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Talk to me about lumps? -- Not a good update.

Jenny in Florida

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I’m sorry this is the news. 😞 

Re: telling the kids, I really disliked that part. With my youngest, I wish I had prefaced it by saying, “this will be okay eventually,” because I realized late that his experiences of cancer are mostly terminal and he immediately thought this meant that. Poor guy. 

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I'm sorry for the bad news and yet hopeful that the treatment options and prognosis are good.  I remember reading I think on the website you linked (with the animated moose) about both how far treatments for breast cancer have come in the last even 10-15 years (like, really really far) and also how encouraging it is to think that even this data is always at least 5 years old because it takes that long to formulate and confirm new data, so the current prognoses and treatments are getting better and better.

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Gosh darn!  I was really hoping, as you probably were too, that the lump was related to your fall.  I’m sorry that it turned out otherwise.

Let us know when we can post a joke or something to cheer you up when you are having a rough day.  Wish I was close to you to help out in person.

Edited by school17777
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9 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

Damn, Jenny. When it rains it pours. I'm so sorry, this just really sucks. Given your other medical issues going on, I am at this point going to STRONGLY push you to get to a place where multiple specialists can coordinate care - a teaching hospital of some sort. Also, often medical insurance offers reimbursement for some travel expenses for this kind of thing, hotels offer discounts for people being seen at a nearby medical center (you have to ask, but it is common), etc. 

With the neurological symptoms, neuropathy, and now this, you need to be somewhere where multiple specialists can confer, and, to be point blank, not screw up each other's plans. And you need to do it ASAP. 

Just as an example, both your future oncologist for your breast and a neurologist may both want imaging, and it makes way more sense to do it all at once if possible, or to coordinate what does and doesn't need to be scanned, types of imaging, etc etc. And you need to be sure that medications/treatments don't conflict with each other. 

Seriously, I'm sorry, this sucks, but I also know you are a strong person, and you can do this. But i wish you didn't have to. 

This. 1000 times this. You need to mention the neuropathy as an issue with the oncologist because you need imaging to rule out possible metasteses to the brain and spine causing the neuropathy. I hate to be totally blunt but if this hadn’t run across your mental radar already and didn’t think the issue was worth mentioning, it needs to be.

It is entirely possible that these are completely separate things...but it is important to mention all health issues at intake.

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