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Light happy stuff to talk about...


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I spent all day yesterday taking birth photos. I have taken shots of seniors, engagements, and families but never a birth. It isn't something many do around here. Even though I have six children of my own, 5 vaginal deliveries and 1 c-section, I have never been on that side of the table. We coached the mom's son in soccer when he was very young probably 7-8 yrs ago and lost touch. Then about 4 yrs ago, I heard she was having a tough time as a single mom especially at Christmas. We saved some extra money as a family and gave it to her. She worked at a local store. Shortly after, she seemed to disappear. A few months ago she contacted me through facebook to tell me she was newly married and was having twin rainbow babies after 4 tries with IVF and wanted me to take her birth photos. I have been doing photography for a few years but only for friends and family. I don't have the time to start a business and birth photography was never in my thoughts. I almost turned her down but she said she couldn't find anyone to take them that she felt comfortable with. She wanted to know the person but not be someone she would see daily. Anyway, long story short, it was AMAZING!!! She was hoping to have a vbac but it was changed to a c-section a few hours in. She had a beautiful, perfect girl and boy. I have some pretty amazing photos. Last night as I was scrolling through on my camera, I noticed one shot with the girl's legs sticking straight up out of her stomach. It wasn't until I zoomed in that I noticed her precious face could be seen slightly behind the doctor's arm.  Birth is truly a miracle. Funny, I have always had my mom take videos of my deliveries except the c-section which she was only allowed to take still shots of. I have never looked at them. I don't know, I get a little embarrassed thinking of seeing it even though it is me yet I felt none of that while being in her delivery. One other thing I learned is that I am perfectly happy with 6 kids. I didn't realize until after I left that I never even held the babies. I interacted with the family but minimally allowing myself to photograph everything.


Oh...one more.....when babies were newly born, they placed them in the same small warming bed for a few seconds. Instantly the babies held hands all on their own. Mom couldn't see it from across the room as docs were still working on her but I was able to get several pictures of it.

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I spent all day yesterday taking birth photos. I have taken shots of seniors, engagements, and families but never a birth. It isn't something many do around here. Even though I have six children of my own, 5 vaginal deliveries and 1 c-section, I have never been on that side of the table. We coached the mom's son in soccer when he was very young probably 7-8 yrs ago and lost touch. Then about 4 yrs ago, I heard she was having a tough time as a single mom especially at Christmas. We saved some extra money as a family and gave it to her. She worked at a local store. Shortly after, she seemed to disappear. A few months ago she contacted me through facebook to tell me she was newly married and was having twin rainbow babies after 4 tries with IVF and wanted me to take her birth photos. I have been doing photography for a few years but only for friends and family. I don't have the time to start a business and birth photography was never in my thoughts. I almost turned her down but she said she couldn't find anyone to take them that she felt comfortable with. She wanted to know the person but not be someone she would see daily. Anyway, long story short, it was AMAZING!!! She was hoping to have a vbac but it was changed to a c-section a few hours in. She had a beautiful, perfect girl and boy. I have some pretty amazing photos. Last night as I was scrolling through on my camera, I noticed one shot with the girl's legs sticking straight up out of her stomach. It wasn't until I zoomed in that I noticed her precious face could be seen slightly behind the doctor's arm. Birth is truly a miracle. Funny, I have always had my mom take videos of my deliveries except the c-section which she was only allowed to take still shots of. I have never looked at them. I don't know, I get a little embarrassed thinking of seeing it even though it is me yet I felt none of that while being in her delivery. One other thing I learned is that I am perfectly happy with 6 kids. I didn't realize until after I left that I never even held the babies. I interacted with the family but minimally allowing myself to photograph everything.


Oh...one more.....when babies were newly born, they placed them in the same small warming bed for a few seconds. Instantly the babies held hands all on their own. Mom couldn't see it from across the room as docs were still working on her but I was able to get several pictures of it.

What an amazing experience! I have read articles in the past about special twin bonding from very little, and you captured that moment for that family. How neat!!
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We don't have anything major going on, but the series of tragedies just make me count our blessings even more. Enjoying how the kids are so interested in learning how to cook, took them to the movies yesterday, trying to give extra cuddles and kisses to my 20 Month old (and not crying every time I hold him)...just praying a lot, for many folks...and counting my blessings :)

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My mom whose health is not good (Parkinson's) and cannot handle being in the car long distances (uncomfortable, hard on her body) came to visit us for the first time in this home last week. We've lived here approx. 4 years. I was really thinking I'd never see the day. We think it happened because my aunt was also visiting them and she helped talk my mom into coming. It was a very short visit, but she was glad they came.

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Dd and her dh are closing on their first home tomorrow. They did a lease-purchase for 6 months as dsil had just gotten out of the military and started a new job, but tomorrow it will officially be theirs! It's a little starter home with a BIG fenced-in yard for the kiddos. It's about 15 minutes from my house. I'm not sure who is more excited; them or me. ;-p

Edited by StaceyinLA
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My new chickens chase me when I run. Why do they do that? I don't know. I'm thinking of adding that to my resume under leadership.


Biotin makes hair long and pretty.


My marchesa boccella rose is back from the dead (aka winter before last). And Rosa Ispahan is really obscene and showing off these days.


I made strawberry rhubarb jam (ok, sauce) with freshly picked things the other day.


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We are going camping at Niagara Falls over 4th of July weekend. I've never been there so I'm pretty excited.


I'm almost done painting my house.


My mom and sister are coming across the country to visit us next month. :D

I got married there during July a while ago. I tried to talk DH into an anniversary visit this July, but he said, "I've already been there!" Haha. :). Enjoy

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Let's bring back Laura's thread for a good laugh!!!





The weather is meant to improve this weekend.  My mum's getting the medical care that she needs.  Hobbes finishes GCSE exams today and is going to the beach to burn his revision notes.  I managed to hold the Crow position for more than a second yesterday.  Calvin is employed next week playing bass guitar for a university event.  Husband is managing to sort out some business stuff that has been preying on his mind.

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It's late and the cat is checking to be sure everyone is in their beds. 


We're dogsitting for a few weeks.  The pup has taken to telling on my 6yo when he's out of bed by hurrying to come get me and running back and forth between us until I get there.  Only after lights out, too, never before I declare bedtime. :lol:   I may just want to keep this doggy around a little longer!

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The weather is meant to improve this weekend.  My mum's getting the medical care that she needs.  Hobbes finishes GCSE exams today and is going to the beach to burn his revision notes.  I managed to hold the Crow position for more than a second yesterday.  Calvin is employed next week playing bass guitar for a university event.  Husband is managing to sort out some business stuff that has been preying on his mind.

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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My son left Wednesday morning for a 4-day scout trip, but then texted me late that night that he forgot to bring his medicine. So early yesterday morning, the younger kids & I piled into the car for a 5.5 hour drive to take my son his meds. He happened to be camping in one of our nations most beautiful National Parks so my youngers & I were able to get in a gorgeous (short) hike yesterday afternoon, and a great one this morning before heading home this afternoon. We were only gone for 34 hours, with about 12 of it driving, but it was an awesome getaway!

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We passed an old man sitting on a bench. His cane that was resting beside him fell down as I walked past. I wasn't really noticing, but my sons did. They walked over and picked it up for him. Another man saw it and said to my sons, "Good job, boys."


It was just nice. I was proud of them. I was glad that someone else noticed and praised them. Everyone was left with a happy feelling.

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I had my first performance review with this boss and it went great! She said she's glad I'm on the team, she's very pleased with my work,  and we're going to work on having my position audited with the purpose of having it raised up a level, which would mean a raise. 


After all the stress of my house being on the market, going to school part time, and some stressful stuff with a co-worker, this was lovely to hear!

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My cat has been trying so hard to train my husband better. Very amusing to watch. :)


She will help more if he's obviously not getting it (e.g., if he seems to be unable to find the toy to throw it again, she will put it where he can see it).

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My kids are out front playing in the sprinkler and spraying each other with water. There is something so pure about their laughs and screams, the sounds of innocence and joy. I love my family, they are my happiness :)


The song "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins comes to mind.

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My kids are out front playing in the sprinkler and spraying each other with water. There is something so pure about their laughs and screams, the sounds of innocence and joy. I love my family, they are my happiness :)


The song "You're Gonna Miss This" by Trace Adkins comes to mind.


I love that you wrote that...it makes me happy.  :thumbup:


Family is the best and the sound of the little ones playing never fails to make me smile.

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ds8 grabbed a new read aloud off the shelf ans squealed with delight, "I LOOOOOOOOOOVE Shakespeare!"


It gave me the warm fuzzies even though I know I'm likely to get flamed on the internet, called a crazy lazy slacker in da hood where we live, and a liar who refuses to let her kids get a proper education so that McDonalds will give them a JOB by my ivy league educated parents.


I like Shakespeare too. :)

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Visiting my dad for fathers day /birthday. DD and I went with my sister to 6flags, perfect weather all day. Love being with family. Oh and moms making spaghetti and meatballs. Thankful they live closer than they were.

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Dd earned an invitation to the Sport Climbing National Championships today ... her first.  Also, she took 2nd place in Speed after only having had access to a speed wall for a month.  And she smashed her personal record by a full second!  She has come close in the past, but usually, it was her head that got in the way.  Nerves.  Not believing in herself.  Making uncharacteristic mental mistakes.  But, she has worked on strategies to get past that.  Each year, as the sport grows, the competition gets harder and harder.  To see her make ground physically as well as mentally has been so gratifying.  I was so excited when I heard, that I whacked the walkie-talkie out of my pocket where it fell apart, scattering the pieces among the crowd. 


And a positive thing for me ... I was put in charge of getting enough volunteers to make this event happen and I worked closely with the organization team..  As a natural introvert who finds it harder and harder to put on the extrovert suit, this was a challenge for me.  Thank heavens for Facebook groups and knowing people who are well-liked and have influence.  I was able to successfully fill over 160 volunteer positions, made up mostly of parents and members of our local climbing community.  Our volunteers were happy (except that we ran out of the tshirts we promised them.  They were so fabulous but they ran small so people were bumping up sizes from what they ordered.  Learned a lesson on letting go and living with disappointing people when it was a situation out of my control.)   I've posted in the past about how I am struggling with the fact that my homeschooling journey is nearing an end as well as the fear of what to do after dd goes to college.  Working on this team made me feel important.  And it was a distraction from some of the difficult stuff going on with one of my kids. 



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