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POTUS and FLOTUS have Covid-19


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31 minutes ago, Happy2BaMom said:

The continual dismissal of the experiences of the ill and the dead on the part of some conservatives is really rather....morally disappointing is the kindest phrase I can come up with. 

QFT. These are real people who are dying, people with families who love them. Looking at the excess death totals, it is clear these people would not have died when they did were it not for covid and for people in authority downplaying it.

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5 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

Are we? The statistics say we are in the main, and I have no particular hubris about it. We mask, we are careful, we isolated entirely when we were sick, and notified everyone of each exposure to help them risk manage before going anywhere, each time. 

You‘re reading into this, I have zero pride or arrogance about it. I was sharing the experience here in my circle. Even our local hospitals have chilled their protocols considerably. So, meh. It is what it is, I’m glad we are past it. But there is no particular pride factor in just doing life and making adjustments when sick.

Yes, particularly given your health issues, you are lucky. The fact that you don’t have an ounce of humility about that is what it is.

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1 minute ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

Again, I’m referring to how it occurred here. Nothing particularly dramatic or alarming, even among the highest risk of us (me and the older folks). By far not the biggest fish in my life I’m frying right now. 

Regardless of what it going on in your personal life, and regardless of your personal experiences with the virus, "meh" is perhaps not the right word to choose when speaking of a virus that is killing hundreds of thousands of people. You are smart enough to know that.

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2 minutes ago, MercyA said:

Regardless of what it going on in your personal life, and regardless of your personal experiences with the virus, "meh" is perhaps not the right word to choose when speaking of a virus that is killing hundreds of thousands of people. You are smart enough to know that.

She didn't talk about the virus in general. She was talking about how it treated her.


I lost a friend to complications from flu. That does not mean that when I was talking about getting the flu that I treat it as dreadful. I'd talk about the symptoms it affected me.

You can be aware of the potential for serious complications and still be realistic about how it affected you and your family. I get in a car and drive it everyday without acknowledging  the thousands that end up dead in accidents, after all.

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20 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

That is entirely beside my point. Some people getting extremely sick or dying doesn’t change that most do not.

I was specifically talking about here, in my circle, with the positives I know.


Nowhere in your post I quoted did you indicate that you were specifically talking about your circle.


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1 minute ago, vonfirmath said:

She didn't talk about the virus in general. She was talking about how it treated her.


I lost a friend to complications from flu. That does not mean that when I was talking about getting the flu that I treat it as dreadful. I'd talk about the symptoms it affected me.

You can be aware of the potential for serious complications and still be realistic about how it affected you and your family. I get in a car and drive it everyday without thinking about the thousands that end up dead in accidents, after all.

The flu has not killed nearly 210k people in US alone in 7 months.

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Getting back to the topic at hand: When people in positions of authority deliberately lie about the seriousness of a virus, openly encourage people not to take precautions, and refuse to do what needs to be done to slow spread, I make no apologies for feeling that justice has--in a very, very small way--been served when those same people contract the virus themselves.

We are called to love our enemies and pray for those in authority over us. But God in heaven "laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming." Psalm 37:13

God have mercy on us all.

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1 minute ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

How do you know? Do you know me? Can you hear my tone or read my mind? I’m not the one pointing at other people and judging their reactions or precautions, and proclaiming my own to be superior.

Not being freaked out beyond reason or terrified to meet in a group with precautions doesn’t translate to ‘zero humility’ or arrogance or a lack of sympathy. These are baseless accusations. 

Was I lucky? Sort of ish?considering in that even among my risk factor group fully 90+% of us need zero medical treatment at all, and the fatalities appear to be under a percent still. As far as statistics go, I ended up doing well. No particular reason beyond God’s Providence, and I don’t attribute it to my attitude or good fortune or fastidious health practices. It’s literally the opposite of hubris. It just is, and now we move on. The friend who most recently was exposed hasn’t had any additional positives in her family and no symptoms too, not among any of the coworkers or patients either. 

I swear this board lives for the outrage dopamine hit 👎

FTR—I hope my post did not convey outrage, as yours has, because I feel none. You are who you are. I am who I am. I’m sure our respective tones, after all these years, are well understood.

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1 minute ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

I’m not the one pointing at other people and judging their reactions


I swear this board lives for the outrage dopamine hit 👎

No judgment? 

Could it be that we actually care that people are dying, and are not just looking for a "dopamine hit"?

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58 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

Wishing him a speedy recovery. It’s going around here again too but almost everyone is asymptomatic, including the friend who exposed me the other day. The hospitalization rate even among the elderly has been very low, so I’m hoping it’s better treatment, lower complication rates overall, or some other factor that is really making it barely even a cold for almost all of us.

Maybe viral load? I think that one is pretty conclusively tied to less serious cases, unlike treatment, which isn't doing much as @TCBsays. 

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It is impossible for me not to think, “Well what did he expect?”

A pandemic has swept the world.  Hundreds of nations are on different levels of lockdown.  Trump lied to the people of this nation and downplayed the virus.  He continues to go out and about without taking precautions, knowing full well that it’s dangerous to do so for himself and others.

I’m not sure if I’m glad he’s sick, but more like, “Well...of course he caught it.  Duh.”  It’s rather like he made a bed and is now lying in it.  There is some poetic justice in it, but I’m not sure I can say I’m glad. Just...there’s poetic justice is all.


ETA:  If he was just some guy on the street, I think I’d have more compassion. But since he has led millions of Americans astray, it’s harder for me to feel compassion for him. What I hope comes from this, is that he changes his stance so that people who adore him will start taking better care of themselves and others throughout this pandemic. And maybe this was the only way to make that happen.

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7 minutes ago, kand said:

Was this several months ago, early on when you had said you were pretty sure you all had it but weren’t tested, or do you mean you all got sick again recently and tested positive for Covid? Either way, I’m glad you and your family are all okay. 

I'm also curious if this is now or before. 

Also, @Bagels McGruffikin, did you post on the "personal experiences" thread? I'd like to hear only about the people with confirmation of their case, though, but you can list your acquaintances. 

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4 minutes ago, Garga said:

It is impossible for me not to think, “Well what did he expect?”

A pandemic has swept the world.  Hundreds of nations are on different levels of lockdown.  Trump lied to the people of this nation and downplayed the virus.  He continues to go out and about without taking precautions, knowing full well that it’s dangerous to do so for himself and others.

I’m not sure if I’m glad he’s sick, but more like, “Well...of course he caught it.  Duh.”  It’s rather like he made a bed and is now lying in it.  There is some poetic justice in it, but I’m not sure I can say I’m glad. Just...there’s poetic justice is all.


ETA:  If he was just some guy on the street, I think I’d have more compassion. But since he has led millions of Americans astray, it’s harder for me to feel compassion for him. What I hope comes from this, is that he changes his stance so that people who adore him will start taking better care of themselves and others throughout this pandemic. And maybe this was the only way to make that happen.

Your ETA is what I hope and have observed. The closer significant complications from CONFIRMED positives come, the more likely folks are to take this seriously. Sure, there are those who don’t need to touch the flame to know it’s hot but this kind of experience seems to help experiential learners. I’m not sure POTUS is one of those tho.

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38 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

That is entirely beside my point. Some people getting extremely sick or dying doesn’t change that most do not.

I was specifically talking about here, in my circle, with the positives I know. Almost all of us have had next to no symptoms or it’s been barely a cold - maybe some taste gone and some running nose, or fatigue. That’s a fact from here on the ground, in my current group of acquaintances. We have had maybe two dozen positives in the last month now, and nobody has done more than quarantine at home. As far as I know zero hospitalizations, no steroids, nothing.

So, yeah. Some people get extremely sick. And yet many don’t. Even in the older age contingent, which were some of the positives here. I’d say there has been a bit of a spike of confirmed cases but everyone is feeling fine who I’ve spoken with.

I guess I should also add, we had a kid exposed, who brought it home and it went around our family. I got sicker than the rest because of pregnancy, but we have all recovered too. It was a mild cold in the kids and a moderate one in me, for about a week.

So. Meh. Hoping everyone recovers as well as we did and the most vulnerable get vaccinations soon.

Meh? :angry:




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Just now, Bagels McGruffikin said:

I did not, because I don’t really care at this point and have been avoiding this board  because half of you act like total jerks. As I apparently forgot and have now remembered again. When being calm and blasé about myself and my boring situation is translated as hubris and ego and a lack of humility, it’s pointless to continue. It’s not worth the headache.

Pot, kettle, black.


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2 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

Could it be that one can care about the dead or dying while still keeping in scale the actual individual risk levels and severity experienced by the vast majority of people, I flying oneself? Maybe? 

Yes. But it would help if you said so, because your tone seems very indifferent, whether it truly is or not.

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1 hour ago, Happy2BaMom said:


It has been far, far more than "barely even a cold" for hundreds of thousands of people.


ETA: From the CDC, “the overall cumulative COVID-19 associated hospitalization rate is 4.6 per 100,000, with the highest rates in persons 65 and older (13.8 per 100,000) and 50-64 years (7.4 per 100,000).”

13.8% is not “very low”. Neither is 4.6%. 

The continuous dismissal and downplaying of the ill and the dead on the part of some conservatives is really.....morally disappointing is the kindest phrase I can come up with. 

Yep our hospitals are filling up here.  I think when I checked yesterday it was at 80 some percent.    We are doing very badly here.

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1 hour ago, PrincessMommy said:

He's a world leader and is out in the public all.the.time.  It was only a matter of time before he contracted it, IMHO.  


Especially given the lack of masking and social distancing. It seems like they were primarily relying on testing to prevent infection.

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15 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

I did not, because I don’t really care at this point and have been avoiding this board  because half of you act like total jerks. As I apparently forgot and have now remembered again. When being calm and blasé about myself and my boring situation is translated as hubris and ego and a lack of humility, it’s pointless to continue. It’s not worth the headache.

Well, some decent fraction of the population knows people with lingering long term effects and a smaller fraction has buried people from this disease. So you can perhaps see how people being blasé about it would rub them the wrong way. You can, right? Even if it's true that your situation has been easy and boring. 

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15 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

Could it be that one can care about the dead or dying while still keeping in scale the actual individual risk levels and severity experienced by the vast majority of people, including oneself? Maybe? 


From what I've seen from the statistics, the individual risk levels aren't as low as you make them out to be. I say this as someone who scoffs at many overblown "dangers" of the modern world. 

But I'm glad you guys have had lots of asymptomatic and mild cases. If that was the case for most of the US, I'm sure no one would be all that worried. 

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6 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

No it wouldn’t, because expressing my hopes everyone would remain mildly sick as we have, and that the improving fatality numbers in my area were a broader trend, and that I hope vaccines are available for the most vulnerable soon, and multiple YEARS of generally being a supportive and decent person when someone is hurting or sick AND not wishing ill on my political enemies... none of that ever matters when someone wants to get worked up and assume the worst. I can say it twenty times in ten different ways and you don’t notice or care. You all zero in on whatever you want to nitpick and that’s that.

It’s not even arguable, this thread is complete proof as though we needed more. 

I actually think it would have mattered quite a bit if you had chosen different wording to reflect the seriousness of the virus. (And it is, indeed, serious, with 208,000 dead in seven months). But that is just my opinion.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I would have noticed.  

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23 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

No. This was recently, as some of my buddies on here may have noted. We are back to normal this week, after varying levels of quarantine while people had symptoms.

And you got tested, I take it? 

I'd like to hear your experiences on the personal experiences thread if you don't mind too much, because I like to have an actual sample and not just the people who are most freaked out. 

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Just now, Bagels McGruffikin said:

Consider this my ‘so long and thanks for the fish’.

You're going to take your toys and go home because people found your remarks insensitive? I mean, I guess you can do that. Or maybe you could think about how people who actually know people who got very sick might feel and have some compassion and empathy. 

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7 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

Well gee. Apologies for missing your personal standards for communication. This is why I don’t post here anymore.


I'm sorry you feel picked upon, but we do tend to examine each other's words closely here and always have. That's the nature of the written word. I remember when I was a new poster and dared to throw up a comment without a source (or without a good one, I don't remember). I learned my lesson and it's been good for me!

I hope I'm not looking for perfection, and I don't think I am. I hope I extend grace, as others extend it to me. I just didn't see any semblance of sympathy in your posts in this thread. They seemed entirely blase, and, again, you are intelligent enough to know that.   

ETA: I do hope you keep posting.

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1 minute ago, MercyA said:


I'm sorry you feel picked upon, but we do tend to examine each other's words closely here and always have. That's the nature of the written word. I remember when I was a new poster and dared to throw up a comment without a source (or without a good one, I don't remember). I learned my lesson and it's been good for me!

I hope I'm not looking for perfection, and I don't think I am. I hope I extend grace, as others extend it to me. I just didn't see any semblance of sympathy in your posts in this thread. They seemed entirely blase, and, again, you are intelligent enough to know that.   

I think, unfortunately, this conversation has gotten so contentious and polarized over the last few months that it's hard for us to hear each other anymore. 

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2 minutes ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

It’s been a long time coming, this is just the last straw. For the sake of boundaries and mental health and not enjoying the time here anymore, it needs to be done. There are too few people who I genuinely enjoy and who treat me with any sort of respect or fairness left. But to those who have been sweet and supportive and been able to disagree without assuming intent or slander or poking and picking at me personally, hugs and best wishes.

Yeah, that's not very nice. I've never done anything that was mean or disrespectful, because I generally take great care not to do that online. Disagreeing with someone is not by definition unfair, and neither is saying that a comment can be perceived as insensitive. 

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12 minutes ago, MercyA said:

I'm sorry to see you go, @Bagels McGruffikin. I do hope you'll be back after a break. I have found it necessary to take breaks before as well. I certainly have been on the receiving end of disapproval many times here throughout the years.

I don't think anyone truly wants an echo chamber here.

I know I don't, anyway. I think vigorous disputes are a key feature of a functioning society... 

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So, I personally think this is the worst news we could have at this point.

This isn't good for the USA. I could not, do not, wish anyone to get sick with Covid-19, regardless of if it's mild or not. 

I think that the POTUS getting it does have a sense poetic justice to it. To take an analogy to describe my thoughts: we hold people to a higher standard with the more responsibility they have, or the more knowledge. I hold teachers to a higher standard about explaining their position. I hold priests to a higher standard in living in a Christian manner. I hold my mayor to a higher standard in terms of showing support to community events, etc. When we see people held to (fair and fairly) higher standards, we do get a stronger reaction of "justice" when they disregard the standard and suffer consequences that could have been avoided.

The POTUS's COVID response has not lived up to my standard. It's not that I *wanted* it to happen, but I am not surprised that it did and it feels more fair because of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander": he thought "it is what it is" about the goose getting infected, so it should be good enough for him, too.

It shouldn't be the people not in a position of power that have to pay the price of a decision, it should be the decision-makers to bear the brunt of things. This isn't normally how it happens, but seeing a glimpse of this possibly occurring in this one instance and recognizing it as such doesn't make someone a bad person. Reveling in it would be taking it too far; but if you have lost a loved one I can see how it would be easy to place your anger there.

However, I say again, I do not wish it on anyone, even him. And I feel like this is the worst thing that could happen to the country at this particular time. Even if it is mild, it is disruptive during an already difficult election time, in really the last possible moment. If we had to choose a time for this to happen, summer would have been a better time. Assuming mild symptoms, a summer infection vs an election-month infection would have been much better. 

And I don't see anything "good" coming from this: either he dies (really bad), he is incapacitated for a stretch of time (really bad), he gets mild symptoms and then disregards that any other option could have happened or that others are lesser for having worse outcomes (really bad).

This is not a good thing. Nothing will be learned from this, no true justice will be gotten from it.

But here we are.

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1 hour ago, Bagels McGruffikin said:

When being calm and blasé about myself and my boring situation is translated as hubris and ego and a lack of humility, it’s pointless to continue. It’s not worth the headache.

I believe it is that when you refer to your own calm attitude, and "meh" expressions as "not freaking out beyond reason" it seems to imply that those who react differently than you, and are less calm and not at all "meh" about it, ARE "freaking out beyond reason". 

And being told you are freaking out, or not using reason, about something that can kill you, has killed people in your circle, and which could very likely kill some of your loved ones, feels super offensive. 


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20 minutes ago, Moonhawk said:

So, I personally think this is the worst news we could have at this point.

This isn't good for the USA. I could not, do not, wish anyone to get sick with Covid-19, regardless of if it's mild or not. 

I think that the POTUS getting it does have a sense poetic justice to it. To take an analogy to describe my thoughts: we hold people to a higher standard with the more responsibility they have, or the more knowledge. I hold teachers to a higher standard about explaining their position. I hold priests to a higher standard in living in a Christian manner. I hold my mayor to a higher standard in terms of showing support to community events, etc. When we see people held to (fair and fairly) higher standards, we do get a stronger reaction of "justice" when they disregard the standard and suffer consequences that could have been avoided.

The POTUS's COVID response has not lived up to my standard. It's not that I *wanted* it to happen, but I am not surprised that it did and it feels more fair because of "what's good for the goose is good for the gander": he thought "it is what it is" about the goose getting infected, so it should be good enough for him, too.

It shouldn't be the people not in a position of power that have to pay the price of a decision, it should be the decision-makers to bear the brunt of things. This isn't normally how it happens, but seeing a glimpse of this possibly occurring in this one instance and recognizing it as such doesn't make someone a bad person. Reveling in it would be taking it too far; but if you have lost a loved one I can see how it would be easy to place your anger there.

However, I say again, I do not wish it on anyone, even him. And I feel like this is the worst thing that could happen to the country at this particular time. Even if it is mild, it is disruptive during an already difficult election time, in really the last possible moment. If we had to choose a time for this to happen, summer would have been a better time. Assuming mild symptoms, a summer infection vs an election-month infection would have been much better. 

And I don't see anything "good" coming from this: either he dies (really bad), he is incapacitated for a stretch of time (really bad), he gets mild symptoms and then disregards that any other option could have happened or that others are lesser for having worse outcomes (really bad).

This is not a good thing. Nothing will be learned from this, no true justice will be gotten from it.

But here we are.

This is right where I am. I'm concerned about what happens should the POTUS be ill or incapacitated or even pass while in office right before an election.  Let's hope and pray that should something interfere (long term illness/death) with his taking office or being well for election day that calmness and rational thought keeps people under control. People are tense about this election already. This can't help anything. 

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Ok, so the president went to fundraisers after knowing he was exposed, and hours before testing positive. He met with 19 people in a closed room for about 45 minutes, the rest was more distanced (other than on the plane I imagine). 

Still looking into the others. 

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3 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

I believe it is that when you refer to your own calm attitude, and "meh" expressions as "not freaking out beyond reason" it seems to imply that those who react differently than you, and are less calm and not at all "meh" about it, ARE "freaking out beyond reason". 

And being told you are freaking out, or not using reason, about something that can kill you, has killed people in your circle, and which could very likely kill some of your loved ones, feels super offensive. 


But why? What difference does it make what one person on a message board thinks about someone else's reactions? I just don't get it.  I mean, why care if Bagels or anyone else thinks you personally are freaking out? What does her opinion matter? 

A few days ago someone posted about a possible family gathering or something, and expressed concern that people here would think badly of her if she did it.  I didn't participate in that thread, because I couldn't think of a nice way to say "who cares what anyone here thinks?"

Why take things so personally?

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9 minutes ago, marbel said:

But why? What difference does it make what one person on a message board thinks about someone else's reactions? I just don't get it.  I mean, why care if Bagels or anyone else thinks you personally are freaking out? What does her opinion matter? 

A few days ago someone posted about a possible family gathering or something, and expressed concern that people here would think badly of her if she did it.  I didn't participate in that thread, because I couldn't think of a nice way to say "who cares what anyone here thinks?"

Why take things so personally?

I dunno. The nature of the human condition? I mean, why have conversations at all if you aren't going to have emotional reactions to what people say? 

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15 minutes ago, marbel said:

But why? What difference does it make what one person on a message board thinks about someone else's reactions? I just don't get it.  I mean, why care if Bagels or anyone else thinks you personally are freaking out? What does her opinion matter? 

A few days ago someone posted about a possible family gathering or something, and expressed concern that people here would think badly of her if she did it.  I didn't participate in that thread, because I couldn't think of a nice way to say "who cares what anyone here thinks?"

Why take things so personally?

I think it might have more to do with groupthink and responsibility maybe. I personally don’t care what anonymous people on a board think of my personal decisions, but people are susceptible to groupthink. If someone constantly reads that they are overreacting and everything is fine and they needn’t take precautions and Covid is overblown and no worse than a little cold anyway, maybe they stop listening to the advice of health experts. I personally think it is morally irresponsible/reprehensible to downplay a deadly disease.

Edited by bibiche
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28 minutes ago, marbel said:

But why? What difference does it make what one person on a message board thinks about someone else's reactions? I just don't get it.  I mean, why care if Bagels or anyone else thinks you personally are freaking out? What does her opinion matter? 

A few days ago someone posted about a possible family gathering or something, and expressed concern that people here would think badly of her if she did it.  I didn't participate in that thread, because I couldn't think of a nice way to say "who cares what anyone here thinks?"

Why take things so personally?

Possibly because this virus/disease is affecting people in real and personal ways. I don’t generally care what people here think of me but I do care for people, in general, if that makes sense. Some of what’s been posted here lately makes it clear that there is a contingent who really only care about what happens in their small circle. That’s their prerogative, of course. It just doesn’t bear repeating in each and every thread on this topic. The CONSTANT dismissiveness, when silence would serve equally well, is grating. Full disclosure: I am among those who’ve had long-term complications and death hit my immediate circle.

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17 minutes ago, marbel said:

But why? What difference does it make what one person on a message board thinks about someone else's reactions? I just don't get it.  I mean, why care if Bagels or anyone else thinks you personally are freaking out? What does her opinion matter? 

A few days ago someone posted about a possible family gathering or something, and expressed concern that people here would think badly of her if she did it.  I didn't participate in that thread, because I couldn't think of a nice way to say "who cares what anyone here thinks?"

Why take things so personally?

For me, personally, I have taken a stand on this virus since Feb, I will inform myself based on scientific progress and don't really care about who says it is OK to do what in their social lives. To each, their own. But, when 200,000 americans have died because of a single cause in a few months and with millions of livelihoods and educational outcomes impacted by it, a person saying "meh" could be easily considered as insensitive or trying to provoke responses.

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1 minute ago, Happymomof1 said:

Not the way I took it at all. She just doesn't feel the need to cower in fear. That is it, not that she doesn't care about others.

NO ONE IS COWERING IN FEAR. Yep. I yelled. Real talk, that’s not a thing. Real people have real concerns and fears as a result of real things that have occurred. POTUS and his acolytes have promoted this narrative. It’s just.not.a.thing.

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2 minutes ago, Happymomof1 said:

Not the way I took it at all. She just doesn't feel the need to cower in fear. That is it, not that she doesn't care about others.

I don't know anyone (even in my liberal, mask-wearing state) who is "cowering" in fear. Everyone I know of (in my social circle) is actually working night and day (because working from home means they are available 24x7 to their employers) and generating billions of dollars for the american economy.

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3 minutes ago, Happymomof1 said:

Believe me, I am taking precautions.  I promise I am. But people look at me like I am cowering in fear.  Just the way they look at it.

Just the way they've been brainwashed and propagandized into looking at it, IMHO, and an example of where we shouldn't care one whit what anyone thinks.

I know lots of people who are cautious and careful. I know no one who is anywhere close to "cowering in fear."

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11 minutes ago, Happymomof1 said:

Not the way I took it at all. She just doesn't feel the need to cower in fear. That is it, not that she doesn't care about others.

This is SUCH loaded language. Do we say we are cowering in fear when we wear seatbelts or wash our hands or stop at traffic lights? No. We're participating in society-wide compacts that keep us all safer. 

Similarly, it is not cowering in fear to take precautions against a virus that has had serious repercussions for a large number of Americans. 

Edited by Not_a_Number
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2 minutes ago, Happymomof1 said:

Believe me, I am taking precautions.  I promise I am. But people look at me like I am cowering in fear.  Just the way they look at it.

There’s nothing I need to believe or not believe. You do what’s best for your family. People take whatever precautions/or not that they feel are reasonable. Its not wrong to take more, it’s not ALWAYS wrong or ill-advised to take less.

This thread was about a significant individual getting COVID that has major implications for the U.S. government and the upcoming election and turned into...Meh, no biggie, he’ll probably turn out fine like me n’ my homies. Well, 208+K people beg a word.

The relevance of precautions is only WRT to how its absence has endangered or may affect the functioning of our government.


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24 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

I dunno. The nature of the human condition? I mean, why have conversations at all if you aren't going to have emotional reactions to what people say? 

But conversation can't go very far when people shut it down by saying it's offensive. Now of course there is offensive speech! I just don't see having a "meh" response to one's own experience of a virus as comparable to... many other offensive things people say. 

23 minutes ago, bibiche said:

I think it might have more to do with groupthink and responsibility maybe. I personally don’t care what anonymous people on a board think of my personal decisions, but people are susceptible to groupthink. If someone constantly reads that they are overreacting and everything is fine and they needn’t take precautions and Covid is overblown and no worse than a little cold anyway, maybe they stop listening to the advice of health experts. I personally think it is morally irresponsible/reprehensible to downplay a deadly disease.

Yeah, I get this. I can see people doing that. I don't see that happening among the population of this board, comprised, as it is, of people interested in education and well-educated themselves. I mean, no disrespect to Bagels who seems about as well-read, etc., as anyone here, but I am not gonna take medical advice from her without also checking it with actual, you know, medical professionals. I would expect the same from pretty much everyone else here. Her opinion is just that, an opinion.

I mean, we are just a bunch of people talking. 

But this is also why I usually stick to the food-related threads.  😎

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36 minutes ago, bibiche said:

I think it might have more to do with groupthink and responsibility maybe. I personally don’t care what anonymous people on a board think of my personal decisions, but people are susceptible to groupthink. If someone constantly reads that they are overreacting and everything is fine and they needn’t take precautions and Covid is overblown and no worse than a little cold anyway, maybe they stop listening to the advice of health experts. I personally think it is morally irresponsible/reprehensible to downplay a deadly disease.

Am I the only one for whom you guys aren't just "anonymous people on a message board?"   I mean, at this point, some of you are among people I've "known" longer than anyone else in my life.  I mean, you guys show up in my dreams.  And especially during covid, when I'm not seeing people in real life much, you guys are very much real to me.

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