 


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Just did a Covid test - was positive in less than a minute. Sigh. 

Also checked temperature - 99.9 degrees F, which I know is technically not a fever, but I normally run cool so it is definitely elevated. Seems fever this long is unusual, but again, all the literature defines fever as over 100.4, so I guess who knows how many people are running low grade fevers like me at this point. I was sort of hoping the fever was from a secondary infection, or maybe a UTI or something...but given how quickly my Covid test turned positive I guess it is still active Covid. Blergh. 

I was supposed to meet with the pastor and some folks after church tomorrow, guess I won't be doing that 😞

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54 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

But I mean...at some point my floors NEED to be vacuumed! I have a Roomba thing but I need to pick up the floors enough to run it or it gets confused. Plus pick up any small things that will get stuck in it. that's my only other goal today, to do that downstairs. Was going to vacuum using the regular vacuum upstairs, but that will wait. 


Not by you they don’t. Seriously, it’s not going to hurt anyone if the floors are messy while you’re recovering and as soon as other people are recovered, they can do the floors and the dishes. Vacuuming is more exertion than I would be comfortable with someone doing at the stage of Covid you’re in. Seriously, take the weekend to lie on the couch and watch movies and have those who are feeling better bring you food and do the dishes. 

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4 minutes ago, KSera said:

Not by you they don’t. Seriously, it’s not going to hurt anyone if the floors are messy while you’re recovering and as soon as other people are recovered, they can do the floors and the dishes. Vacuuming is more exertion than I would be comfortable with someone doing at the stage of Covid you’re in. Seriously, take the weekend to lie on the couch and watch movies and have those who are feeling better bring you food and do the dishes. 

Right now I'm actually the only one home other than DS11, who is mostly better but still a bit tired. DH took both DDs to a local Maker Faire (they all are negative now, I was the last one to get sick and I guess last one to get better). DS24 went camping with friends (he's consistently tested negative - but he had covid about 2 months before our trip so likely was same strain and he was still immune). 

I picked up the floor - DH had actually already picked up/moved a bunch of stuff in the front room before he left, so it wasn't as much as I thought. (boxes and such for his work, etc). I just went around and picked up candy wrappers and fallen crayons and that kind of stuff, and made sure cords were not where they would get caught and then emptied and turned on the robot vacuum. Will be good enough. I just truly can't have all that hair/dust or my allergies will make me worse. 

Tomorrow I'll have DH vacuum our bedroom, and make sure the kids' do their laundry. (DD6 is already done)

I'm currently tucked in bed, and will stay here until my grocery order is delivered. Then will put groceries away and come back to bed. I have some towels I can fold from bed if I feel frisky, lol. 

Seriously though, this is crazy. I have sat around SO much. I may actually be getting sick of reading and that has never ever ever happened to me! And I have so many things I want to sew, but I just do not have the mental stamina to start that kind of thing. 

I figure if I'm up to it I can work on the budget - we have a YNAB subscription and I've not updated anything in it in months and months, so could reset that and stuff. Or something. Blergh

And I know I'm SOOOOOOOOO lucky to be able to sit around, have groceries delivered, etc. I really am...it breaks my heart to think of all the people forced back into a 9-5 job, single parents, etc. 

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groceries put away but now I don't want to cook. So since most of the family is gone I ordered DS a gluten free pizza from the local place and then put in a door dash order for a soup and salad combo for me from Panera. A salad and broccoli soup sounds SO good right now. 

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Katie, seriously, do a telemed and see if you can get some antibiotics for the sinus infection. My doc that treated us said he sees a lot of post-day 10 bronchitis and/or sinusitis as a follow on to the initial infection. He also treats with 3-5 days of steroids to break the "creeping inflammation" that seems to begin around day 10. He said it was worse for people with multiple infections; he's had 3, and the 2nd (an Omicron) was the worst.

Also, you could try using nasal rinses (not just spray in the nares) with the neti pot and colloidal silver or dilute hydrogen peroxide. My saline rinse of choice was very dilute betadine in saline, but it can sting.

I'm so sorry, and I hope you'll feel better soon.



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45 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

groceries put away but now I don't want to cook. So since most of the family is gone I ordered DS a gluten free pizza from the local place and then put in a door dash order for a soup and salad combo for me from Panera. A salad and broccoli soup sounds SO good right now. 

perfect!  Try to rest as much as you can.  ❤️  

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50 minutes ago, Halftime Hope said:

Katie, seriously, do a telemed and see if you can get some antibiotics for the sinus infection. My doc that treated us said he sees a lot of post-day 10 bronchitis and/or sinusitis as a follow on to the initial infection. He also treats with 3-5 days of steroids to break the "creeping inflammation" that seems to begin around day 10. He said it was worse for people with multiple infections; he's had 3, and the 2nd (an Omicron) was the worst.

Also, you could try using nasal rinses (not just spray in the nares) with the neti pot and colloidal silver or dilute hydrogen peroxide. My saline rinse of choice was very dilute betadine in saline, but it can sting.

I'm so sorry, and I hope you'll feel better soon.



My sinus stuff is actually getting better, didn't take any sinus/congestion meds today and can breathe fully through my nose. Now, as evening rolls around I'm maybe a little stuffy, but not bad. Also, I'm thinking with my Covid test being so quickly positive and dark that this is still just covid, not a new bacterial secondary infection. But, if I'm still feeling this way in a day or two I'll do an appointment somehow. 

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In fun news all this time in my bed has inspired me to get new bedding! I've had cheap microfiber sheets for forever, and I was inspired after staying in a hotel to get 100 percent cotton sheets - got one set of percale and one set sateen. So much nicer. I also ordered (after lots of research when I was bored and laying around) a down alternative mattress pad, down all season comforter, and two down/feather pillows. Those all come tomorrow. I also got two new regular poly pillows, but extra firm, for propping up with to watch TV and they will go behind the nicer new pillows that are coming. 

So at least I'm going to be comfortable as I recuperate, lol. Right now just having the cotton sheets/pillowcases and the new firm pillows means I'm comfy as I sort of watch TV and scroll the internet. 

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11 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

In fun news all this time in my bed has inspired me to get new bedding! I've had cheap microfiber sheets for forever, and I was inspired after staying in a hotel to get 100 percent cotton sheets - got one set of percale and one set sateen. So much nicer. I also ordered (after lots of research when I was bored and laying around) a down alternative mattress pad, down all season comforter, and two down/feather pillows. Those all come tomorrow. I also got two new regular poly pillows, but extra firm, for propping up with to watch TV and they will go behind the nicer new pillows that are coming. 

So at least I'm going to be comfortable as I recuperate, lol. Right now just having the cotton sheets/pillowcases and the new firm pillows means I'm comfy as I sort of watch TV and scroll the internet. 

lol, this is making me want to get sick as an excuse to get all new bedding.  🙂  Glad you are resting and feeling comfortable, and hope you love all your new stuff. 

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You are better off resting now than pushing to get back into the swing of things too early. My first week of covid wasnt bad, but the second week had a lot more coughing and fever and chills. I started to do better the third week. It took me a few months to get back to my full exercise schedule without dizziness and being out of breath.

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I'm so sorry your recovery is taking a bit!  Hoping you have time to rest and it won't be long until you are 100%.  I know lingering symptoms or fatique aren't unusual.  

Did you have the most recent vaccine?  Or had it been a while?

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18 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

You are better off resting now than pushing to get back into the swing of things too early. My first week of covid wasnt bad, but the second week had a lot more coughing and fever and chills. I started to do better the third week. It took me a few months to get back to my full exercise schedule without dizziness and being out of breath.

Same for me.  I made it a point to rest as much as possible for quite a while.  Months, I think.

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Rest up! It sounds like you may be turning the corner. I am also curious if you already had the recent booster?

And oh goodness, reading his thread really makes me wonder why the general public and the administration is willing to tolerate this level of year-round covid spread. I hear of people (including people in their 20s and 30s) being in bed with a "cold" unable to function, others have "pneumonia" (nobody mentions covid, though),...Maybe I didn't use to pay attention as much, but this level of sickness was not that common in the pre-covid past. A major local employer got rid of their hepa purifiers over the summer - heard through the grapevine that it was too expensive to change the filters.


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25 minutes ago, catz said:

I'm so sorry your recovery is taking a bit!  Hoping you have time to rest and it won't be long until you are 100%.  I know lingering symptoms or fatique aren't unusual.  

Did you have the most recent vaccine?  Or had it been a while?

I did have the new vaccine, on October 2nd. Got sick October 24th. So booster was almost 3 weeks before I got sick, but I guess maybe not quite enough time between. Who knows. 

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2 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

I did have the new vaccine, on October 2nd. Got sick October 24th. So booster was almost 3 weeks before I got sick, but I guess maybe not quite enough time between. Who knows. 

Shoot, that’s pretty discouraging. I mean, I know the primary point is to decrease risk of bad outcomes, and that it has a much smaller effect on preventing infection than it used to, but three weeks should be right in the zone where protection is reaching maximum. Do you mind sharing which shot you had and how long since your previous vaccine? You’re the first breakthrough of the new vaccine of anyone I know. I had a wild hope it was going to be better than expected this round. This disease just sucks 😔

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2 hours ago, ktgrok said:

My sinus stuff is actually getting better, didn't take any sinus/congestion meds today and can breathe fully through my nose. Now, as evening rolls around I'm maybe a little stuffy, but not bad. Also, I'm thinking with my Covid test being so quickly positive and dark that this is still just covid, not a new bacterial secondary infection. But, if I'm still feeling this way in a day or two I'll do an appointment somehow. 

By my count, you're on day 11ish, so the LFT can definitely still be positive. I hope you continue to see improvement, especially so you can sleep well. 

From what I've seen, you would do well to fully enjoy the new bedding and gets lots of rest 🙂 and as much sun as you can tolerate; the photobiomodulation studies say sunlight it is effective even through light clothing because the NIR light penetrates to about 8cm.

Best wishes. 

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1 hour ago, KSera said:

Shoot, that’s pretty discouraging. I mean, I know the primary point is to decrease risk of bad outcomes, and that it has a much smaller effect on preventing infection than it used to, but three weeks should be right in the zone where protection is reaching maximum. Do you mind sharing which shot you had and how long since your previous vaccine? You’re the first breakthrough of the new vaccine of anyone I know. I had a wild hope it was going to be better than expected this round. This disease just sucks 😔

Ugh, I’m not positive when last one was about a year ago? Maybe a bit longer actually- I had held off boosting as I was waiting until mom came home, then when she did I was waiting on the new formulation. All shots have been Pfizer. 
to be fair I had a lot of viral load as kids got sick first and I was caring for them and my immune system was stressed from travel, altitude change, dry air when I’m used to Florida humidity, and lack of sleep (was waking up on East coast time but going to bed on mountain time plus waking up to check on the kids, strange rooms, etc. 

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1 hour ago, KSera said:

Shoot, that’s pretty discouraging. I mean, I know the primary point is to decrease risk of bad outcomes, and that it has a much smaller effect on preventing infection than it used to, but three weeks should be right in the zone where protection is reaching maximum. Do you mind sharing which shot you had and how long since your previous vaccine? You’re the first breakthrough of the new vaccine of anyone I know. I had a wild hope it was going to be better than expected this round. This disease just sucks 😔

Yes, that is discouraging! Especially since your illness really isn't all that "mild" (I know, I know, it is officially mild...). Of course, who knows how bad it would have been without the booster - you must have been at close to maximum protection. Hope you continue to improve!

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2 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

3 times in 13 months

Yikes. I hope she’s recovering well. I’m hoping it was a matter of it being too close to her booster, but if she’s getting it that frequently, perhaps she’s just one who doesn’t have a good immune response to the virus or the vaccine. 

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