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Help Me Pick a House


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Our family is relocating and we have to pick a house. We should have done it last week and it's getting tight. Waiting until we find one that is just right is not an option. We have narrowed it down to 3 very different homes. We've added up the pros and cons in every way possible, and they all keep coming out as equal. We don't really love or hate any of them but love and hate aspects of all of them. All of the houses have similar square footages.


House #1: 

Pros- Beautiful neighborhood with great amenities, large lots, and all custom homes. The house has a very nice yard, wonderful deck and screened porch, and it has an extra large non-heated building that the kids could set up as a sort of gym. I don't think it has heating or a/c but maybe we could put a window unit. It's not trashy, at all, but I don't want to be too specific about what it's like. My kids are the type that love to play outside. The house is obviously well made.


Cons- The kitchen and pantry are very small and I hate small kitchens. The living areas are smaller and not as functional. The house is significantly more expensive and about 5-10min farther out from stores and places to go. There's no way the sellers would come down on their price- already asked.



House #2:

Pros- The house is very large and has more bedrooms, allowing us to have a true guest room. It also has an extra guest bathroom. We would have guests staying with us for at least a week at a time several times a year. The kitchen and pantry are large and very nice, and the living areas are larger and nicer.We really love the floor plan. It has a pool and we'd love a pool. We have checked into the maintenance and insurance that would go with it and are comfortable with having it. It's closer to everything we would do.It's the least expensive house and the difference is significant. 


Cons- It's in one of those developments where houses are close together and put up by a big, national builder, and I tend to think the quality of those is not as nice as custom homes. There is hardly any yard other than the pool area so there's nothing to do outside when the weather is cooler. There's a moderately busy road behind the house and the potential for a shopping area on the other side of the busy road in the future. The shopping area would probably not be seen from the house, but would be buffered by trees, and around the corner. The planned commercial may not happen either as it's planned for several years from now. The deck area is plain and not that nice.



House #3:

This house is sort of in the middle of the other two in every way. It's average priced, the yard has no pool but is nice enough. It's not nearly as nice as number 1, but if we hadn't seen house #1, we'd think it was a nice yard.


The kitchen and pantry are medium sized, the living areas are ok, and it's in an in between kind of neighborhood in regards to both the quality and the distance to places. 


Essentially, there's nothing we really hate about it and nothing we really love. If we hated anything about it, it would be that it's boring. The other 2 have features we would be super excited about, but have things we really wish were different too. Which would you pick?


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#1 if the layout is good. Small space is not as much of an issue to me as layout. We've lived in the big developments by national builders and there were *way* too many problems with noise, rentals, people living too close together other with very little consideration for neighbors, etc. I'd take a smaller house with more outdoor space any day.

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House #1 has a/c and heating, just not the shed, correct? If so, I'd go with house #1.


Yes! it has heating and a/c. It's actually not a shed that doesn't have the heating or cooling, but an extra 2.5 car garage that we have no need for that is really nice- nicer than most normal garages. We could put gym mats in and mirrors on the wall and turn it into a super fun indoor area. It would mitigate the lack of play areas in the house if we could keep it pleasant in there. There's another attached garage for our cars. 


The houses are roughly the same size, but house #1 feels smaller. 

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If I could deal with the pool (I personally don't want one and wouldn't have even looked at the house that had one), I'd go with #2. It sounds like the best, most functional layout for your family. Layout and location are the two big things for me.

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Do you have children that need/want/use an outside play space all year? If the pool takes that away then #2 won't work. I think I would go with #1. I love these questions. In the end you don't get any answers. :D because we all have different ideas.

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Number 2 if there is anywhere for the kids to go beyond the yard, otherwise they might be bouncing off the walls.  We looked at a house with a small garden/yard.  That would have worked for us if the wood next door had been accessible.  When we visited, although we had the legal right to roam through it, it was pure stinging nettles, so wasn't an option.


Any park very close by?

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I feel your pain, mainly because small kitchens and the smaller family areas kill me.  The yard sounds wonderful, though.  But, in the end, I would hate walking through that house every single day.  I'd hate having people over, because it doesn't flow well.  I'd dread cooking, because it means always going here or there to grab what I need, not having enough space to work, etc.  


House #2, sounds like my dream, except for the yard (but I have a dog -- without the dog, we could probably make due, especially if there was a YMCA or something like that nearby).  My kids only play outside during the nice weather anyway -- and they would LOVE the pool.  Of course, you could get one of those pool bubble things and then use the pool all year-round...which might solve the sending the kids outside problem (they can be a bit expensive $5,000+, but it's what I would do if I could!)


Not having seen House #3, I might settle on that one in a pinch (it's really what I did here.)  I didn't get my HUGE kitchen, I didn't get the awesome yard...I just kind of got a decent house.  It flows well, and I can modify the kitchen enough to make it much more functional.  We have a decent sized yard (for our pool and a trampoline), and a nice outdoor eating area.  The bedrooms aren't huge, but they aren't cramped.  It's enough -- but I'm not "in love" with the house, either.  It doesn't "wow" me -- but I don't hate it, and it's fairly easy to live in.


So, my vote is probably #2 or #3.  I'm not an outdoor person myself, and the house would just bug me too much.

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House #2


You love the floor plan and it suits your familyĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s needs.  It is closer to places you go on a regular basis.  It is also significantly less expensive.  Use some of the savings to improve the deck and yard.  Use the time you would have spent on yard work exploring area parks and trails.

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I would check in what the taxes would be for each property....NOT what they are now bit what they would be for you as there can be a big jump when a property is sold.


Then I would check zoning, Any HOA rules etc. Those are big things for me.

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House #2, primarily because the interior is clearly your favorite and the best fit for your family's needs. Significantly less expensive is also strongly in its favor.

That's my feeling, too. I doubt I would even consider any house over-budget unless it didn't have any Cons at all.

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Number 2 if there is anywhere for the kids to go beyond the yard, otherwise they might be bouncing off the walls. We looked at a house with a small garden/yard. That would have worked for us if the wood next door had been accessible. When we visited, although we had the legal right to roam through it, it was pure stinging nettles, so wasn't an option.


Any park very close by?

This. Our current house is in a neighborhood with houses close together and not very big yards, but we've enjoyed it because there are lots of kids in the neighborhood for my kids to play with, and there is a park within walking distance.

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I'd go with house 2 for the reasons other posters have already mentioned. It fits the needs of your family, it has the space inside that you want (which is where you'll spend the most time), and it's convenient to places you'll go.

It's hard to make these decisions, especially if you're looking to live there for years and years. We move every 3 years, so I tend to look very realistically at what our family needs are right now, and what is most important. In your situation, I'd go with house 2 based on convenience alone. But all the other pros of 2 would win me over too. :)

Good luck!

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I think #1 would change your lifestyle into being the kind of oudoor, active, fit and fun family that you've always dreamed of being. Nothing else about what a house is like (in itself) really compares in my mind with the allure of outdoor living: fresh air, health, sun and wind... childhood thrives on these things. If you can afford to "buy" that advantage by buying a house, do it. Absolutely.

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You all sound like the conflicting thoughts going through my head! House #1 is not over budget; it's just that houses 2 and 3 are well under budget. 


We currently have almost 3 acres and the kids spend most of a nice day outside, so going from that to house #2 would be a big change. We aren't in a state like FL or AZ, so the pool would be used about 4 months out of the year. House #1 and #3 also have less than an acre, but house #1's yard is similar to the usable yard we have now. Most of our land now is just too much and an annoyance.


I don't think there's any parks very close to house #2. I could be wrong because we're not super familiar with the area, but nothing came up on google maps. There's a neighborhood playground, but my kids are too old for that. 

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I think house #1 is off the list because of the small kitchen--Cons- The kitchen and pantry are very small and I hate small kitchens. The living areas are smaller and not as functional.


#2 sounds like it has the best indoor living spaces. If you can live with the pool I'd pick 2. Otherwise I might go with 3 but it's hard to say as you give the least description about that one.

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I don't know how old your kids are - and that plays out in any decision I would make.


If younger, house #1.

   -Kids need places to run, play, climb, dig, build, swing, lay around and dream, etc.

   -I prefer well-built houses. I cannot hear my neighbors at all in my house - even when there is a loud party (rare, but graduations do happen) diagonally touching touching my back yard. I can't hear anyone mowing. I can't hear the rain either - which bothers me, but hey, I'll put up with that!

  -If kids were teens, I'd seriously consider this house too - that extra space sounds like a *great* place to have a teen hangout. When we moved the last time, that is what I was looking for - somewhere my kids could congregate with like-minded friends close by but without me being right there all the time. 


If late elementary/early junior high, house #2 

  -If there is a pool and you have younger kids, you will have to be out there each time they are swimming. That means you aren't *doing* anything other than watching/crocheting/knitting. Not surfing the WTMforum, not planning for school, maybe not even checking completed school work.

  -As kids get older, it is very nice for them have their own decent sized rooms. They can chose to spend some time there and have space and comfort to do so.


However, we'd had a pool. I really don't want anything else to take care of. And we had to fish frogs out every morning. Not all were alive. And I had to check the chemicals/add/go get more/etc regularly. If your kids are old (mature) enough to do that, great. I'd rather just drive the riding mower around for 2 hours once a week and be done.


If you have the pool, will you have neighbor children coming over all summer to swim? Will that bother you or your kids?


I'd also avoid any house where they will be retail development soon. The increase in traffic can be unpleasant and stressful. And if one of the retail businesses is a restaurant, I cannot stand the odors that come from living close. YMMV.


Can you google travel time for your dh to/from work?


Are there any homeschool groups or co-ops in the area? What about your travel time to/from those?


Are there any museums or studios where your children might want to take classes? 


Google crime statistics and see if anything comes up that might influence your decision.


Churches - do you attend? Check location of those too.


Is there any way to get a feel for how many kids are in each neighborhood? Our last three neighborhoods had some sort of electronic group (yahoogroup years ago, now FB group). Can you contact one of the admins on that group and ask questions about each neighborhood to give you more info?


Good luck! It isn't easy picking a new home!

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I'm leaning 3 - the pool sounds great with house 2, but having neighbors on top of me would make me nuts and 3 sounds like it has a better layout than 1. I agree with a PP about checking in on property taxes. We're house hunting right now too and I've had to eliminate houses because of the property tax. I'm not paying $7000+ a year for road maintenance. 

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Just answering from personal preference ..and these things may not be your preferences but..


Outdoor space is very important to us so I'd go with #1. The extra building would be a really great place for the kids to hang out, especially if they are a bit older. In the extra yard space you could maybe have a garden or..chickens?? Oops sorry, this is your dream not mine. Lolol. Well anyway, there are options!


Living in a house built very close to other houses the way you describe is a deal breaker for me so no matter what it looks like inside I wouldn't do house #2. I wouldn't like being that close to a busy road or development. House 2 describes house after house after house we looked at when we lived in California and I just couldn't do it.


If would drive the extra time to get to house 1.

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dh's rule is to buy based on land.  you can always fix houses, but the land is what it is.


given that, i would go with #1. 


pantries are "fixable".  (my mom keeps food in the closet just outside the kitchen.  i keep some in the laundry room which is just off the kitchen.  and we both cook from scratch all the time.)


and in most kitchens, there is one non-load bearing wall.  so, one chain saw and part of a day, and your kitchen isn't small anymore ;).  refinishing bits of it will take a wee bit longer, but it is so do-able.  in our first house, the only wall that didn't have cabinets did turn out to be load-bearing, so we cut out the top half, leaving the supports and the bottom half, and it was wonderful!


how long are you likely to be there?  


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If your kids are too old for playgrounds, then maybe they don't need as big a yard as you think.  Also, if they are approaching the teen age, think about how fun it would be to have pool parties at your house.  That would be a draw from a social aspect.  Also, is this a "forever" house?  Is it possible you could move there and then look some more?

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Have you checked to see if there are any new listings in the area this weekend? In our area, it seems like new listings show up on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays so the realtors can have open houses right away.


I only ask because you don't sound thrilled with any of the three options you mentioned.


Also, are there any short term rentals in the area? I would prefer to spend a little extra to rent a place for a few months while I shopped for the perfect house, rather than compromising and spending all that money on a home I wasn't sure would be a good long term choice.


I hate to see you jumping into such a huge financial commitment when your heart isn't really into any of the houses you described.

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I am in the minority but house 3 with the pool taking up most of the yard and only able to be used part of the year. 3 has a decent kitchen and yard and is a little closer to activities to house 1.

I'm kind of surprised more people wouldn't pick this one, as it doesn't really have any cons.

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We've been looking for new things on the market but we live hours away and couldn't go back to see houses until at least a week from now. Nothing new so far has been super exciting, or if it was, it has been snatched up within days.


We are already too late to close on the date we wanted- stupid gvmt situation has forced us to not proceed until now. We looked at houses last month thinking that we could get a contract right away and then DH's boss told him he better put a hold on his plans until something was worked out on their end because we may not be able to move to that place. We just got clearance to proceed yesterday. Nobody cares that their delay is messing with us! We've considered going back to look, but it would be expensive. We'd have to pay for travel expenses and then it would mean DH definitely moves about a month before us and has to pay for a hotel the whole time. If we decide on Mon., we can work things so that he is only a little bit ahead of us. There's a bit of flexibility, but if we push past early next week, we hit a point where everything gets way more complicated.

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I would pick #1. I like superior builders and it sounds like the kind of place that would increase involve over time more than the others.


Have you considered renting for a bit until you find a place?

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I would not pick #2. We lived in an area that was built up while we lived there. We hated it after it was built up. The traffic became awful and the whole feel of the area changed. When we moved, we moved to a nice neighborhood with amenities. It was a great move for our family. My kids can walk places as everything is connected with sidewalks. The neighborhood makes a big difference to me and affects resale value. Also, I would not want to back up to a busy road.

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i have been thinking about this.  if you will move again in 3.4.5 years, then I wouldn't take the time to rent and then find a place, and would go with #1 because it fits the kids now, and will resale well.  if this will be your last move, then i'd be more inclined to wait for a house i loved, and move into a rental if necessary.  


its a big investment, and for me, it would be worth another flight if one popped up that i thought we might like, even if only one of us could go.




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We are leaning towards sucking it up and going back to look again. Did I tell you we've never seen house #2 in person? Ha! We're fools but were so desperate and the realtor did a walk through with us on the phone and sent us about 20 videos and additional pictures, and we know people who live in the neighborhood, so I thought I could handle the risk. I can't go through with it, though. We are going to try to go back really quickly for 1 day next week, see our top 3 one more time and maybe a few other new things. It will mean a headache with DH's job and a little more expense up front but it's worth it for peace of mind. We could move within 3-5 years so it's not worth it to to us to rent first. 

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We are leaning towards sucking it up and going back to look again. Did I tell you we've never seen house #2 in person? Ha! We're fools but were so desperate and the realtor did a walk through with us on the phone and sent us about 20 videos and additional pictures, and we know people who live in the neighborhood, so I thought I could handle the risk. I can't go through with it, though. We are going to try to go back really quickly for 1 day next week, see our top 3 one more time and maybe a few other new things. It will mean a headache with DH's job and a little more expense up front but it's worth it for peace of mind. We could move within 3-5 years so it's not worth it to to us to rent first. 

Please go back to look.  Please don't buy a house without actually seeing it for yourself.  Please.  In fact, I highly recommend, whenever possible, walking through a house and the neighborhood, then going back at a different time, preferably on a different day and doing that again.  Initial perception can be off.  You need to get a feel for the house and the neighborhood.

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Please go back to look.  Please don't buy a house without actually seeing it for yourself.  Please.  In fact, I highly recommend, whenever possible, walking through a house and the neighborhood, then going back at a different time, preferably on a different day and doing that again.  Initial perception can be off.  You need to get a feel for the house and the neighborhood.


Yep, suck it up and go back. It's too big a decision to purchase sight unseen.

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