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When you want to waste a few minutes online . . .

Jenny in Florida

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what do you do (besides read this board, obviously)?

I spend so much time sitting at my computer for work and school, and sometimes I just want to take a quick brain break. I can (and do) get up and walk around the house, take the dog outside, get the mail, do a quick chore, etc. But sometimes I just need to shift focus to something without actually leaving the room.

Generally, I read this board, check the news, read email, stop by my favorite blog (Epbot.com, in case anyone else needs something) . . .

But lately I've been running out of fresh material. 

I don't have (or want) Facebook, and my Instagram feed is pretty boring. 

In previous years, I always had something I was researching, but I'm fresh out of that stuff, too. (No curriculum to buy or build, nothing much to shop for.)

What do you do when you just want to look at something fun for a few minutes?

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My new time-passer is One Room Challenge. It is a collection of blogger/designers making over different rooms in the house. I don't read the blogs so much as just browse the make-over photos to get ideas and inspiration to decorate and organize my house.

I could do the same thing on Pinterest, but this is more focused on one subject.

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49 minutes ago, Jaybee said:

It's for a really short time each day, but I play daily SET. They used to have it set up more like the game, which I preferred because I could do it as long as I wanted, as many times as I wanted, but I can't find that anymore.

I play Set weekly with my students in my study skills class. They LOVE it! And now many play at home as their brain break time. 

I spend a lot of time on Pintrest and Facebook Marketplace. 

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I watch The Dodo (pet rescue videos) on YouTube. I also like the series Attitude on YouTube, about people with various challenges (usually disabilities). 

I got hooked on a documentary series about Harrow, the posh boy's boarding school in England. I think it's on Amazon prime...

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Let’s see.  I like to look at Pinterest.  I choose to look at things that make me happy.  I like to look at food blogs, mostly when I’m hungry.  I look at YouTube a lot.  I look at videos of women cleaning their houses, doing crafts or simple renovations to get inspiration.  Sometimes I look at travel videos, things about culture or random documentary-type stuff.  However, a lot of the time I’m tired and can’t absorb anything remotely complicated.  
I sometimes play word games online but that is to deal with stress and addictive.  
I look at my local Reddit to find out about things locally and some news but that is depressing. 
I’d like to find out about more good YouTube channels to watch.  

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30 minutes ago, Kanin said:

I watch The Dodo (pet rescue videos) on YouTube. I also like the series Attitude on YouTube, about people with various challenges (usually disabilities). 

I got hooked on a documentary series about Harrow, the posh boy's boarding school in England. I think it's on Amazon prime...

I love The Dodo. My family knows that if I’m at my computer bawling my eyes out, I’m watching Dodo videos!

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1 hour ago, Spryte said:

Oh yes! Zillow. I love looking at houses in different areas. 

Thought I was the only one! 

Also, virtual travel via Google Earth or Maps (satellite images)

Pinterest. I don’t think any time spent on Pinterest is wasted. 😉

Edited by popmom
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1 hour ago, CTVKath said:

YouTube. Diane in Denmark. Bob and Brad (the most famous physical therapists on the internet - in their opinion of course!). But First, Coffee. Say Yes to the Dress. Dr. John Campbell. Gary Pilarchik (The Rusted Gardner). I like a variety!

Diane in Denmark is a favorite of mine, too!

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Listening, as I could use some new ideas too!

Games: Solitaire, Fight List, and Fight List 2. 

Pinterest: mostly recipes, and boxer puppies.  

youtube: Angie Hot & Flashy, Stephanie Marie, Dr. Dray, and Lisa J. I have no idea why these are the only things I watch on YouTube since I wear makeup maaaaayyyybe once a week lol. Mostly I like the skin care stuff, more than the makeup stuff. 

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