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WWYD? Work situation


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Sorry - wasn't really able to keep it brief.


I'm gonna try to keep this as brief as possible. I plan Disney trips and am having an issue with a client. This is the scenario and I'm wondering if yall have a suggestion as to the best way to remedy this.


I booked a trip for a young couple back in April. I know them, but not well. We went back and forth on dates, rooms, etc. and I wound up booking them 2 separate vacations in case the fall discount offers didn't come out in her favor. During the course of that, we talked a lot about why she didn't really want to do it between Thanksgiving and Christmas (due to having to travel for Christmas).


I got all her dining booked and everything - never heard from her when discounts were released (even though she had been on me about every single thing up to that point). I searched her booked dates for offers and her particular choices were unavailable (all too common lately with Disney).


I heard from her yesterday. She asked about offers and whether any were available. I told her no at which time she asked about other dates. I told her I thought she was set on dates and since all dining had been booked, would not be interested in changing those. She sent me a screen shot of back in April where she had apparently mentioned that they would be willing to go the week after Thanksgiving. I told her I thought we had discussed that prior to making the two separate reservations, at which point she corrected me and said that, "no, we made reservations on April 17th and this text was on April 24th." Of course it was after all that that I made her about 10 dining reservations for a lot of the signature restaurants, so I figured she was pretty set. Also, I honestly must have missed the text where she talked about changing dates because we were so focused on getting everything she wanted.


So I tell her that I must've just missed that somehow, to which she replied, "what are we gonna do to fix this?" I told her there was really no way to fix it other than trying to get something with a discount now, and watching for something if nothing was currently available.


I was then able to get her an almost identical room with the same view at the same resort for her same dates. The room is about $200 total more pre-discount, and with the discount applied, makes it $400 less than what is currently booked (room offers at 20% off just don't save THAT much money). It would likely cost her about $150 more total for this than if we would've found her the slightly cheaper room with the same discount, but again, less than what she currently has booked (her first pick anyway - she has a backup booked that is a couple THOUSAND less, and she could certainly choose that option).


So, I have it on hold, let her know about it, mentioned to her that I had actually looked for the week after Thanksgiving dates for some other parties and noted that her particular room was not showing availability with the discount for either week (I had taken a screen shot for them of what was available with the discount, and I did it the day the offer came out, so I know her room wouldn't have been available either way).


The girl WILL NOT respond to me at all.


Honestly, one side of me couldn't care less. I'm pretty fed up with people who act like this. I have bent over backwards for her for hours upon hours discussing every single detail and I missed ONE thing, that honestly would not have made a single difference, and she is a 20-something calling me out on every detail and acting like I need to go out of my way to fix something that couldn't have been done anyway.


Of course the other side of me wants to be sure she gets exactly what she wants, but since that is really out of my control, I would like to do something to please her in the name of customer service. Granted, I think that side of me is much smaller than the first side that wants to tell her to kiss my butt and book her own trip (yes I know that's a bad attitude, but I'm trying to be honest).


WWYD here?

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And stop texting. I feel like major stuff like this needs to take place over phone or email.


"This is what we can do to resolve this (xyz). If you're interested, please confirm by (xyz). If I don't hear from you, I'll assume you are no longer interested in any of the items we've worked on so far. As a courtesy to the businesses involved in your reservations, I will need to cancel those by (xyz). Moving forward, I would hope to communicate by phone call or email. Thank you for your time and once again, I am sorry for (xyz)."

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I hate it when I make a mistake on client work!  But, we all do it.  Miss 20-something just hasn't been around long enough to realize that.  :) 


I agree with those who say apologize and give her the options along with a deadline for her to confirm.  To sweeten it a little, you could offer to do her next trip for a discount price (off your services) or whatever small token you are able to offer.  I'm pretty sure that is what she's expecting of you.


KEEP EVERYTHING IN WRITING.  She might try to give you a hard time later.

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She is being immature. But you also want to offer good customer service. I'd make a nice gesture with the caveat that you have to hear back in 24 hours because spots or moving very, very quickly so you can't hold a reservation for that long.


If she doesn't get back to you by the deadline, your conscience is clear. You can lead a horse to water but.......

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I'd tell her sorry if there was a miscommunication earlier. I'd list her parameters (dates, activities, dining) and say those are the request she's made as you understand. Then I'd tell based on this parameters options a, b, or c are available. Finally, I'd say she needs to make a decision because a, b, and c will become unavailable (booking will expire or whatever by --date).


I'd be very concise.


ETA sounds like she may want to twist facts in her favor. Possibly thinking she' ll get something for free. Write all facts as you understand in each email. Follow up any phone conversation with an email containing whatever your understanding on the phone conversation was.

Edited by Diana P.
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Apparently everyone else is much nicer than I am.  I'd be done with it.  And send her an email telling her that since she cannot seem to respond in a timely manner, you have cancelled all of her reservations and will not work with her in the future.


Possibly the option of an email with a deadline - IE if you don't confirm by such-and-such date (3 business days from now), you will assume she no longer wants to work with you and all reservations will be cancelled.

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Apparently everyone else is much nicer than I am. I'd be done with it. And send her an email telling her that since she cannot seem to respond in a timely manner, you have cancelled all of her reservations and will not work with her in the future.


Possibly the option of an email with a deadline - IE if you don't confirm by such-and-such date (3 business days from now), you will assume she no longer wants to work with you and all reservations will be cancelled.

This is what I'd do as well.

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And stop texting. I feel like major stuff like this needs to take place over phone or email.


"This is what we can do to resolve this (xyz). If you're interested, please confirm by (xyz). If I don't hear from you, I'll assume you are no longer interested in any of the items we've worked on so far. As a courtesy to the businesses involved in your reservations, I will need to cancel those by (xyz). Moving forward, I would hope to communicate by phone call or email. Thank you for your time and once again, I am sorry for (xyz)."


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It's seems like you might be setting yourself up for these types of complications by having too many dates and choices without actual deposits being placed. Once dates are set in stone, there would be less sudden changes. Maybe this is the nature of the beast, but then it tends to leave you hanging in the wind rather than the client. 


I'd think about simplifying or changing things for the future. In this case specifically, you may have to take a loss. 

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I agree with those who have said it sounds like she's trying to get something for nothing -- she wants you to offer to pay for part of her vacation.


I wouldn't fall all over myself being apologetic. You've given her options from which she can choose and she is being unreasonable by not responding to you, so I would do as has already been suggested -- give her a 24 hour deadline and tell her if you haven't heard from her by then, you'll assume she has changed her vacation plans and decided against visiting Disney, so you will be cancelling all of her reservations. As has already been suggested, put everything in writing!


She sounds like a real nuisance.

Edited by Catwoman
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She mentioned a problem.


You tried to make it right.


She's not responsive.


She needs to put money where her mouth is or be done with the thing.


Seriously, getting EVERYTHING you want at Disney is hard.  We went on 30 days notice last year, and we were able to DO all of the things we wanted, we just weren't able to get prime meal reservations.  It was fine; truly, it was a lovely vacation.  It sounds like you are bumping in to some unrealistically high/manipulative expectations and I wouldn't play those games.


I agree with a pp who said that in the future you might be more direct about dates, expectations, and when deposits need to be placed....sometimes too much flexibility is a bad thing.

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There's customer service, then there's full on manipulation and entitlement.


If her dates weren't set in stone, she could've mentioned something during the dining reservation conversations.


I'd give her notice of a week to make up her mind from the options you already have, then cancel everything if you don't hear from her.


I do NOT miss being a travel agent. Too many emotions mixed up in a business deal.

Edited by fraidycat
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You and the client talked about dates. She first said, "Not between Thanksgiving and Christmas."


You picked some dates, and then later she said, "Well, I can do the week after Thanksgiving." But you missed that.


Meanwhile, you booked dinners and were waiting to see about discounts. The discounts finally were posted and she contacted you yesterday to ask about them.


Yesterday is when she said something along the lines of, "Well, what about discounts for the week after Thanksgiving." You said, "You didn't want it for that time." She said, "Hang on! I did! Here's the screen shot!" And now you both realized there was a problem and she said, "How can we fix it?"


You then looked and realized that even if you had seen that she was ok with the week after Thanksgiving that it wouldn't have worked out anyway, that there wouldn't be the discounts she wanted.


And with one of her dates, she'll be paying $150 more overall, but getting a lot that she wants, or with the other date, she'll be paying thousands less, and not quite getting what she wanted. And you send her that info yesterday.




Personally, I see this as a perfectly acceptable business situation. Her saying, "How can we fix it," is a very professional response and not an immature person throwing a fit. That's exactly the sort of language she should be using as the client. She's hired you to plan the trip. There was a miscommunication about dates. She asked how it could be fixed. You gave her all the info you had (the week after Thanksgiving wouldn't have worked anyway, here's option 1 at $150 more, and here's option 2 at thousands less.).


It's only been one day. This all happened yesterday. She might be discussing this with her dh. It can take my dh and me a day or two to connect on big issues like that. We often don't have more than 5 minutes to sit together and talk in any 24-28 hour period and have to wait to get together to hash something out.


I think you might be taking it a bit personally because you cite her age in a derogatory way. It doesn't matter if she's in her 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. She's just a client and frankly, she's in the right. She did tell you about the date change and you missed it.


People don't remember what a company did wrong...IF the company handles the mistake with class. Find a way to tell her that while the week after Thanksgiving wouldn't have worked for her anyway, you're still going to give her X discount (or whatever you can give) for not catching that she'd asked for you to look into those dates back in April.

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ETA: I mentioned about that this only happened yesterday, but at the same time, I know that these things can be time-sensitive. I agree with the others that you should give her a time limit, "I need to know by X or I'll have to cancel things."


But unless there's more to the story, I think you're taking this too personally and just don't like the client. From the bare bones of the story, she's right about giving you the extra dates. I'm not sure it's accurate to say that she's refusing to respond on something that only happened a day ago, unless you already gave her a deadline. I'd think she's considering the options and will get back to you when she has a decision.

Edited by Garga
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How long can you place the new reservation on hold?  if she doesn't know of a particular deadline to make a decision, I would not necessarily expect an immediate response to a text.  I know that deadlines and making fast decisions can be important in our business, but if she is considering different dates, she may need to do some coordination with work or other people's schedules and it is difficult to get that done sometimes within a 24 hour period.

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What is the likelihood of bad publicity if you cancel on her.


just one person can create havoc.  I just read an article about a wedding photographer whose business was ruined by a client - who didn't want to pay that last $125 to which they'd agreed.  she finally said fine- and shipped off their photos.  then they bad mouthed her in the press during "booking season", claiming she held their photos "hostage"  (she was waiting for them to answer a question about a photograph so she could finish their photos).

three years later - she won a $1M against them - but she shouldn't have had to go through that in the first place.


Can you send her the above message in a form that confirms it was delivered and opened? I think some gmail services offer that. Certified mail certainly does.


in outlook - regardless of your email server -   under the options tab, has a "read receipt" for email.



I would  not text- that doesn't generally speak of "professional".    and it's very space limiting.


I would stick to phone or email, but with this client  - I would prefer email.  I would also start requiring deposits and due-by dates if she wants things held.


dd is a nerd - she talks to a lot of nerds about nerdy business transactions - they are phone or email. 

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Disney discounts are becoming harder to get and you have to be very flexible with dates, resorts, views, etc. to even have a chance. I was online at 3 am waiting for the free dining offer to open back in April.. .I think it opened at 5:30 am, and I had to play around with my dates AND change resorts to land the deal, all within the first few minutes of the offer being available.  Many many people are reporting no luck at all.


I don't envy the Disney travel planners.  Folks have gotten used to the discounts.

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I would just say it can take some time to find out if a new travel plan works.  She probably had to check with other people e.g. her boss, her spouse, the school schedule, etc., so the fact that she didn't respond in 24 hours does not automatically mean she is a jerk.

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I'm not sure I completely understand, but you're dealing with a nut case here. It's obvious, right?


If you continue on this path -- she'll just be steaming mad, entitled, and vindictive about something else at some point. She comes across as someone who can't be pleased.


Personally, I think this type of character is dangerous to deal with. They cause hurt feelings, sleepless nights and so forth.


Maybe it's just me, but I'd "customer service" her to the curb.



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It's seems like you might be setting yourself up for these types of complications by having too many dates and choices without actual deposits being placed. Once dates are set in stone, there would be less sudden changes. Maybe this is the nature of the beast, but then it tends to leave you hanging in the wind rather than the client.


I'd think about simplifying or changing things for the future. In this case specifically, you may have to take a loss.

Sorry - I had to babysit last night for my grandkids and forgot my iPad.


I'm going to respond to this first. There ARE deposits on her set reservations. She was wanting one with a discount which I found for her - she has NOT responded regarding putting a deposit on that one.


There's no real taking a loss here for me, other than some hours of my time. If she cancels it all, I won't make any money, but I have nothing invested other than some effort.

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You and the client talked about dates. She first said, "Not between Thanksgiving and Christmas."


You picked some dates, and then later she said, "Well, I can do the week after Thanksgiving." But you missed that.


Meanwhile, you booked dinners and were waiting to see about discounts. The discounts finally were posted and she contacted you yesterday to ask about them.


Yesterday is when she said something along the lines of, "Well, what about discounts for the week after Thanksgiving." You said, "You didn't want it for that time." She said, "Hang on! I did! Here's the screen shot!" And now you both realized there was a problem and she said, "How can we fix it?"


You then looked and realized that even if you had seen that she was ok with the week after Thanksgiving that it wouldn't have worked out anyway, that there wouldn't be the discounts she wanted.


And with one of her dates, she'll be paying $150 more overall, but getting a lot that she wants, or with the other date, she'll be paying thousands less, and not quite getting what she wanted. And you send her that info yesterday.




Personally, I see this as a perfectly acceptable business situation. Her saying, "How can we fix it," is a very professional response and not an immature person throwing a fit. That's exactly the sort of language she should be using as the client. She's hired you to plan the trip. There was a miscommunication about dates. She asked how it could be fixed. You gave her all the info you had (the week after Thanksgiving wouldn't have worked anyway, here's option 1 at $150 more, and here's option 2 at thousands less.).


It's only been one day. This all happened yesterday. She might be discussing this with her dh. It can take my dh and me a day or two to connect on big issues like that. We often don't have more than 5 minutes to sit together and talk in any 24-28 hour period and have to wait to get together to hash something out.


I think you might be taking it a bit personally because you cite her age in a derogatory way. It doesn't matter if she's in her 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. She's just a client and frankly, she's in the right. She did tell you about the date change and you missed it.


People don't remember what a company did wrong...IF the company handles the mistake with class. Find a way to tell her that while the week after Thanksgiving wouldn't have worked for her anyway, you're still going to give her X discount (or whatever you can give) for not catching that she'd asked for you to look into those dates back in April.

I appreciate your take on it. Actually, I looked back at the text she sent me a picture of and it was actually in regards to another option that was potentially available at the time - free dining.


I'm going to put the quote and the response. Bear in mind that this was in the midst of a lot of other discussion (some by text, some by phone) in which she stated she preferred NOT to travel after Thanksgiving. And also, as far as texting, that's the way younger people tend to communicate, although I AM sending her an email today (she won't respond to texts or calls).


Me: Hey was there another date you would be interested in traveling? I can check and see if they have the Animal Kingdom room you're looking for with the free dining offer on a different date.


Her response: The week after Thanksgiving would be ok with us. I would much rather wait for the room discount though.


She didn't want to move her dates to get the free dining option and preferred to take a chance on it being available for room discount. It wasn't. Even though I technically didn't check it FOR HER, it wasn't on my screen shot of available discount options for the week after Thanksgiving, which I had checked for 6 other clients traveling that week.


Now bear in mind that we booked her a second room option in case her room did NOT get the discount. She still has that option AND the discounted option I found and presented her (to which she has still not responded).


So yes, I technically overlooked it, but it was in response to a totally different scenario.


Now I really do pride myself on being able to get what people want, so I'm frustrated that I missed this, even though it would have made ZERO difference, but her attitude and lack of response here is childish.

Edited by StaceyinLA
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ETA: I mentioned about that this only happened yesterday, but at the same time, I know that these things can be time-sensitive. I agree with the others that you should give her a time limit, "I need to know by X or I'll have to cancel things."


But unless there's more to the story, I think you're taking this too personally and just don't like the client. From the bare bones of the story, she's right about giving you the extra dates. I'm not sure it's accurate to say that she's refusing to respond on something that only happened a day ago, unless you already gave her a deadline. I'd think she's considering the options and will get back to you when she has a decision.

She absolutely has a deadline, and she knows it. Holds are for 72 hours, and she knows that as well. I do NOT dislike this client. Her mom and I are friends (not close, but better than acquaintances, and I really like her), and she was a home school friend of my daughter.


Honestly what I am is taken aback at her blatant rudeness in the situation. I bent over backwards to please her early on because of the friendships.

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Disney discounts are becoming harder to get and you have to be very flexible with dates, resorts, views, etc. to even have a chance. I was online at 3 am waiting for the free dining offer to open back in April.. .I think it opened at 5:30 am, and I had to play around with my dates AND change resorts to land the deal, all within the first few minutes of the offer being available. Many many people are reporting no luck at all.


I don't envy the Disney travel planners. Folks have gotten used to the discounts.

You're telling me! What's super frustrating is when you have 10 clients that want to travel at the same time. I mean how in the world do you pick whose discounts or free dining to try and get first?!?


And if you have to call in, forget it. The hold times, even for us agents, can be 3-5 HOURS!! If the travel agent site is working properly, it's relatively quick and painless, but if it's glitchy (which it often is when there's a huge discount offer going), it's absolutely useless.


Honestly, between dealing with difficult people and dealing with Disney and the constant price increases and slim pickings for discounts these days, I'm about to be done with the travel agent gig.

Edited by StaceyinLA
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And stop texting. I feel like major stuff like this needs to take place over phone or email.


"This is what we can do to resolve this (xyz). If you're interested, please confirm by (xyz). If I don't hear from you, I'll assume you are no longer interested in any of the items we've worked on so far. As a courtesy to the businesses involved in your reservations, I will need to cancel those by (xyz). Moving forward, I would hope to communicate by phone call or email. Thank you for your time and once again, I am sorry for (xyz)."


Ugh. To me, texting is a form of casual conversation. Business needs to be done via email or phone, too many texts get lost, it's easy to leave out details, typos, etc. Texting is not a form on business communication  (so says the woman who loves to texts friends, and hates to conduct any business via text)

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Ugh. To me, texting is a form of casual conversation. Business needs to be done via email or phone, too many texts get lost, it's easy to leave out details, typos, etc. Texting is not a form on business communication (so says the woman who loves to texts friends, and hates to conduct any business via text)

I absolutely agree. I am definitely a talker, and I generally only communicate with clients via text for quick q/a if they are at work or otherwise unable to talk on the phone. Young people, however, tend to communicate this way a LOT.


I did send her an email today though.

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You're telling me! What's super frustrating is when you have 10 clients that want to travel at the same time. I mean how in the world do you pick whose discounts or free dining to try and get first?!?




That part's easy...... in the order that they requested your services.

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She absolutely has a deadline, and she knows it. Holds are for 72 hours, and she knows that as well. I do NOT dislike this client. Her mom and I are friends (not close, but better than acquaintances, and I really like her), and she was a home school friend of my daughter.


Honestly what I am is taken aback at her blatant rudeness in the situation. I bent over backwards to please her early on because of the friendships.


Whoa, this is a family friend and she's talking to you like that?  What a snot.

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Now I really do pride myself on being able to get what people want, so I'm frustrated that I missed this, even though it would have made ZERO difference, but her attitude and lack of response here is childish.



She absolutely has a deadline, and she knows it. Holds are for 72 hours, and she knows that as well. I do NOT dislike this client. Her mom and I are friends (not close, but better than acquaintances, and I really like her), and she was a home school friend of my daughter.


Honestly what I am is taken aback at her blatant rudeness in the situation. I bent over backwards to please her early on because of the friendships.

If I understand correctly, she knows she has 72 hours for a hold, and the 72 hours are not up yet.  I would not consider a lack of response within the hold period childish.  Perhaps she is looking at other possibilities, weighing her options, discussing plans with others, or something else.  If I knew I had 72 hours for a hold, I would not necessarily rush to respond to someone's text.  

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If I understand correctly, she knows she has 72 hours for a hold, and the 72 hours are not up yet. I would not consider a lack of response within the hold period childish. Perhaps she is looking at other possibilities, weighing her options, discussing plans with others, or something else. If I knew I had 72 hours for a hold, I would not necessarily rush to respond to someone's text.

I think it would have been polite for her to have acknowledged Stacey's message, even if it was only to say she would discuss the options with her dh and let her know by a certain date.

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I sent her an email yesterday. I apologized to her and was pretty gracious. Her response was, "Please do not make any modifications to our plans, or any additional reservations. We are in contact with Disney directly. Thank you for your time."


Honestly, I have never been so relieved.


Now I'm going to call Disney and discuss how/if this affects me, but I am so glad I no longer have to deal with her. I honestly cannot believe that a simple misunderstanding that ultimately didn't affect her trip AT ALL, after everything else I had done, led her to do that, but since it did, I am super thrilled she isn't going to be using my services.

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I dunno... I'm reading this thread and the main thing that screams out to me is, "Disney's not worth all that effort.  There are oodles of places to go."   :lol:


(NOT meaning any slight on your work - merely that there's that much work involved and one still doesn't get what they want.)


Otherwise, we just had a "Travel Expert" get a flight to Jordan for my son.  She "found" a "great" flight that has a super early departure time, a very late arrival time (getting back) and super long layovers along the way.   :glare:   She was thrilled that it was within his $1500 grant budget.  I spent 10 minutes online, found a terrific flight with great departure and arrival times (all legs of the journey) and enough layover for issues (about 3 hours), but not enough to get bored (10 hours) - for $1250, so within his budget too.  My lad went with her option... (GRR!) because he didn't want to create waves by suggesting mine.   :cursing:  :banghead:  I could easily have found half a dozen better ones within his budget.  I've no idea how she came up with hers TBH.


I'm frustrated to say the least.  She advertises herself as an expert. (sigh)


But I digress.


I'm glad you don't have to bother with this client anymore.  I'm sure plenty of them are better to work with - esp with the work involved for Disney (compared to a mere flight to Jordan).

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I think so many people believe "the customer is always right" and that is just not true. She wanted you to fall on your sword and offer deeper discounts to make up for what she saw as your error. Spoiled brat.

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I sent her an email yesterday. I apologized to her and was pretty gracious. Her response was, "Please do not make any modifications to our plans, or any additional reservations. We are in contact with Disney directly. Thank you for your time."


Honestly, I have never been so relieved.


Now I'm going to call Disney and discuss how/if this affects me, but I am so glad I no longer have to deal with her. I honestly cannot believe that a simple misunderstanding that ultimately didn't affect her trip AT ALL, after everything else I had done, led her to do that, but since it did, I am super thrilled she isn't going to be using my services.



If this is how she treats friends of her family, I don't even want to think about how she must treat strangers. :eek:


What an arrogant little snot. :glare:

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