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A TMI kind of question, but for those of you who are in the "long and heavy" phase of peri-menopause...


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...how do you ever manage to leave the house?! 


I'm currently having a period after skipping a month (and only spotting the month before that), and I can't even believe how heavy this is. I'm literally in the bathroom every 45-60 minutes, and it's been two days of this. I know I'm supposed to expect this kind of thing in the next several years, so this has me thinking about logistics. I have to go pick youngest DD up at a program an hour away, and I'm not sure how I'm going to make it there and back. I can't imagine doing this every month, and for more than a few days. 


Seriously, how does one make life work around this? I know the ibuprofen trick, but you can't do that round the clock for days, can you? 


Ugh. Not looking forward to a few years (or more!) of this :(

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By doubling up on super-size overnight pads, stopping at every bathroom available, and limiting what I do on those days.  Yoga or any kind of exercise is out of the question.


I wish I was kidding.   :glare:


Luckily I usually only have a couple of days at that level of insanity.

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Super Plus Tampax AND serious overnight pads around the clock, and carried with you whereever you go.

Change the tampax proactively about every 45 minutes to an hour during the day.

If you feel it running, head to the bathroom immediately, do not wait just because you have an overnight pad as a backup.

No exercising.  Just no.

Wear black skirts and pants all the darned time.

Prescription strength motrin around the clock as a regimen.  I used it every 4 hours rather than every 6.


It does pass.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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...how do you ever manage to leave the house?! 


I'm currently having a period after skipping a month (and only spotting the month before that), and I can't even believe how heavy this is. I'm literally in the bathroom every 45-60 minutes, and it's been two days of this. I know I'm supposed to expect this kind of thing in the next several years, so this has me thinking about logistics. I have to go pick youngest DD up at a program an hour away, and I'm not sure how I'm going to make it there and back. I can't imagine doing this every month, and for more than a few days. 


Seriously, how does one make life work around this? I know the ibuprofen trick, but you can't do that round the clock for days, can you? 


Ugh. Not looking forward to a few years (or more!) of this :(

Well, I hope this encourages you.  It should not be every single month.  And even so, it would only be the first couple of days.   I had maybe half a dozen periods like you are describing, where I was in the bathroom every hour, and once when I literally could not leave for 30 minutes, but it was only once (thank God!). 

Then it begins to slow down, and the periods come farther between and eventually get lighter too and then go away.    Sounds like you are actually in this latter phase.   It won't be every month!  Yes, Ibuprophen will work but you only have so much blood, and in my case it just all came out up front on those months.  It should not continue super heavy for days on end, I would think. 

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The largest, thickest pads placed inside Depends. AND I place 1 pad in the normal position and a second pad across the back (think a 'T' of pads). Then I sleep with a couple towels or, if I can creatively requisition some from an ER when I'm dropping off a patient, chucks under me on the bed.

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Tampax Ultra. Seriously. It's a step above the Super Plus. They revolutionized my life. Using those (and changing them every hour) simultaneously with Always Infinity Super pads is the ONLY way I've been able to cope.

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By doubling up on super-size overnight pads, stopping at every bathroom available, and limiting what I do on those days. Yoga or any kind of exercise is out of the question.


I wish I was kidding. :glare:


Luckily I usually only have a couple of days at that level of insanity.

How do you double up on pads? Doesn't the adhesive prevent blood from flowing to the pad under it? Or do you place them differently?

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What you are describing is a normal period for me and I get one every 24 days on average. It gets worse in menopause? Oh the joys of being female.


But yeah, there's usually one day on each period I can't really leave the house especially with kids so young they have to be in the public bathroom stall with me trying to deal with my feminine product.I'd rather just not be in public if at all possible.

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How do you double up on pads? Doesn't the adhesive prevent blood from flowing to the pad under it? Or do you place them differently?


Placing them slightly differently, one farther forward than the other.


Unfortunately I've been advised not to wear tampons during the worst days because of large amounts of clotting and other issues I have.


Can't wait for this to be over.

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No. It's different for everyone. It doesn't always " slow down, become lighter, then go away".

OP, be prepared for any and everything. Mine would taper and then worsen for a few years. It went out in a huge way, one I will never forget,


Let's just hope it does for her then. 


Praying for the best. 


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There's a trick?? What is it?? I need to know!

Take 800-1000mg of ibuprofen, and it lightens your period. Unfortunately, it's not a healthy thing to do for extended periods of time. But if you have to leave the house, it's a helpful trick.

Edited by Kinsa
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Just in case you can't creatively requisitions any more of these, you can get them from North Shore Care or in the elderly care section of CVS.

The largest, thickest pads placed inside Depends. AND I place 1 pad in the normal position and a second pad across the back (think a 'T' of pads). Then I sleep with a couple towels or, if I can creatively requisition some from an ER when I'm dropping off a patient, chucks under me on the bed.


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It is hard sometimes.


This board taught me about "ultra" Tampax (which I order online) and the magic of ibuprofen for reducing bleeding.


I always use a super duper pad for backup protection.


And yes, stopping in the restroom very frequently.


My massage lady suggested red raspberry tea and prickly something-or-other ??  Some herbal stuff.  I haven't tried them yet.


Can't wait for this to be over.

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Toilet stops every 30 minutes

Get up at night every 2 hours

Drink lots of water so you don't get too light headed I have a glass of water every tampon change

Have iron tablet all the time in a battle to keep levels to a life sustaining level

For me I only have super heavy for half a day ( like change every 15 minutes minimum) then it is heavy for 2 days and is different in that I have huge blood clots then a rapid flow ( flooding) then nothing then another huge blood clot so total of 3 days then only occasional spotting for 3 more days. I have a theory that after the 3 days I have no more blood to loose

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Cloth postpartum pads might help (I say postpartum for capacity). I'm not to THAT point yet, but getting close and cloth pads completely have changed mine & DD's lives.  DD went from 7-10 days of heavy period in bed with cramps so bad she was vomiting to 5ish days of light-moderate period.  I went from 5 days (3 heavy, 2 light) to 1 heavy, 2-3 spotting.  Really. They are awesome. 



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:svengo: The things I never knew about menopause... Why don't they teach this stuff in school?


Ladies, you have convinced me to get endometrial ablation when I'm totally certain that I won't have any more kids.

I've just had mirena inserted to stop it. Dr. could do ablation, but Mirena seemed much less invasive. Mirena IUD puts a tiny amount of hormone just where it's needed, and does not cause miscarriages. My Catholic dr assured me of this, and provided literature saying which forms of birth control can and cannot produce them. I had mirena from 34-39 ish and periods stopped entirely.

The only side effect I had last time was no periods!!! :)

PS insurance covered mirena entirely if prescribed for bleeding, not birth control :)

Edited by MotherGoose
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This is horrifying!  I had no idea so many women suffered from this.  A friend of mine just had a hysterectomy a week ago due to heavy bleeding.  She had a lot of fibroids.


I just turned 49 and my periods just stopped out of nowhere 9 1/2 months ago and I'm hoping that this is it for me.  If I can go another 2 1/2 months without a period, I will officially be in menopause and so grateful that I haven't had to suffer like the women posting in this thread!  

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This happened to me too in July (including skipping the month prior)!! I couldn't leave the house. Could. Not. I used Ultra tampons and doubled up on overnight pads. AND it lasted 31 days. I also wonder why I never heard of this happening. On the bright side...I've had typical periods in the two cycles since that unfortunate month. I'm so afraid that it will happen again...How long does this last? I'll be 53 in January. 

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Ugh, thanks everyone, for all the tips and commiseration. I'll definitely file all of this away for future use.


What's happening right now is some sort of hormonal wonkiness, but it's possible (probable?) that it's the beginning of the "storm before the calm," as Carol put it. For the last year, it's been like, I'll have a couple of normal cycles, then nothing for 5-6 weeks, then a normal period, then nothing for 5-6 weeks, then spotting, then nothing for 6-7 weeks, then a crazy heavy period, then a normal cycle, then a skipped cycle,  then... And just when I've given up hope, I'll have a couple of normal periods in a row and think everything has settled down, and then it gets all weird again. This time I went so long without a period that I finally called and made a doctor's appointment to get all my levels tested, and my period started the next morning. So I don't think this is a late-menopause thing, but I wouldn't be surprised to find that it's the beginning of this whole mess *sigh*


I couldn't. Life was constantly put on hold. I was a good candidate for an ovary-sparing hysterectomy and gleefully skipped into the surgical suite. Best decision ever.




Take 800-1000mg of ibuprofen, and it lightens your period. Unfortunately, it's not a healthy thing to do for extended periods of time. But if you have to leave the house, it's a helpful trick.


I'm getting away with 400 mg right now (it got me through the night last night, and I broke down and took it before going to pick up DD today, because a lot of the drive is highway with nowhere to stop), but I can see where things could get so bad I'd need more!


It is hard sometimes.


This board taught me about "ultra" Tampax (which I order online) and the magic of ibuprofen for reducing bleeding.


I always use a super duper pad for backup protection.


And yes, stopping in the restroom very frequently.


My massage lady suggested red raspberry tea and prickly something-or-other ??  Some herbal stuff.  I haven't tried them yet.


Can't wait for this to be over.


Oh, I think actually have some red raspberry leaf in the cabinet! I've been meaning to do some reading on natural menopause remedies--now seems like a really good time to start.


Toilet stops every 30 minutes
Get up at night every 2 hours
Drink lots of water so you don't get too light headed I have a glass of water every tampon change
Have iron tablet all the time in a battle to keep levels to a life sustaining level
For me I only have super heavy for half a day ( like change every 15 minutes minimum) then it is heavy for 2 days and is different in that I have huge blood clots then a rapid flow ( flooding) then nothing then another huge blood clot so total of 3 days then only occasional spotting for 3 more days. I have a theory that after the 3 days I have no more blood to loose


Oh, thank you for this reminder. I've been sick for the last week too, so I attributed the yucky way I've been feeling the last few days to that, but the last time I had a bleeding episode (a period that just didn't stop for weeks--need BCP to stop it), my iron levels did crash dramatically and quickly. I'll take some tonight before bed.


Cloth postpartum pads might help (I say postpartum for capacity). I'm not to THAT point yet, but getting close and cloth pads completely have changed mine & DD's lives.  DD went from 7-10 days of heavy period in bed with cramps so bad she was vomiting to 5ish days of light-moderate period.  I went from 5 days (3 heavy, 2 light) to 1 heavy, 2-3 spotting.  Really. They are awesome. 


I actually do use a Diva cup and cloth pads normally. They're not doing the job this cycle, unfortunately  :scared:


Oh and the kind of endometrial ablation I had was done very quickly and with no problems at all.  


Thanks for that. The suggestion came up as a last resort in case my last bleeding episode couldn't be resolved (it was, thank goodness), but I'm a bit surgery phobic, and the idea kind of scared me! But I know it has helped a lot of women. 


This is horrifying!  I had no idea so many women suffered from this.  A friend of mine just had a hysterectomy a week ago due to heavy bleeding.  She had a lot of fibroids.


I just turned 49 and my periods just stopped out of nowhere 9 1/2 months ago and I'm hoping that this is it for me.  If I can go another 2 1/2 months without a period, I will officially be in menopause and so grateful that I haven't had to suffer like the women posting in this thread!  




This happened to me too in July (including skipping the month prior)!! I couldn't leave the house. Could. Not. I used Ultra tampons and doubled up on overnight pads. AND it lasted 31 days. I also wonder why I never heard of this happening. On the bright side...I've had typical periods in the two cycles since that unfortunate month. I'm so afraid that it will happen again...How long does this last? I'll be 53 in January. 


The bleeding lasted 31 days?! Did it stop on its own? My episode (the beginning of all this insanity, about two years ago) ended up needing BCP to reset me. I don't know how long the craziness lasts. Now I'm curious. I might have to start a spinoff thread to see. 

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I am only 36 but my first PP AF just started and it's been like the flood gates of hell just opened. I don't even want to talk about the mess that happened when I tried to spend 2 hours at the park (with no bathrooms). Awful.


I hope this is not a regular thing for me. And my condolences to those going through it. I am not looking forward to it.

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What you are describing is a normal period for me and I get one every 24 days on average. It gets worse in menopause? Oh the joys of being female.


But yeah, there's usually one day on each period I can't really leave the house especially with kids so young they have to be in the public bathroom stall with me trying to deal with my feminine product.I'd rather just not be in public if at all possible.


Yes! Me too. This is seriously like the Thread of Doom. Between reading all of this and all of my friends telling me how disinterested they are in and how painful tEa is after menopause ..... well this is all just a racket.  :crying:

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Yes! Me too. This is seriously like the Thread of Doom. Between reading all of this and all of my friends telling me how disinterested they are in and how painful tEa is after menopause ..... well this is all just a racket.  :crying:

Well carp. That's the first I'm hearing about that last bit there. I was kind of looking forward to having some more energy for tea once the kids were up and out. I guess not so much? Depressing :(

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I've been dealing with super heavy periods the last few years, and finally got some cloth pads in January.  I could not believe teh difference!  I got heavy PP ones b/c mine was so heavy.  So far, no leaks- I had leaks every month, had to worry all the time.  I have no idea if it has anything to do w/ the cloth pads, but the last period was the lightest one I've had in about 4 years. 

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No kiddin'!  I'll be 54 in April and my cycles are still mostly regular.  I am starting to wonder if this sh*t is going to last until I'm 80!    :ohmy:  

This happened to me too in July (including skipping the month prior)!! I couldn't leave the house. Could. Not. I used Ultra tampons and doubled up on overnight pads. AND it lasted 31 days. I also wonder why I never heard of this happening. On the bright side...I've had typical periods in the two cycles since that unfortunate month. I'm so afraid that it will happen again...How long does this last? I'll be 53 in January. 


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I had no idea this was going to happen.  Joy.


It doesn't for everybody. IIRC, mine never really got much heavier or much lighter. They just became more irregular. Then I stopped. And my labwork showed I was menopausal. Then after several months I started back and had a few more cycles, after which I finally stopped for good.

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Take 800-1000mg of ibuprofen, and it lightens your period. Unfortunately, it's not a healthy thing to do for extended periods of time. But if you have to leave the house, it's a helpful trick.

I was thinking of doing this - now, I am wondering what the side effects of doing this for a few years would be. Could you please let me know what makes this unhealthy? I am totally at my wit's end when my periods start even though I am normally a high achiever - these days, I just sit around and wait for it to be over.

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