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Feeding teens? Yes, it is bad...


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At our grocer you get 1 point for every dollar spent towards fuel rewards (money off gas). The cashier went to circle my total for last month and she stopped and stared and looked at me and said, "I'm so sorry, that just mesmerized me." 

What I didn't tell her was that I also shop at Costco on top of that.  And I also shop the farmer's market some too.


I remember when we considered the diaper stage expensive.  What I wouldn't give to go back to that budget. 


Just me, ranting a bit about the cost of having teens.  



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ah yup


My teen (my firstborn) had bad colic as a newborn.  So they put him on various special hypoallergenic this or that formula.  At one point it was costing me over $10 a day for the formula.  That felt like a lot of money.  DH and I could almost eat for the entire week on an amount similar to what it was costing to feed a tiny baby.  And then of course..diapers.  Wowsers.


And yet now?  I don't keep track because I don't want to know.  LOL



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I know what you mean, and I only have two and one is no longer a teen (but eats as much as ever!). A few years ago I really spread my grocery shopping around. Different stores have different products we like and hitting sales at different stores was good. But a lot of it was to save myself a little embarrassment about how much I bought/spent. ;)

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You don't even want to know how much it is costing to feed our family of healthy-appetite six boys... rofl

And we think the National Debt is bad...;)

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I went in to the grocery store the other day to pick up a few things. It was a "quick in between my real shopping trips" trip for me. The cashier was like, "Wow, you've really got a lot of groceries!" 😂😂😂


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I had 3 teen boys at one time. It was bad! DH was always annoyed that the food was gone so fast. :lol:

My DH has started hiding food that he wants to eat in the future. He's learned that if he waits, it's gone. He keeps wishing for a mini fridge for our bedroom so he has a chance for some of the food my children gobble down quickly. I go to Costco twice a month and the grocery store twice a month. If I get out of Costco with less than a $400 bill, I'm happy. I rarely buy "fun" stuff there-mostly just basic food. We have almost three teen boys and this little skinny dd who can pack it away. Right now she's eating left overs from a huge dinner I made. Leftovers that would have fed DH and me a good sized lunch.



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Dh and I hiding food for later, normal.


Me feeling like I am surrounded by a pack of velociraptor or cannibalistic savages, yup.


Shopping at the Mennonite bulk food store and having the cashier look at the receipt and say, "Let me guess. All three boys home from college?" Spot on.


I swear that when the rising senior graduates, goes off to college, and we empty nest, I am treating dh and I to lobster tail, crab cakes, stuffed mushroom caps, rissoto, and green beans almondine.

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I know many of you here have bigger bills than I do, and I still get comments from cashiers.


One was "Big Easter dinner?"

"No, I'll do that shopping tomorrow. This is to hold us over until then."


(It probably doesn't help that I stockpile. I suppose multiple cases of $.66 pasta looks weird.)


ETA, 3 teens and two younger boys!

Edited by Carrie12345
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I went in to the grocery store the other day to pick up a few things. It was a "quick in between my real shopping trips" trip for me. The cashier was like, "Wow, you've really got a lot of groceries!" 😂😂😂


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I just returned from a shopping trip. I hurt my back yesterday, and was discussing with DH how I would get groceries today. I said, "Well, I can't send (teenaged boy) to go get them because he will buy everything he sees and it will be $200." I ended up going with DS12 along with me. Guess what I spent anyway? $224. 😱

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Feeding a family of 5 is so expensive!  My twin boys are 13 and they eat SO MUCH.  Also, my DH is gluten free so that's additional expense for bread and pasta etc...



We are gluten and dairy free so yea, it kills us.  The added expense just makes it worse.  DS has some odd sensitivities to certain food additives too.  It gets fun ;)  

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I just returned from a shopping trip. I hurt my back yesterday, and was discussing with DH how I would get groceries today. I said, "Well, I can't send (teenaged boy) to go get them because he will buy everything he sees and it will be $200." I ended up going with DS12 along with me. Guess what I spent anyway? $224. 😱



Oh no, sorry about your back  :crying:   I avoid even taking mine to the store with me because of all of the extra things they add to cart.  Sending them alone?  That would be a disaster  :eek:

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My DH has started hiding food that he wants to eat in the future. He's learned that if he waits, it's gone. He keeps wishing for a mini fridge for our bedroom so he has a chance for some of the food my children gobble down quickly. I go to Costco twice a month and the grocery store twice a month. If I get out of Costco with less than a $400 bill, I'm happy. I rarely buy "fun" stuff there-mostly just basic food. We have almost three teen boys and this little skinny dd who can pack it away. Right now she's eating left overs from a huge dinner I made. Leftovers that would have fed DH and me a good sized lunch.



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It is rare that I can get it under $400 and when I can I do a little happy dance and the cashier thinks I've lost my mind  :lol:

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Did you know if you spend $300 three days in a row that the grocery store calls the manager over to okay your check? Yeah, embarrassing. Glad that those days only happen now when everyone is home at once. Of course, that's now starting to include sils.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

My sister (who has five kids) got her credit card declined once when she was at a food auction. (Yes really! A food auction!) They couldn't believe someone was seriously buying $600+ in food goods.

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DSs were gone 3 evenings last week. I wasn't really thinking about it and made my regular amount of spaghetti that first night. You guys, we ate leftover spaghetti for the next 2 nights without them.


Two. Nights. 😱


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I thought of you all when I had this conversation with DH this morning.


"Where did those two bags of chips from Costco go?"


"The kids ate them."


"No, I mean the ones we just got a few days ago."


"They're gone."


"We had two huge bags...I think I ate one chip when I was giving some to J."  (at this point, it still hasn't registered)




At this point, it goes "ding" in Dh's mind and he leaves for work grumbling about going to Costco himself so that he can actually have a fun snack every once in a while and hide the whole bag in his office where only he can reach them.

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Those with multiple teens (especially boys), how many refrigerators/freezers do you have? I have one medium-ish side by side fridge right now, and a small deep freeze we try to only use when we get a deer. The fridge and freezer are packed to the point of not being able to find anything as soon as I'm home from the store, and six days later I have empty shelves! My boys are nearly 9, 7, and nearly 4, and other than a punctured sausage roll this morning I didn't feel comfortable using, I can't remember the last time we threw out food.


So how big of a fridge do I need in a few years, and how many of them?

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Feeding a family of 5 is so expensive!  My twin boys are 13 and they eat SO MUCH.  Also, my DH is gluten free so that's additional expense for bread and pasta etc...

 You might look into cutting back on the gluten-replacement foods. Having to be gluten-free myself, I realize how tempting it is to replace breads and pastas with the gluten-free products and I also know the expense that can bring in. An option that I've found that helps me, when I stick to it, is a paleo method of eating. eMeals has a great subscription plan that helps with planning this. Seriously, when you eat that way, without all the starches, you find you're not as hungry through the day. Just a thought to help you. 

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Those with multiple teens (especially boys), how many refrigerators/freezers do you have? I have one medium-ish side by side fridge right now, and a small deep freeze we try to only use when we get a deer. The fridge and freezer are packed to the point of not being able to find anything as soon as I'm home from the store, and six days later I have empty shelves! My boys are nearly 9, 7, and nearly 4, and other than a punctured sausage roll this morning I didn't feel comfortable using, I can't remember the last time we threw out food.


So how big of a fridge do I need in a few years, and how many of them?



This is exactly what I have with four kids (three teens).  It is small and I fight it all the time.  DH just can't stand the thought of getting a bigger fridge or a second one.

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Those with multiple teens (especially boys), how many refrigerators/freezers do you have? I have one medium-ish side by side fridge right now, and a small deep freeze we try to only use when we get a deer. The fridge and freezer are packed to the point of not being able to find anything as soon as I'm home from the store, and six days later I have empty shelves! My boys are nearly 9, 7, and nearly 4, and other than a punctured sausage roll this morning I didn't feel comfortable using, I can't remember the last time we threw out food.


So how big of a fridge do I need in a few years, and how many of them?

I struggled and got by for years with a medium sized fridge. 4 years ago DH was tired of seeing me fit food into the fridge like it was a jigsaw puzzle and splurged and bought me a huge fridge on top/freezer on bottom that I kid you not fits 7 gallons of milk (our typical weekly amount) and a watermelon as well as the rest of our weekly cold stuff. There has seriously not been a day gone by since I got it that I'm not thankful for my wonderful fridge ... totally worth the expense and the best gift I've ever received!!!


Our extended family are farmers and we get beef, chicken, and pork in bulk as well as freezing garden produce so we also have 2 freezers, one a chest freezer and one an upright.


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This is exactly what I have with four kids (three teens). It is small and I fight it all the time. DH just can't stand the thought of getting a bigger fridge or a second one.

I am both glad and sorry to hear that! At least it *can* be done. We'll probably end up putting a small "beer fridge" downstairs, minus the beer, and use it for overflow.


I'm hoping to get the kitchen remodel done next year so at least I'll have a decent sized pantry. That might help.

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My three sons eat so much that it makes me nervous.  Two of them lift weights and are very active and they need so much food!  For a while, they were having a contest to see who could gain more weight so they were eating more than ever.  They almost always eat two dinners plus snack all day in addition to breakfast and lunch.  They always want a huge meal/snack late at night when I'm in bed (they are young adults).  I try to fill them up with potatoes, rice, and pasta as much as I can, but they want a lot of protein and produce.  So expensive and I have to constantly shop when they are home.



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We have a large fridge and a stand alone freezer. I only have two big eaters--dd8 has days when she keeps pace though; she has grown 4" this year.

Yep, my dd, who is now almost 19, could hold her own amongst teen boys by the time she was 9. We've often kidded her that she had a 

hollow leg while growing up!  :coolgleamA:

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I have 2 refrigerators, but I live an hour from the store and only go once per week. There is a local store if I have to get something, but their prices are way higher, like a dollar+ more for a gallon of milk. I've also started shopping at Sams club ever 6 to 8 weeks.... $700 every time I go, but it really saves on the groceries when I only have to get perishables. I do Aldi for veggies, or the local produce stand. We have 5 kids and my husband eats a lot. I don't think I could fit a weeks worth of grocries into one fridge. We eat a lot of fruits and veggies, 4 gallons of milk, and my crew prefer left overs for lunch, so it's always full. I knew one mom who just had an extra on her back porch for overflow, she had 7 kids. We do buy beef by the half, so we have a freezer full of meat, and I try to freeze fruit and corn, too.

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I have three boys. Right now they're 3, 2 and infant. You have officially terrified me. Anyone willing to tell me what your budget is? Now I'm rethinking my intent to have a couple more! What if we can't afford to feed them?



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We are already in the 3lb-roast-is-gone-in-one-meal territory and our people are still small, with one on the boob. I'm kind of dreading it in five years or so when we have a bunch of preteens and teens and you all are not helping me feel better about this!

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At the height of Foodmageddon, we spent around $1500-2000 per month on groceries.


It's cheaper to send them to college and pay for their meal plans. Lol/jk


Eta: I had four teen boys and two tween boys at home during Foodmageddon.

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We are already in the 3lb-roast-is-gone-in-one-meal territory and our people are still small, with one on the boob. I'm kind of dreading it in five years or so when we have a bunch of preteens and teens and you all are not helping me feel better about this!


I just don't have the newborn, but we don't eat that much.  And I eat a lot and my 4 olders pack it away.  A 1lb thing of meat for tacos sometimes gets us leftovers


We can use that same one 1 lb of meat and have chili for 3 days.


We usually spend 600-800 a month at the store, but that is everything, not just food. 

If I tried to use leftovers more, stopped buying cereal, crackers, nuts it would be a lot less. 




My plans are to use lots of beans, rice, pasta, eggs and such to get meals to last longer. 


I need to make sure we use leftovers.  I need to keep the pasta.  We don't always.


I need to keep the rice.  


But yeah the teenage years kind of scare me with this talk.    I should get a job.  Or make them all get some and pay for things.  

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I have three boys. Right now they're 3, 2 and infant. You have officially terrified me. Anyone willing to tell me what your budget is? Now I'm rethinking my intent to have a couple more! What if we can't afford to feed them?



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You know, you can't stress about the future too much.  Who knows what the future may bring. 


We spend about $1500/month just for food (no toiletry items, etc) but we also have some gluten and dairy free items in there (more expensive).  We try not to focus on gluten free type foods for the most part, but I do keep some gluten free bread around and I buy a gluten free baking mix in a larger quantity on amazon subscribe and save.  

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And here's what I dont get. Those boys eat and eat and eat like a swarm of locusts, yet they are skinny as rails. Me? I so much as *look* at a slice of pizza and I puff up 30 pounds. There's no justice.

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We are already in the 3lb-roast-is-gone-in-one-meal territory and our people are still small, with one on the boob. I'm kind of dreading it in five years or so when we have a bunch of preteens and teens and you all are not helping me feel better about this!


The last few times I have made a pot roast, I have assumed leftovers. But, nope. They love that meal, and my 4 (ages 4 to 10) can definitely eat one in a sitting.

Edited by Zinnia
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Those with multiple teens (especially boys), how many refrigerators/freezers do you have? I have one medium-ish side by side fridge right now, and a small deep freeze we try to only use when we get a deer. The fridge and freezer are packed to the point of not being able to find anything as soon as I'm home from the store, and six days later I have empty shelves! My boys are nearly 9, 7, and nearly 4, and other than a punctured sausage roll this morning I didn't feel comfortable using, I can't remember the last time we threw out food.


So how big of a fridge do I need in a few years, and how many of them?


My "big" fridge is 31 cu my "small" fridge is 26 cu.  Both are fridge/freezer units.  Then I have large upright freezer (the biggest I could find) and then a smaller upright freezer (purchased when we were first married and there was only 2 of us and at the time couldn't envision needing so much space).  I very much wish I had a third freezer but I have no where to put one.  In the summer I also plug in my mini fridge and then sometimes my plug in cooler when I have a lot of produce waiting to be processed.

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I currently have 4 teenage boys living at home who are all swimmers and are constantly eating to make up for all the calories they burn.


We own 2 refrigerators - the one in the kitchen is the largest capacity we could buy at the time, and the one in the basement is just regular full-size.


I go to Costco weekly, as well as the local grocery store once a week for the big load up and probably 2 other times in a week for smaller pick-up things.


My food budget is around $400-450 per week. Definitely in the thick of Foodmageddon here!

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Those with multiple teens (especially boys), how many refrigerators/freezers do you have? I have one medium-ish side by side fridge right now, and a small deep freeze we try to only use when we get a deer. The fridge and freezer are packed to the point of not being able to find anything as soon as I'm home from the store, and six days later I have empty shelves! My boys are nearly 9, 7, and nearly 4, and other than a punctured sausage roll this morning I didn't feel comfortable using, I can't remember the last time we threw out food.


So how big of a fridge do I need in a few years, and how many of them?


My teens are 18, 16, and 14 (two boys and a girl). We have two big fridges with freezers on the bottom, a chest freezer, and my oldest has a mini fridge in his room. I go shopping once a week and always fill up two carts, but by the end of the week, there is nothing left. My two boys are 6'5 and 6' and I swear they are bottomless pits when it comes to food.  :001_rolleyes:

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