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Weather this week

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It's hot hot hot here too with 10000% humidity, it feels like. I'm glad I'm not in Texas but it's still miserable. 

Watering watering watering my plants and my animals. 

I'm hoping the heat doesn't ruin my garden. Some years it gets like that, so hot that it basically scorches everything, even with watering. (I wonder if I can rig a tarp over the cucumbers, green beans, and melons? Those seem to be the ones that really suffer in the heat. The tomatoes, peppers, corn, and sweet potatoes seem to manage fine. Hmm...filing that thought away) 

I put a few loads of clean clothing out to dry on the deck this morning after washing. May as well use the heat for something useful, and help with the electric bill and power grid. Besides, its so hot, I can dry several loads faster outside than in the dryer. 

I woke up at 4:30 this morning unable to go back to sleep because I was so hot (some of that is hormones, thanks perimenopause) It's definitely worse when the humidity is this high. I went to the sofa to turn on the ceiling fan and cool down without freezing my dh, but couldn't' sleep because the sofa makes my hips and shoulders hurt (getting old is the pits) So I'm groggy and tired. Maybe a nap in a bit.

I pulled all the shades and drapes to keep the sun out today to help our AC manage. I'm not turning it down though. Our bill will be high enough.

Oh, and I found a poor drowned bird in one of our water troughs. Poor thing needed a drink I guess and fell in. I hate that. I did put out a shallow pan for the birds in the barn. 

I can forget about eggs this week. The hens protest the heat by shutting down egg production.

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The weather here can't make up its mind. The forecasts are not particularly helpful. It's far too dry, but it's also not particularly hot, though it's warming up. 

We really, really need rain. Clouds blow through without dropping much moisture.

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Yesterday was miserable, high humidity and hot (laugh all you want southerners, 78 is hot to me!). I was pretty much passed out under the ceiling fan with the cats all day.

Today it's back to the 60's, much more reasonable for June IMO. We've had lots of rain and more predicted for tonight. 

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3 minutes ago, MEmama said:

Yesterday was miserable, high humidity and hot (laugh all you want southerners, 78 is hot to me!). I was pretty much passed out under the ceiling fan with the cats all day.

Today it's back to the 60's, much more reasonable for June IMO. We've had lots of rain and more predicted for tonight. 

You can laugh at me when I'm whining about 25 degrees and snow and ice. 🙂 

I will agree with you 78 and high humidity is pretty uncomfortable, especially if you don't have A/C in the house to get away from the heat.

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Oddly chilly for summer.  About 12 degrees Celsuis. Kind of strange since the fire is still going like crazy so you would think it would be hot just from that.  Last week sweating like crazy, today I put a sweater on!!

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Michigan, Lake Huron:

We have had a drop in temps. In the 70's the next three days, rain last night and again today which was desperately needed. High winds were predicted last night, and we didn't get them which is so nice. It is humid inside due to the moisture.

The coming weekend, the temps go up about 5°. If it doesn't rain, it will be perfect sailing weather so we have high hopes. Our kids are coming home for sailing and kayaking.

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Soupy in Vermont - the smoke was crazy thick yesterday too. It was only about 77 today but everything feels wet and the air is heavy. Off and on showers and hardly any breeze. Ugh. I'll take 10 degrees and driving snow over this any day. 

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7 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

Michigan, Lake Huron:

We have had a drop in temps. In the 70's the next three days, rain last night and again today which was desperately needed. High winds were predicted last night, and we didn't get them which is so nice. It is humid inside due to the moisture.

The coming weekend, the temps go up about 5°. If it doesn't rain, it will be perfect sailing weather so we have high hopes. Our kids are coming home for sailing and kayaking.

Missing Mi weather! One time in jr high, I went with a friend and her family to their trailer in a park in Port Huron in mid-June. We decided we wanted to “lay out”, so put jackets and pants on to go out the trailer door (lake facing) and run around to the deck (in the sun between their trailer and the next) strip to bathing suits and laid there comfortably warm shielded from the lake breezes. Her mom thought we were nuts til she actually walked around to our side of the trailer and found it hospitable! 
Dd18 is working at a summer camp in New Hampshire, having grown up here and says she’s freezing and how can they possibly expect her to go into the lake as a life guard when it is so cold! 😆

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Central AL here, and it's finally feeling like summer. We aren't usually this lucky. The "air you can wear" usually kicks in about mid May. We have had unusually low dewpoints up until last week. Today was miserable. Definitely back to "air you can wear". And we are forecast to hit 103 before the end of the week. 

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5 minutes ago, popmom said:

I have been worried about my S.A. friends. That is brutal even for south tx standards. 

It's so stupidly hot here.  

DS14 said today "It feels like the start of the pandemic because we can't go anywhere!" I said "Now you know why we school in the summer! Might as well get work done now and take a long break in the fall at winter!"

I'm taking him to the library tomorrow and we might hit up the McNay museum on Thursday, just to get out of the house. 

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10 minutes ago, Shoeless said:

It's so stupidly hot here.  

DS14 said today "It feels like the start of the pandemic because we can't go anywhere!" I said "Now you know why we school in the summer! Might as well get work done now and take a long break in the fall at winter!"

I'm taking him to the library tomorrow and we might hit up the McNay museum on Thursday, just to get out of the house. 

We always did school in summer when we lived there, too! 

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Since mid-April we have been having gorgeous weather in Warsaw Poland. Sunny and 60s-70s every day. I think I just really appreciate the sun more, since we barely saw it for 5 months. Spring/summer here seems to be just absolutely amazing weather. Almost makes up for those dreary winter months.

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It was hot in UK terms last week, given that air conditioning is rare.  This is a welcome rainy week - it's making it to around 70 degrees F most days, with showery moments every few hours.  The burn/stream in the village is very low, so we definitely need the rain.

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We are under a heat advisory, as well, even though the sky is completely covered in clouds and it's going to rain. And it's going to rain the day after that and the day after that and on and on and on... I can't remember a year so hot or a year with so much rain. It's normal for us to get rain this time of year but it's usually an afternoon affair where the mornings and evenings are clear. The Sunshine State has become a misnomer for Florida. Yuck.

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It is raining again. Good for us, good for our agricultural community, and much needed to keep Great Lakes levels up. But I am also sad because the grass is definitely going to grow, and that means mowing. We really need to plant o get rid of the grass and get a low growing ground cover or just cover everything but a few walkways and a spot for the dog with gardens.

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It rained a bit last evening, but it was a short pouring kind of rain shower. Today is cloudy, cool, and sticky. It's very still, so with no wind and lots of clouds, the air quality has jumped back to the red zone (stinging eyes and headaches outdoors). I am masking outdoors when I remember to. We have our air filters running a bunch.

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It is lovely and sunny today, without being too hot, and without being too smokey thank goodness.   Internal weather of the house:  one very grumpy teenager who is tired of helping mom pack up the house to move.  Possibly storm ahead, with internet outage likely due to mom tucking it somewhere hidden until she gets help.  

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Southern Arkansas here and it’s so hot that I won’t let the kids get in the pool until this afternoon, the sun is too strong, I’m afraid they’ll burn quickly even with sunblock.  High of 99, supposed to break 100 every day the rest of the week.  It’s only 60% humidity though, which is a blessing here.  Our feels like is 108.  

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4 hours ago, Faith-manor said:

It is raining again. Good for us, good for our agricultural community, and much needed to keep Great Lakes levels up. But I am also sad because the grass is definitely going to grow, and that means mowing. We really need to plant o get rid of the grass and get a low growing ground cover or just cover everything but a few walkways and a spot for the dog with gardens.

We have a very small yard and it's been my goal to get rid of most the "lawn". Nearly every year I make progress, last year we added a small stone patio in the backyard which removed a decent chunk, this year we are creating and extending a front bed. It's hard work with all the roots, but our grass is crappy--mostly weeds and moss--and DS has been a huge help. I have to say I'm happy with how it's turning out.

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@Pawz4me how did you hold up in yesterday's storms?  I was just up north of y'all in King and we some isolated lightning but that's it.  My friend in Lexington got pellets by marble sized hail.

I flew out early this morning to Newark and as we were coming to a landing got word that my flight to Boston was delayed.  I asked if any of my friends were in the area and going back to Boston this afternoon.  My next door neighbors were 30 minutes away going home soon.  I ubered to meet them,  got a bonus grocery shop at a kosher grocery store,  and am almost home.  The plane is still on the ground in Newark. 

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4 minutes ago, YaelAldrich said:

@Pawz4me how did you hold up in yesterday's storms?  I was just up north of y'all in King and we some isolated lightning but that's it.  My friend in Lexington got pellets by marble sized hail.

Same as your friend—we got marble sized hail for about 10 or 15 minutes. It was intense but thankfully we don’t seem to have any damage. 

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1 hour ago, YaelAldrich said:

@Pawz4me how did you hold up in yesterday's storms?  I was just up north of y'all in King and we some isolated lightning but that's it.  My friend in Lexington got pellets by marble sized hail.

I flew out early this morning to Newark and as we were coming to a landing got word that my flight to Boston was delayed.  I asked if any of my friends were in the area and going back to Boston this afternoon.  My next door neighbors were 30 minutes away going home soon.  I ubered to meet them,  got a bonus grocery shop at a kosher grocery store,  and am almost home.  The plane is still on the ground in Newark. 

Lucky! Glad you got home ok--and early!

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