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Hurricane Joaquin


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I'm still watching the models. Should know more by tomorrow. We, however, already have everything we need. Here is my PLOP list in case it helps anyone else. PLOP = Potential Loss of Power


1. Showers for all –

2. Dishwasher loads –

3. Pick up items from yard that could blow away –

4. Washer load –

5. Transfer station run –

6. Gas tanks filled –

7. Grocery Store run – (PB&J, bread, water, small aseptic containers of milk and juice, cereal, pet food/litter, crackers, cans of soup, fruit, etc)

8. Flashlights within reach and in both bedrooms –

9. Bird feeders full – (bring in when winds hit)

10. Fill pots with water

11. Position rain barrels under spouts

12. Spouse home from work –

13. Move gas grill to garage

14. Pre-grind coffee and find French Press

15. Run another load of dishes

16. Matches, oil lamp, and extra batteries out –

17. Check fire extinguisher

18. Charge cell phone –

19. Find corded phone for landline

20. Charge tablets and laptop (because even if the power goes, wifi sometimes works) - 

21. Get ice for cooler

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We are watching closely. We are in SE Va (peninsula). It looks like we won't take a landfall hit, but our area already has flooding. We, personally, do not have flooding, but we are in a higher part of the city.



ETA: We do already have enough supplies to cover a few of days should we need to.

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I'm not worried about Juaquin, but am concerned about the "historic" amounts of rain we're supposed to get from the system coming up from the Gulf.  The ground is already saturated from this past week's rain.  Add more and there will certainly be lots of flooding.  And even a little wind is going to bring down a lot of trees.

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We're supposed to get some wind and rain.  We lost power for a couple of days with Sandy, but damage and flooding were pretty minimal.  We have plenty of food, and I'll be sure to locate extra blankets tomorrow, just in case it gets cold.  We have gas for the generator too.  Oh, and DH stopped to pick up a couple of jugs of spring water for the coffee maker (hard water, so we use jugs of water for the coffee maker) -- priorities!  If power does go out, we'll use the generator to run the well pump long enough to get drinking water, but we do have spare bottled water as well.  DH tidied up the yard too, just in case.  I filled my van yesterday too, although I can't imagine we'd ever need to evacuate; we're on a hill and not prone to flooding.


The real question is this: Our 1830s house has an outhouse on the property.  We have never used it, but it amuses us that it's there.  It's leaning, and every big storm, we wonder if it'll finally fall.  We were surprised that it remained standing after Sandy!


I hope it turns, but I'm praying for safety for everyone!

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We're planning to fly into Raleigh on Saturday afternoon. Would the drive from there to Charlotte, NC be too risky if the rain is as bad as they're predicting?


I'm sort of halfway between Raleigh and Charlotte.  Our local forecasters are saying the time of heaviest rain/wind here will be overnight tonight into early tomorrow.  Charlotte is supposed to get even more rain than we are -- they're on the edge of the area that's predicted to get 8-12+ inches.  So I would be most concerned about flooding that may occur there, especially if you're going to the south or west part of the city.


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OP, I'm not a coffee drinker but I did chuckle that grinding coffee beans and locating the french press made it into your Top 20. :lol:


We have a gas grill with a burner, and a french press, so we can manage coffee during a power outage. Our problem is we don't grind beans ahead of time.  Mortar and pestle grinding is tedious and doesn't do a great job.  But, in an emergency....   one must make do.


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We're out of the area of concern now for the hurricane, but there's flooding and rain. I'm driving a bunch of teens to an event tonight and am planning my route carefully.


We're also taking care of chickens for a friend, so that's a concern. Thankfully the coop is on a hill, but we may trouble getting there tomorrow.


I bought groceries yesterday, and we prepared the generator.


I'm more concerned about the Bahamas at this point. We vacation there and have friends in the Abacos, and they're getting the brunt of it.  :crying:

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Thanks for the reminder about grinding coffee beans!


We were already squishy prior to this dynamic between Joaquin and the front that keeps the hurricane to the east of the US coast.  The cumulative rain for the next few days is predicted to be a frightening amount on top of what has already fallen.  I suspect that we'll see downed trees as a result--or even if we get a few tropical storm gale force winds over the weekend.  The Washington Post has a good graph from Weather Bell if you scroll down. We are supposed to receive seven more inches of rain before its over.  But some areas are getting as much as 17 inches!!

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I've been watching for days and with the most recent turn, I am in fact going to the beach for the women's retreat.  I will keep an eye on it while there and be ready to leave for home if needed.  I'll check the forecast track again at 11 and make final decision then but it's looking like I'm going.


It's far enough out to sea.  The forecast track doesn't brush land anymore.  And even though I'm inland now, I did grow up on the (east) coast and I do know not to mess with a storm like this.

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We already had a death and lots of damage in our county Wednesday night / Thursday morning due to flooding from another storm. We have been under a flash flood watch since sometime Wednesday that continues through Monday morning. The weather forecasters are emphasizing that it's not the hurricane itself that is going to hurt us. it's this other front coming in from the West that is sucking in the precipitation from the hurricane. In any case, we are being told this could be one for the ages. We are about 150 miles from the coast. 


Yesterday was a normal shopping day for me, so I hit Aldi and picked up a few things from a couple of other stores. I did think a little more about making sure I had things I could cook if we lose power. I did buy a new car charger thingie (that goes into the power outlet) because I haven't been able to find mine for three weeks now. If we lose power, I'd be able to charge my phone. 

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Thanks for the reminder about grinding coffee beans!


We were already squishy prior to this dynamic between Joaquin and the front that keeps the hurricane to the east of the US coast.  The cumulative rain for the next few days is predicted to be a frightening amount on top of what has already fallen.  I suspect that we'll see downed trees as a result--or even if we get a few tropical storm gale force winds over the weekend.  The Washington Post has a good graph from Weather Bell if you scroll down. We are supposed to receive seven more inches of rain before its over.  But some areas are getting as much as 17 inches!!


Wish I hadn't looked at that. We are darker lavender-ish. So we're supposed to get 12-15!! inches. Really???  It has rained here for days already.


Youngest and I have to drive to Greensboro today and stay over tonight. Maybe we should just stay there all weekend, lol.  My son is staying here with the dogs/livestock (cats need no babysitter :glare:); going to tell him to stay downstairs. Of course my poor husband is on call and has to drive to Davidson today, who knows where he will have to go on the weekend. Ugh.



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Wish I hadn't looked at that. We are darker lavender-ish. So we're supposed to get 12-15!! inches. Really???  It has rained here for days already.


Youngest and I have to drive to Greensboro today and stay over tonight. Maybe we should just stay there all weekend, lol.  My son is staying here with the dogs/livestock (cats need no babysitter :glare:); going to tell him to stay downstairs. Of course my poor husband is on call and has to drive to Davidson today, who knows where he will have to go on the weekend. Ugh.




I don't want to "like" your post for obvious reasons. So I'll send virtual hugs and a wish for safe travel.


There is a chorus of "ughs" coming from the Carolinas this weekend.

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Wish I hadn't looked at that. We are darker lavender-ish. So we're supposed to get 12-15!! inches. Really???  It has rained here for days already.


Youngest and I have to drive to Greensboro today and stay over tonight. Maybe we should just stay there all weekend, lol.  My son is staying here with the dogs/livestock (cats need no babysitter :glare:); going to tell him to stay downstairs. Of course my poor husband is on call and has to drive to Davidson today, who knows where he will have to go on the weekend. Ugh.




ummmm ..... earlier in the week (I haven't looked this morning, yet) Greensboro had the highest rainfall predictions. At least a couple of models had over 20 inches predicted.

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And the cheer goes up. Stay high and dry. :D   Really, hoping it moves further away from the coast and the rains aren't as bad as predicted.  :grouphug:


The rain the Carolinas and Virginia are supposed to get has little to nothing to do with the hurricane.  It's a system coming up from the Gulf of Mexico.

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The rain the Carolinas and Virginia are supposed to get has little to nothing to do with the hurricane.  It's a system coming up from the Gulf of Mexico.




What our local weather folks are saying it that neither one of them by itself would have been so bad, but it's the combination of the two that is going to slam us this weekend. They say that the low pressure system coming off the Gulf is sucking in the rain from Joaquin. 

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What our local weather folks are saying it that neither one of them by itself would have been so bad, but it's the combination of the two that is going to slam us this weekend. They say that the low pressure system coming off the Gulf is sucking in the rain from Joaquin. 


Going to slam?  Is slamming us as I write... 


I don't even want to think about the future mosquito population.  Sigh.


Stay safe and dry,



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I'm still watching the models. Should know more by tomorrow. We, however, already have everything we need. Here is my PLOP list in case it helps anyone else. PLOP = Potential Loss of Power


1. Showers for all –

2. Dishwasher loads –

3. Pick up items from yard that could blow away –

4. Washer load –

5. Transfer station run –

6. Gas tanks filled –

7. Grocery Store run – (PB&J, bread, water, small aseptic containers of milk and juice, cereal, pet food/litter, crackers, cans of soup, fruit, etc)

8. Flashlights within reach and in both bedrooms –

9. Bird feeders full – (bring in when winds hit)

10. Fill pots with water

11. Position rain barrels under spouts

12. Spouse home from work –

13. Move gas grill to garage

14. Pre-grind coffee and find French Press

15. Run another load of dishes

16. Matches, oil lamp, and extra batteries out –

17. Check fire extinguisher

18. Charge cell phone –

19. Find corded phone for landline

20. Charge tablets and laptop (because even if the power goes, wifi sometimes works) -

21. Get ice for cooler

Great list!

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Going to slam?  Is slamming us as I write... 


I don't even want to think about the future mosquito population.  Sigh.


Stay safe and dry,




We got rain last night, then some breaks along the way, but more rain overnight. It is pouring now, and our local weather guru says the worst is yet to come. Really heavy rain coming, along with some strong winds late this afternoon. 


I cannot believe that they are still saying that the "game must go on" over in Clemson tonight. The field will be a mess, with slipping and sliding meaning more injury potential, traffic in and out of the stadium will be a disaster, parking will be crazy because they are closing the many grass parking areas. I am a huge sports fan, and I was looking forward to this game, but common sense says it needs to be rescheduled. I understand that rescheduling a football game is a headache, but this is stupid!

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Major sinus headache developing. UGGHHHHH!


As the day is breaking, I'm finally able to see outside. We have had much worse puddling during past rains. But this ground is saturated and there is nowhere for any more rain to go. Trees are starting to fall around the area, causing power outages already. That is expected to increase when the wind picks up this afternoon and evening. 

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Great lists!


Did anyone mention these?


Solar charger/battery pack for phones, other devices. We have one from Allpower that got great reviews on TopTen Reviews. Less than $20 on Amazon. There are lots of plain battery packs around too. Better than running the car to charge the phone, esp when gas is limited.


Camping headlamps for light. Great for cooking, because other lights never seem to light the stove enough, ime.

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Awoke at 5 AM, acutely aware that it was not raining.  Returned to sleep and then got up at 7:30. "Still not raining?" I asked my husband.  Apparently I slept through an intense band. 


I am grateful at the moment. While we are waterlogged, it could be worse as demonstrated by the radar over SC.

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Am I the only one who is concerned that this thing is still over the Bahamas and that it's moving so slowly that maybe the wind masses could change and it could still turn west?


I am concerned that the whole thing is moving so slowly. 


I am watching The Weather Channel now. Stay off the roads, people!! It makes me mad that our emergency response people will be risking their lives to rescue people who didn't *need* to be out. We had been warned about this all week. There was time to get supplies. People should just stay home.

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Eldest son was late for work due to the rain. Sis barely made it to work, driving through the flooding. She should have stayed home, but the job wouldn't let her. If she can't get back to her house (flooding, road closings), then i told her to head out my way for the night (we are on the hurricane evacuation route anyhow). It's been raining and pouring, but I'm in town. I have to walk in this crud later.

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Taking advantage of the lull, I went out for a bike ride. Lots of puddles everywhere--and I avoided the roads that usually flood.


And I hate to say it but Joaquin is a beautiful hurricane.  Look at the definition of the eye!




Jane, I wonder if calling a hurricane "beautiful" is something common to people in hurricane prone areas. That was my thought when I first saw a satellite photo too - that's it a beautiful storm.


Stay safe.

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