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Prayers and good thoughts please.


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I think I have hit the limit of what I can deal with, and I just can't stop crying. This year is just hell. Lost my father-in-law in March, my brother lost his battle with cancer last week, and I just found out my beloved dog has lymphoma. The two weeks before my brother died I was very emotional, but after his death I just went kind of emotionally flat. As soon as I got off the phone with my vet the tears started and I can't seem to stop crying. I made an appointment with a vet. oncologist for Thursday. I just can't lose my dog. He's my baby. Our vet says they've been having good results with chemo, so I'm trying to be hopeful, but I feel like hope never comes through anymore...

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((((dsmith)))) I'm just like you. Our animals are our furry babies. (I also think they get more babyish the older they get.)

I also have a friend whose dog had chemo and seven years later he's still here making us laugh. The vets have so, so much for cancer.

I'm so sorry for all you've been through. And I'm so very sorry about your brother and father-in-law.

Just know, you're not alone.



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@dsmith I'm so sorry.  That is too much in such a short amount of time. ❤️ 

Don't lose all hope for your fur baby. I used to be a vet tech, and there is so much they can do for pets with cancer now.  I'm talking years of good quality, enjoyable life.  I'm hoping your vet can help you put together a treatment plan that gives you so much time with your pet. ❤️ 

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Thanks everyone, it really helps seeing all the well wishes and stories of recovery. I just let myself be a total wreck yesterday - I think I needed it. Lots of pent up grief inside that needed to come out. We have an appointment on Thursday with the veterinary oncologist. He wasn't the first recommendation from our vet but we felt that waiting over two weeks would not be good, and our vet agrees. He does recommend who we're seeing and says he is very very good, and that they are having great success treating lymphoma, that dogs tolerate treatment well, so I am letting myself feel a little hopeful. Here's a recent picture. He's an 11 year old puggle named Oreo. 


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