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Miscarriage 4+ weeks after baby has passed?


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So we had a very traumatic miscarriage in December - I went from perfectly fine to raining blood in a few minutes.  Long story short, had to call an ambulance, became non-responsive in ambulance, they were able to insert IVs and give fluid.  (It's amazing how you can go from feeling SO ill to so much better so quickly.)  Transported, emergency D&C, five units of fluid and four of blood.  


We knew baby had passed earlier but OB was confident we could have a safe miscarriage at home - baby was measured at 8 weeks 3 days.  I actually ended up miscarrying just a little over 11 weeks.


It was one of those incredibly rare, odd things where my uterus just simply didn't contract and clamp down.


Fast forward to the present. 


I just did the calculations - should be 11 weeks 1 day today.  They did an ultrasound last week so we can date everything for the cerclage (cervical stitch placement) that we normally do at 14 weeks.  This  time no baby visible, sac measures stage 7 weeks 3 days.  Obviously there must be a placenta?  Wouldn't something have to be generating HCG?  Here we are 4 weeks after no baby and I'm not spotting, no cramping, absolutely zero clues that I'm not pregnant.


I am scheduled for another ultrasound tomorrow to make sure I just wasn't off on dates/implantation.  I'm certain that I'm not -- but I just feel more comfortable with a second ultrasound.


Dr. was comfortable with waiting another week and doing the ultrasound.  If I push it, I am sure I could miscarry at home.  Dr mentioned last week that we could do the ultrasound on Tuesday and follow up with a D&C later in the week. Obviously there is a bit of anxiety surrounding either choice.  But statistically the chance for the December scenario to present itself again has got to be just out of this world.  On the other hand, while that whole situation was a little scary for me, it was downright traumatic for DH. I don't think I was really grasping how bad the scenario was at it was happening - he did. :( And, moreover, because of my personal religious beliefs, I just really feel as though nothing touches me until the day He allows it.  That entire morning orchestrated so perfectly to keep me safe in the end.   But DH is really worried and I want to respect that too.


All that to say - - - I've heard of it taking 2 weeks for a body to recognize there is no baby.  I've even heard of three weeks.  But a month??  Anyone?  And did a normal miscarriage then ensue?   

Edited by BlsdMama
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I'm so sorry. Yes I have seen it take a month or longer and the miscarriage to be straight forward after that. But I think in your case I would lean towards the D and C. I actually think you would be more at risk of it happening again. I'm even thinking because you haven't had a normal delivery in the interim where we could see that your uterus was still working well, that increases the risk also. That's just my initial thoughts. I'm so sorry that you have to be making this decision and that you lost your baby.

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I'm sorry you are dealing with this. My doctor was never comfortable with a miscarriage at home so she scheduled a D&C ASAP. In your case, that is absolutely what I would do. The waiting sucks.

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I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet baby! Yes, sometimes it can take many weeks. It's unusual but definitely not unheard of for a loss to take quite awhile processing. My friend had a baby die at eight weeks and didn't miscarry until almost 17 weeks :(

Edited by Arctic Mama
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I was 10-11 weeks and then sent me for an ultrasound and baby only measured 6 weeks.  I was still puking daily so my body most definitely thought I was still pregnant.  So yeah, I had a month pass with no abatement of symptoms.  I have no idea when/if my body would have caught on.  I went and had a D&C because I couldn't handle the puking anymore especially knowing there was no baby.  Sorry for your loss.

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:grouphug: I am so sorry.


Trying to remember the exact weeks but I know I was close 13 weeks technically once and baby was a little over 8. I had a good ultrasound at 8. I had the d and c. Will be honest and say that one was a really hard recovery even with the d and c. I had to have cerclages also.

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I'm so sorry.


Yes, it happened to me. I lost two pregnancies between 7-8 weeks and didn't know anything was wrong until 12-13 weeks. One miscarriage I completed at home after pessaries (cannot remember the name of the drug at the moment). The other, I had a d&c. The doctors were not comfortable leaving it completely naturally, in fact, the at home miscarriage was not easy and I came close to requiring a d&c anyway - I had a lot of bleeding.


I'm really sorry, it is scary and difficult. *Gentle hugs*

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I'm very sorry.  That's such a hard thing to deal with.

Yes, this is within the range of normal.


22 years go, at 7 weeks into the pregnancy our first baby appeared normal on the ultra sound. At 13 weeks I started miscarrying.  The ultrasound showed that the baby had only lived to 8 weeks because that's what the stage of development was. I miscarried at home with a doctor checking up on me by phone throughout the process.  The bleeding usually decreases significantly once the baby passes.  It didn't for me, it increased sharply and we went to the hospital like the doctor told us to if that happened. By the time we got there (15 minutes later) it decreased back to normal levels.  They gave me some fluids to get my blood pressure back up to normal and then sent me home.  

My second miscarriage was along the same stages.  There was no abnormal bleeding and I miscarried at home.

My third miscarriage started within a week or two of the baby dying. There was no abnormal bleeding and I miscarried at home.

D&Cs carry too high a risk of uterine damage and cervical trauma for me to agree to one unless a part of the baby remains causing infection.  I won't see an OB whose normal course of action is a D&C.  That's just how I roll. Other people can do whatever they want but I notice a pattern of OBs not volunteering the risk information when making a recommendation for a D&C.  I'm one of those demanding patients who believes in full disclosure of all known risk factors for all treatments at all times by all medical staff.

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Yes, it's called a missed miscarriage. The baby dies, but the body doesn't miscarry. I've had it happen multiple times. One time the baby died at 16 weeks and the doctor hoped I'd go into labor on my own, but I ended up in the ER bleeding profusely. I was told that miscarriages often happen weeks after the baby dies.  :sad:

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I am so sorry you are going through this.  :grouphug:


One of my situations was very different, medically speaking, so I can't speak to that aspect.  I just wanted to share that I have been through a very long period of loss with uncertainty, and know the physical and emotional toll it takes.  While I don't remember the exact number of days, for me it was not long after a Thanksgiving and well into the second week of January before my body and heart began recovering, and I don't wish that pain on anyone.



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I've lost 5 babies, all of them discovered several weeks after the loss (we now get MUCH more thorough monitoring when I'm pregnant, for obvious reasons). One, I carried for so long (I want to miscarry at home) that my body started to re-absorb the tissue and started to get septic. One, I didn't have sepsis but hemmorhaged at home like you did. Unfortunately, DH wasn't at home at the time, and it happened all at once... the kids found me in a pool of blood and called Daddy at work, terrified. After those, I had a D&C and two induced deliveries (second trimester losses) after both of the deliveries, I hemorrhaged. Oddly, when my surviving children have been born, I have very little problems and next to no bleeding, because bodies are weird and make no sense.

I genuinely would not recommend trying to miscarry at home if it went badly last time. In my experience, and the experience of my doctors as well, someone who bleeds profusely for one miscarriage is quite likely to have the same problem with future losses. It's a HUGE risk to take.

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I have an appointment this afternoon to talk  it over.  The crazy thing, imo, is that I have such crazy easy deliveries - they make up for wretched pregnancies IMO.

Emotionally I'm pretty squared away with it and I'm very grateful for all the prayers and the kind words.

It isn't the same as being desperate for a new baby - I'm very content to have another if the Lord gives me one and I'm very content with the beautiful, healthy kids I have here.  My sister had a horrible loss (twin boys @ 22weeks after 6 years of infertility) in January/February (they each lived a few days) and a situation like that gives you perspective like nothing else can.  


Ultrasound today and then appointment.  Sigh.  I do so hate ugly things - especially on beautiful days.  Isn't that silly/stupid?  Doesn't it seem like bad news should only come with bad weather? :/

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I always secretly wish bad days happened with bad weather and earthquakes and all manner of drama - rather than feeling like they are mocking me with their sunshine and that nobody realizes my world is rocked when theirs is just puttering on. But that's just an idle thought - if the climate reflected personal pain every moment would be thunder and fire and torrential downpours, because there is a lot of suffering in the lives of the people around us that we just never see.


It reminds me to be gracious with strangers - who knows what they may be walking through today? I'm praying that your pain and loss get some good, helpful answers today at your appointment. Hugs to you!

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:grouphug: My step-daughter went through something similar.  They had to push for a D&C so they could move past the baby being dead for over a month.  It was awful for everyone.  So I really feel for you right now.  It is such a hard thing to go through, I just can't imagine but I know how traumatic it was for her.


I wish you the best and hope that all is well this time.

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I have an appointment this afternoon to talk it over. The crazy thing, imo, is that I have such crazy easy deliveries - they make up for wretched pregnancies IMO.

Emotionally I'm pretty squared away with it and I'm very grateful for all the prayers and the kind words.

It isn't the same as being desperate for a new baby - I'm very content to have another if the Lord gives me one and I'm very content with the beautiful, healthy kids I have here. My sister had a horrible loss (twin boys @ 22weeks after 6 years of infertility) in January/February (they each lived a few days) and a situation like that gives you perspective like nothing else can.


Ultrasound today and then appointment. Sigh. I do so hate ugly things - especially on beautiful days. Isn't that silly/stupid? Doesn't it seem like bad news should only come with bad weather? :/

I'm always amazed at the way the world just keeps going. I just got the worst news of my life and people are going to the mall?!? Like, it makes no sense in my head.


Hugs. It sucks.

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I have an appointment this afternoon to talk it over. The crazy thing, imo, is that I have such crazy easy deliveries - they make up for wretched pregnancies IMO.

Emotionally I'm pretty squared away with it and I'm very grateful for all the prayers and the kind words.

It isn't the same as being desperate for a new baby - I'm very content to have another if the Lord gives me one and I'm very content with the beautiful, healthy kids I have here. My sister had a horrible loss (twin boys @ 22weeks after 6 years of infertility) in January/February (they each lived a few days) and a situation like that gives you perspective like nothing else can.


Ultrasound today and then appointment. Sigh. I do so hate ugly things - especially on beautiful days. Isn't that silly/stupid? Doesn't it seem like bad news should only come with bad weather? :/

It isn't silly or stupid. And you are handling this with so much grace. Just sending you a huge hug. I hope your appointment isn't drawn out. The waiting is always a lot of the difficulty for me. Hugs and prayers.

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