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A machete, some bottled water, and TWTM...

Susan Wise Bauer

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Will there be a note on the PHP Facebook feed tomorrow?


ETA: My personal favorite of the PHP's updates, based on last week's events in my home -


"We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to find the math textbook pretty much where we told the kid it was an hour ago."

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Um... is it just me, or is TWM not all *that* useful in the apocalypse? It largely depends on lists of recommended books to use, so you'd need access to at least several of the books TWM recommends to really use TWM, including a good encyclopedia.


I'm surprised they didn't list "The Knowledge" by Dartnell. If think for educating yourself and the littles, The Knowledge along with some "how things work" books would be good.

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Um... is it just me, or is TWM not all *that* useful in the apocalypse? It largely depends on lists of recommended books to use, so you'd need access to at least several of the books TWM recommends to really use TWM, including a good encyclopedia.


I'm surprised they didn't list "The Knowledge" by Dartnell. If think for educating yourself and the littles, The Knowledge along with some "how things work" books would be good.


Are you kidding?  After the apocalypse, there will be no schools!  It will truly be an essential item for the well-educated post-apocalyptic child!

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Are you kidding?  After the apocalypse, there will be no schools!  It will truly be an essential item for the well-educated post-apocalyptic child!


Yes, but, as I said, a large part of TWTM is its lists of useful books... TWTM won't be very useful if the only books you have are the few listed on that page Susan linked to in her OP (though it's still useful as kindling, toilet paper, etc). So, if you're going to stock your bunker with TWTM, you'd better add some of the books it recommends as well. TWTM is not a stand-alone homeschooling handbook, with everything you need. The "What your ... grader needs to know" series by E.D. Hirsch is not intended to be stand-alone either, but comes much closer (though it only goes from pre-K to 6th grade, afaik).


I'm seeing a hole in the market: The Apocalypse-Schooling Handbook. I'm sure there's some amount of demand for a book like that.

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Exactly - you think the public library will limit your check-outs to 25 after the apocalypse? I don't think so. It's every man/zombie for himself!


If you can safely get to a library (what with them often being in cities, and staying in the city is likely a bad idea); if the books/library haven't been destroyed by floods/fires/etc, and if others haven't gotten to them and taken the useful books out before you got there (whether for educating or for easy things to burn).


A big part of preparedness is to not have to rely on resources that may or may not be available to you after the SHTF. Anyway, YMMV, and I'm not expecting an actual apocalypse in which books will be impossible to come by.

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If you can safely get to a library (what with them often being in cities, and staying in the city is likely a bad idea); if the books/library haven't been destroyed by floods/fires/etc, and if others haven't gotten to them and taken the useful books out before you got there (whether for educating or for easy things to burn).


A big part of preparedness is to not have to rely on resources that may or may not be available to you after the SHTF. Anyway, YMMV, and I'm not expecting an actual apocalypse in which books will be impossible to come by.

Sorry - I was taking this in a far less serious manner. References to zombies usually indicate a lighthearted take on the issue.

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