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I am so sick of pet heartache and need to vent.


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When we bought our house 10.5 years ago, one of the things we most looked forward to was having a dog.  We also figured we'd get a cat when we were ready. (I was still missing the cat we had lost a year earlier.)  We went temporarily insane and wound up with two dogs and two cats within about a year, all puppies and kittens.


It took a few years before I realized what that potentially meant for their timelines, and I've been dreading this period ever since.  Dh is at the vet for a standby appointment with one of our cats, and it doesn't look good.  I don't want to write the poor boy off, but I'm afraid to get my hopes up.  He went from seeming under the weather 3 days ago, to feeling better 2 days ago, to looking miserable last night and frighteningly ill this morning. 


We've already lost both original dogs in the past 19 months.  My youngest two kids are beginning to believe vets are bad.  Even though our puppy has been a great source of joy, there's been SO much sadness in our house!  And, while I've never been a pets-are-people kind of person, I'm really struggling with so many losses, one after another.  :crying:


I don't want our Lil to be in pain, but ugh!  We sure could use a break around here.


I don't think we're ever going to be a many-pets household again.  And we'll always stagger the ones we have!



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I am so, so sorry. That is hard. I think this is about to happen to us also. Our Golden Retriever is only 9, but his line of Golden Retrievers has a life expectancy of nine, which I did not know when we got him. Also our cat is 15, so not a spring chicken either. Since they keep each other company they may very well go quickly together. We are very busy with two restaurants, possibly looking at a third restaurant, so we are not good at spending time with our pets so we will probably not replace them. We will just be sad and lonely.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


(I kwym. In 2013, we lost three of our five cats. One -- my baby -- in March. The other two in May -- both on the same day, just hours apart. The pain is debilitating. It was rough as our pets are truly members of our family. And, yet, our other guys are still around & we have two others now too -- one old & one young. The joy overrides the pain of loss, but loss is still so hard. :grouphug: :grouphug: )

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I know just what you mean. We love our fur babies, but when these are all gone, I don't think I ever want any more. 

A bit of good news though, cats can easily live to be 20. I have had 3 live that long so far. So barring disease, accidents, or poisoning..... yeah. Not sure how helpful that is though, now that I think about it. 

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Oh wow, both of your dogs died before they turned 10?  I am sorry.


Our older dog is now 12 and her breed only lives about 13 years (lab) so we will be facing it soon.  She has slowed down  lot over this past year and has arthritis.



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I'm so sorry.  :grouphug:  We lost our 17yo cat a few years ago, and out 11.5 year old dog is not doing well at all. His breed averages 12-13 years, so he's up there. I really didn't expect him to make it to 2016. The worst part is he's really ds' dog. He's the first pet that wasn't already here when ds was born. We got him for ds on his 7th birthday and they've been best buddies since day one. My heart will break not only for the loss of our beloved dog, but for ds. I don't know why we do this to ourselves, but I'm sure we'll eventually get another pet (We do still have our 7 yo cat).


I can't imagine having several pets around the same age and having to go through it repeatedly in a short time. That must be so hard.

Edited by Lady Florida
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Poor baby is gone. :-( His kidney function was practically non existent.


Our big mutts had primary breeds with 10 year averages. They didn't really have any old man issues until they each got cancers at 9 and 10.


My 5yo is so upset... but he wants another cat right now.

Um, no.

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I'm sorry about your dog. We have two elderly cats, and it's rough.


Poor baby is gone. :-( His kidney function was practically non existent.


Our big mutts had primary breeds with 10 year averages. They didn't really have any old man issues until they each got cancers at 9 and 10.


My 5yo is so upset... but he wants another cat right now.

Um, no.

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I'm so sorry, that is a tough time!


We got our 7 year old a kitten as a baby. They're the same age, which I thought was cute until I realized the cat would die right as Tobias is graduating and heading off to college and will likely already be feeling naturally homesick and adrift. Ugh. I'm dreading it already.

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I'm so sorry. We also went through a stage where we lost 2 dogs and our 21 year old cat in less than 3 years. One of our dogs was really young but had a horrible seizure disorder. It was heartbreaking. AND it was right before my oldest daughter left for college. It felt a lot like the end of an era and..we all were in a very dark place for awhile. Pets are (IMHO), really hard because while they teach us about unconditional love, they also teach us a great deal about heartache and letting go. I'm really so sorry. Wishing that I could give you a hug.

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Poor baby is gone. :-( His kidney function was practically non existent.


Our big mutts had primary breeds with 10 year averages. They didn't really have any old man issues until they each got cancers at 9 and 10.


My 5yo is so upset... but he wants another cat right now.

Um, no.



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