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Making my child "suffer" through 80s Alternative music


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Oh the horrors!


Yesterday I had 1st Wave radio on in the car and The Cure came on.  My oldest (19) listened for a while and then I realized he was staring at me.


"What?" I asked

"Really Mom? You used to listen to this?"

"Of course!  Isn't it great" I laugh


"Mom, you know, right now I am just embarrassed for your entire generation!"




Just for that, dear son, I will be singing along, at full volume, ALL the way home!

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Given the wins at the Grammy's the other day, I don't think The Cure is that embarrasing.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


I didn't watch much, but I happened to tune is as some Rapper was "giving all the praise to the Lord" for his success.  I looked up his songs and the lyrics were  :crying: , um, not sure the Lord wants to be brought into THAT!  Yikes!

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I always tell my children, "In the 80's we had terrible fashions and awful hairstyles, but we had great music!!! (One hit wonders included.)


My xhilsewn children have put my 80's tunes on their iPods. Uh-huh. Told ya, kids.


One day I was dropping off dd somewhere and I heard some hard rock song from the 80's on the radio. That's not my favorite genre, but it was a great song. She was asking me something and I said, "Hold on, this song is almost over." I sang along and/or played air guitar to it. DD waited till it was over, then looked at me and said, "I never stop being amazed at what music you like."  :lol:


ETA a correction. I struck through the error. LOL at that whopper typo! Get on the wrong keys much? 

Edited by Angie in VA
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You went wrong somewhere. My kids love the 80's.



Okay,that is not a true statement. When they were little they loved it. My ds is more of a classic rock guy-The Who, The Kinks, Boston, Kansas, Foreigner, etc.

Dd is more of a bubblegum fan.


I still remember their horror when I was able to sing every word to this great band they found. Blister in the Sun.

Edited by kewb
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I am so lucky.  Even though I only listened to classical music with the kids and they had no idea I'd ever listened to anything else, when my first dd started being interested in more 'modern' music, her tastes are very close to mine (and yes, the Cure was one of my favorite bands).  She also likes Pink Floyd, David Bowie and Elton John, which were mostly even before my time.  She also likes lots of newer stuff, mostly Scandinavian alt-rock (post-rock?), which apparently I like too.  Lately she's been listening to a bunch of Mexican bands, which are really good too.


I often wonder if it was because I never let on what I liked that allowed her to like similar stuff... ? Oh, and she then transferred her taste to her two sisters.  :D  I tell her that her reward for having 'good taste' (imho) in music is that I happily accompanied her to concerts when she was 15-17.  If she'd liked Bieber, I would have said NO. :lol:

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I think I need to crank out some 80's music before it is too late.  I loved the music and the hair and the clothes.   Not the yuppies.  

DH hates and despises 80's music, except for the Femmes we share a love of the Femmes.  So, it is up to me to play 80's music.  


Much of what I really liked back then, though, isn't appropriate for little girl ears.   

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I think I need to crank out some 80's music before it is too late.  I loved the music and the hair and the clothes.   Not the yuppies.  

DH hates and despises 80's music, except for the Femmes we share a love of the Femmes.  So, it is up to me to play 80's music.  


Much of what I really liked back then, though, isn't appropriate for little girl ears.   




Really?  My kids especially like the song about Cherry Pie.  They love eating pie, so they love this song











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Everything we listen to here is either folk, post-punk, or alt-country.


DS10 *really* likes classic Midnight Oil. New Model Army's "The Charge" is completely classical right... DS would also be *really* into some Scandinavian death metal symphonic stuff but we haven't gone there yet. 

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My children know not to talk during I Melt with You.


Obsessing Editing to add: Love the Flock of Seagulls hairstyle on someone who was not actually in Flock of Seagulls. (Oh, what joy I Ran So Far Away and Space Age Love Story bring me!)


Interesting that the couple caused a bit of a stir at that time. Really? In the 80's? SMH. 

Edited by Angie in VA
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Now that I am thinking about it dh and ds do laugh at poor morrissey memes.


My teens roll their eyes at me when I sing and dance to safety dance. To be fair, it doesn't matter what I am singing and dancing too but their seems an extra roll to men without hats.

Edited by kewb
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Most of my old stuff was alt rock/grunge from the 90's (a little 80s here and there). I didn't get into music, myself, til I was 12 and that was 1992 so... Anyway, dd really likes most of it. We spent hours one night looking up my old songs and looking up some of what she had discovered. I started listening to AFI (which was her favorite) and she started listening to Avril Lavigne, Goo Goo dolls, Soul Asylum, The Cranberries. She wasn't too keen on Pearl Jam and she did laugh at my favorite Weezer song "Undone: the Sweater Song."


The funniest thing is that I have all this Christian music on my mp3 player mixed with AFI and My Chemical Romance. I looove Welcome to the Black Parade (which dd introduced me to).  :lol:  



ETA: Dh covered some of the 80s music. She does like Pink Floyd and he played some Metallica for her.

Edited by jewellsmommy
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Oh the horrors!


Yesterday I had 1st Wave radio on in the car and The Cure came on.  My oldest (19) listened for a while and then I realized he was staring at me.


"What?" I asked

"Really Mom? You used to listen to this?"

"Of course!  Isn't it great" I laugh


"Mom, you know, right now I am just embarrassed for your entire generation!"




Just for that, dear son, I will be singing along, at full volume, ALL the way home!


LOL.  My children cannot STAND 1st Wave, which is my usual station.  I have fixed them - I've started singing disco on the 70s channel and "soft 70s rock" on The Bridge.  ("the sailor said 'Brandy, you're a fine girl. What a good wife you would be...'.")

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My kids like 80's music, almost always have.  No big deal. I think it's pretty popular in general right now, at least where we live.  We listen to the radio (like, old fashioned broadcast radio) in the car and sometimes at home.  When they were little, they heard what I picked.  I'm a button-pusher so they'd hear lots of different stuff.  And some they grew to like.  And here in PA, right next to New Jersey, we can't drive 10 minutes with the radio on without hearing Bon Jovi.*  They also like more current stuff, and have exposed me to lots of new music that I might not have discovered if they weren't around. Win-win. 


I must say, I'm sad that they never developed a love for Van Morrison, but you can't have everything.  


*I know that's not alternative, but it is 80s, or at least started there.



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LOL.  My children cannot STAND 1st Wave, which is my usual station.  I have fixed them - I've started singing disco on the 70s channel and "soft 70s rock" on The Bridge.  ("the sailor said 'Brandy, you're a fine girl. What a good wife you would be...'.")



Friday night it was late, I was walking you home, we got down to the gate, and I dreaming' of a night, would it turn out right?


See, now I am thinking of 70's tunes.

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I just cringe when they call it oldies. 

I was in the car today and listening to the radio.  They were playing 80s music on the oldies station.  :glare: As in, the station that used to play music solely from the 50s and the 60s and sometimes from the 70s.  Never from the 80s.  It was not special programming either.  Apparently they play it all the time.


Somewhere between when I last listened to the station and today the 80s became oldies.

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Everything we listen to here is either folk, post-punk, or alt-country.


DS10 *really* likes classic Midnight Oil. New Model Army's "The Charge" is completely classical right... DS would also be *really* into some Scandinavian death metal symphonic stuff but we haven't gone there yet. 


My kid wants to know if your DS10 also likes REM?  'Cause at 10, my kid liked Midnight Oil and REM :thumbup1:


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how cruel and evil of you.  don't you know torture is against the geneva convention?  ;)



I've forced so many things down my kids throats.  1776, the mikado, the RING CYCLE   . . . now, they turn around and "mom you have to watch ___".  ok, the credits are rolling - can I leave now?

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True. Though time has not been kind to Robert Smith.


I haven't made any attempt to interest my girls in 80s music; I remember only too well my parents' determination that I would come to love 60s folk-rock.


I do love a lot of 60's folk rock.  My musical taste actually overlap quite a lot with my parents, though they never tried to influence me. 


My kids don't like everything I like, but they are generally ok with it and we do share some favorites. 


My dd12 does listen to a lot of terrible pop music, but when i remember what I listened to at 12, I don't worry too much.


Dd9 loves 80's girl singers though - Stevie Nicks, Joan Jett, Pat Benatar, Kate Bush.  I have no idea where that came from, as they aren't things I listen to, though I like them when they are on the radio. 

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That is hilarious. 

We had kind of my own brand of Western Civ around here.  We did a whole semester with 80's music because I wanted our group's production of Much Ado About Nothing to be kind of a homage to John Hughes films.  We had a blast!  Especially fun at a great thrift store for 80's costuming too. ;)

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Friday night it was late, I was walking you home, we got down to the gate, and I dreaming' of a night, would it turn out right?


See, now I am thinking of 70's tunes.


That's another one they roll their eyes at.  My personal fave from that era is "Baker Street."  They do draw the line at The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.  I know PMS is approaching when I get teary eyed when that song comes on... :leaving:

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That's another one they roll their eyes at.  My personal fave from that era is "Baker Street."  They do draw the line at The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.  I know PMS is approaching when I get teary eyed when that song comes on... :leaving:


I had to look those up, but now that I see the lyrics I have heard them.  I just didn't know the song titles.

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