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You know you're a bad homeschool mom when...

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When it requires chocolate to bribe mom into doing spelling with the kid

My dh was given a 25 POUND box of peanut M&Ms yesterday. school went very well today.


When you are sick and you hand off both school work and the toddler to your older kids, knowing that the two are an impossible combination. :(

I pay my older kid on days like that. they get along much better when there's money involved

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My dh was given a 25 POUND box of peanut M&Ms yesterday. school went very well today.



I pay my older kid on days like that. they get along much better when there's money involved

That's the spirit!


Hey it never occurred to me to pay. I'll have to remember that--my third sometimes needs incentive to get along with my fourth and if I'm down for the count the last thing I need is "The Bickertons Season 1" (That's what I call their bickering schtick--one day I asked them if we could be done with Season 1 b/c I knew all the lines and could we move on to Season 2 where the Bickertons show how much they love and adore each other.)


"Bad Homeschooling Moms" unite.

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Dd had her first-ever eye Dr visit today, followed by a homeschool karate class.  Over math after a nice lunch, she bawled and begged me never to schedule a morning appointment on a school day because "afternoon school makes me so, so crabby!"  Then she took a two-hour nap.


She wants to do school early, and then other things in the afternoon.  She's only 8, and she's already a lot more insightful about this schedule stuff than I am.  I guess I'll call and reschedule the dentist.

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I totally um, misdirected, and told my kid her shipment of new math books would most probably be delayed even though the Amazon alert she read said they would be delivered. I just could.not.do.it.

And then, so she wouldn't ask any more suspicious questions I suggested a trip to the museum where she could run around and I could read my book whilst baby slept:)

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When the hour at which you wake up your children keeps on creeping later and later (10:30 am today) so that you can cherish your precious quiet time in the morning.  And then you feel bad about trying to cram everything in during the short afternoon and find yourself skimping on certain areas.    (Outside time?  No one needs to go outside.  Especially when it's minus 30.  Except that, well, they should.)

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My dh was given a 25 POUND box of peanut M&Ms yesterday. school went very well today.



I pay my older kid on days like that. they get along much better when there's money involved

My dh works at a chocolate factory! M&M's everywhere... But I just get fatter and school chugs along.

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When you are exhausted and try to justify an I Love Lucy marathon as school because it is "history" and your daughter thinks it's a stretch. Her exact words were, "we aren't in that time period, Mommy!"

Uh. . . We did that-but we were studying the 1950s.
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I'm really looking forward to my Kers science lesson today-- moon cycles...using oreos. Chocolate. Yes, please.


And yes, it's cold and the kids have been sleeping until 9...and I am letting them because it's an hour of quiet in the morning, but then they are eating breakfast now...would it be a fail if I ate Oreos for breakfast?!?


And the Star Wars quoting has begun...ds has been doing school in a Jedi robe since Christmas break....with a light saber attached to his shorts. My kids may not survive the real world... :lol:


And I'm wearing yoga pants...which I do almost every day. Which after this thread makes me feel like I dress up! :lol:


I actually went to the store to buy jeans yesterday...I informed my husband it was necessary. Because on Tuesday I picked up ds from tennis wearing sweatpants and slippers.

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I guess I'm fancy, then, in my jeans and sweatshirt.  :leaving:


'Course it's nearly 10 and my kid isn't dressed yet. (In his defense, he was reading some non-fiction: "That's Deadly" by National Georgaphic Kids. And learning how to hang upside-down from the trampoline bar, which surely counts for PE.)


We had Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. He'll probably have a tortilla with Nutella for lunch. UPDATE: Nope, Goldfish crackers and a mango. :D The dinner menu depends on whether we get to the store. (In my defense, I have everything but the bread for a medieval-themed dinner tomorrow night, providing that the power stays on.)


And language arts is going to be writing thank-you notes. If we get to it. UPDATE: Didn't happen.

Edited by whitehawk
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Just watch the ones where they are in Europe and then call it a cultural study. :)

or the ones where they travel to California on Route 66 and call it US geography/cultural studies. Oh, and then you can watch Cars and learn to sing the song about Route 66--more geography, art (animation) music, Unit studies
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When you tell your kids, "I'm off the clock, get in your room and turn the fan on for white noise." :D


Aagghh. We were out for 8 HOURS today schooling at the library, Chick-Fil-A and in the car while waiting on ds' to do dual enrollment. 


It's fend-for-yourself dinner night too. We all need a few hours of unwind. 

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Well...Yesterday I was reminded that I never taught my NINE year old to brush her teeth in the morning. The hygienist pointed out to dd that's probably because we hs. :blushing:

if this thread is any indication, you're not alone. I was very glad when the dentist said something and on their own accord they get it done.

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or the ones where they travel to California on Route 66 and call it US geography/cultural studies. Oh, and then you can watch Cars and learn to sing the song about Route 66--more geography, art (animation) music, Unit studies

Or when you go to the Route 66 Mini golf at Incredible Pizza and call THAT Geography and PE :). In fairness, going to Incredible Pizza was DD's bribe for doing schoolwork in the dentist waiting room when I had what was likely to be a long appointment, and she had been surprisingly independent. But it was definitely a stretch.

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Or when you go to the Route 66 Mini golf at Incredible Pizza and call THAT Geography and PE :). In fairness, going to Incredible Pizza was DD's bribe for doing schoolwork in the dentist waiting room when I had what was likely to be a long appointment, and she had been surprisingly independent. But it was definitely a stretch.

Lol, this reminds me of the time I bribed Alex to do her schoolwork in the doctor's office with a trip to Peter Piper Pizza for lunch...and made her do all the spending of tickets on random bits of shiny plastic mentally and called it math:)

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My dh works at a chocolate factory! M&M's everywhere... But I just get fatter and school chugs along.

Mmmmm. I hope you get a lot of free samples. My mom worked for Hershey's for about a year and we were constantly getting free, almost reached expiration date, candy bars. I think I gained several extra pounds during that time, although I was pregnant at the time so that was excuse enough right?! :-)

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Well...Yesterday I was reminded that I never taught my NINE year old to brush her teeth in the morning. The hygienist pointed out to dd that's probably because we hs. :blushing:

I am terrible at this as well. Ironically I don't feel ready for the day until my own teeth are brushed in the morning, but my kids always look at me funny and ask why I am brushing my teeth so early. I guess this is a quirky habit I should pass on to my kids, lol. :-)

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We had many "literature days" of school this week. Yup...looks like the 50 library books we checked out are all read. :) We need to go back to the library and get some more. Lol and yes, they were almost all "twaddle" . I cringe at that word. Not sure way. Same as moist or crotch. Is that how you spell it?

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