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Have you ever done something really outside of your personality? A just for fun post.


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Have you ever done something really outside of your personality? Not anything illegal or bad. Just something different from your usual?


I am very introverted, very shy, and I hate being the center of any kind of attention, but for some reason, lately I am drawn to the idea of acting. Not to be a movie star or anything, just to take a class at a community college, or try out for a small role in a local production. If I told anyone that I know about the idea, they'd check me for a fever, lol. It is sooooo outside my normal interests.


So, I was wondering have you done anything really outside your normal? Was it a good or bad experience? Or share what'd you'd like to do. 



Edited by indigomama
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Well, I had a very large party for my 30th.


I hate parties, with a passion. Except that year, for some reason, I was seized with the desire to host one. So I did.


I actually have nice memories ( and photos ) of that party, of people who have since died, so I'm glad i did it.


I've never wanted a party since, lol



That's awesome! I love that it was a really good thing for you, and it's funny that you don't want to repeat the experience :) 


Maybe that's what I need to do, just get this "acting thing" out of my system, by doing it once in some small way.


Thanks for sharing!

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I went on a mission trip to Nepal and it changed my whole life. A mission trip is usually messy, unscripted, impromptu, full of strangers. I loved it. I went on a whole bunch more trips. I got it out of my system. Now I am a home body again. I would travel if I had the money, but probably I would travel in a much more sanitary way, lol.

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I went spelunking. Really, in a research cave. Not a tourist thing at all, no "stairs" , no ladders. It was with a group with college professor of mine. I have a total fear of heights. My parents totally thought I would go and back out last minute LOL. It was very cool. At one point we all set down on the ground and turned off all our headlamps. You could see NOTHING, not even your own hand in front of your face. Huge waterfall that we couldn't even see/hear the bottom of.

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Go for it! I was quite shy in high school and decided to try out for a school play because it sounded like fun. I got a part and enjoyed the experience, and I ended up active in drama club and forensics.



Or maybe you'll try acting once and love it!


I definitely think you should go for it.


I feel crazy even thinking about it, hahhah. But, I'll look into it. I live in a community with lots of great resources for it, I just have to get over my very intense shyness.

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I went spelunking. Really, in a research cave. Not a tourist thing at all, no "stairs" , no ladders. It was with a group with college professor of mine. I have a total fear of heights. My parents totally thought I would go and back out last minute LOL. It was very cool. At one point we all set down on the ground and turned off all our headlamps. You could see NOTHING, not even your own hand in front of your face. Huge waterfall that we couldn't even see/hear the bottom of.


Wow, that would be way out of my comfort zone, too! Good for you for going, sounds like a really neat experience!

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I did karaoke once.  :P


I once told a gas station owner that I hoped she had a rotten day (she had done me multiple wrongs before my morning coffee).


When I worked for a "Big 4" accounting firm, I won the volunteerism award and had to accept it on stage at the national partners' meeting.  Thankfully I only had to be on stage for a very short time.

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I drove up to Alaska without a plan of knowing a soul, beyond a vague adventure-paid-for-by-loans sentiment. I'm a type a planner, so this was unusual.


Best decision I ever made.

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Well I'm kind of doing that now, but not by choice!  I've had to take on things my husband used to do, things that I would never have even considered doing myself.  I've had to meet with public-figure type people and host some big events.  I can't tell you how hard this was for me at first.  I absolutely dreaded it.  Thankfully, it's gotten easier, and sometimes it's even fun now.  

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Have you ever done something really outside of your personality? Not anything illegal or bad. Just something different from your usual?


I am very introverted, very shy, and I hate being the center of any kind of attention, but for some reason, lately I am drawn to the idea of acting. Not to be a movie star or anything, just to take a class at a community college, or try out for a small role in a local production. If I told anyone that I know about the idea, they'd check me for a fever, lol. It is sooooo outside my normal interests.


So, I was wondering have you done anything really outside your normal? Was it a good or bad experience? Or share what'd you'd like to do.

Give a try.


I can see the appeal as an introvert. You may find you enjoy it!

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I met my DH online, but we weren't looking for someone to date. It was a group of people who like science fiction and fantasy. One night I was bored and ask online what I should do. He suggested driving to see him, a 5 hour drive. Why I decided to do it, I have absolutely no idea. I'd never driven that far alone in my life. I had no idea who this guy really was. But I did it, and the rest is history. Even my kids are stunned at that story, knowing I would never do anything like that. We all believe that fate was the driving force behind that decision.

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I drove up to Alaska without a plan of knowing a soul, beyond a vague adventure-paid-for-by-loans sentiment. I'm a type a planner, so this was unusual.


Best decision I ever made.

I have a notion to take a trip like this myself. Unplanned, with only very minimal clothing packed (testing the theory that I can scrounge up something when I get there), do activities that I see, not things I researched ahead on the web or with guidebooks.

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I am not artsy and never liked crafts nor had the desire to create anything with my hands.

Last May, on a quest to expand my horizon, I attended one session of a crochet circle for beginners.

I have since crocheted two afghans, four bags, countless potholders and coasters, a triangular shawl, and fifteen scarves.

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Spelunking. It was one of the few things I have ever been petrified to do that was even worse than I imagined. I wound up walking through a narrow corridor bent over with my helment scraping the ceiling and my nose (and flame light) an inch from the hipdeep water we were wading through. And peacewalking. That stunned my whole clan. They mostly approve wholeheartedly, but they couldn,t believe *I* would do something that required so much interaction with nonfamily members. It still scares the bejeepers out of me when I do it, but it is the most peaceful-but-still-effective way of working for peace that I have found, so I do it anyway.



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In spite of my crowd allergies, there are times we purposely visit cities.


Some end up being ok, but in general we leave reminded of why we prefer the Great Outdoors for both our day to day life and vacations.


There are a few pros to most cities - food options being one we tend to look for.  Museums are another.


Traveling on a whim can be part of our regular life.  We love it.

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I'm an introvert and I love acting and being onstage. It kind of gives me freedom to step outside myself in a "safe" way. After all, I'm just following a script...


Most of my drama kids in the class that I teach are introverts. (I have 11 kids, 2 extroverts in the group.) Even the most reserved have learned to cut loose and do some absolutely ridiculous things in the name of getting the play done. They love it.

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Rappelling "Aussie style." I was 20yo and at AFROTC leadership camp. We were all rappelling down the side of a building that day--the normal way, head up & feet down. When we'd all gone through our instructor asked if anyone wanted to go Aussie style. What's that? Head first. Sure, I'll go! I was the only one to attempt it. I'm not an adventurous type nor athletic at all. It was hard, requiring more upper body strength than I had but I kept going. Next thing I knew I was hanging by the rope near the top of the building. What happened? You jumped! I was supposed to lean all the way forward then *step* off the building. Apparently I'd jumped and slammed my knee into the building. At least it wasn't your face. I got to the bottom and had to go again. Just to show I could.


I can't believe I even attempted it and didn't chicken out. I can't believe none of the more adventurous and/or athletic ones in the group didn't try it. Maybe because they were smarter than I was. ;)

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Every year (I think this will be the 7th year), I step way outside my comfort zone and ask every person I can think of to sponsor me for a local charity walk.  I raise a few thousand dollars for them each year this way.  I find it exhausting to do, but I believe in the work the organization does, so I keep it up.

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I quit my attorney job, obtained after prestigious and expensive education to homeschool. If that ain't crazy...


It seems I do something like this every 3-5 years.


I currently want to move to greece to volunteer on the refugee Balkan route (island-athens-idomeni-macedonia-onwards) full time, but my 4 year old hinders me. As do finances, a little.

Edited by madteaparty
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Married my husband after knowing him 6 weeks. That's so not me! I'm logical, methodical and very much a people pleaser. This was the first time I threw caution and peoples opinions to the wind and did something I believed in. That was 14 years ago and still one of the BEST decisions I've ever made.


:laugh: I totally forgot, that I married DH after only knowing him for 4 weeks (via phone, pre facetime days, our phone bills were HUGE). We meet face to face on our wedding day  :lol: .

That was 21 years ago  :001_smile: .

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I kind of have but sometimes it's because I haven't had the confidence to stick to my guns and got drawn into things also I used to really love being challenged and sometimes that brought with it things I found were completely not like me.  Also I think if you want to act you should give it a try. 

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Have you ever done something really outside of your personality? Not anything illegal or bad. Just something different from your usual?


I am very introverted, very shy, and I hate being the center of any kind of attention, but for some reason, lately I am drawn to the idea of acting. Not to be a movie star or anything, just to take a class at a community college, or try out for a small role in a local production. If I told anyone that I know about the idea, they'd check me for a fever, lol. It is sooooo outside my normal interests.


So, I was wondering have you done anything really outside your normal? Was it a good or bad experience? Or share what'd you'd like to do. 

Go for it!


I picked up working with the drama team at church. I learned I could have fun acting and even more fun writing. Getting on stage with a script becomes pretty easy. It's not YOU up there, but a character.


....Last year, my husband and I took an Improv class. That really stretched our comfort zones...  It was fun and got my heart racing a little bit. Imagine stepping on the stage without a clue what you will say or what will happen. FUN!

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I took up amateur acting for awhile.  Everyone I knew thought I was nuts.  They couldn't imagine ME doing that.  (Maybe they should have had more imagination)


Ended up with me singing on stage.  The acting wasn't something that scared me.  But singing was really out of my comfort zone.


But it worked. 


I don't think these things are really outside my personality.  I think they're just outside the personality that everyone around me thinks I have.  Maybe because a lot of people don't listen to me.

Edited by flyingiguana
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I am very introverted and I LOVE acting. People are surprised by that- but here is the thing. When I am on stage, I am not ME- I am my character. If I say something stupid- it's the playwrite's fault, not mine! I would feel MUCH more vulnerable writing something that someone else performed. Getting up in front of a group and saying my own words is my worst nightmare! Someone could criticize my interpretation of my character, but that doesn't bother me. Anyway, being someone that I am not is really fun. In fact, the more different the character is to who I am, the more fun it is! All that to say- go for it! You will probably really enjoy it.

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I quit teaching for a while and became a bartender. I was pretty good at it and eventually became bar manager, but I don't even like to drink (I'm not against it, I just don't like the taste of alcohol). Eventually I went back to teaching because that whole lifestyle really was outside of my personality, but it taught me I can do something different if I want to or have to.

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I'm an introverted homebody (bordering on becoming a hermit) and I am planning on hiking the AT this year.  The idea of being so far away from my sources of comfort  (my family, my books,my favorite mug) terrifies me but I am going to try the hike anyway.  I am already becoming quite attached to my tent, my cooking equipment, etc.  

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I am very introverted and I LOVE acting. People are surprised by that- but here is the thing. When I am on stage, I am not ME- I am my character. If I say something stupid- it's the playwrite's fault, not mine! I would feel MUCH more vulnerable writing something that someone else performed. Getting up in front of a group and saying my own words is my worst nightmare! Someone could criticize my interpretation of my character, but that doesn't bother me. Anyway, being someone that I am not is really fun. In fact, the more different the character is to who I am, the more fun it is! All that to say- go for it! You will probably really enjoy it.

IME, this is frequently true. Introverts are often well-suited to acting, because it meshes well with being in your own head. I have observed that many extroverts are more self-conscious because they are so aware of people, while we introverts are in our heads and don't pay as much attention to the people in the audience.

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I'm an introverted homebody (bordering on becoming a hermit) and I am planning on hiking the AT this year. The idea of being so far away from my sources of comfort (my family, my books,my favorite mug) terrifies me but I am going to try the hike anyway. I am already becoming quite attached to my tent, my cooking equipment, etc.

I love this! Bucket list item.

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Haha yes.  When younger and crazier.  Before meeting my husband I dated a Polish guy for 4 years.  We often went out to Polish clubs.  So one time we went they had some weird thing where they put an envelope under some of the chairs.  If you had one you were supposed to go up and lip sync to a song.  Then everyone had to vote for their favorite.  Ok think...I'm a major introvert, very quiet most of the time, and just not the type to do anything like that.  But I got picked.  So I got up there and asked them to describe to me what the song was about and what the singer was like.  Apparently she was a large loud woman.  The song was in Polish.  So I got up there and acted like a loud large woman.  I won too.  Maybe because I looked the most ridiculous, but whatever it was silly stuff.  LOL



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Haha yes.  When younger and crazier.  Before meeting my husband I dated a Polish guy for 4 years.  We often went out to Polish clubs.  So one time we went they had some weird thing where they put an envelope under some of the chairs.  If you had one you were supposed to go up and lip sync to a song.  Then everyone had to vote for their favorite.  Ok think...I'm a major introvert, very quiet most of the time, and just not the type to do anything like that.  But I got picked.  So I got up there and asked them to describe to me what the song was about and what the singer was like.  Apparently she was a large loud woman.  The song was in Polish.  So I got up there and acted like a loud large woman.  I won too.  Maybe because I looked the most ridiculous, but whatever it was silly stuff.  LOL


That's great! I love this story.





To everyone: thanks for sharing. I've loved reading through this thread.  The thing with acting: I think I would be fine once onstage "in" the role, it's just getting the nerve to tryout, ahhhhh!!!!!! The thing that intrigues me is that I love doing voices when reading, and I developing a character in my head while I read. But the thought of other people looking at me is truly terrifying. 


But reading everyone's stories are encouraging.

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Have you ever done something really outside of your personality? Not anything illegal or bad. Just something different from your usual?


I am very introverted, very shy, and I hate being the center of any kind of attention, but for some reason, lately I am drawn to the idea of acting. Not to be a movie star or anything, just to take a class at a community college, or try out for a small role in a local production. If I told anyone that I know about the idea, they'd check me for a fever, lol. It is sooooo outside my normal interests.


So, I was wondering have you done anything really outside your normal? Was it a good or bad experience? Or share what'd you'd like to do.

I know so many introverted people who come alive onstage. It's like they save it up or something.


For me, opposite my personality would be to go to a party and sit around NOT talking :-). Actually, the older I get and the more I try things opposite my nature. I'm finding that 9 times out of 10 it's less work for me. I'm tired. I should have withdrawn sooner.

Edited by KungFuPanda
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Enlisted in the military. I was tiny, shy, about 98lb soaking wet, and graduated from a high school where almost everyone went to college after graduation. It was a great decision.


I didn't enlist, but I went AFROTC through college and went to a cadet school (section within the school Va Tech).  Considering my lack of 'senseless' rule believing, this surprised everyone from my parents to my teachers to my friends.


I loved it - and still managed to skirt many of the rules I didn't think were worthy (surprising peers there and annoying an upper classman or two my freshman year).


I met hubby there ('By the Rules' king) and later corrupted him.  ;)

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