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I'm in the hospital


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How does that happen? It sounds just awful. :(


How far away are you from where we have our meet ups? Do you need me to bring you soup?

Aww thank you. I'm over an hour away. Too far. Thanks for the offer. We've got a pretty good support system here as well as an adult child at home. She cooked dinner last night.

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Wow, what a miserable weekend. So sorry you had to endure that. Do intestines spontaneously perforate or have you been on a diet of nails?

Lol.. I have diverticulitis, which makes me susceptible to this...but it did seem to come out of no where. I was a bit constipated the day before, but nothing unusually bad and it had only been one day. I had had a little gorp earlier in the day, but not too much. I ate mostly the chocolate :). I certainly didn't gorge on it. And my previous attacks were never this severe and on the other side. So I wasn't thinking that at all.

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As someone who had to be on the type of antibiotics they use for gut infections, you have my sympathy. I remember thinking, "How can I survive two more weeks in this stuff?!!" I'm so sorry you're going through this.


I'm home now and  I just took my first Cipro.  So not looking forward to the next 2 weeks.   The other one is new to me, but I had in the hospital via IV.  It wasn't so bad that way, but the nurse warned me it's worse in pill form. Oh joy.

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I'm home now and I just took my first Cipro. So not looking forward to the next 2 weeks. The other one is new to me, but I had in the hospital via IV. It wasn't so bad that way, but the nurse warned me it's worse in pill form. Oh joy.

I'm guessing that might be Flagyl since I had that as an IV in the hospital and as a pill after, and it was worse as a pill. ETA: Just clarifying that it was in the really unpleasant category, not the worst thing in the world.


You'll get through it and someday it will be a distant memory. Keep coming back here to vent and we'll help get you through.



Edited by Tiramisu
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I'm guessing that might be Flagyl since I had that as an IV in the hospital and as a pill after, and it was worse as a pill. ETA: Just clarifying that it was in the really unpleasant category, not the worst thing in the world.


You'll get through it and someday it will be a distant memory. Keep coming back here to vent and we'll help get you through.




yes, you're right, it was the Flagyl.  I miss-read the bottles (I did take the right pill though!!).  I felt awful all night.    That's the one that has the Achilles Tendon issues, I believe.    My experience is that it felt like someone was pulling all the muscles on my neck up through my skull.  Not quite a headache but certainly hurt just as much.

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I just discovered that I misunderstood the doctors.  My prescription is only for 7 days.   I'm going to call to make sure there wasn't a mistake because I clearly remember 14 days being told to me and seeing it on the prescription paper when I was at the hospital.  But, both the other hospital paperwork and the bottle say 7 days.   I think I can handle 7 days of this. 

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I've been here since Monday. Long story short;we were on a camping trip Saturday to Monday which was going from okay to worse because of unexpected cold winds from the huricane. I was not feeling well and my husband decided we should just cut our losses and go home on Sunday night. I started feeling a bit better and tried to negotiate our staying as planned but my staying in a motel instead. I thought if I could get out of the wind and some sleep I would be just fine. My husband was insistent so I relented.


Good thing. On the way home I started to feel very poorly, especially in my stomach. It would come in waves of pain. That night,at home, I was in the worst pain of my life. At 5am my husband and daughter were trying to convince me to go to the er, but I said no. I figured I was constipated, and the thought of sitting on a gurney in the er in that much pain was not something I wanted to do. I tried a enema (sorry, tmi ) but there was no change in the pain so I relented and headed to the er around 11.


Turns out I have a minor perforation in my large intestines. It didn't require surgery, but I'm on heavy-duty antibiotics (they are of the devil) and still being monitored. I may go home today.


Oh and I didn't have to writhe in pain for hours in the er. They took me back right away and put me on morphine. It was the most wonderful moment when that pain slipped away.


It was our anniversary yesterday and my bird died on Tuesday. I feel like that was a cursed camping trip. (If you go to the venting thread you can read how I should have seen the signs of impending doom ahead of time.)

I still have 14 days of an antibiotic regimen when I get home. I'm not looking forward to it.



Oh no! :(  I hope you're feelinga little bit better but what an awful week for you. :(  ((Hugs))

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I just discovered that I misunderstood the doctors. My prescription is only for 7 days. I'm going to call to make sure there wasn't a mistake because I clearly remember 14 days being told to me and seeing it on the prescription paper when I was at the hospital. But, both the other hospital paperwork and the bottle say 7 days. I think I can handle 7 days of this.

I hope it's only 7 days. Flagyl is really strong stuff!
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Doing better overall but I'm always very tired.  I'm not sleeping as well as I like.   I wake up feeling nauseous (like morning sickness) and it comes and goes thoughout the day.   My husband was able to stay home from work Mon and Weds. and help me with the grandkids.  Monday was especially helpful, I was still pretty drained. 


The only unusual side-effect I'm having is very vivid dreams.  Except for one night when I had nightmares about zombies, they've all been pretty fun and happy dreams.


Almost done with the meds Yay!! 


Thanks for asking.

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