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Which Bewitched Style Super Power Regarding Housecleaning Do You Wish You Had


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I am so tired of doing laundry (and yes, I know it's a first world type laundry problem...nothing as bad as laundry could be.).  I don't mind putting it in the washing machine with detergent....or even transferring to the dryer. But I hate folding and putting it away..


While I wish I could twitch my nose and have all my housework be done....the house spotless etc.... right now, I wish I had that power regarding laundry.   twitch twitch.....all laundry clean, folded, sorted and put away neatly....in  magical drawers that stay neat.  (Or on hangers where clothes can't be taken down by curious children wanting a shower of clothes.)



What magical housekeeping power would you have if you could have just one?

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Clean floors.  I hate mopping and vacuuming. I especially hate mopping the bathrooms because mine are small and hard to maneuver in, so I mop them by hand with a towel.  Even though they are small, there are 3 bathrooms and it takes about 45 minutes to do a good job. My son usually does the down stairs floors (main part of the house) for me, but he has been away all week and it is starting to show. 

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Pick just one?  I can't.  Since I'm not getting any, I might as well want them all.  There are such more worthwhile things I could do with my life other than housework.


I guess I might pick the kitchen, the whole room from top to bottom.  A clean kitchen does make me feel so good.



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My most hated jobs I no longer do.  The kids unload the dishwasher and I stopped folding laundry (except towels).  We put all the clean clothes in separate hampers.  Everyone also has a dirty clothes basket that they bring to me when it's full.  I wash and return to them, no sorting required.  Yes, our clothes are often wrinkled but I just don't care.


So if i could twitch my nose it would be at my office, it's always a mess especially around this time of year when I'm planning school stuff.

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I so hate decluttering that I have seriously considered many times having a massive garage sale, selling everything except the bare essentials (without doing any sorting, I just grab some clothes, some shoes, a couple of kitchen items maybe a few pieces of furniture, my laptop and call it good).  Then I would sell the house and move into an apartment.  In fact, if I didn't have kids, a husband and animals that is exactly what I would do.  Somehow I think the rest of the family would protest.


Since I'm stuck with perpetual decluttering (multi-generational family of pack rats on all sides of the family) I want that as my super power.


Otherwise, probably mopping.  I don't know why I don't actually want to do mopping.  But I don't.


I don't mind all the parts of doing laundry except putting stuff back up again.  Somehow my brain balks at putting it all away again.  I think if I were living alone I would just have shelves in the laundry room.  I could dress in there instead of hauling everything upstairs again.  But I don't hate putting the laundry away again enough to make it my one and only super power.

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I so hate decluttering that I have seriously considered many times having a massive garage sale, selling everything except the bare essentials (without doing any sorting, I just grab some clothes, some shoes, a couple of kitchen items maybe a few pieces of furniture, my laptop and call it good).  Then I would sell the house and move into an apartment.  In fact, if I didn't have kids, a husband and animals that is exactly what I would do.  Somehow I think the rest of the family would protest.


Since I'm stuck with perpetual decluttering (multi-generational family of pack rats on all sides of the family) I want that as my super power.


Otherwise, probably mopping.  I don't know why I don't actually want to do mopping.  But I don't.


I don't mind all the parts of doing laundry except putting stuff back up again.  Somehow my brain balks at putting it all away again.  I think if I were living alone I would just have shelves in the laundry room.  I could dress in there instead of hauling everything upstairs again.  But I don't hate putting the laundry away again enough to make it my one and only super power.


I am NOT a city girl (I like space and plants and lack of noise), but sometimes I fantasize about having a small place in an urban neighborhood where I was walking distance from all necessities.  The family and I had the best diets when the kids were in a private school across the highway because I drove by the grocery store every day.  I could just stop and get what I wanted for that day or a few days, and we had less convenience foods and fewer items going bad in the fridge because we didn't eat them in time.  I really wish we were within a couple blocks of a grocery store, so I could just walk there whenever the whim strikes me.


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I'm greedy and I want them all. :) But if I had to pick one it would be windows. I LOVE when my windows are sparkly, but I live in the country and dirt blows around a lot and they just don't stay sparkly for long. I swear after I wash my windows, I drive up to my house and it looks like it is smiling at me.

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I am NOT a city girl (I like space and plants and lack of noise), but sometimes I fantasize about having a small place in an urban neighborhood where I was walking distance from all necessities. The family and I had the best diets when the kids were in a private school across the highway because I drove by the grocery store every day. I could just stop and get what I wanted for that day or a few days, and we had less convenience foods and fewer items going bad in the fridge because we didn't eat them in time. I really wish we were within a couple blocks of a grocery store, so I could just walk there whenever the whim strikes me.


I say when I am an old lady I want to live in walking distance of library and Wegmans.


Probably by the time I'm old there won't be libraries. And maybe there will be replicators so I can just order food.


"Tea, iced, sweet." Apologies to my JeanLuc.

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Anything having to do with the kitchen and food.  Meal planning, groceries, putting away groceries, cooking, or dishes. Ok, so not all of those are housecleaning, but it's all the biggest and worst CHORE, ever. Hate is too soft a word to describe it.  Abhor.  Loathe. Detest.  Despise.  Those might come close enough to describing it.


I'd do laundry by hand and hang dry, wash toilets bare handed, scrub floors on my hands and knees, and wash windows every day if I NEVER had to deal with food beyond eating it.

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DUSTING!!! It is my most hated chore, and it makes me feel like there's no hope left in the world. I feel so overwhelmed by the amount of surface area that collects dust in this house, and when I do manage to overcome my denial and actually do it, I feel like, by the time I get to the end of the job, I turn around and dust has already re-settled on the surfaces I just cleaned. No cleaning job makes me feel more depressed than trying to dust the inside rims of the picture frames that sit on our shelves. I feel like I'm just pushing it into corners, where it gathers and gunks up and looks even worse than when I started  :glare:


And no cleaning tool seems to make this Sisyphean task any easier. Why is this?! I bought those microfiber cloths, just for this job. Well, guess what? After I washed them, they took on some kind of magical quality that makes them REPEL DUST. So basically I'm just pushing dust around, applying static electricity to it so that it sticks even more persistently to EVERYTHING  :cursing:


I've sort of given up on it. Whoever visits us has to love me enough to overlook the dust. I'm clearly doing something wrong, but this job is at the very bottom of my list now anyway. 

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I so hate decluttering that I have seriously considered many times having a massive garage sale, selling everything except the bare essentials (without doing any sorting, I just grab some clothes, some shoes, a couple of kitchen items maybe a few pieces of furniture, my laptop and call it good).  Then I would sell the house and move into an apartment.  In fact, if I didn't have kids, a husband and animals that is exactly what I would do.  Somehow I think the rest of the family would protest.


Whatever you do, don't do this to your future DIL. This is exactly what my ILs did when they where reassigned their first time as empty nesters (military). They sold DH the house at appraisal and left everything but the few things they wanted. Then DH and I met and married and I inherited the mess. Not just theirs but the other two grown kids still had stuff in the bedrooms. 


It took me a while to forgive everybody....

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I will take all of them please. :-) Cooking, cleaning, laundry, decluttering, deep cleaning, yard work...the whole shebang. I'm terrible at housework. I know what to do and how to do it. I know what kinds of systems work. My mom taught me well. I just don't like to do it. I'd rather spend my time reading, playing the piano and violin, researching homeschooling curriculum and topics, and doing school and going on fun outings with my kids. I do enjoy some yard work but I don't really have time to do it.


If I had to choose just one super power, right now it would be cleaning the kitchen. We've had a fun packed day with multiple activities. It was great. But now we're home and it seems our preparations have left a disaster in the kitchen. I've been wasting time on-line waiting for my super power to show up, or the cleaning fairies, or...something, but alas, it hasn't happened. I guess I'll go clean it myself. Sigh....

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