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Show me kitchens you love


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We are deep in house hunting.  The houses we are looking at are in nice neighborhoods, and I am surprised that I really don't like many of the kitchens I am looking at given the price point.

So far, I have only found one kitchen I am in love with, but the rest of the house isn't wowing me......and some houses wow me, but the kitchen is Meh.....

I guess I am just really picky about kitchens.  I keep finding something wrong with them (too small for the size of house, like to the point where if you are sitting at the bar, you can't open the fridge!). One house had some weird island in the middle, but off center, that had the stove top on it!  If you were standing there to cook, no one could access the microwave or stove behind you.   Another put that fake granite on top of whatever was underneath (granite topper of some kind).  Another had that off-white with darker paint in the trim cabinets....NOT my style.

SHOW me what you love!


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I have not seen a kitchen that screams “Perfect!”to me, but something on the order of this comes close. https://www.google.com/search?q=functional+kitchens&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj-7778073gAhWvTt8KHT_cAwwQ_AUoAXoECA8QAQ&biw=1024&bih=666#imgrc=_s0ve4Ybx2mRxM

I love a center island, but not with a sink or stovetop. In the one I linked, I’d prefer a fridge farther away from ovens... or sinks, or anything else that would continue to have my kids getting in my way because they ALWAYS decide they need a drink or snack or whatever the second I’m trying to work in the kitchen.

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That's...very purple.






What I like about the first is the window over the sink - love a window over the sink.  Also wood trim and white walls.

The second photo is my favorite kitchen shape, that U thing with stove on one side and fridge on the other.  We've lived in a lot of different houses in the past 10 years and my favorite kitchen was like that.  I also like wood cabinets and post and beam ceilings/construction, and wood floors in a kitchen (cleans easy and doesn't break everything like tile does). 

The last link is to a big family of homeschoolers in South Africa.  The colors are a bit strong for me but I love the arrangement between the kitchen and (gorgeous huge indestructible) dining table. 

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I don't have photos to share, but I can tell you what I don't like.

Cooktop or sink in the island -- I want the island for a workspace. I especially don't want dirty dishes to collect on the island, so definitely no sink there. Sinks in the island are very popular in new builds where I live.

Islands that block the flow of the room -- I hate walking around the island constantly. I've had several islands that block the flow, including my current one. If I am on the side of the island by the sink, I have to walk around it to get to the fridge and cupboards with the food. If I am on the side with the food and fridge, I am too far from the sink. And my current island creates road blocks when more than one person is accessing anything in the kitchen. We have six family members, so this happens a lot. I would prefer a U-shaped kitchen with a peninsula. Or an island strategically placed so that I can do all of the kitchen work while on one side of it. When I am house shopping, I spend a lot of time walking around in the kitchen, considering the work flow.

Kitchens without a pantry -- Having a great pantry was super high on my list of must-haves when we were house shopping. And this house does not have a pantry. SIgh. Hate that.

We ended up with a house with a kitchen that is large and pretty but not well functioning. When house shopping, I find it especially hard to find kitchens that function the way i want them to.

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Those are some pretty spiffy looking kitchens!  I love to cook, but my dream kitchen is more of a vintage style (and probably not as practical!).  Still, pretty decent work space, light and cheery and cozy.  (I will say though that I don't like the sink in this one.  A deeper, double sink would be much better.)

Screen Shot 2019-02-16 at 2.35.28 AM.png

Screen Shot 2019-02-16 at 2.39.25 AM.png

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I would try to overlook the cosmetics but look more at function.  Picture yourself cooking your family's favorite meals in the kitchen, coming in with groceries and thinking of where you would put things, etc.  Cabinets can be repainted, countertops changed but changing the complete layout of the kitchen is much more expensive.


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17 minutes ago, SamanthaCarter said:

Also I like the flow of the kitchen in this home (if stove were on the opposite wall.)  http://houseplans.southernliving.com/plans/SL503

That is almost exactly how the kitchen/dining is in the house we just bought. The sink and stove are switched, but I really like the layout. In the plan you posted vs my kitchen, the door to the foyer is a door to a covered porch. Super easy to bring in groceries or take out trash.  Love how the kitchen is open to the dining room- I’m thrilled to have this. It’s clearly two separate rooms but being open makes both feel larger and more inviting. In mine the pantry is to the left of the stove, which makes is easy to grab snacks. 

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I am willing to be somewhat flexible about kitchens - I have a terrible one now and make it work.  But I also think different arrangements can work well, even sometimes unexpected ones.  I had a tiny kitchen that I was worried about at first in one house, though, and in the end it was extremely efficient.

And some that look snazzy can be bad - like the islands that you have to walk around noted upthread - I have bene in some very high end kitchens like that.

Stylistically, I really feel like kitchens should fit in with the house.  THat doesn't mean it has to be the same era - I've seen a lovely 1940'sish kitchen in a Victorian house, or an updated modern one.  But it helps if the scale and materials and feel are sympathetic.  And usually it doesn't work to try and recreate an older style in a really modern house, or one that is regionally all wrong.  I live on the east coast of Canada, for example, and I've seen homes that try and create a southwestern style.  It usually doesn't work that well, the colours and materials don't fit in, and sometimes don't stand up t our climate either. 

But overall - I do tend not to prefer sleek ultra-modern kitchens - I also don't like sleek ultra-modern houses fr myself. I like nice windows if there is any kind of view, and I like some colour.  I tend to like quirky things in a kitchen, and I like tile, but not big modern ones.  I am not  huge fan of stainless appliances unless they really are industrial ones with that kind of function, and I don't usually like granite counters, so the past few years I've been out of step a bit.

Here is a floor I liked, though it's vinyl rather than tile:



I love the floor in this one:


THis one I really like that it is not so fitted:


The traditional cottage aesthetic also appeals to me a lot, and I've always coveted a black and terracotta tile floor:


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1 minute ago, Bluegoat said:

I am willing to be somewhat flexible about kitchens - I have a terrible one now and make it work.  But I also think different arrangements can work well, even sometimes unexpected ones.  I had a tiny kitchen that I was worried about at first in one house, though, and in the end it was extremely efficient.

And some that look snazzy can be bad - like the islands that you have to walk around noted upthread - I have bene in some very high end kitchens like that.

Stylistically, I really feel like kitchens should fit in with the house.  THat doesn't mean it has to be the same era - I've seen a lovely 1940'sish kitchen in a Victorian house, or an updated modern one.  But it helps if the scale and materials and feel are sympathetic.  And usually it doesn't work to try and recreate an older style in a really modern house, or one that is regionally all wrong.  I live on the east coast of Canada, for example, and I've seen homes that try and create a southwestern style.  It usually doesn't work that well, the colours and materials don't fit in, and sometimes don't stand up t our climate either. 

But overall - I do tend not to prefer sleek ultra-modern kitchens - I also don't like sleek ultra-modern houses fr myself. I like nice windows if there is any kind of view, and I like some colour.  I tend to like quirky things in a kitchen, and I like tile, but not big modern ones.  I am not  huge fan of stainless appliances unless they really are industrial ones with that kind of function, and I don't usually like granite counters, so the past few years I've been out of step a bit.

Here is a floor I liked, though it's vinyl rather than tile:



I love the floor in this one:


THis one I really like that it is not so fitted:


The traditional cottage aesthetic also appeals to me a lot, and I've always coveted a black and terracotta tile floor:


These pics are so interesting and pretty. 

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I really like the look of this kitchen.  It is similar to what my kitchen will look like if we get to build.  I hear many saying they don't like the sink in the island and I too thought I didn't want it there....but when we played with putting it elsewhere it just didn't flow right.  I don't like dishes piled up by my sink regardless of where the sink is....so I think it will be fine.  


Image result for functional kitchens

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2 minutes ago, Bluegoat said:

My mom had a kitchen where she had a sink for dishes in the usual spot, and a tiny  little one on the island as well for prep.  She has a similar thing now with a main sink and a small one in the pantry/prep area.

My SIL has that. It is nice when multiple cooks are in the kitchen together.


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5 hours ago, moonflower said:

That's...very purple.




What I like about the first is the window over the sink - love a window over the sink.  Also wood trim and white walls.


I like this kitchen too. I have to admit,though, it took me a while to actually look at the kitchen because I was so distracted with the view outside the window and the plant in the garden. It took me a while to realize that what I was looking at was a plant. I imagined it to be a giant bunny rabbit who would poke his head up and look in the window any second. Then, knowing that was a weird thought, I tried to figure out what it was. THEN I looked at the kitchen. LOL! I've always thought I had un-diagnosed adult ADD. Can't you see it though!?! I just can't un-see it...

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22 hours ago, Ottakee said:

I would try to overlook the cosmetics but look more at function.  Picture yourself cooking your family's favorite meals in the kitchen, coming in with groceries and thinking of where you would put things, etc.  Cabinets can be repainted, countertops changed but changing the complete layout of the kitchen is much more expensive.



I AM!  But I also look at the cabinets.  I honestly don't like painted cabinets, so repainting is not a look I like.  We painted ours 4 years ago because the realtor told us to.  I don't like the look and we had to have several of them touched up because the paint doesn't stay as well as I had thought it would (and yes, they were professionally painted with the right kind of paint).  Replacing cabinets is very expensive.

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I have spent some time looking at kitchens online and nothing is wowing me there either.....I guess I may not even be sure of what I want.  There are some that I think are beautiful, but nothing I am in love with.  

And I would love cabinets that have all those pull out shelves.  

And then if I like the kitchen, I don't like something else in the house and vice versa.

Guess I will need to settle at some point.

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18 hours ago, importswim said:

I like this kitchen too. I have to admit,though, it took me a while to actually look at the kitchen because I was so distracted with the view outside the window and the plant in the garden. It took me a while to realize that what I was looking at was a plant. I imagined it to be a giant bunny rabbit who would poke his head up and look in the window any second. Then, knowing that was a weird thought, I tried to figure out what it was. THEN I looked at the kitchen. LOL! I've always thought I had un-diagnosed adult ADD. Can't you see it though!?! I just can't un-see it...

That's the first thing I noticed, too. My initial thought was that it's a weird place for a beaver dam. I still can't think of anything else it might be. Regardless, it's ugly and distracting and ruins the otherwise nice view. 

The kitchen is beautiful (for a magazine. IRL I would not like coloured cabinets). Love the light fixtures.

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21 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I really like the look of this kitchen.  It is similar to what my kitchen will look like if we get to build.  I hear many saying they don't like the sink in the island and I too thought I didn't want it there....but when we played with putting it elsewhere it just didn't flow right.  I don't like dishes piled up by my sink regardless of where the sink is....so I think it will be fine.  


Image result for functional kitchens


I do like all the drawers.  And the double oven.  All of the houses we have looked at have a double oven so far, which I am looking forward to.

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Ultimately I am just going to get what I get as I have to take the entire house and location into consideration.  I am just sad that there have been very few kitchens I have loved, and may end up with one that isn't exactly what I want and won't be an easy fix to make it what I want.

I want it ALL!  Everything on my check list!  And I want it NOW!  🤣😂

In all honesty, the kitchen isn't the top priority.  The location of the house, privacy of the yard, a flat backyard, bedroom layout, and some other things take precedence  over the kitchen.  All of the homes we have looked at have a kitchen flowing into a great room (or somewhat flowing) and I know I want that.  Most have a double oven, gas stove top, and microwave built in, and I know I want that.......so, the kitchen may have to be the compromise as not being my dream kitchen.

Edited by DawnM
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We're in the process of redoing our kitchen.  I like the idea of a sink in the island for us.  We're opening up the wall between our kitchen and a small front room with a large picture window.  The current kitchen has the sink under a window that looks out onto the sunroom - so it isn't bright and cheery. 

I find that my kitchen workstation is pretty much the corner between the sink and the stove.  I like being close to the sink when I'm cutting and preparing food.  I also like that I will be able to chat with people who are sitting at the island while I'm preparing...otherwise my back will be to them.   I don't know that I'd move from the sink area to an island if the sink wasn't on the island.    Think about how you like to prepare food and work in the kitchen.  What works best for you might not be what works for other people. 

I really like the flat top island look such as the one Scarlett showed.  But,  our kitchen island will face out to the front door.  We're not super clean and will have things collect on counter tops - and in the sink. 🙄  So my designer suggested we get one that bumps up - like a bar.  It doesn't flow as nicely but it will hide the kitchen mess so that it's not the first thing you see when you walk in the door.   She told me that one of her clients, with a similar floorplan, started with the flat -top island and changed it around after they saw how it looked because of that issue.    I figure I can always change the top later, if in 5-10yrs I'm really unhappy with it. 

In our previous house I didn't really care about the kitchen when we were house hunting.  I don't like cooking all that much and am pretty utilitarian.  But, like you mentioned... big house, small kitchen.  I couldn't work well in there with another person.  If the dishwasher was open, we couldn't walk around it.  The space was so small.  We were always tripping over each other.  There wasn't anywhere for people to congregate while I was preparing and we could talk.  They would just stand in my way while we talked. Ugh. I had a very small island with the stove on it.  I didn't like that so much.    I did love having a double oven.    I realized how much I needed a more functioning kitchen from that experience.

@Bluegoat I *love* that floor.  Do you know where it is available or who makes it?  I do not want the wood floor look in my kitchen.  I'm so tired of the wood for floors - too much brown and so boring....  I want something bright and cheery and not wood.  But not tacky either.  

@DawnM - one thing to consider.  Kitchens are one of the most expensive renovations on a house.  I know you don't want to be compromising here and there and everywhere.  But, I think if it were me, I'd go with the kitchen you love and see if the other things can be changed easily/cheaper.   Obviously, if it's on the side of a hill and you want a flat yard, that's going to be a problem. 🙂

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On 2/15/2019 at 6:53 AM, moonflower said:

That's...very purple.






What I like about the first is the window over the sink - love a window over the sink.  Also wood trim and white walls.

The second photo is my favorite kitchen shape, that U thing with stove on one side and fridge on the other.  We've lived in a lot of different houses in the past 10 years and my favorite kitchen was like that.  I also like wood cabinets and post and beam ceilings/construction, and wood floors in a kitchen (cleans easy and doesn't break everything like tile does). 

The last link is to a big family of homeschoolers in South Africa.  The colors are a bit strong for me but I love the arrangement between the kitchen and (gorgeous huge indestructible) dining table. 

My dream kitchen would have that huge window over the sink like the first picture. Alas, we have to go with what works with what we have.  

Our house is over 100 years old and was an absolute mess when we bought it.  We turned the dining room into the kitchen, and my options were to either put the sink facing a wall or put the sink in the island. We left the original floor to ceiling windows where they were, so my view from my kitchen sink is through those windows. I actually like having my sink in my island -- many commenters have said they wouldn't like that -- but, I spend lots of time at my sink and my kids sit around the island talking. Works for us.

When we started to plan for how to redo our kitchen, the main thing I wanted was several work spaces and plenty of room for people to be in the kitchen together with a good traffic flow. 

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22 minutes ago, mom@shiloh said:

My dream kitchen would have that huge window over the sink like the first picture. Alas, we have to go with what works with what we have.  

Our house is over 100 years old and was an absolute mess when we bought it.  We turned the dining room into the kitchen, and my options were to either put the sink facing a wall or put the sink in the island. We left the original floor to ceiling windows where they were, so my view from my kitchen sink is through those windows. I actually like having my sink in my island -- many commenters have said they wouldn't like that -- but, I spend lots of time at my sink and my kids sit around the island talking. Works for us.

When we started to plan for how to redo our kitchen, the main thing I wanted was several work spaces and plenty of room for people to be in the kitchen together with a good traffic flow. 

❤️This is what I'm trying to achieve.  

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This is our kitchen - which I love.  This is right after the remodel was finished, so contractor tools were still hanging around.  I especially love the window over the sink and the small counter area next to the fridge which is perfect for making snacks or lunches.  Having tall cabinets u to the ceiling means there is a ton of storage and DH (Chief Cook) uses the double ovens daily.  DH wanted the stove top in the island and I will say that it gives us much more counter space than we used to have and that would have been lost otherwise with the double ovens.  We live in the Land of Darkness, so all the lights really are necessary.



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6 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:

We're in the process of redoing our kitchen.  I like the idea of a sink in the island for us.  We're opening up the wall between our kitchen and a small front room with a large picture window.  The current kitchen has the sink under a window that looks out onto the sunroom - so it isn't bright and cheery. 

I find that my kitchen workstation is pretty much the corner between the sink and the stove.  I like being close to the sink when I'm cutting and preparing food.  I also like that I will be able to chat with people who are sitting at the island while I'm preparing...otherwise my back will be to them.   I don't know that I'd move from the sink area to an island if the sink wasn't on the island.    Think about how you like to prepare food and work in the kitchen.  What works best for you might not be what works for other people. 

I really like the flat top island look such as the one Scarlett showed.  But,  our kitchen island will face out to the front door.  We're not super clean and will have things collect on counter tops - and in the sink. 🙄  So my designer suggested we get one that bumps up - like a bar.  It doesn't flow as nicely but it will hide the kitchen mess so that it's not the first thing you see when you walk in the door.   She told me that one of her clients, with a similar floorplan, started with the flat -top island and changed it around after they saw how it looked because of that issue.    I figure I can always change the top later, if in 5-10yrs I'm really unhappy with it. 

In our previous house I didn't really care about the kitchen when we were house hunting.  I don't like cooking all that much and am pretty utilitarian.  But, like you mentioned... big house, small kitchen.  I couldn't work well in there with another person.  If the dishwasher was open, we couldn't walk around it.  The space was so small.  We were always tripping over each other.  There wasn't anywhere for people to congregate while I was preparing and we could talk.  They would just stand in my way while we talked. Ugh. I had a very small island with the stove on it.  I didn't like that so much.    I did love having a double oven.    I realized how much I needed a more functioning kitchen from that experience.

@Bluegoat I *love* that floor.  Do you know where it is available or who makes it?  I do not want the wood floor look in my kitchen.  I'm so tired of the wood for floors - too much brown and so boring....  I want something bright and cheery and not wood.  But not tacky either.  

@DawnM - one thing to consider.  Kitchens are one of the most expensive renovations on a house.  I know you don't want to be compromising here and there and everywhere.  But, I think if it were me, I'd go with the kitchen you love and see if the other things can be changed easily/cheaper.   Obviously, if it's on the side of a hill and you want a flat yard, that's going to be a problem. 🙂


I sure do - it's Kahlo by IVC.  There are a few colourways but I like that one best.  I like that it is cheery as well, and still kind of classic.

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On 2/15/2019 at 8:17 AM, Scarlett said:

I really like the look of this kitchen.  It is similar to what my kitchen will look like if we get to build.  I hear many saying they don't like the sink in the island and I too thought I didn't want it there....but when we played with putting it elsewhere it just didn't flow right.  I don't like dishes piled up by my sink regardless of where the sink is....so I think it will be fine.  


Image result for functional kitchens

My MILs kitchen is laid out just like this, except the fridge is where the mixer on the counter is.

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This is my kitchen. I LOVE this kitchen.

I was standing in the dining room when I took the picture. It's open to the dining room and we keep stools under the peninsula. 

To the left of the fridge is a pantry and an exit to the back porch. Under both counters arecabinets. There’s lots of storage space!

Edited by fairfarmhand
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My kitchen is genuine farmhouse, with windows over sink and another almost floor to ceiling window on one side. Colors are mainly white (cupboards), light blue (ceiling, one wall), wood, medium tones (counters, and other places).  All that is good.

Its troubles are that it lacks modern conveniences.  Which I am trying to remedy, as much as I can.  



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I love love love the island at my cabin.

It has a large Jenn Air cooktop on it, with the exhaust that pulls across the top of the stove and down into a vent pipe that goes through the floor and outside.  It is the best smell control device I have ever experienced, which is good because I hate the smell of eggs at all times, and stale bacon odors are sickening, and don't get me started on fish.  I don't know whether they make that kind of stove anymore so I'm really glad to have it. 

Then next to it is a work area that is about the same size, tiled in white.  The tile is a little dated and the grout doesn't stay clean even though we have tried to reseal it.  The great thing about this is that I can prep or cook from both sides, and folks can stand of the other side and help or converse.  Also, having the sink against the wall means that the mess is further from the table, which is nice. 

The work area part has a warming oven underneath it, awesome for things like keeping chicken warm while making gravy and such.  It has adjustable temperatures, but not to a thermostat, just low, medium, high.  That is something I am sorry about and if there is one thing I would change it is that I would get a thermostatted warming oven that I could throw a sheet of cookies or pan of apple crisp in to bake.  I have a wall oven, but it is a single one, and I think that a more sophisticated warming oven with the wall oven would be perfectly fine for most of my possible uses, almost as good as a double oven and a lot more space friendly. 

There are two wide, deep drawers under the warming oven, and a big cabinet under the cooktop.  So the use of space is quite efficient. 

If I had been designing this I would have thought that I wouldn't want a stove on my island for fear that someone would get burned, but actually the wide working area next to the stove is fine for prevention.

The previous owner had a pretty good sized kitchen cart on the far side of the stove top end of the island, which extended it.  I would like to buy a really hefty Boos butcher block table for that spot.  I would get end cut maple, the thickest available, and I'd totally cut on it all the time.  I'd also get my husband to cut me a marble pastry board that would fit over it, on pulleys above it with a ratchetting worm gear for safety, so I could use it to roll out pie crusts.  This does not sound cabinish at all, but I actually cook more up there than I do at home and I would really enjoy this.

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This sort of looks like a modern version of my kitchen — though it has upper cupboards not open shelving (thank god, mice , dust etc would be potentially problems with open shelves, closed cupboards much better for living with imo even if less photogenic). Mine also has blues more than this, but whites, wood counters, window are similar— though minevisvold, worn and is not ready for prime time photos.  

Link failure.  Sorry.  

Oh well.  Anyway, 

It is pleasant to be in with colors and windows, so I am happy to work on food prep there.  I think that’s important.  




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5 minutes ago, Pen said:

This sort of looks like a modern version of my kitchen — though it has upper cupboards not open shelving (thank god, mice , dust etc would be potentially problems with open shelves, closed cupboards much better for living with imo even if less photogenic). Mine also has blues more than this, but whites, wood counters, window are similar— though minevisvold, worn and is not ready for prime time photos.  


Hmm.  Not sure this directs back to the image I found.


It is pleasant to be in with colors and windows, so I am happy to work on food prep there.  I think that’s important.  




no, it doesn't seem to work

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The kitchens that I think are very pretty and add value to your home are not the ones I’d want to cook in, so there’s no pleasing me. 🤣 I have an eat-in kitchen, but the working part of the kitchen is laid out like a galley. It’s SO efficient. I can do everything quickly with no wasted steps. I never take more than two steps to put ANYTHING away from the dishwasher. I work in there and I entertain in the living room or dining room (or sometimes informally at the kitchen table. I don’t want six people seated at my island gawking while I work! But, man, those fixer upper kitchens are SO pretty. 

If you don’t have double ovens, I recommend buying a normal-sized stove that has a full and half oven in it. It’s s game changer. The big oven is convection and they both have warm settings so they serve as warming drawers. I use two ovens more than I ever thought I would and I love that little top oven. I use it the most.

Also, WOW to that purple kitchens. Are dark jewel tones the thing now? I seem to be seeing a lot of blue cabinets. 


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4 hours ago, fairfarmhand said:


This is my kitchen. I LOVE this kitchen.

I was standing in the dining room when I took the picture. It's open to the dining room and we keep stools under the peninsula. 

To the left of the fridge is a pantry and an exit to the back porch. Under both counters arecabinets. There’s lots of storage space!

Jealous! I love your kitchen, too! 😄 ❤️ 

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8 hours ago, MrsRobinson said:

Jealous! I love your kitchen, too! 😄 ❤️ 

The contractor who helped us build has previously designed it for a home he and his wife lived in. They tweaked the design because after living it certain things worked better in different ways. 

Two things I’d like To do with my kitchen eventuallly: I want a subway tile backsplash and a solid surface countertop. 

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7 hours ago, Arctic Mama said:

Dawn, is it the finish of the kitchen that matters more or the layout?  And what layout do you love? 


I guess it is the whole package.  Everything I see is just "meh."   I like SPACE and I like things like a walkway between the kitchen and dining room that has a bar type area, with or without a sink, but a place to put drinks, coffee, etc....And I only like painted cabinets if they come painted from the factory where the paint won't chip off, but I don't really like white.

And I am realizing what I really still LOVE is lodgey, craftsman type large kitchens and I won't get one here.  I like wood and stone mixed in and wood cabinets.

I really DO NOT LIKE Mediterranean looking kitchens and I tend to see a lot of them.  And I am not overly fond of white and I see a lot of that too.  And I don't like that cherry/dark wood type stuff.....I don't know what it is called.  

I want style, function, and a wow factor......yeah, I think I am expecting too much.




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This sort of thing?  Possibly you can paste link if it won’t work directly.  Or Google: modern Craftsman kitchen warm wood large   (Or any other indispensable feature like wet bar or counter seating) 

Pretty much unless you find one already remodeled to such a style you’d have to add on a new kitchen.  

Authentic Craftsman and Bungalows were too small to have the sort of kitchen you probably want.  

If that’s true, you might want a house where the kitchen is extremely meh, but price, local building rules and space available would allow remodel with expansion, if not immediately then to be working toward that. 


American Bungalow Furniture Kitchen — BUNGALOW HOUSE : Homey American Bungalow Furniture

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somewhat like that, but not exactly.  We had a Craftsman home in CA and I miss it.  

We have several friends who have remodeled their kitchens.  They have spent between $80K-$200K to do it.  It is crazy expensive.  

I think I am resigned to not getting exactly what I want, or even super close to what I want.....there are honestly other things that take priority to a kitchen right now.  And there just aren't that many homes in our price range in our area, so we are somewhat limited.

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I love Craftsman.  Probably my favorite style.  Besides price etc issues though, another problem can be its fit to the place and darkness.

I’m currently in PNW where there’s a lot of Craftsman.  However unless a house has skylights it tends to be very dark for half the year given clouds and trees and porch overhangs. 

In this climate white combined with wood tones tends to do better.  

For a kitchen that had an acceptable layout, a change to white plus wood tones may also be possible as primarily paint and finishes and possibly a wood floor (or tile with wood look) and top for an island.  

A friend of mine has a kitchen whic they redid from a typical older working class  “tract house” with a vinyl floor needing replacement and no interest or appeal to the kitchen, though large and reasonably functional.   She added a medium warm tone wood floor where the wood goes up one wall and carries into an adjoining room where it made a small window seat which transformed the formerly blah kitchen amazingly.  They put a friendly feeling wood table and a freestanding cart in lieu of an island.  The friend who did that also is incredibly artistic, and had a helpful husband and son, which helped, though professionals did the floor, wall and seat.  I think they did their own fresh paint.  I believe it was less than $5000 to go from meh to really appealing— but no major construction was done nor appliances changed. 

1 hour ago, DawnM said:

somewhat like that, but not exactly.  We had a Craftsman home in CA and I miss it.  

We have several friends who have remodeled their kitchens.  They have spent between $80K-$200K to do it.  It is crazy expensive.  

I think I am resigned to not getting exactly what I want, or even super close to what I want.....there are honestly other things that take priority to a kitchen right now.  And there just aren't that many homes in our price range in our area, so we are somewhat limited.




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It does sound like you're going to have to settle a little. Hopefully you will find something that works in terms of layout, even if the aesthetics aren't entirely what you prefer. 

FWIW, my current house has a galley kitchen. I would never have picked a galley layout if I were designing. We picked the house because the location was perfect. But I love the galley kitchen now. I think it's my favorite design because it just works so well in terms of flow and use of space. 

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3 minutes ago, Pen said:

I love Craftsman.  Probably my favorite style.  Besides price etc issues though, another problem can be its fit to the place and darkness.

I’m currently in PNW where there’s a lot of Craftsman.  However unless a house has skylights it tends to be very dark for half the year given clouds and trees and porch overhangs. 

In this climate white combined with wood tones tends to do better.  

For a kitchen that had an acceptable layout, a change to white plus wood tones may also be possible as primarily paint and finishes and possibly a wood floor (or tile with wood look) and top for an island.  

A friend of mine has a kitchen whic they redid from a typical older working class  “tract house” with a vinyl floor needing replacement and no interest or appeal to the kitchen, though large and reasonably functional.   She added a medium warm tone wood floor where the wood goes up one wall and carries into an adjoining room where it made a small window seat which transformed the formerly blah kitchen amazingly.  They put a friendly feeling wood table and a freestanding cart in lieu of an island.  The friend who did that also is incredibly artistic, and had a helpful husband and son, which helped, though professionals did the floor, wall and seat.  I think they did their own fresh paint.  I believe it was less than $5000 to go from meh to really appealing— but no major construction was done nor appliances changed. 





I do not like the look of painted cabinets and I haven't known anyone who didn't have issues with them.  We painted ours, hired someone to professionally do it, and we have still had issues and I have never liked them.  That was 3 years ago when I thought we were moving then.....

There is something with painting them in the factory with a heat seal of some kind that makes it not prone to the same issues, but I don't remember exactly what I was told about it.  

But there are literally NO Craftsman style homes in our area.  None.  It stinks.

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On 2/15/2019 at 3:17 AM, DawnM said:

oo small for the size of house, like to the point where if you are sitting at the bar, you can't open the fridge!). One house had some weird island in the middle, but off center, that had the stove top on it!  If you were standing there to cook, no one could access the microwave or stove behind you.


I’d probably try to avoid this sort of problem as potential dangers or major problems of movement and use.  

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On 2/17/2019 at 5:52 AM, Pen said:


This sort of thing?  Possibly you can paste link if it won’t work directly.  Or Google: modern Craftsman kitchen warm wood large   (Or any other indispensable feature like wet bar or counter seating) 

Pretty much unless you find one already remodeled to such a style you’d have to add on a new kitchen.  

Authentic Craftsman and Bungalows were too small to have the sort of kitchen you probably want.  

If that’s true, you might want a house where the kitchen is extremely meh, but price, local building rules and space available would allow remodel with expansion, if not immediately then to be working toward that. 


American Bungalow Furniture Kitchen — BUNGALOW HOUSE : Homey American Bungalow Furniture


Edited by Frances
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