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Anyone experience feeling better/having MORE energy in your 40s than did in 30s?


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It's because I can sleep all night again after dealing with babies/toddlers/kids with sleep issues for about 10 years. Tweens and teens are soooo much easier to deal with. You tell them to go to bed and let you sleep....and they do! It's amazing how much difference uninterrupted sleep makes in how you feel and your energy level.

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More energy, no.  I'm about to turn 49 and things are on a downhill slope physically.


As for feeling better, I took a turn for the better in my 30s, so my later 30s were better than my early 30s.  My 40s have been stressful because of a lot of work stress plus becoming a mom (I took custody of my kids at age 41).  I have been tired and stressed out a lot.  I feel disorganized a lot, which really bugs me.  The weight of the present and future is on me like it wasn't when I was childless.  It's hard to say how much of my tiredness is due to age and how much is due to parenthood.

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Yes! I had a much-needed ablation which fixed iron-deficiency issues. My ten year bout with insomnia became mostly resolved at this time, too. With normal iron levels and the ability to sleep throughout the night, I had the energy for higher-intensity exercise. I started Couch-to-5K and have been jogging three times a week for the past nine years. I feel more energetic and have more endurance as I am nearing 50 than I had throughout my 30s. Now that I have the ability to jog regularly, I've felt great throughout my 40s. I had so much fatigue in my 30s that I was able to do only light to moderate exercise-- elliptical, walking, some biking. The jogging has been a crucial piece for having energy. Also, something about this type of regular exercise motivates me to watch my eating more, too. 

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I would love to have more energy.  I have always been low energy though, from the time I was a teen.  I've had thyroid checked, tried B vitamins, been in good physical shape, been on healthy diets.  None of it made a lick of difference in my energy level, no matter how long I kept it up.  I confess I've given up hoping it will ever get better. 

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Me (I'm 49) :D


I lift heavy things. I sweat a lot at least five times a week.


Two kids are out of the house, one fully launched. The one left at home, while challenging in her own way, is really a delightful and easy kid.


My parents are both gone (that happened when I was 42-45; horrible times). Dh's parents do not need daily attention.


We have no pets to care for.


Dh and I brew lots and lots of teA ;)

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Yes, but it is because I completely changed the way I eat.  This resulted in effortless weight loss which helped so many other things (stopped snoring so I sleep better, easier and more enjoyable to move around, stopped being hot all the time, etc.)

Can you share details, please? I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but sure would like to stop being hot and sleep better!

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Can you share details, please? I don't have a lot of weight to lose, but sure would like to stop being hot and sleep better!


The way I eat now is LCHF (low carb high fat).  The best website to learn about it is Diet Doctor, a physician from Sweden.  Essentially, no to sugar or grains or any high carb foods, yes to butter and coconut oil and above ground vegetables and meat/fish/chicken.


Primal (see Mark's Daily Apple) is pretty similar as well.

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Okay, so what I'm seeing is that your energy levels increased with:


1 - cleaner sleep habits


2 - regular exercise


3 - clean eating


What supplements have helped?


ETA not having to spread my energy around to a gang of small ones is a big difference. But in not quite back to old energy levels. I think it's time to go in for an iron level check.

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I hope it will be the case for me like it is for some of you ladies! I'm in my mid 30's and I love my kids dearly but I wonder what life will be like when everyone can wipe their own behind, brush their own teeth, bathe themself, etc etc etc. All those little things all day along with a smattering of daily whining, crying etc feel like no big accomplishment to deal with but I'm so drained at times it's crazy.

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Okay, so what I'm seeing is that your energy levels increased with:


1 - cleaner sleep habits


2 - regular exercise


3 - clean eating


What supplements have helped?


ETA not having to spread my energy around to a gang of small ones is a big difference. But in not quite back to old energy levels. I think it's time to go in for an iron level check.

No supplements. In addition to the above I try to get sun everyday. I do yoga and some meditation ( not weird, woo woo stuff but quiet) and I freely admit I use music to modulate my mood.

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I have more energy in my 50's than I had in my 30's. Grown kids living at home are no work at all. Dh and I have plenty of time to eat well, workout, enjoy leisure time, and maintain the house.  


Cooking for two adults is much easier than cooking for six while also trying to somewhat accommodate food preferences of picky children.  


We go to bed at the same time, get up at the same time...no more up all night with babies or toddlers or waiting up for teens coming in from a late night. 


It's just....easier...to maintain a healthy lifestyle with grown kids.  In my 30s every day felt like a battle just to survive from dawn until time to collapse in bed late at night.  I'm not convinced I knew what I was doing back then. It shouldn't have been that exhausting. 

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I'm another who at 52 is feeling better than ever, mostly due to recently getting my thyroid medicated.


In my 30's all my energy was taken up with babies and then young kids and the lack of sleep/quiet time that goes with that.


In my 40's I put off a hysterectomy too long, and the anemia totally did a number on my energy level.  And then all the peri-menopause/menopause issues.  None were major, but they were enough to impact my quality of life.  I got the hysterectomy done, the worst of the "change of life" issues are over with (I think), the thyroid is medicated, the kids aren't really kids any more and can (mostly) take care of themselves.  I have time to exercise and concentrate on eating right and I can sleep as much as I need or want to.  I have more "me" time in general.  I'm feeling better than I have in many, many years!

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Another who feels more energized in her fifties. 


My son is launched and doing well.  My husband is in a good place career-wise.  In general, there is less "background noise" stress.


Also, I have enough flexibility in my life that I can take a ten minute power nap when I am feeling fatigued.  Or I can go to bed early if I feel that I am coming down with something.  Sleep is important!

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Okay, so what I'm seeing is that your energy levels increased with:

1 - cleaner sleep habits

2 - regular exercise

3 - clean eating

What supplements have helped?

ETA not having to spread my energy around to a gang of small ones is a big difference. But in not quite back to old energy levels. I think it's time to go in for an iron level check.




No supplements. In addition to the above I try to get sun everyday. I do yoga and some meditation ( not weird, woo woo stuff but quiet) and I freely admit I use music to modulate my mood.

Like joyofsix, I do not take any supplements. My iron and other levels are in the "normal" range.


I do make time every day to be alone and quiet :) Sometimes I do that while exercising and other times while gardening.

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What supplements have helped?



My last blood test showed low vit D so I supplement that.  I also take a multi-vit and fish oil capsules. Not sure if any of it helps. I wouldn't say I can tell a difference since I started taking them.


Here's a great tip on the fish oil - put the capsules in the freezer. One of the main complaints is having fish flavored burps when using this supplement.  Freezing them works for me.

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Dh and I brew lots and lots of teA ;)



Can you share details, please?


These two posts were right together, and I read the second one in sequence without realizing she was quoting another poster!  :lol: :lol: :lol: I was thinking, dang girl... just come on out and ask...


Carry on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

 I see all the posts related to more energy due to no baby interrupted sleep, and not chasing after toddlers, and I'm looking forward to 50, lol.  ;)


I do not have more energy, but I was very health conscious in my early thirties and I am trying to get back to it, but I'm not there.  I thrived on VERY little sleep then and now I really need to protect that.  So, no, not more energy, however, I had a crazy amount of energy.  I feel really good rolling into my forties, *however* I've really learned that to feel good, I need to keep weight off, get sleep, watch my food intake, and not let coffee slip from my morning cuppa to an all day affair. ;)

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Most definitely!  And the 50's are even better.  Energy level is great, I'm sleeping better than I have in years.  The only real drawback is that my body doesn't always do what my mind seems to think it can do.  Because I'm feeling great, I will try things that I used to do in my 20's and 30's only to discover that the ol' bones just don't work as well.  I really shouldn't jump down off our porch the way I used to do...


As others have noted:  kids out of the house and launched well, husband comfortable in career, elderly family members settled...daily yoga even for 15 minutes is invigorating.  We don't eat particularly well, don't really do supplements, but I do have less stress and I think that makes a world of difference for me.  I'm loving the 50's

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I'm "only" in my late 30s, but yeah!


All my kids sleep through the night, play independently, most of them can help with cooking and cleaning, I'm eating better, and I have the time and freedom to exercise.   This is way less draining than making and raising babies was!  (Even though I still miss making and raising babies, lol.)

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I did ALL of my gestating a and lactating between 24 and 30. That was the most exhausting time of my life. I got little sleep and even less exercise. By thirty two I was back in regular dance classes and my energy level has been going up ever since. I've also been increasing my studio hours ever since. I get about 8-10 hours of dance class in each week. In the summer when that drops to one pr two hours for a few months, I channel the surplus energy into home projects and long walks. I'm 43 now. It's an inertia thing with me. As long as I keep moving, I'm good. When I stop over winter break, the weather and inactivity conspire to make me listless. Light and my cycle make a HUGE difference to me too.

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