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"I need you guys to take turns drilling this afternoon!"

We have a stainless steel work table from a restaurant store and have been drilling holes in it for hooks so I can hang curtains to hide all the stuff on the shelf (we have our crock pots, canner, and loaf pans there, with 5-gallon buckets of grains and beans on the floor so it doesn't look very pretty). Well, the drilling takes HOURS for each hole so I have my kids grab a book and take turns drilling. 

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"Maybe next time when you are learning a gymnastic move practice on something softer than cement."

Said after DD tells us she fell and hit her head on the cement because she was practicing her handstands.  

Her response, "It wasn't my first time doing this move. I've done it plenty of times in the swimming pool."

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One of the few words DS mispronounced when he was very little (beyond his speech dyspraxia) was Off, which he pronounced Boff, while pointing furiously at anything he deemed out of order.

So began the often repeated mantra in my house "We don't live in a museum", meaning it's ok that there's a speck of dust on the baseboards or crumbs on the table while he was eating. How it took 20 years to recognize the OCD is beyond me 🤦‍♀️

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"I turned the faucet on for the cat".

We've all said it actually. One of our cats will only drink from the bathroom faucet. Either bathroom. We tried several types of pet fountains and she turns her nose up at them. She won't drink from a water bowl. The problem is that it's easy to turn on the faucet then not wait for her to finish drinking. We've left it running to often so now we tell at least one other person in the house in case we forget to turn it off.


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8 hours ago, Lady Florida. said:

"I turned the faucet on for the cat".

We've all said it actually. One of our cats will only drink from the bathroom faucet. Either bathroom. We tried several types of pet fountains and she turns her nose up at them. She won't drink from a water bowl. The problem is that it's easy to turn on the faucet then not wait for her to finish drinking. We've left it running to often so now we tell at least one other person in the house in case we forget to turn it off.


Exact same in our house! What's up with faucet kitties? (We have a fountain too which she won't even acknowledge, it's only the sink for her lol)

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On 9/15/2023 at 10:09 PM, Lady Florida. said:

"I turned the faucet on for the cat".

We've all said it actually. One of our cats will only drink from the bathroom faucet. Either bathroom. We tried several types of pet fountains and she turns her nose up at them. She won't drink from a water bowl. The problem is that it's easy to turn on the faucet then not wait for her to finish drinking. We've left it running to often so now we tell at least one other person in the house in case we forget to turn it off.


We finally found a fountain but they go to the sink when they see DH, the suckered, enter the kitchen. I have debated a motion actived faucet tyat shuts off automatically and teaching the cats how to trigger it. 

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My nephew recently started using the potty and went through a very pronounced "potty tourist" phase where he would ask everyone he met if there were a big boy and if he could see their "uddaware" and their potty.  

His older sister got sick of it, and told him he couldn't ask the dentist about his uddaware or his potty because the dentist was a "professional" which nephew accepted as if it was a logical fact.

So, this led to people saying things like "remember Great Aunt Hortense" (94 and back in diapers) is a professional! so he wouldn't embarrass her.  Or "remember Henry (another 2 year old coming over on a playdate) is a professional" so people wouldn't think he was bragging. 

We are pretty sure he thinks that "professional" means "wears diapers" which has led to lots of laughter of what he thinks about the NFL.  

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On 9/15/2023 at 6:30 AM, MEmama said:

One of the few words DS mispronounced when he was very little (beyond his speech dyspraxia) was Off, which he pronounced Boff, while pointing furiously at anything he deemed out of order.

So began the often repeated mantra in my house "We don't live in a museum", meaning it's ok that there's a speck of dust on the baseboards or crumbs on the table while he was eating. How it took 20 years to recognize the OCD is beyond me 🤦‍♀️

The only way we ever figured out diagnoses of some of our kids was in comparing them to the other ones. If you only have one, it's a lot harder!

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