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Poll... for how long are you committed to homeschooling?

For how long are you committed to homeschool?  

  1. 1. For how long are you committed to homeschool?

    • One school day.
    • One school year.
    • Until middle school begins.
    • Until high school begins.
    • Until high school graduation.
    • Until they have me committed.
    • Other.

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I voted other. It depends...


-on if I decide to quit hsing over going insane.

-on if Dh or I decide we are not educating our kids to the level we want.

-on if Dh agrees to hs the younger two.

-on if the kids want to or not

-on which kid we are talking about

-on so many things.


We only started hsing Ds#1 and Dd this year (9th grade). Ds#2 is in 5th grade ps and Ds#3 is in 3rd grade ps.


But we are moving to NY in August and now Dd is asking if she can attend public school when we move.


With the schools we are going to.. Dh is saying we will put Ds#2 in middle school ps (currently 5th grade). Ds#3 was to be public schooled at least two more years (currently 3rd grade).


So, it is possible that only Ds#1 will homeschool through high school and then it is up in the air on the rest. Dd may go to ps and then change her mind and return to hsing.

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I guess I could have said until graduation, but I have been there three times. ;-).


I chose until they commit me. Twenty years and going, and going, and going, and going. I don't know if I will ever be done ??


I am there too. Have graduated 3 and have 4 more to go...By then grand children and it goes on....and on....and on.....



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We are committed to go on through high school. However, we evaluate the kids' needs annually to decide if it's still the best we can do for each of them.


There was a point I thought that I would be stopping after this year. Now it's looking more like I will continue for about 5 more years. We'll see....

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Homeschooling is our default. There would have to be some strong reason for me to put the kids into school. But it is possible that those conditions would one day come to pass.


I'm not a homeschooling is the only way, public school corrupts sort. But I have also not really met a public school that has tempted me away from homeschooling. For all of the potential downsides of homeschooling, there are also compelling reasons to just keep plugging.


Oddly enough, it is the incredible rigor and vision of dh's high school alma mater (a Jesuit private school) that makes me think that we could homeschool high school. I look at what they do and just about any other high school pales in comparison. When I look at most of the high schools we've lived near I think that I could provide what they are offering. If I can't have the best, why trade homeschooling for the hassles of public school.


I think we've certainly made the right decision for here. I know of three different families at the local school who have pulled their kids out of the same class to homeschool them after the admin failed to address their concerns about the teacher during the entire first term.

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I voted until I need to be committed because we will homeschool as long as *I* am able to do the best job that I can. I am usually my own biggest stumbling block to educating the kids in the way I feel they deserve, and I do go through bouts of melancholy and/or low motivation, so really, as long as I'm taking care of myself and making homeschooling a priority, there is no reason for us to stop! Our core reasons for doing this in the first place have not really changed. We're on high school now and still plugging away.

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We've always been of the attitude that we homeschool one year at a time. As long as we are all happy and learning and all that jazz, we'll sign up for another year. If it's not working, we'll look at other options.


Until now. This year was a big commitment for me, as Luke is a 5th grader (or would be in PS). Around here, middle school is 6-8th grade. I would never want my child's first experience in a "real" school to be in middle school. So this year, instead of a one year commitment, we made a four year commitment.


Nothing has changed, we are still all happy and learning and all that jazz, but boy, four years seems big. It had me a bit stressed over the summer, but I'm mostly over it now, though it has me wondering what your commitment to length of homeschooling is. Hence the poll.


And don't forget to comment about your poll response!



Definitely until high school, but at that point, I want to give my ds more say in his options. I'm not entirely opposed to him going to high school, but I want him to be part of the pros/cons discussion of that, and part of the pros/cons discussion of continuing to homeschool through high school.


So, I guess I'm committed through high school, as long as ds stays on board with that, too.

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One year at a time for us... if and when he is socially and mentally ready to return to a private or public school setting and also has the desire to do so, he can go back. And if my daughter decides to come home, that's fine, too. Each year will be evaluated separately.

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Plans are always subject to change, but for now I plan to home school through high school. I know I want to school through middle school at the least, because those seem to be the toughest growing-up wise. Both my brother and I had very poor experiences (for completely different reasons) and I don't want my child to have to go through that. Plus, she doesn't really fall into the nice, neat X grade mold, and I think her differences are only going to increase. She would be miserable in public school.

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My current plan is thru high school, but if it's ever clear that that's not what is best for us, I would change gears.


Oldest ds was homeschooled all the way, middle ds is a junior this year, youngest is a freshman. For various reasons, I think homeschooling was the best option for each of them and for our family in general.

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I am there too. Have graduated 3 and have 4 more to go...By then grand children and it goes on....and on....and on.....



Would you hs your grandchildren? Ds said the other day that he couldn't move far away, because he didn't want to have to drive all the way back here so his kids could go to school (meaning, home, to me, with his children). I was touched (both in the heart and in the hilarity centers of my brain), now though I have to wonder if Grandma is an alternative to school.........


I wonder what kinds of curriculum I could buy then?!?

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Until They Have me Committed."




Seriously, I had to decide and take a stand on this just this year. I have so many friends jumping ship, my dh and I needed to let our girls know we're committed and this is what we believe to be best for our family. They have no choice in the matter.



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That's only because I know we're definitely in it until then. We may or may not homeschool high school. (I want to, DH isn't as sure.)


But then, I guess that's what "committed" means.


There are definitely days when the answer would be "until they have me committed". Quite a few recently, as a matter of fact. :lol:

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"They" are going to have to drag me kicking and screaming to a school to enroll my kids :) My kids have said, repeatedly, they do not want to go to (or back dd was in ps for a bit) to ps. I ask them every year and we talk about pro's and con's and still the refuse! So it isn't just me committed, it is my kids too!



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I think that I voted in this thread two years ago. Why is this resurrected?




I need to start checking the dates before I respond to a thread! That's the second time this week I've posted on an OOOOOLLLLLDDDDD thread!


Maybe they're like a fine wine. They get better with age?


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