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A petty little bathroom complaint


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When we bought our new house in May I was excited that with the powder room and FOUR other bathrooms, I could have a bathroom that the kids weren't using all the time that would stay fairly clean for company. Nope. Dd doesn't like the soap in the schoolroom bathroom or it's too hard to go upstairs to use their own bathroom. I realize how silly this is to be complaining about. It's just that there are four other possible toilets to use, why do they always find a reason to use the one I don't want them to use?


Vent over.

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Can you lock it?    I'm only half-kidding.  I struggle with the kids' bathroom being our main/guest bath.   If I had a guest bath, I'd want to protect it!


Or can you set a rule that they must leave the bathroom in the state they found it?  


Get nicer soap for the bathroom you want your daughter to use?


At least - I'm guessing, anyway - that your kids' stuff remains in their own bathroom?   So that makes it better, right?   No makeup and other personal care products on the counter?  

Edited by marbel
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My mind is boggled that a house could have so many bathrooms!

Our current house and the one before the last one both have seven. It is beyond insane and wasteful.


I do ban the use of bathrooms when we have more than two. My youngest is eight so everyone knows that if he uses a banned bathroom, he will have to clean it. If I had little children who forgot, then I'd lock the door. There is no way I'm cleaning more bathrooms than necessary.

Edited by Amira
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I think I'd designate one upstairs and one downstairs bathroom for kids only. Teach them how to clean too, they won't do as good if a job as you, but if they have to clean their own mess they may be more conscientious.


Amira-7 bathrooms! I could see that being great when everyone has a stomach virus at the same time. Outside of that, that's a lot of cleaning even if they don't get used frequently.

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Our current house and the one before the last one both have seven. It is beyond insane and wasteful.




7?!  Wow.  I only have 2 bathrooms in my house and I already hate cleaning those.  We are talking about adding another bathroom and it's hard to get excited about it since I'll have to clean 3 then.  7 would bring about my end.

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My house has an abundance of bathrooms. 


I've prohibited my kids from using the two that are the "guest" bathrooms. There are several more for them to choose from, but at least I know that when we have guests, I don't have to spend an hour decontaminating the guest bathroom prior to their arrival. 


Buy new soap for the schoolroom bathroom, and just tell them the other(s) are off limits. 

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How many bedrooms do these excessive bathroom houses have? You all live in mansions? :huh:

This house has four bedrooms with a bathroom for each bedroom. There are two bathrooms downstairs with two sinks each - one on the men's side and one on the women's side because Saudi Arabia. And a bathroom in the garage.


I really miss being able to choose our own place to rent.

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Locking it is very tempting. The soap is the same one we used to all use in the one bathroom we mainly shared in our old house. The basement bathroom in that house was only used when absolutely desperate. I'll change the soap though and see if that helps.


We honestly weren't planning on having so many bathrooms, but this house was a foreclosure in our price range and we loved a lot of the features. The first floor has the powder room and a full bath attached to a small-ish oddly shaped first floor bedroom that we use as our schoolroom. The upstairs has our master bathroom, a hall bathroom, and a jack-and-Jill bathroom between the big kids' rooms.


They aren't bringing stuff into the powder room, but ds still doesn't have the best aim and they tend to leave puddles of water on the granite countertop around the sink.


Like I said, completely petty, first world problem, but extra work that I didn't think I'd have to deal with.

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We have 1 bathroom upstairs and 3 downstairs. The powder room in the foyer is pretty much off limits for anyone (adults included!) unless there is an emergency. It is mainly for when we have guests come, so that we have a bathroom that does not have to be labored over before people come. :-)


The boys have a bathroom in their suite, and we parents have one in our suite. There is also one upstairs, but I don't like the kids using that one, either, since it is sort of goes with the guest room. I've not been so lucky keeping the boys out of that one, since it is the only one upstairs, but I also make them clean it, since they are the ones who use it.

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Yes, keep the guest bathroom off limits.  If dd hates the soap in the schoolroom bathroom, change the soap.  :)


My house has 4 bathrooms (for 5 people) and yes, my kids still manage to use every other bathroom plus their own.  :P  I think it's hilarious that in a house with 4 bathrooms, there are still times when I have to wait my turn.  :P


I grew up in a house with 8 people and 1 bathroom, so ....

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We looked at a house with 3 1/2 bathrooms. I'll be honest, I thought that was going to be a lot of toilets. I continue to be grateful to have more than one, though :D


I can't see you kids' ages, but I'm assuming they're all old enough to hold it until they get to another bathroom. I'd lock it until they were out of the habit.

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How many bedrooms do these excessive bathroom houses have? You all live in mansions?  :huh:


LOL, our house is rather oversized IMHO. 6 bedrooms,  5 & a half bathrooms. Excessive on all counts. We added on to our was-normal-sized-house for a 3 generation + caregivers/guests/visitors household, but after my mom passed away, we've just got tons of guest space. 

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We have a lot of bathrooms too.  We have two powder rooms on the first floor, so I keep one off-limits to my family.  They have another one that they can use without going upstairs, so there is no reason to use the second one.  It is for guests only.


In your case I would first try switching the soap, but I'd be prepared to lock the door or just declare it off limits to family if necessary.  It is nice to have one bathroom always ready for guests.  

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I have a family member with a 4 bathroom home. What has happened often enough was someone would use the out of the way bathroom in the basement, and not flush. No one would then use that bathroom for a week or more - then the unflushed toilet would be discovered. Of course no one would 'claim' the mess. So my friend ended up locking that bathroom from use. 

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We have 3.5 bathrooms (that we all use).


It's funny how that seems like a reasonable number. One "en suite" (master bedroom), one near the rest of the upstairs bedrooms, one on the main floor, one in the basement.


For cleaning I use toilet-tank pucks and disposable wand scrubbers, plus a surface spray for the rest of the surfaces (that I wipe off with paper towel). I get the feeling that the rest of you clean your bathrooms a lot more thoroughly.

Edited by bolt.
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Kind of jealous of people with a lot of bathrooms.  We have the standard 2.5.  It was fine when we moved in as a family of 3.   Now there are for sure times when I wish we had more.  Everyone seems to have use it at the same time.


Since when was 2.5 standard? We have 2 and think it luxurious!


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Kind of jealous of people with a lot of bathrooms.  We have the standard 2.5.  It was fine when we moved in as a family of 3.   Now there are for sure times when I wish we had more.  Everyone seems to have use it at the same time.


We are a family of four, with one bathroom. My boys have the habit of mentioning that they have to pee or poo. Because when we are arriving home from somewhere we have to line people up for use in the bathroom. While, if you have to pee you will be quick, so you can go first. My poo will be a long one, if yours will be quick you can go first...

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I'd lock it, and only unlock it for guests until the kids get it in their thick heads that guest bathroom means NOT FOR YOU.


And frankly if DD messed it up, she'd be the one cleaning it (while I supervised) until I was satisfied.  But then I am mean and completely unfair!!!! At least if you listen to some.

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Kind of jealous of people with a lot of bathrooms.  We have the standard 2.5.  It was fine when we moved in as a family of 3.   Now there are for sure times when I wish we had more.  Everyone seems to have use it at the same time.


two and half is standard?  I have 1.5 and consider myself lucky.  This house was build in 1860, and when they refinished it 15 years ago, they squeezed in a teensy tiny little half bath upstairs.  It's great for a middle of the night wee, lol. But it's so small you hardly have space to turn around.


But our full bath is downstairs off the kitchen. Older houses have all the plumbing in once place because pipes were expensive. None of the other houses in the neighborhood have an upstairs bathrooms.  They are all jealous, lol.


You would think that with 'only' 1.5 bathrooms we could keep them clean...but you would be wrong.

Edited by redsquirrel
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We bought a house that had been remodeled to be a bed-and-breakfast.   5.5 bathrooms.... Oh My... with 5 bedrooms (the half bath is in the garage).


Having that many bathrooms is the one thing that made the house undesirable for me.  I still hate having to clean them all.... really.  It can take a full two hours to scrub them down and purify them when company is coming.


I am also mean-and-completely unfair and I would tell DD that my bathroom was OFF LIMITS because she keeps leaving a mess.  Suck it Up, Buttercup!

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Kind of jealous of people with a lot of bathrooms.  We have the standard 2.5.  It was fine when we moved in as a family of 3.   Now there are for sure times when I wish we had more.  Everyone seems to have use it at the same time.

I have two, one up and one down.  For soon to be eight people.  For a couple of months this summer, we were down to one.  That was a little rough.  But, it was less to clean.  Two seems essential with kids, especially newly potty-trained toddlers and a pregnant woman, but I'm glad not to have more to clean.


OP, I'd lock the one you want to keep clean.  It won't kill them to go upstairs.

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I have two, one up and one down.  For soon to be eight people.  For a couple of months this summer, we were down to one.  That was a little rough.  But, it was less to clean.  Two seems essential with kids, especially newly potty-trained toddlers and a pregnant woman, but I'm glad not to have more to clean.


OP, I'd lock the one you want to keep clean.  It won't kill them to go upstairs.


Yeah we have 7 people.  Although 6 using the bathrooms. 


Most of the time it works fine.  I think the teenage years will me harder.  

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When we bought our new house in May I was excited that with the powder room and FOUR other bathrooms, I could have a bathroom that the kids weren't using all the time that would stay fairly clean for company. Nope. Dd doesn't like the soap in the schoolroom bathroom or it's too hard to go upstairs to use their own bathroom. I realize how silly this is to be complaining about. It's just that there are four other possible toilets to use, why do they always find a reason to use the one I don't want them to use?


Vent over.



Why don't you just insist they stay out of it?

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We have 3.5 bathrooms (that we all use).


It's funny how that seems like a reasonable number. One "en suite" (master bedroom), one near the rest of the upstairs bedrooms, one on the main floor, one in the basement.


For cleaning I use toilet-tank pucks and disposable wand scrubbers, plus a surface spray for the rest of the surfaces (that I wipe off with paper towel). I get the feeling that the rest of you clean your bathrooms a lot more thoroughly.



That's what I'm thinking.  We have a lot of bathrooms in our house.  We do have a house cleaner that comes every other week, so the bathrooms are thoroughly cleaned then.  But in between it isn't a big deal to wipe down the toilets and sinks, etc.  I have two teenage daughters who take care of their own bathrooms in between the house cleaning.  I don't even go in their bathrooms typically.  I'm sure it helps that I don't have toddlers or boys.  They seem to be much messier!

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We have 3.5 bathrooms (that we all use).


It's funny how that seems like a reasonable number. One "en suite" (master bedroom), one near the rest of the upstairs bedrooms, one on the main floor, one in the basement.


For cleaning I use toilet-tank pucks and disposable wand scrubbers, plus a surface spray for the rest of the surfaces (that I wipe off with paper towel). I get the feeling that the rest of you clean your bathrooms a lot more thoroughly.


If a kid is just using the toilet and washing hands, there shouldn't be much of a mess.  I've taught my kids that if they use a toilet and anything remains behind, they are to get out the cleaner and brush and swish it rather than leave it for the next person.    They are not super clean kids, but they do that.   (We do a more comprehensive cleaning/disinfecting weekly as well, but that practice keeps it fresh all the time.)  


The counter is another matter - they would wipe it down, if it weren't for all the makeup and hair products scattered around. 

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We have 1.5 bathrooms for the 6 of us.  The half bath is off my bedroom, and it's considered my bathroom, though of course, with only 2 potties, other people use it, too.  


I find that with one bathroom for 5 people and one shower for all 6 of us, it requires at least daily wiping.  Frequently 2-3 times a day.  I'd be all over a way to decrease that.

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That would bug me.  As a mom, I feel like everything I have is not my own.  I don't think it is wrong in that situation to demand that this one bathroom be stayed out of.  


DD doesn't use my bathroom, but still comes in and takes tweezers and makeup items and doesn't return them.  I am done!  I should at least have some things that are MINE!  


You can see this is a slightly touchy subject for me! ;)

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We have 1.5 bathrooms for the 6 of us. The half bath is off my bedroom, and it's considered my bathroom, though of course, with only 2 potties, other people use it, too.


I find that with one bathroom for 5 people and one shower for all 6 of us, it requires at least daily wiping. Frequently 2-3 times a day. I'd be all over a way to decrease that.

When you say it 'requires wiping' can I have some details? -- What are you wiping? What triggers the idea that it needs to happen?
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When you say it 'requires wiping' can I have some details? -- What are you wiping? What triggers the idea that it needs to happen?


I spray and wipe the sink, spray and wipe the outside of the toilet, swish the inside.  It just takes a few seconds.


The children I live with (and the dh whom I dearly love) seem incapable of washing the sink out behind themselves.  So toothpaste, soap globs from handwashing, the leftovers of shaving are all there.  All the time.  


My three oldest children are boys, and while their aim has definitely improved over the years, it is not yet perfect.  Hence the wiping of the toilet more than once a day.  I keep the bottle of spray in the bathroom, and it smells pretty good, so it's one of the (few) chores I don't really mind.  But I tell my children it is a HUGE sacrifice.  Which encourages them to unload the dishwasher, which I hate.  :)

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I spray and wipe the sink, spray and wipe the outside of the toilet, swish the inside. It just takes a few seconds.


The children I live with (and the dh whom I dearly love) seem incapable of washing the sink out behind themselves. So toothpaste, soap globs from handwashing, the leftovers of shaving are all there. All the time.


My three oldest children are boys, and while their aim has definitely improved over the years, it is not yet perfect. Hence the wiping of the toilet more than once a day. I keep the bottle of spray in the bathroom, and it smells pretty good, so it's one of the (few) chores I don't really mind. But I tell my children it is a HUGE sacrifice. Which encourages them to unload the dishwasher, which I hate. :)

It sounds like you know exactly how to do it less often... But it's not really worth it to fight the battles and change the habits. 😊 Fair enough. You might consider foaming hand soap (or a foam-making dispenser for regular hand soap), and a rule that the last one to brush his/her teeth has to wipe out the sink with the facecloth of the morning (which then goes to the laundry). Hubby might just need to be nagged.
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Our current house and the one before the last one both have seven. It is beyond insane and wasteful.


I do ban the use of bathrooms when we have more than two. My youngest is eight so everyone knows that if he uses a banned bathroom, he will have to clean it. If I had little children who forgot, then I'd lock the door. There is no way I'm cleaning more bathrooms than necessary.

Wow, that is a ton of bathrooms! I'm considering a floor plan with multiple zones and eight to ten people living there and I think we still only managed six bathrooms total, one of which is a basement bathroom and one which is in the guest quarters. Two kid bathrooms, a master, and a powder room was about as many as I could justify in a 6000-ish square foot home. Oh! Seven if we add one to the garage/mudroom.


And I thought that was a ton!

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Kind of jealous of people with a lot of bathrooms. We have the standard 2.5. It was fine when we moved in as a family of 3. Now there are for sure times when I wish we had more. Everyone seems to have use it at the same time.

That's what we have right now. We had it with three people and now we are going on eight. Having just one bathroom for all the kids (and a small bathroom at that, with a single sink) has definitely been miserable. Still, we are only planning on building a boys room and attached bath and a girls room and attached bath, and that should be plenty in terms of upstairs bathroom needs for them. Single sex bathroom sharing will prepare them for college life, as will those dorm style bedrooms we are drawing up ;)

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