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Well that has never happened before...


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What could be more wonderful then a picnic lunch in the backyard and a great homeschool read-aloud on a beautiful spring day? It was so perfect even the cat and dog were calm and quiet and seemed to be enjoying the story (The Witch of Blackbird Pond). Then from the budding treetops overhead, an unseen bird dropped a massive load of sh*t onto my neck. Startled by this unexpected wetness, I reached up and touch the filth thus spreading it to my hand. Story time came to an abrupt halt as I rushed inside to jump into the shower. In my haste, and with my thoughts only on this repulsiveness, I forgot to remove my bra. It was such an odd sensation that I stood there in the shower thinking, "something is not right here, but what?"


Baby poo? No problem. Cat poo? I scoop that every day. Dog poo? Not my favorite, but yes, I scoop it and carry the "bag of shame" around the neighborhood on our walks. Bird poo? Apparently this renders me senseless.


I am now feeling pretty apprehensive about venturing back outdoors. I have lived 38 years without this particular mishap occurring, but now I am pondering the likelihood of this happening again...soon. I need reassurance. Is there some sort of probability of this happening again within my lifetime? Like lightening striking twice kinda thing?

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oh LOL - My parents' relationship was almost derailed during their courtship phase when a seagull pooped on  my dad's head & my mom couldn't stop laughing. He was getting more and more irritated and angry  & she was rolling around laughing and the more mad he got the more she laughed.

Dd works with birds at a wildlife rescue and gets pooped on all the time because the birds perch on their heads when they're working in the big aviaries. Bird poop is weirdly gross, I agree....

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:grouphug: :grouphug:


I will take this opportunity to confess that I don't like birds.  At all.  None of them.


I was attacked by a goose when I was three and by an ostrich when I was 12. I hate those ba5$#@*ds, too. Ahem.


OP, I'm just glad you were home and could proceed directly into the shower!

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In my elementary years, I had a good friend get pooped on by a bird on April Fool's Day. Of course, she didn't believe us until she went inside and her grandma confirmed it. The most unbelievable part was, as soon as she cleaned up and came back outside, it happened again!


Now THAT'S bad luck.

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Bwahahaha!  That's awful!  I'm so sorry that happened, and I would bet it will never happen again. 


A flying goose got my husband once.  We were in the middle of a move across the country and had just gotten out of the loaded-down cars at the hotel, and SPLAT!  What are the odds!

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I am so sorry. It would be traumatizing. Once a bird pooped on me, but it was on the toe of my shoe. It was easily wiped off and no trauma.


I know someone who held out her hand as a gesture while speaking...and bird poop landed in it. 



For some reason it still makes me laugh when I think about it.  She does to so it is ok



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It is good luck to have a bird poop on you. I don't know that I would have stopped to remove my bra either in my quest to clean off the bird poo.


I held class outside once. Just once. It was our first year honeschooling. A beautiful day. Spread out the blanket in the backyard. Everyone is happy. All is rainbows and unicorns. When suddenly a bee lands on my daughter's shoe. The shoe she was not wearing and was inches away from her. A shriek of "there is a bee on my shoe!" Pointing and more shrieking. The bee flies away. Still shrieking. Everyone goes inside, class dismissed. I never tried to hold class outside again.

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Guest SaraJean

Just other day I was walking in the yard, minding my own business, when a bird did his business on my arm. My kids laughed so hard they hurt themselves. I was so offended. Teach me to feed the birds in the yard anymore!


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When I was a child, I went through a period where I got pooped on by a seagull EVERY time we went to the beach.  And we lived in coastal Florida at the time, so it happened a LOT.


That was beaten a couple of summers ago.  DD and I were speaking to a neighbor.  She rubbed her arm and, when I looked at it, it looked like a spot of blood.  We couldn't figure it out until I felt something hit MY arm.  More blood.  Finally, I think to look up.  We were standing beneath a huge pine tree.  An osprey was perched on a limb high above us disemboweling a fish. Super gross and super cool, all at the same time.

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When I was a kid my mother always told me not to pout-that if I did a bird would poop on my lip.


When I was 8 yo I was visiting an aunt on her farm. She had a huge old barn, and my cousin and I loved to play in it. We had found a dead baby bird and were watching the barn swallows fly around way up high in the rafters...I SWEAR one of them was flying 50 feet away in a straight line in front of me when it suddenly, evily, with malice afore thought, changed course and b-lined for me. It dropped its putrid bomb right onto my lip, open mouth and all down my shirt before returning to fly merrily on its original course. I, of course, have to take the word of my cousin on this as I had melted into a hysterical sobbing ball of nonsense😩

To this day, barn swallows make me shudder. My dd5 loves to show me pictures of them when she encounters them...and occasionally Googles them for a laugh at mom's expenseðŸ˜

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We were planning a trip to a touristy city that had the requisite square with pigeons. I read the following advice in several guide books: If a pigeon poops on you, just let it dry and then it will brush off easily. Huh?? Who is going to calmly sit there letting bird s#%* dry on them until such time as they can flake it off? Not me. Ick and ew.

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We were planning a trip to a touristy city that had the requisite square with pigeons. I read the following advice in several guide books: If a pigeon poops on you, just let it dry and then it will brush off easily. Huh?? Who is going to calmly sit there letting bird s#%* dry on them until such time as they can flake it off? Not me. Ick and ew.

I can just imagine the exchange with the waiter at the cafe a short time later.

"What? Oh, I know, I'm just waiting for it to dry. You know, so I can flake it off." <gaaak>

In the back the waiters are all talking about crazy tourists.

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