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Who do you ACTUALLY know on these boards?

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That was "Alphabet Pam" (aka: SFSOM). I've had phone conversation, email, and mail exchange with JennifersLost and regular email exchanges with Nicole M, Jane in NC, Mama Bear, and Amy in Orlando. Crissy printed and shipped me a beautiful pair of periodic table posters, and Amy in Orlando shipped me some soap products. A few others of you have sent me books/curriculum, so I feel like I "know" you at least slightly better. But I guess I really only have voice or facial recognition between the first two. :D

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I know amy in ohio, but I don't know if she came over to the new board? Haven't seen her in a while here...


I used to go to church with ClassicMom (Candace,) and I know Michelle My Belle from a local homeschool group.


I've met OhElizabeth once at convention in the math booth.


And I know some lurkers here...


I think that's it.

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In person I've met


Dy, Jess in OK, Mom2LegoManiacs (though she doesn't seem to remember that we met :glare: ;)) ,PaulaW (from oldboards), PeekaBoo, Theodwyn, LisaK, Teresa in TX, Robin in DFW, Stephanie not in TX, Susie, and Miz Booshay's sister Janet.


Most of these I only met once at a get together at a local bookstore, but it sure was fun putting names and faces together!


You could have met me. :tongue_smilie:

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I know LB/Needleroozer, Stephanie in FL, a couple of lurkers and/or "old" boardies, Beth in NY (not sure is she's here or not). I have talked to several of you (and like all of you!). I was "this" close to meeting Kay in CA. I've emailed with a lot of people as well. So many great folks here - I think you should all move to Orlando. 8)

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I think it would be really cool to get to meet people from the board.

anyone in or planning to be in the norh East? I'm in Norhtern NY.


There aren't a lot of hs'ers doing things along these lines here (that I know of).


I feel bad often because i'm bad with names.

I can exchange emails or posts people but I would have a hard time remembering conversations or people if I encountered them again or in person. ...mommy brain...

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I'll be the first person Anj forgot.....I got to meet her at the ENOCH convention this year! That was a treat...she's so much fun!


And now it's my turn to forget people...but oh I hope not!


Testimony and I have been good buddies here in NJ for a long time. She's a sweetie.


I know Michelle in NJ (sometimes I mix up what her board name is, though, so I hope I'm remembering the right Michelle!).


I'm proud to say I've had the joy of being e-mail buddies with OhElizabeth, Lizzie in MA, Kimber, Heather in VA, and TracyR. It was awesome to meet Lizzie in MA just this past month, and I look forward to spending more time with her next year when I have more time with my parents on Cape Cod....we had fun discovering that we share a church family!

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Oh man!!! I knew that would happen! I'm so sorry, Amy. Yes, it was my pleasure to meet Amy a few months ago! :D


That's OK, Anj!! Just wait....I forgot someone too. It happens to the best of us!

Actually....I remember meeting someone else at the same time that I met you...I'm just waiting for her to pop up here :o) and remind me..

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That's OK, Anj!! Just wait....I forgot someone too. It happens to the best of us!

Actually....I remember meeting someone else at the same time that I met you...I'm just waiting for her to pop up here :o) and remind me..


I stopped by your table right before the doors opened on Friday Amy (I didn't get any breaks :tongue_smilie:), but I only saw your daughter. Maybe next time. :D

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as far as actually KNOW/ knew/ spent time w/ on a regular basis, I'd have to start with Sabrina in NY [what's her new screen name?]. She was the one in our homeschool group who turned me on to SOTW, and i found my way here [the old boards] while doing that. We used to go hang out at Friendly's after the monthly meetings.


When we moved back to San Antonio, Pammy and Kinsa were in our Scout Troop, so we saw them every Monday night :D


When we moved to Keller, I hung out w/ leslie in tx every so often so the kids could play. her son babysat my son's beta fish :) i don't think she posts too much lately tho.....


Now that we are settled down south of Dallas, the only one I actually spend time with regularly is Mtn Mom, but she doesn't post as often as i do -she has much more restraint :D


but MET:

the list of gals that Amy loves Bud posted at the HER gathering....

[PaulaW (from oldboards), Theodwyn, LisaK, Teresa in TX, Robin in DFW, Stephanie not in TX, Susie]



and who was it that we met at the HER store---it was their anniversary? they had a dear, sweet, patient dh, lol....Dana? Diana?...from...Oregon?


we've done a couple more HER store get togethers --at the one in D'ville I met w/ the Really Tall Lisa [what was her screen name?] and classicalmomto6.


at the bread place [Panera?] we met CindyG, Aubrey, and Jami.

I've met CindyG's *horse* :D


I spent the night at Ellie's --the hostest w/ the mostest!

I even got chocolate on my pillow! how cool is THAT!??!


At the Arlington Convention a couple years ago i met...Happy?... at the IEW booth.


On my trip to Quantico i met Chris in VA and Laura in VA, Nick'sMama-Zack'sMamatoo, and went shopping w/ Moni Moni.


and just w/in the last couple months I got to meet [on a double date w/ dh] clwcain, his lovely wife and their cute youngest kidlet :)


am I forgetting anyone?


Now I gotta take a trip up north to see Remudamom's horses :D

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Several of us in WA have met, at least 4 have been to my house. MamaBear and I carpool to the dinners up north, and she is a delight to tete-a-tete with.


I've been to a WA WTM dinner with Kalanamak and others at Crissy's house. I know Patty Johanna and Needlerozzer quite well. And Frogpond. And I know that I've met other people IRL who I was told were on the board but I don't know their board names.

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Mamagistra-I want her to live next door so we can have coffee talk every morning and be the bestest of friends. :001_smile:


Joanne-She and I have such similar first marriages. I hurt for you some times, my friend. You're in my prayers every day.


Just so long as it is a cul de sac and my house is right there on the other side, my friend! I'll bring the streusel topped blueberry muffins.;)

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I haven't met anyone yet, but just found out that I live very close to Barb F. PA in AZ. :) We plan on getting together after she has her baby and our sons are both the same age. I also live somewhat close to Lee (5WolfCubs) and hope that I can meet her one day!


I think it's neat to hear how people have met through this board.

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Peek a Boo (a visit at Borders)


Kathleen in Va (seen carrying 1 gallon glass jar at Walmart -- the same day I read about them HERE and go to Walmart to find one of my very own I run into her carrying THE jar!)


I also met GSMP (Ginger), Alice and Cami at a local park earlier in the summer.


I probably forgot somebody (I'm terrible with names). Sorry.



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Several of us in WA have met, at least 4 have been to my house. MamaBear and I carpool to the dinners up north, and she is a delight to tete-a-tete with.


Aw! (blushing and waving) Back at ya, ma'am.


I feel like I know so many of you like sisters but would probably be shy in person (more blushing).


I can't remember everyone, but there are a few who sorta stick out... ;)


M - our kids are very close in age and the various high and low points of life have added up to sticking closer than a brother.

kalanmak - makes positively wicked food and conversation -- I look forward to opportunities to ride with her

Pam SFSOM - verbal sword wielder and blankie hunter extraordinaire (we still tear up over that one) -- and you do not want to tick her off. :D

Amy in Orlando - has sent me actual soap. Yum.

HomeontheRanch - actually helped pack my house when our second-borns were only weeks and days old, respectively.

Crissy, Patty in WA, frogpond1, Needleroozer, and oh, crud, other people whose board names I can't remember...


Too many of you to count, including The Book Samaritan (Ree), have sent books and materials (even maternity clothes) -- which have saved us more than once over the last few years.


And there's an always growing list of people I'd like to know -- when I have time to get here, this is a highlight. I mostly miss the kerfuffles (though, seriously? you people are scary when your moral sensibilities have been offended -- not many folks on the planet become more articulate and logical when outraged. Hmmm -- perhaps we should take over the world...) ;) and really appreciate that so many brilliant, kind people care enough about this journey our kidlets are on that they/we keep coming back and propping each other up.


Awesome stuff.

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Long-time lurker and occasional poster ack25 is my BFF :D Anj and Girligirlmom live within spitting distance, and Classical Michele is close too, but I haven't seen them in forever because I am so lame and can't seem to get it together enough to...well...get together!!! That may change though. (Anj, I met a very nice woman named Rachel today at soccer, and she has all but convinced me that I have to join your co-op. I'm a little worried that I'm going to become addicted to raw milk!!!)


Seriously, there are people on here that I'd travel a fair distance to meet IRL.

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Long-time lurker and occasional poster ack25 is my BFF :D Anj and Girligirlmom live within spitting distance, and Classical Michele is close too, but I haven't seen them in forever because I am so lame and can't seem to get it together enough to...well...get together!!! That may change though. (Anj, I met a very nice woman named Rachel today at soccer, and she has all but convinced me that I have to join your co-op. I'm a little worried that I'm going to become addicted to raw milk!!!)


Seriously, there are people on here that I'd travel a fair distance to meet IRL.



Oh my gosh!! Rachel with the two little girls? She's tall and thin and has short blonde hair? I don't want to say her last name here, but we must be talking about the same person!!

She is really very nice, and I'm glad that she talked to you about the co-op! Try it, try it!

Did I ever send you an invitation?

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Oh my gosh!! Rachel with the two little girls? She's tall and thin and has short blonde hair? I don't want to say her last name here, but we must be talking about the same person!!

She is really very nice, and I'm glad that she talked to you about the co-op! Try it, try it!

Did I ever send you an invitation?


That's the one :D Actually, it's a funny story. I was giving her directions to my house and she said she knew the way because her "farm co-op" was on the corner of "x" and "y." Then someone else asked her a question while I was processing that info and frantically wondering why I didn't know there was some kind of co-op so close to me. I almost keeled over when I realized she was talking about you! :lol:


No, you mentioned it once but I was a little overwhelmed at the time with other stuff (my natural state most days *sigh*) and didn't follow up with you. Please do though. I'm going to e-mail you right now so you don't have to look up my e-mail info.

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I know mommaduck from at least one other forum, and I am pretty sure I know judyjudyjudy from another forum. And kleinehexe too. (I have a lot of aliases, but their usernames are very familiar to me)


I know 3lilreds in NC in "real life", she was the one to introduce me to this forum. And I met several local WTM moms last month at a get together at a bookstore, but the only username I'm sure about is brigid.

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I know mommaduck from at least one other forum, and I am pretty sure I know judyjudyjudy from another forum. And kleinehexe too. (I have a lot of aliases, but their usernames are very familiar to me)


I know 3lilreds in NC in "real life", she was the one to introduce me to this forum. And I met several local WTM moms last month at a get together at a bookstore, but the only username I'm sure about is brigid.


Okay, spill it, Frelle...who are you :001_huh: I recognise your blog, but I'm trying to put another username with you ;)



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Laura in VA and I hung out many times, but now she's in Okinawa! Miss that woman. And her kiddos.


Peekaboo came to visit, and so did...oh, who are you? Michele? You came to my house with your two lovely sons and your wonderful hubby, toured the church and I fed you brownies--you were lovely! Brain f@rt here, please forgive me.


There are a bunch of close folks I really wanted to meet, including Kathleen in VA (we've spoken on the phone), but I didn't get to go.


Oh, and Alice! How could I save Alice for last! (must be that old adage...) She's totally wonderful. We have taken nature walks together. I can't now--miss you, Alice!

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That's the one :D Actually, it's a funny story. I was giving her directions to my house and she said she knew the way because her "farm co-op" was on the corner of "x" and "y." Then someone else asked her a question while I was processing that info and frantically wondering why I didn't know there was some kind of co-op so close to me. I almost keeled over when I realized she was talking about you! :lol:


No, you mentioned it once but I was a little overwhelmed at the time with other stuff (my natural state most days *sigh*) and didn't follow up with you. Please do though. I'm going to e-mail you right now so you don't have to look up my e-mail info.


That is so funny! I hear you on the overwhelmed part. I think I'll look back on this part of my life and say that I was perpetually overwhelmed. Hmmmm....po'd....hmmmm....

I'll go check my email! :D

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mommaduck: i belong to MBG with you, right? Same usernames for both of us. Also, I belonged to a PCA board for a while trying to find fellowship with PCA women, and I think I first met you there.


Okay...yep! (I'm still getting to know the MBG ladies ;) please excuse my brain fog) And the second one might be the PB?

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