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monthly mortgage

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I'm wondering if I understand the question. Our mortgage is $345.00 per month. We also pay approximately $75 per month in property taxes and homeowners insurance (required by our lender). We live in an appx 2000 sqft farm house on 17.5 acres of land.


Where do you live w/ a 350 mort. w/that much acreage and big house. I am moving tomorrow.

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including taxes and insurance. 30 yr fixed (oh how I envy those 15 yr mortgage holders). Put some down from the sale of our townhouse in '01. Watched the market go from RED HOT (selling in 24 hours for double what we paid) to hope we can find a buyer someday....


2200 sq ft finished (+ unfinished basement), two car garage, 1/3 acre, 12 yr old colonial in currently less than desirable neighborhood.


It's home.



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We have two houses - couldn't sell our Florida house. The Florida house has a standard mortgage and that runs about $850 a month PITI. Our house that we actually live in South Carolina is $1000 PITI. The SC house is a home equity loan, so it is a higher interest rate than our first mortgage. We rent the house in Florida and that pays $1500 that covers the principal and interest for both houses. We count on our great tax write off equaling a great tax return to pay the taxes and insurance in annual payments for both houses. If we can ever sell the Florida house, we should be darn close to being completely without a house payment. That would bring our payments down to about $100 a month for taxes and insurance.

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It's a hard number for me to pin down. Rather than a mortgage, we have a home equity line of credit. It is split into a few different loans. We have an investment loan, and the payments are $970/mo. Other than this we had no mortgage on our previous home. We needed more space to accommodate our business, so we moved into a larger house, but are trying to pay off the extra cost of our new home in 3-5 years. Because of this, we have accelerated bi-weekly payments of $350 every two weeks (15 year amortization), and we pay an additional $400/month in principal and will be making an annual lump sum payment.


Investment loan - $970/mo.

Accelerated mortgage payments - $1100/mo.

Taxes - $230/mo.

Insurance - $850/yr.


Our house is about 3850 square feet in a fairly decent neighborhood. Our city is considered one of the most expensive places to live in Canada. Our house was $631,000 when we bought it in April of this year, but the amount borrowed against our home is less than 50% of that, including the investment loan.


Note: In Canada, mortgage interest is not tax deductible, so it makes sense to pay it down quickly. Money borrowed for an investment is considered a carrying charge, and the interest is tax deductible.


Whew. That's way more information than you asked for :001_smile:. I miss the days when our personal finances were much simpler.



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