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S/O: Lies I Told People


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I noticed a couple of lies in the other thread that I have told MomsintheGarden:


"If we let our babies sleep in our bed, we'll never get them into their own beds, and it will ruin our marriage." (I STILL believe that even though it works fine for those OTHER people.)


"Yes, I will do whatever chore."

Edited by RegGuheert
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(In my defense- when I say that to DH, I sincerely mean it. I just remember we need to stop other places after we are out and about.)

Same with my "lie" about chores. But the fact is that sometimes I mean it more than other times. In the end, if I don't do the chore, the promise becomes a lie.
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Only recently since I got overwhelmed with work and life:  "That will go out tonight."  (I always mean it when I say it, but then night comes and I'm exhausted ....)


"Okay."  (Actual meaning:  I don't intend to fight with you about it, but as soon as I am out of your sight I'm doing what I want.)

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I've told people that I don't care or that stuff doesn't bother me.  I usually care and pretty much everything bothers me. 


I appreciate this honesty.


I lie to myself.  I tell myself I don't care, as well as say, "It's ok" when someone levels an A-bomb on me or my family.


I don't mean to lie to myself but sometimes that is the only way to survive. 

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I appreciate this honesty.


I lie to myself.  I tell myself I don't care, as well as say, "It's ok" when someone levels an A-bomb on me or my family.


I don't mean to lie to myself but sometimes that is the only way to survive. 


Yeah it's more like, "I wish this didn't bother me so maybe I can convince myself that it doesn't."

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Yeah it's more like, "I wish this didn't bother me so maybe I can convince myself that it doesn't."


Lately, I have been saying out loud when the awful stuff starts coming, and right along with it, awful potential scenarios that haven't even happened.

"I control my thoughts."  It really works and shuts off that train right away most of the time. 


And, the Christian version:  "Have no anxiety about anything, but with everything  by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4



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I've told people that I don't care or that stuff doesn't bother me. I usually care and pretty much everything bothers me.

That's one I've said a fair bit too. I consider it social graces more than lying but that's probably just to make myself feel better :p


I've also told people that being a mom to a larger family is just as difficult as to their smaller one and we each have our challenges. While the latter is true, the former is pretty much nonsense - more small kids is SO much more difficult than one or two. I feel like I'm on a vacation with just the two or three youngest around and my older kids alone are a cakewalk. While adding more children isn't impossibly hard, it's a heck of a lot more juggling and work than a smaller number of kids.


But I can't bear to agree with the self effacing martyr nonsense either, so I tend to just try to make them feel better.

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For telemarketers: I'm sorry, my husband makes all the financial decisions for our family.

I say that but it's totally the truth! Makes me glad I have the out :)

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"Your kid behaved just fine today! Why, you're so lucky that your kid is such a darling!"


(Lies, all lies! But if I agree to take a kid's friend out (or a friend's kid) on a fun outing, I don't believe in tattling to their parents unless the behavior was really over-the-top.)

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"So soddy, I no speek da Engrish."



I wish this would work for my type. Maybe I could pretend to be Swedish or something.


I have thought about pretending to be deaf a couple of times, mostly when those kiosk people try to accost me in the mall.


I have faked a British accent a couple of times at a food drive-thru, just to amuse the kids and myself. It was jolly good fun.

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"Oh I'm sorry, I totally forgot."


I rarely forget anything, but sometimes I just don't do something because I don't want to. This reason just doesn't seem as nice.

I saw a little button (a piece of flair pin) that said, "I'm sorry I'm late; I didn't want to come." :D

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If we get just one more bookcase, then I promise we won't have this mess on the floor/table/whatever.



I wish this would work for my type. Maybe I could pretend to be Swedish or something.


I could (well, Dutch, not Swedish), but doesn't everyone know that all Western Europeans speak English just fine because they make us learn it in school and all the TV is in English with Dutch subtitles? More importantly, having two kids rambling on and on in English with me doesn't help my case. "Nee, sorry, ik spreek geen Engels, en dit zijn niet mijn kinderen*" probably wouldn't go over that well.


*No, sorry, I don't speak English, and these are not my kids.

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I didn't mean to lie but...


"All kids are capable and should be potty trained before second birthday"


"If you don't bring toys or snacks to church your child will understand it is not playtime. Set the standard for behavior and child will reach it. Toddlers should sit in mass with nothing but a religious book."


I was a young mom with a very compliant first child. I am mortified that I spouted that stuff. Subsequent children humbled me. Other moms must have hated me.

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I didn't mean to lie but...


"All kids are capable and should be potty trained before second birthday"


"If you don't bring toys or snacks to church your child will understand it is not playtime. Set the standard for behavior and child will reach it. Toddlers should sit in mass with nothing but a religious book."


I was a young mom with a very compliant first child. I am mortified that I spouted that stuff. Subsequent children humbled me. Other moms must have hated me.


I had that first perfect child too.


Oh, if I had only known. 


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I don't mind at all! (I so mind. I really do.)


It's really not that bad, Anyone can homeschool. (When I'm tired of hearing someone drone on and on about how they could never, ever homeschool and just want the tirade to end.)



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