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Favorite princess movies for teens?


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My college girls gather in their dorm rooms to watch the Disney movies with girlfriends. Yes. They do. All the above are good. Pretty much anything princess will fly. 16 yos and up have passed the need for things to not be "babyish" and watch whatever they danged want to watch.

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Thanks!  I was looking through the recommendations on amazon and had missed Enchanted!  It looks fun!!  I think I'm going to make a pile and just let them choose.  This is what I have so far on my list:




Princess Protection Program

Cow Belles

A Cinderella Story

Princess Diaries

Mirror Mirror

Once Upon a Mattress

Ever After


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My college girls gather in their dorm rooms to watch the Disney movies with girlfriends. Yes. They do. All the above are good. Pretty much anything princess will fly. 16 yos and up have passed the need for things to not be "babyish" and watch whatever they danged want to watch.

Yes, that's what I figured, just a couple more princess-themed, fun movies to keep it going into the night...

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Prince of Persia is an often overlooked princess story.

Hmm, I'll go look.  Doesn't make the PG cut-off and that's really where I want to be for a party where I'm showing stuff to other people's kids.  Snow White and the Huntsman is the same way, PG-13, and although a couple might be comfortable with that, it's a mixed group where I need to stay lower.  But interesting to see all the takes!  Seems like there's been a string of live action remakes of old stories, so that's interesting.  I just haven't kept up, lol.  Movie theatres go on without me...

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Seems like there's been a string of live action remakes of old stories, so that's interesting.  I just haven't kept up, lol.  Movie theatres go on without me...


My girls and I are anxiously awaiting the release of the new Cinderella live-action. :)

And I think there's talk of a Beauty & the Beast live action to be filmed soon?

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The shine has gone off Princess Bride for me ever after I realized that it fails the Bechdal test, hard, and is kinda misogynistic. It's still really quotable, though.


Still really like Ever After, I just cover my eyes every time we come to a part I'm pretty sure is not 100% historically accurate (yes, I'm like that. Lack of historical accuracy hits me right in the stomach.)


How about Star Wars? That's got princesses in it. Well, a princess, anyway, and she occasionally does things. (Of course, there's even less female representation here than in Princess Bride.)


Geez, I'm beginning to think I'm not very good at this. Sorry to harsh everybody's squee.

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If you're applying the Bechdel test and historical accuracy to princess movies, I'm pretty sure you're doomed to a life of misery and disappointment.




That's like the Ayn Rand list...   Ayn Rand Reviews Children's Movies - The New Yorker   :lol:


And don't worry, since I know nothing of history and care nothing about the Bechdel test, Princess Bride doesn't bother me.  We'll watch it with a clear conscience.  :D


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If you're applying the Bechdel test and historical accuracy to princess movies, I'm pretty sure you're doomed to a life of misery and disappointment.


It's like you have a window into my soul. Especially after I googled "princess movies" and realized that I actively dislike most of them.


That's like the Ayn Rand list...   Ayn Rand Reviews Children's Movies - The New Yorker   :lol:


Things Ayn Rand and I agree on: 1. atheism 2. cats are objectively valuable.


Things Ayn Rand and I strongly disagree on: everything else.




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It's like you have a window into my soul. Especially after I googled "princess movies" and realized that I actively dislike most of them.



Things Ayn Rand and I agree on: 1. atheism 2. cats are objectively valuable.


Things Ayn Rand and I strongly disagree on: everything else.



Her letters to her niece are hilariously insane. 



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My girls and I are anxiously awaiting the release of the new Cinderella live-action. :)

And I think there's talk of a Beauty & the Beast live action to be filmed soon?


YES! And they are trying to get Ryan Gosling as the Prince/Beast. Beauty and the Beast is my favorite Disney princess movie so I'm glad they are making a new version. I also heard that The Little Mermaid and The Jungle Book are on the list to be turned into live action in the near future as well.

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Her letters to her niece are hilariously insane. 




In fairness, $25 in 1949 is about $250 today. That's a LOT of money to ask somebody - a person who apparently hasn't seen you since you were young - to lend you so you can buy a new dress.


Ayn Rand was within her legal rights to say no. She's still a jerk for blathering on and on about it, page after dreary page on the subject. A simple "Sorry, honey, I try not to lend out money" would suffice.


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George and the Dragon! We all thought it was much better than Princess Bride. Buttercup didn't do anything. The princess in George and the Dragon (really lame name, originally released as Dragonsword), actually does stuff. Princess Lunna is awesome!

Ok, that's way too awesome.  That made the list!  :D

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