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I just want to thank the Hive for how much a part of my life you’ve been over the years.


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I thought the same thing as the PP when I saw the message. Terabith, I hope you’re ok, and not going into hiding somewhere because the monolith has sprung to life and is now threatening to beam you and your family to a distant planet somewhere!

(Seriously, a little clarification might be needed here for those of us with overactive imaginations!)

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Thanks, to you also, Terabith!  💐

The family listens respectfully when I say I heard it on WTM!  We couldn’t have homeschooled without the hive helping from early elementary (early 2000s...whenever forums began) to college applications and beyond (special shoutout to @Kareni for being my personal coach with college apps!); I will never forget the time our daughter’s hair got stuck in a brush on Christmas night and you all helped and cared (about a dozen years ago)!  There’s so much, but, thanks Terabith especially for the monolith ... it has just opened up a whole universe of humor at WTM & our household!

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A couple of times that the hive really saved me come to mind.

One was about 12 years ago. My then 2 year old was having such massive, unprovoked tantrums (telling me she wanted me to hurt her and that she wished she could be hit by a car) that I really feared she would one day need to be institutionalized. The sage mommas here all calmly informed me that what I was seeing was food allergies. Guess what it was? Food allergies. 

When she was about 6, a friend was over and at the spur of the moment, said she wanted to take Dd with them to their family reunion. She threw some of DD’s clothes in a bag and off they went. When she returned, my kid, she said the only issue was all of her relatives asking, “Why aren’t your kids as polite as your guest?” I said such a prayer of gratitude to the people here for teaching me why my kid was acting out. 

Then there was the time, 11 years ago, this week when you guys helped me count contractions because I’d never had a baby who wasn’t induced before. 

And you kept me company when my now 22 year old was bitten by a copperhead. Dh was with her at the ER, but you guys were talking me down and explaining how the bite wasn’t as dangerous as I thought. 

You bought soap from my oldest when I feared she would never be able to go to college. And too many time to list, you kept me honest, and kept me humble and pointed out the error in my argument. 

I would have had a much more difficult time and a much lonelier time parenting without the WTM Aunties.  

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I will add my Thank you too,I have finished homescholing my kids. Ds is almost 23 now he is the that had his open heart surgery in 2014 and I posted through Catwoman, graduated UG has his 1st job and started working from home.

DD almost 20 is about to get done with her UG earlier than expected.

I have been here for over 12 years now and have greatly appreciated all the wisdom I get from the hive. Thank you all and SWB

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I am grateful for this group! It's been a great place to come and get objective opinions, which is sometimes hard for the people in your every day life. 

My ds is a senior, and I came on here 12.5 years ago, so you've been with me through out his schooling. Dd is grown, and you  walked me through homeschooling middle and high school for the first time. 

I only wish I could meet more of you in real life! 


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