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My idiot BIL....


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Anyone else finding it a little bit weird that so many boardies know someone who thinks the end is near?  (Even if they are different stories...)


I was thinking the same thing.  Here I thought my family was weird, and there are all these people who are apparently a step further gone....

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How would it help to get him in trouble at work?



I think the fear is that he might be either spouting crazy to his students or he might be an actual danger to them. If the OP believes either of those things, I think it's reasonable to warn the school.


The whole thing is just so... crazy. I mean, either he's about to go ballistic and do violence or... he'll realize the world didn't end and hopefully have cashed in on the chance with his ebook, and then go back to work like nothing happened. Cause... I guess some people do that?

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I'm answering before reading anything else.


Is he obsessed with the blood moon tetrad? (it's quite fascinating from an astronomical perspective)  the fourth blood moon in the series is about that time. (sept. 28.)

thing is - it's not the complete set.  the last in the set is actually January of 2019.


I doubt he'd want to hear that however.


It's very fascinating.


has anyone notified the school he's not working with a full deck?  has anyone talked with the police about concerns of what he might do when the world doesn't end by the end of September?


maybe he'll get hit by a truck before then and you won't have to worry anymore.


those in southern mexico did make a tidy profit off gullible tourists coming to see the end of the world in 2012.  (the end of the maya calendar.)  I would hope that was all he was doing - but he seems too unhinged for that.

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I'm answering before reading anything else.


Is he obsessed with the blood moon tetrad? (it's quite fascinating from an astronomical perspective) the fourth blood moon in the series is about that time. (sept. 28.)

thing is - it's not the complete set. the last in the set is actually January of 2019.


I doubt he'd want to hear that however.


It's very fascinating.


has anyone notified the school he's not working with a full deck? has anyone talked with the police about concerns of what he might do when the world doesn't end by the end of September?


maybe he'll get hit by a truck before then and you won't have to worry anymore.


those in southern mexico did make a tidy profit off gullible tourists coming to see the end of the world in 2012. (the end of the maya calendar.) I would hope that was all he was doing - but he seems too unhinged for that.

Yep! But he's also tieing the

moon thing together with all

kinds of other conspiracies.... freemasons (latout of dc, founding fathers, etc.), illuminati, fake moon landing, JFK assasination, The Pope speaking to Congress on behalf of the UN, The New World Order..... he mentioned every single one of these in one email.


OH! And 9/11, twin towers crashing on the $1 bill- that one too....


AND- Common Core... he tied that into it all as well... something to do with 21 something....


It is all related, and we are complete fools for blatantly ignoring all these facts he is presenting, and we are being deceived by Satan, and clearly, we don't have a good relationship with the Holy Spirit because we're not in on this group message from God, through him- The middle school teacher from the sticks who abused his wife.


He has never spent one day in military service, or in the government, and has never held a security clearance or worked in the intelligence community- yet he knows more about the inner workings of the government than those of us who have done ALL these things.


It just makes my blood boil.

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I wonder how he manages to keep his job -- maybe he puts on a good show at work and everyone thinks he is a nice, normal guy. If abusers and molesters are able to maintain an outward show of normalcy, I guess your BIL might be able to manage it as well.




which goes to show he isn't actually mentally ill, but very manipulative.   mentally ill people can't hold it together in front of other people for long.  manipulative people do that all the time.


Is he going to hide in a bunker or something? Or is he taking time off to watch it happen?


might I recommend from the top of Kilauea?


And of course the pope is the anti-Christ. It sounds more like a Dan Brown novel.


then he'd make money from it.

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OP - I'm sorry he's so aggravating - and I agree he sounds like a dangerous lunatic.  for a rational mind (which his is not) it is fascinating.  (the blood moon set itself). 


I'm sorry that fake moon landing thread got deleted.  it was lots of fun . . . . .


have you asked him what he will do if the world is still standing on oct 1? 

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I'm afraid to click on any links. ;)


BIL sounds unhinged. And SIL. I hope they don't harm their children.


the one I included is more like a poster with writing on it.  shows a graphic pattern of lunar eclipses, blood moons and partial eclipses.

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My SIL will not take any more advice from me.


She has made it very clear that she has forgiven her husband, and she expects everyone to follow suit. It's them and God against the world.


She has learned to not share any issues they have- and we have all been issued gag orders.


So noone talks about anything but the weather, or sports, or what the kids are up too....


I have generally taken a "not my circus, not my monkeys" attitude- and I do not speak to him, unless he's right near me when leaving, and I tell him goodbye- becuase I'm happy he's leaving.


So, there really is nothing I can do or say about it... just sit and wait I guess.... well, and rant on the internet.... there's ways that....

I would refuse to be around someone so unstable, at all. I think it is alarming that he is around kids for work and personally. Yikes! Be careful!

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And get blamed for them losing the house so the kids have nowhere to live?


No.... I don't want that on my conscience...

If the kids he is around might be in danger, they should be priority one. A grown woman who goes back to this kind of unstable situation has made a choice, they haven't. I feel bad for *any* innocent minor children in his sphere - I would make sure their parents were aware. I would not stay quiet.

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OP - I'm sorry he's so aggravating - and I agree he sounds like a dangerous lunatic. for a rational mind (which his is not) it is fascinating. (the blood moon set itself).


I'm sorry that fake moon landing thread got deleted. it was lots of fun . . . . .


have you asked him what he will do if the world is still standing on oct 1?

My Dh did, in his emails... (My DH is such a rational, and logical, and intelligent human being, lol, thank god for him!)


He claims that it's possible the world will not actually end- but that The New World Order will begin, and it'll be a radically different world..... yadda yadda.... everyone will be forced to get microchipped... yadda yadda.... Mark of the Beast and all that- and he will stand for Christ- "What will WE do?"


Then DH told him in his calm and rational way that he hoped he would not take the Heaven's Gate route to usher in this "New World" and such....


But in BIL's mind.... waking up on October 1st in a world exactly like the one we are in today is not an option.... it will either be detroyed by God, or the New World Order will be in effect....


DH is convinced that the liklihood of him harming anyone but himself is low.... I hope he is right. There was actually a lot more conversation between them that I would never try to convey over a forum, haha, but Dh thinks that he will be one of the types Farrar listed as a possibility- someone who raves like a lunatic about something, but will wake up on Oct. 1st and just go to work like normal.... it will probably never be spoken of again, type thing..... at least not in public.... I guess we'll see.


Anyways, it looks like the emails/conversation has come to a close- DH pretty much shut him down, but very calmly and politely- he was firm and told the truth, calmly and politely disproved all his theories and such.... my DH is extremely diplomatic, one of the most rational and calm people I've ever met.... it's almost irritating! I just want him to tell BIL, "You are a big fat stupid idiot." But he doesn't.... lol.


I feel so much better after venting though you guys- thanks a bunch! It feels so good to hear other people validate your frustration!


ETA: Lisbeth- I have never worried too much about the kids he teaches, like someone else said, I don't believe he's mentally ill either, just manipulative.... he keeps total control in public, because he has to keep up the facade... I've really only ever been worried about what he does at home.

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As a person with some experience in this area:


I'd be watching my six, firstly. My kids and neighbors would know about this relative, and how to recognize him from a distance, and what to do if he comes to the house. He would not be welcome at my home, nor even his family if he's with them.


And I'd be notifying his employer about the pending specifics, because he works in a school with children.


If he doesn't want to be feared as someone who might go off in a really dramatic way on a certain date, he should get some help so he won't think, live, or talk that way.

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As a person with some experience in this area:


I'd be watching my six, firstly. My kids and neighbors would know about this relative, and how to recognize him from a distance, and what to do if he comes to the house. He would not be welcome at my home, nor even his family if he's with them.


And I'd be notifying his employer about the pending specifics, because he works in a school with children.


If he doesn't want to be feared as someone who might go off in a really dramatic way on a certain date, he should get some help so he won't think, live, or talk that way.

They live more than 5 hours away from us... I'm not worried about him coming to my house.


I won't be notifying his employer. He lives in a small town, he has told his church about all of this- I'm sure it has gotten around, and if not, that's their business. I'm sure that teachers go through background checks???


If by help you mean counseling, I honestly don't think it will help... he's a manipulator, knows and says exactly what people want to hear.

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I have some nutty relatives, but this is a whole different level. Is there any way at all you can get the kids? Maybe have a Disney vacation or cruise or once in a lifetime activity, then sell it as a chance for the couple to have the end times together? Adults make their own choices, but how horribly scary leaving the kids wih someone in such a mindset.


I also think the school should know. Someone in the office needs to see the link to the Amazon book.


Our criminal SO neighbor's second cluster of victims after his first prison term were from little league, which he was coaching. Dangerous, manipulative people feel no obligation to tell the truth or follow the law. What if bil gets new guns? What if he does his students what he decides is a favor and shoots them to spare them the apocalypse? I have never personally known someone like this, but from the description can imagine him doing something bad even if not on such a scale.

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Remember Harold Camping? When the world was supposed to end May 21, 2011? Here's an article written a year later talking about how people in general, and his follows specifically, dealt with failed prophesies. http://religiondispatches.org/a-year-after-the-non-apocalypse-where-are-they-now/

While he had unorthodox beliefs, he never struck me as dangerous.

Though I never paid him much mind.

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OP said: "I won't be notifying his employer. He lives in a small town, he has told his church about all of this- I'm sure it has gotten around, and if not, that's their business."


I will never get this sentiment. I hope he just fizzles out, but I would be livid as a parent of one of his students that people knew an unstable person with a suicide attempt, arrests, confiscated guns, and an end-of-times obsession was teaching my kids, and they did nothing. SMH.

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"everyone will be forced to get microchipped"


So I should put off my appt?  And here they said it would help us all if we got lost or forgot things.  (sigh)   :lol: 


I really have to wonder how people can believe some of these things - yet distrust some of the really basic stuff.

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He sounds like someone who is mentally ill and possibly a danger to himself and/or others. Possibly someone could anonymously send an email to his school, and to the local school district,  with a link to the book he published on Amazon, and they might pick up on what he is thinking and reconsider whether or not to keep him on active staff. A school teacher planning to take vacation days at the end of September, during the school year, seems to have problems...   

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Your BIL and SIL can totally go bowling with my aunt, uncle and not-grandmother. They will get along splendidly.


My aunt once ended up declaring bankruptcy because, in advance of a supposed apocalypse date, she was spending like, well, like there was no tomorrow on her efforts to save others. All have arrest records, have done time and are generally living train wreck lives. funtimes.

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I won't be notifying his employer. He lives in a small town, he has told his church about all of this- I'm sure it has gotten around, and if not, that's their business. I'm sure that teachers go through background checks???


Background checks for employment will show criminal convictions. They do not show other interactions with law enforcement, nor medical/mental health issues. It's entirely possible that he has a spotless record. Unless you're really sure that the HR person goes to his church or something, if he does something, everyone will declare that "we had no way of knowing anything was wrong."


I have some nutty relatives, but this is a whole different level. Is there any way at all you can get the kids? Maybe have a Disney vacation or cruise or once in a lifetime activity, then sell it as a chance for the couple to have the end times together? Adults make their own choices, but how horribly scary leaving the kids wih someone in such a mindset. Say you will return on the last end-day. but stay away a couple of days more to see what happens.

It occurred to me that the OP and her household might suddenly have a burning desire to see the Mouse that week to get away from the drama, but no, one cannot keep someone else's kids a couple of days longer than promised. That would constitute kidnapping, right? Not something to do with the children of an adult who is obviously not right mentally.

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It occurred to me that the OP and her household might suddenly have a burning desire to see the Mouse that week to get away from the drama, but no, one cannot keep someone else's kids a couple of days longer than promised. That would constitute kidnapping, right? Not something to do with the children of an adult who is obviously not right mentally.


Yes, it would be completely inappropriate to keep their kids without permission. That's not something to do with anyone else's children.

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"everyone will be forced to get microchipped"


So I should put off my appt?  And here they said it would help us all if we got lost or forgot things.  (sigh)   :lol: 


I really have to wonder how people can believe some of these things - yet distrust some of the really basic stuff.


will it help me find my keys and my phone? 

where can I get one?  ;)

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Well, actually that's not so outlandish. Voluntary microchipping in my mind is not much different than voluntary relinquishing of rights and privacy in order to accept govt benefits, use iTunes, facebook or Google, etc. I don't see wetware in general as remote. My grandchildren will live in a different world. It's not all that crazy to think we may all be microchipped in the future. Can you imagine the possible level of efficiency!? Thinking its a sign of end time is nuts though. And it will take time. But then I've also felt that true space travel will happen in my lifetime, so maybe I'm nuts.


Find my iPhone works, but not well enough to pinpoint in the house, fyi.

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Well, per your BIL maybe I should take that pricey early September cruise. And only order dessert!!!


I think with someone like your BIL you have to let your sense of humor rip! Or you'll get too irritated.


I had a good friend in my last state who was certain the earth was ending. . . I forget. . . sometime about two years ago. I wonder where they get this stuff?



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We know someone who seems to have bought into the blood moon prophecy idiocy. It's scary that an otherwise rational person can fall for stuff like that. Although it sounds as if your BIL probably doesn't qualify as rational at all.


That was our Christmas discussion this year.  Someone is very unhappy that we have not found the Lord and will suffer eternally.  I'm not too sure about the apocalypse, but I don't look forward to the holidays...

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I think with someone like your BIL you have to let your sense of humor rip! Or you'll get too irritated.


That's the way I handle many things in this world.  It makes like fun - even the not-so-fun stuff.


I can't envision a life without humor in it.  Fortunately, my whole family agrees and very, very little is off limits within the family.

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Anyone else finding it a little bit weird that so many boardies know someone who thinks the end is near?  (Even if they are different stories...)


Nope, not really. I agree with what AnnE-girl said about those kinds of prophesies having been around forever, plus many of the people who said that they knew someone like that said that the person they knew didn't have a specific date in mind. Knowing people with a specific end date in mind is weirder than knowing ones who don't have a date in mind. It's a lot more likely that the world is going to (metaphorical) hell if you're open to various possibilities without a specific date attached to them. A lot of people say e.g. Malthus was wrong, but he was probably largely wrong because he stated his concerns (besides, there are plenty of starving people).

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The world isn't ending this year, my friend told me it ends in 2034 according to the Egyptian pyramids. We've got a couple of decades yet.




never heard that one.


what did your friend say about the mayan calendar in 2012?

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which goes to show he isn't actually mentally ill, but very manipulative.   mentally ill people can't hold it together in front of other people for long.  manipulative people do that all the time.



Paranoia with borderline personality disorder is a mental illness.


You don't have to be schizophrenic to be mentally ill. 


I have no idea if the person in question is mentally ill, but he sure as hell doesn't sound well to me.

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The world isn't ending this year, my friend told me it ends in 2034 according to the Egyptian pyramids. We've got a couple of decades yet.




Well, this will make my retirement budgeting easier.  Thanks!


Having the world end this Sept would make my budgeting easier too, but I'd rather wait and enjoy more of my boys' lives (and ours) first.  ;)

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