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Do you prefer to see signature lines or not?

Do you prefer posts with signature lines or not?  

  1. 1. Do you prefer posts with signature lines or not?

    • I like to read others sig lines b/c I can compare their POV to their materials
    • I like sig lines just b/c I am curious :)
    • I do not like sig lines b/c they stress me out
    • I just don't like sig lines
    • Other?? (though I am curious as to what the "other" might be)

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Can you link to the thread you are referring to?


I like to see sigs. I like to see how old people's kids are. I usually don't read the info about what people are using, but I like to see people's quotes. Signatures help me remember who people are better than their screen names, many of which are very similar.



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Long ones drive me crazy, there is no reason for your sig to be longer then most of your posts :tongue_smilie:.


But mostly I enjoy them. If they quickly list your kids ages and curriculums they can be useful.


On the other hands, I almost never click on links to find out more because my internet is so slow. I have even turned off avatars so pages don't take so long to load.

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After reading the threads about sig lines and the pros and cons, I wonder which is the higher preference. I hadn't really thought about sig lines stressing people before I read those comments.


Honestly, I think people should put whatever trips their trigger in their sig lines, lol.


If we're talking *preferences*...then I'll admit that I read/remember the shorter ones. I find it informative when folks list how many kids they have, and a rough idea of their ages, but I truly don't pay that much attention to curricula, names/nicknames for children, etc. Although sometimes it's kind of fun to have that available.


The quotes give an idea of personality, too, so I kind of like that, as well.

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Honestly, I think people should put whatever trips their trigger in their sig lines, lol.


If we're talking *preferences*...then I'll admit that I read/remember the shorter ones. I find it informative when folks list how many kids they have, and a rough idea of their ages, but I truly don't pay that much attention to curricula, names/nicknames for children, etc. Although sometimes it's kind of fun to have that available.


The quotes give an idea of personality, too, so I kind of like that, as well.



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I love to read the sigs! Not so much for what people are doing, because so many have much younger kids, but I love the little "tidbits" -- quotations and such. They're fun.


I tell you, though, that I do appreciate that images aren't put in sigs. Just recently graduating from dial-up, that "feature" has kept me from frequenting many, many other boards.

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I personally like to see something in the sig line. It helps me remember who people are. I'm horrible about skipping over the name/nickname when I'm reading and I rely on the sig to keep people straight. But usually just kid's ages is all I really want. Curric is helpful if I am looking for curric advice, it's nice to know what the person is using. But it's not necessary. But it doesn't make me feel inadequate. I feel completely comfortable with our choices for the year, and someone else's list is not going to change that. (althought at times I get ideas for next year!)

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Yes, Yes I am here! I am quickly scooting off to my cp and shrinking my font! I will try to address all of the issues I have seen on this thread so far...


I actually like everything in the sig lines, even the curricula. The fact that I find some of them intimidating was a personal issue (brought on by another post I saw) that many of you have helped me straighten out. I do have another comment for that one though. I was trying to decide between 1 or 2 and now I can't remember how I voted.


I prefer Coke for my caffeine. I really wish Grandma could watch the kids, I don't remember the last time I had some "tea".


If I had to choose between a sig line or an avatar, I would go with the picture. It triggers my memory a little more. I cannot stand seeing political sigs and avatars, but it will end someday. I really enjoy quotes (but not political ones) and scriptures.

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I prefer signatures for a couple of reasons. First, some make me laugh ("chocolate is my favorite color" comes to mind). Second, when I am searching for "advice" I prefer to know whether or not the posts I'm looking at are from parents with middle school students. Nothing personal, but when I read how great someone's writing program is going but the child is in first grade, it offers me no help :001_huh: -I can just skim over that person's input.

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I voted "other" because, for the most part, I am indifferent to sig lines. I have used a sig line exactly once. If there is not a clear demarcation, novices can confuse sigs with the post. Some of the quotes are interesting. Typically I ignore the data on husband, kids, ages, links, home businesses, etc.


Certainly they do not upset me. One should be free to plaster whatever they desire under their sig; think of them as the bumperstickers of the internet. And I find this difficult to fathom, but adults have indeed whined and moaned to list owners and moderators because they were offended by internet sig lines.


I do wonder about the sigs that use big bold lookee-lookee-here-at-me fat bright fonts or sigs that are excessive in length. But I'm not bothered enough even by those to request the formation of a .....


Sig Line Oversight Board

Sig Line Advisory Panel

Sig Line Underwriting Trust

Sig Line Undercover Group


Oh, the acronyms to be had.

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I voted other mainly because I don't have a real preference. I like to see ages, don't pay attention to curriculum, and find quotes charming. I like that it gives people a way to link their blogs, and put a little info about themselves in a way that is easy to visually skip over when I am reading.


If they weren't there....I wouldn't really miss them. Well, except maybe the kids ages part. I guess I really do like that, so I can give the OP a more thoughtful answer, considering the person's stage in parenting or dynamics in the house.

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I like to see how long other people have been homeschooling.


I like to see how many kids they are teaching and what ages/grades.


I enjoy reading people's nicknames or "code names" for their kids.


I like to see if other people are teaching kids with disabilities and challenges.


I like to read the quotes (I need to come up with a good one for my signature line!).


I like to see what people are using for curriculum--especially if they are using different things for different children in some areas while combining the children and using the same materials in other areas.

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prefer the ages of kids to curriculum. I rarely read what curriculum people use, but I do reference the age of their kids.


Ditto! I rarely look at the curriculum list, but I have already graduated my oldest, so I have figured out what works for me. If I was just starting I think I would read the curriculum list more carefully. For some reason I like reading the number of kids and their ages. For some of the posts it helps to put a person's position in perspective.


I also love quotes and enjoy avatars (is that the right word?).


Kanga the hypocrite who doesn't have a sig line, quote, or avatar

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I chose "other" because I really like being able to see how old people's children are (especially if it is pertinent to their posts and they forget to mention it in their posts), but I don't always take the time to read through what curriculum everyone is using. I am pretty confident in our curriculum choices right now, so I'm not really looking for ideas so much right now. I do think it is fun sometimes to see what other people choose to use, both because it's neat to see others who are using something we use and because I think it says something about the poster and his/her kids to know what sort of stuff they use. I just added our curr. to my sig line this week. I used to be a very bare-bones basic kind of sig. line poster. It was just my kid's ages. I actually wondered when I added our curr. if anyone would even actually read it!

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I do wonder about the sigs that use big bold lookee-lookee-here-at-me fat bright fonts or sigs that are excessive in length. But I'm not bothered enough even by those to request the formation of a .....


Sig Line Oversight Board

Sig Line Advisory Panel

Sig Line Underwriting Trust

Sig Line Undercover Group


Oh, the acronyms to be had.





I like seeing how old people's kids are, grades, etc - and finally put my own down there after I got tired of repeating them in posts. :)


I really need to make an av though...

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I like to know the # & ages of dc, for the sake of POV, etc. I rarely look at other people's curric choices, but when I was considering Sonlight, I did start to notice how many people had listed it in their sig lines, & how many of my fav posters had it listed.


So I like to see sig lines, but not usually for the reasons you listed.

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I like the sig lines because it helps me remember the details about people. I like curricula and the age of my ds because if someone asks a question I want them to know what perspective I am coming from.


I was previously on a message board that did not have signature and it was a bear to remember those things. People were always asking others and having to type out all the info anyway.


I also like the personal info, it helps me understand the poster themselves. Plus some of them make me laugh. I like to see people's personality shine through. :D

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I voted I like them b/c I'm curious and learn about people through them. I *am* thankful that we can't post pics and blinkies in them ... I've been involved on a pregnancy/childbirth board where you *could* do this and they would get soooooooo long, as you can imagine (pictures of each child, two dozen blinkies and several quotes). I personally don't read curriculum choices, but like to see the ages of kids, the quotes, blog or biz links, etc. Anything that gives a good picture of what the individual is like.

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I find it handy to know who to ask about curriculum. If I see that someone is using "Spanish for Children," for example, I can PM them and ask about the curriculum. It also gives me ideas that I might not have thought about, for Geography say. Just the other day I saw (in someone's signature) a curriculum called Journey to Africa (or close to that). I looked it up, and it looks really interesting. Not that we have TIME for anything else.


I'm also testing the fonts in my new signature line to see if they show up now. If you, too, are having trouble using the colors or fonts, I'll just say that I had to highlight the entire section and then choose the size, color and fonts. You can't just choose them first and then type your text. Am I betraying my age? That's the way you did it in 1983!

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After reading the threads about sig lines and the pros and cons, I wonder which is the higher preference. I hadn't really thought about sig lines stressing people before I read those comments.


I put "other." I consider them one way to separate the wheat from the chaff.

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