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What to wear on days with varied activities?


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So what does a busy homemaker wear besides yoga pants?


Today I will pack boxes, go for a walk, run to the grocery store, stop by the mall, mow some grass, make dinner, clean for the weekend and later tonight hit a mom's night for an hour/so.


If this was your day would you change 2/3 times?  



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Shorts, capris, jeans, depending on the weather. No, I would not change clothes three times (although I have never mowed the grass and don't intend to, lol). I might change in the evening before the Moms' Night Out.


I have never owned a pair of yoga pants. I'm not even sure what they are. :-) But I dress in the morning such that I could welcome the Ladies Society from church without doing anything except pat down my hair, lol.

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I wear jammy pants with a T shirt at home, and slip into a pair of stretch jeans for errands away from home.  For yard stuff it can be either or.  If it's a quick thing (in my yard) I don't see the point of changing.  (My jammy pants are hardly suggestive.  :p )

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I wear jammy pants with a T shirt at home, and slip into a pair of stretch jeans for errands away from home.  For yard stuff it can be either or.  If it's a quick thing I don't see the point of changing.  (My jammy pants are hardly suggestive.  :p )


This is pretty close to what I do, though my jammy pants are baggy flannels that my husband discarded, so even for a quick errand I would at least change into sweat pants.  I am too fat for yoga pants. 


After doing housework or yardwork, I want to change anyway. 


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Perfect Laura!

Sorry to be silly, but what are lined trousers?  Pants with a lining inside?


Last flannel shirt I tried on fit fine in the store, I bought it and it has gaped at the chest ever since I washed it ;(

Maybe I should try again, in a bigger size, lol.

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If the ladies night out is fairly casual I would wear dressier jeans with flats and a flowy type top, maybe add a cardigan depending upon temperature. 


I would wear grubby clothes to pack and mow and walk, then change before going to mall, back to grubby clothes to mow and change after mowing. i'd have to shower after mowing too. I also have allergies so packing and mowing are bound to kick up dust or allergens. 


Unless I am dressed to get dirty, I have a harder time completing a task like packing or yard work.

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A jumpsuit can be handy to have around when you need to dirty work (like packing boxes where things tend to be potentially dusty and cutting grass) but don't want to get filthy.  Just slip them over your clothes and then just hang them back up when done.


I would probably shower and do a full change for moms group, because grass cutting would make me a sweat hog for sure.

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"Unless I am dressed to get dirty, I have a harder time completing a task like packing or yard work."


This is such! a part of my life right now~

Same with exercise.  I'm more inclined to walk/run or work outside if I'm already dressed for it.


And cleaning.  Wearing a skirt at home sounds so romantic.  Until I walk into the bathroom and notice the toilet is dirty, lol.

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So what does a busy homemaker wear besides yoga pants?


Today I will pack boxes, go for a walk, run to the grocery store, stop by the mall, mow some grass, make dinner, clean for the weekend and later tonight hit a mom's night for an hour/so.


If this was your day would you change 2/3 times?

Shorts, capris, jeans, depending on the weather. No, I would not change clothes three times (although I have never mowed the grass and don't intend to, lol). I might change in the evening before the Moms' Night Out.


I have never owned a pair of yoga pants. I'm not even sure what they are. :-) But I dress in the morning such that I could welcome the Ladies Society from church without doing anything except pat down my hair, lol.

I agree with Ellie on this one, well, except for the Ladies' Society part. Guests? yes! Ladies' Society? I don't know.


It has never occurred to me to wear grubby clothes to pack boxes and I've never mowed. If I needed to complete the stated list, I would likely dress for a normal day then shower and change for the evening.

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I don't happen to own yoga pants, but I'd wear something equally informal, depending on the weather.  I'd change before Ladies night.  I might just change into something equally casual, but mowing the lawn makes me sweaty and serious cleaning always makes me feel like I smell like cleaning products, so I'd want to shower and put on something fresh.  

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I can see I would change two times during summer.

when I clean the toilets i will use bleach and have old clothes for that ( just avoiding everything becomes bleached)

And yes, the few times I got out I refresh myself, especially after gardening and cleaning.

( I don't mow, but do everything else in the garden)

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I'll be the odd woman out and say that some days I do change clothes 2-3 times per day.


Mowing gets me hot and sweaty and covered in grass, so that requires a full change of clothing. Farm chores can use the same as mowing clothes. But running clothes are different.


Often, I get up and do my housework in my sleeping clothes (sweatpants, etc) and the homeschooling. If I go to the store, I wear nicer things (stretch jeans and a pretty shirt, maybe makeup) If I go running or exercise, I might change again later.


However, I don't wash all these clothes. If I just wore nice clothes to the store orsomething, I just fold them and put them away. Chore clothes are worn 2-3 times unless they are horribly foul and filthy. I fold them and set them in a corner. Then I wear them the next day.



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I am a lot like this and there have been days when I HAVE changed by clothes 7-8 times.  You get up in the morning and put on chore clothes (grubbgy jeans and a sweatshirt or old t shirt and muck boots), then you have around the house clothes--either jeans or exercise type pants and a cleaner T shirt, then you have walking/exercise clothes (yoga type pants, sports bra and t shirt), then there are riding clothes (jeans with no holes in the thigh area :-), a bright colored shirt, and boots, then you need town clothes----nice jeans, CLEAN boots, and a nicer shirt/vest/jacket, etc.  Often throughout the day you lather, rinse and repeat these outfits.


I have 2 pairs of winter muck boots-----one for yucky chores and one with a heel for riding.  Then I have my old barn boots, my not as old boots I wear for riding, and my new boots that are mostly for wearing to town or on nice rides......and there are barn tennis shoes too.  I honestly think I have more pairs of boots than jeans.

I'll be the odd woman out and say that some days I do change clothes 2-3 times per day.


Mowing gets me hot and sweaty and covered in grass, so that requires a full change of clothing. Farm chores can use the same as mowing clothes. But running clothes are different.


Often, I get up and do my housework in my sleeping clothes (sweatpants, etc) and the homeschooling. If I go to the store, I wear nicer things (stretch jeans and a pretty shirt, maybe makeup) If I go running or exercise, I might change again later.


However, I don't wash all these clothes. If I just wore nice clothes to the store orsomething, I just fold them and put them away. Chore clothes are worn 2-3 times unless they are horribly foul and filthy. I fold them and set them in a corner. Then I wear them the next day.


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I would change for mowing the grass, and I might want to change into something nicer for going out in the evening.


I usually do many different things each day, and I change several times. I wear different clothes to go to work than I wear for housework/lounging, and I change for yardwork. But I wear all those clothes multiple times.

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I don't own yoga pants, because no one in the world (including me) wants to see me wear them.


For the day you describe, I would try to order activities so that I could take care of all the grubby stuff first, then shower and change before heading to the mall and out for the mom's night.


So, I would start out in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to go for a walk, pack the boxes, clean for the weekend, prep as much of the dinner as possible in advance and then mow the lawn. (I'd save the mowing to be the last grubby chore, because after that I would absolutely need to shower and change.) I would shower and depending on how much time I had before heading out into the world and how much cooking was still left to do, I would put on either clean shorts and t-shirt or get into whatever I planned to wear to the mom's night. I would try to time the stop at the mall to fall right before the mom's night event, preferably on the same trip.

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I would change multiple times.  I would wear old jeans and an old shirt for packing boxes. I would change into everyday jeans and shirt for walk, groceries, and errands. Then change back into the old jeans and shirt for lawn mowing.  I would need a shower after the yard work.  If I actually planned to clean as opposed to tidying, I’d wear a different set of old clothing since the set used for lawn mowing would need to be washed before I could wear it again.  More likely I would do the cleaning before the yard work.  For tidying, I’d wear the same everyday clothes as earlier in the day.  Then, I’d change into a nicer shirt for the night out. 

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Perfect Laura!

Sorry to be silly, but what are lined trousers?  Pants with a lining inside?


Last flannel shirt I tried on fit fine in the store, I bought it and it has gaped at the chest ever since I washed it ;(

Maybe I should try again, in a bigger size, lol.


I have some Lands' End cargo jeans with a jersey lining.  I also have some more sporty trousers that have a fleece lining - they look dreadful in the picture but quite stylish on.


I have a couple of shrunk flannel shirts that I wear for really dirty garden work, and some nicer ones for the rest of the time.  Lands' End clearance is my friend.

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"Unless I am dressed to get dirty, I have a harder time completing a task like packing or yard work."


This is such! a part of my life right now~

Same with exercise.  I'm more inclined to walk/run or work outside if I'm already dressed for it.


And cleaning.  Wearing a skirt at home sounds so romantic.  Until I walk into the bathroom and notice the toilet is dirty, lol.


I like to dress the part as well. However, I have and do clean toilets in a skirt or dress. I can throw an apron on over my clothes to help protect them. However, if I have to really scrub with bleach then I will change cause I can't afford to ruin my clothes. 


I would change several times a day. No way could I mow the grass and not shower change after. So, I'd go for my walk, pack boxes, and mow the lawn and then shower and change. Then I would dress in skirt/dress or pants/blouse for errands and night out.

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One of my favorite topics! Wardrobing!


For a day like that, I'd be wearing (in our current climate): comfy leggings, a comfy skirt, boots and a sweater or long-sleeved tee shirt.  And a scarf, too, b/c I get cold. I would wear this for everything except mowing the lawn, and for that I'd just wear grubby clothes (yoga pants, a sweatshirt).  For housework I just dress like I would to go out, and I wear an apron.  Wearing a skirt at home makes me happy, so I do it!  I don't consider it very formal at all, it just makes me feel good.


I'd probably try to mow the lawn or do any grubby work first so I could shower and put on my nicer clothes and not change out of them! 


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