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Europe Vacation Poll


Europe: Where would you go?  

76 members have voted

  1. 1. If you could take a 1 week vacation, no kids, during the summer months, which would you pick? (Feel free to state why in comments!)

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I'd never heard of these! Are they really concerning enough to avoid the Highlands during summer?


It depends what you want to do.  If you want to go to cute towns and view the countryside from afar, then you're fine.  If you want to hike or camp, you are looking at full-face netting and trying to work out how to eat a sandwich without ingesting a thousand midges.  We stop going to the Highlands, particularly the west side (which has more damp boggy areas where they breed) in June or July, depending on the year.

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We could *never* get away with going to any without our DS. He's SUCH an Anglophile! Lol


For a week, probably Ireland. â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸


For longer, I've always wanted to go to the tippy top of mainland Scotland and to the northern islands.

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Scotland. It's my husband's heritage so it speaks to us a bit more.

We have been before--made the five hour ferry ride to a tiny Hebrides island. We were telling our b&b host about our plans to visit the castle which is situated on a smaller island in the bay. He told us it was closed for reno as it had just been taken over by Scottish Heritage (can't remember the exact name.)

He made some calls and the caretaker who had the same name as my DH's cousin just spelled a wee bit different arranged for us to go out there. He took us on his boat and toured us around the castle. When we came to the tower, he mentioned we couldn't go up there. Too bad, he said, I'm just going to check on these things over here for a minute. In a flash, we were up the tower. :) It was Exactly the kind of 'lawlessness' my dh and his dad would do. No one got hurt or hurt anything.


So, yes, to Scotland. The highlands are incredibly beautiful. These days I'd have to find Craig nun Dun in honor of Outlander. :)

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One week is really not a very long time but I could see spending several days in London followed by Salisbury or Canterbury or Lyme Regis for a few days. 


If I only had a week, I would not want to waste time in transit.  Thus I think I would opt for a few days in a major city followed by a few days in a secondary location. 

Edited by Jane in NC
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Ireland. Live Irish music in pubs. And cool sites. And live Irish music. And beautiful scenery. And did I mention the music?


My second choice would be Wales. More castles than you can shake a stick at.


Although I really should give Scotland another try. On my previous trip, I forgot to pack gloves and thermals. Silly me. It was only June.


The good news is, you really can't go wrong.

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I don't think you can go wrong with any.  Or Wales for that matter.  Are you more urban lovers, hikers, or walkabout-ers?  Will you rent a car or use public transport?  The key IMO is to work out a few experiences/highlights without spending too much of your week on logistics.

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I was going for Scotland but maybe the midgets win this time. I would have picked England but it would have to be with kids. My oldest needs to return to her birthplace and my youngest needs to visit where dad and mom met, got married and big sister was born.

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Ok, Donna and freesia...tell me *where* I need to go in Ireland! :)


PaminCT...we're all of those! It just depends on the mood. I've always, always wanted to go to Ireland. Scotland has always been a top 3 contender. I've always wanted to go to London too. I think right now, I'm feeling more 'laid back, beautiful scenery, hike/stroll, maybe a little city-life is ok'.


Homeschool mom in AZ...I'm with you...green would be very nice to see! I live in a brown, crunchy summer kind of place!


Thank you all for weighing in. It's so fun to read your reasons for your choices and your experiences.

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Would this be your first visit to the UK? What are your interests/why are you travelling?

Yes, first time for me. Second time for DH (went to England and France 20 years ago).


We haven't thought too much (yet!) about where we want to go. Taking a vacation is still kind of a new decision. Mostly, we want to take a nice trip, probably Europe, without the kids. We've only been to Italy, and that has been over a decade ago. I really haven't gotten into the heavy research phase yet. :)

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Very tough choice. Probably Scotland because I know where in Scotland my family is from and that would be very, very cool.  The Irish side were less...... settled, and the English ancestors were from London area and I'm happy to avoid big cities.  Plus from pictures it's beyond beautiful in some of the more remote areas.  My only caveat is I wouldn't go without my kids, I couldn't imagine travelling anywhere without them, but mine are teens and we all get along great.


ETA- Change of plan, since I'd want to spend the majority of my time out of doors or at least touring castles, without getting eaten alive by Midges? I'm going with whichever has the most opportunities for tromping and stomping through the countryside and the best views..... 

Edited by foxbridgeacademy
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