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Have we talked about Alecia Pennington?


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I would feel awful it was done behind my back also. So I understand the mom's feelings with that part. It surely feels like a betrayal. If she came to them and said she was ready to move out , I wonder what would have been their response. Guilt? Bible verses?


The only reason the parents feel betrayed is because they have no control now.  Everything in this woman's life has been about parental control veiled as God's will.  So, yes, I firmly believe that if they had gotten wind of this ahead of time, they would have prevented her from leaving, and there is no doubt in my mind it would have been more than just guilt and Bible verses.  The only way for her to get out was to do what she did.


No different than Katie Holmes vs. Scientology, really. 


So the parents feel awful?  They should.

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Where do they live?  I did just a touch of googling and it looks like in most (if not all) states, the midwife is required to file the birth certificate.  So that would be on the midwife, not the parents.  So a lawyer should look into whether the midwife upheld the law or not and respond accordingly.  If there is a birth certificate there, then I think the grandparents should be able to show their ID to obtain it since they are blood relatives, but a lawyer should know that.  Obviously it is harder if the parents don't cooperate.  Maybe the lawyer will get them to cooperate even if it  just putting their signature on a form.  


My understanding is that some states don't allow lay midwives so only certified nurse midwives would be under those guidelines. It's possible that the "midwife" wasn't trained in an official way. Filing the birth certificate might put her at risk for prosecution, which might explain her reluctance (as would her being good friends with the family or any number of things).

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Reading the mom's posts is really eye-opening for me. I feel like the stories like this that I've read don't have anything about the parents' perspective and they come off as incredibly abusive and uncaring. This mom - unless the whole post is just completely bogus - clearly does care about her daughter. I think Joanne's point that you can be loving and think you're doing what's best and yet still be abusive is key here. These parents have deprived her of her basic right to her own identity, of the citizenship in her own country, of the ability to get a job or fend for herself. And they clearly don't see it. For them, the biggest problem is that she left them, left God, and lied to them. That trumps everything else for them. Except, it doesn't. There's nothing our children can do against our own idea of what's right that gives us the right to deny them the ability to be a citizen or succeed without us. Even if she was a criminal she should have the right to her own identification and rights as a citizen. They've denied her that over their own need to determine her beliefs and have a relationship with her.

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My understanding is that some states don't allow lay midwives so only certified nurse midwives would be under those guidelines. It's possible that the "midwife" wasn't trained in an official way. Filing the birth certificate might put her at risk for prosecution, which might explain her reluctance (as would her being good friends with the family or any number of things).


I have a friend who is a certified professional midwife (not a nurse midwife) in Texas, but I don't know what the status was 18 yrs ago, legally.


That the pearls advocate no birth certifiates, and these people have no birth certificates sends up flags, to me. Maybe there is no connection, but man...homeschooling, religious, girls stay home as adults, no birth certificate.....all togehter, it raises flags. 

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On another note, having never heard of these people until now, I'd also never heard of Magnolia Pearl clothing until now. What the actual....




if this is the future of homeschool mom attire, I think we should just go back to the denim jumper. NOT RIGHT.





What the? I watched part of a video and ... :huh:  

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My understanding is that some states don't allow lay midwives so only certified nurse midwives would be under those guidelines. It's possible that the "midwife" wasn't trained in an official way. Filing the birth certificate might put her at risk for prosecution, which might explain her reluctance (as would her being good friends with the family or any number of things).

Or the law may have changed over time, partly because of nut cases like this family!

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Really? Abusive just because they didn't get a birth certificate? We know several homeschooling families whose kids are "under the radar." They were born at home and don't have birth certificates or SSNs. Yeah, I think they're a little paranoid. I think they're making it difficult for their kids, I think they're wrong, but no way are they abusive. They're loving, caring parents who don't trust the government.

I don't think they intend to be abusive, and I would probably choose a different term for it, but what would happen if the parents were killed in a car crash or something, and the kids were left with no proof of their births and no identification whatsoever? What if they were very young children who didn't know their birth dates?


I think it's one thing to not trust the government, but that it's incredibly extremist to essentially hide your children's existence. The parents in question here are certainly educated enough to realize that their kids need things like birth certificates and social security numbers in order to function within society.


I'm assuming they don't have health insurance for the kids, either?


I'm sure the parents love their children, but they are also harming them with their extreme actions.

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 I think they care about her in a selfish way. 


Controlling and/or abusive spouses may love their partners, but it's still not a healthy relationship.  




I wonder how much of this comes out of the echo chamber some homeschoolers get into. Everyone around them is saying that keeping your kids away from the government is the most important thing, keeping them religious is the most important thing, making sure they maintain "good values" is the most important thing. And that obscures the things that are actually the most important. I mean, the more you see a word misspelled, the more you think it's right. The more that everyone around you normalizes and condones this sort of thing, the more you never check yourself and realize that you're so far out of line with the actual needs of individuals in our society that you've crossed a clear line into abuse.


Which, again, is all the more reason that homeschoolers have to be more outspoken about this on forums and with friends and in churches. Your children own their own information, including their birth documents and their educational records. If you don't let them have it, they can suffer fates much worse than leaving the church - they can end up in the sex trade or homeless or engaged in other illegal, destructive activities not because they've fallen that far, but because you have given them no other choice but to do exactly what you want or break the law and compromise their safety. And make no mistake, that is worse than leaving the church or the faith. Loving parents have to learn to believe that.

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On another note, having never heard of these people until now, I'd also never heard of Magnolia Pearl clothing until now. What the actual....




if this is the future of homeschool mom attire, I think we should just go back to the denim jumper. NOT RIGHT.

Ha! Those photos look like they were taken at a bluegrass festival. I've been to those several times. The clothing didn't even make me bat an eye. :-)

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Ha! Those photos look like they were taken at a bluegrass festival. I've been to those several times. The clothing didn't even make me bat an eye. :-)


Really? I spend a lot of time at folk and bluegrass festivals every year and I've never seen anything like that. Boho, hobo, hippie, peasant, flowers, denim, straw hats, overalls and leather -- yes. Garments that visually change the shape of a human, with raw edges hanging out and raggedy strips of mismatched fabric stapled on here and there -- no.


But we are a buttoned up people here in the midwest.

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A good lawyer costs money. Since she can't work it's hard to have the money to pay for a lawyer. Perhaps the place to start may be through pro bono legal services at a women's shelter, because they may have dealt with people needing to get copies of documents. But this will be more work than that because these documents may never have existed in the first place. If these documents were easy to come up with new stealing a person's identity wouldn't be necessary for criminals.


Documents are very important and with holding them from anyone is abuse. An adult without documents can land in an abyss. Mehran Karimi Nasseri lived in a airport terminal for years (decades?) when his documents were lost. If this girl did not have grandparents where would she live. She will be forever dependent on someone.


I do understand that she can't work etc. As a naturalized citizen, and someone whose birth certificate isn't easy to come by b/c it is not from the country where I live, and as someone who has had to deal with immigration I really do.


But, that also gives me some insight to just how much a really good lawyer can help. And I just can't imagine there isn't some nice lawyer out there who isn't willing to do a little pro bono for her, or at least get her started. I am glad she is making this public b/c that attention might get her some help. I just hope she is getting some good legal guidance, because it will make all the difference. Her senators could also help smooth the way. I've personally known people to get quite a lot of help from my Senator's office when it came to both immigration and tax problems. It just takes having elected officials who have constituent oriented staff.


In the end, this will be solved by the courts, right? There are legal documents involved, stuff has to be filed, someone (her parents) is probably going to be sued. This is obviously headed towards a legal resolution. I think a good lawyer and a judge with a desire to be helpful could cut through a whole lot of red tape.

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Really? I spend a lot of time at folk and bluegrass festivals every year and I've never seen anything like that. Boho, hobo, hippie, peasant, flowers, denim, straw hats, overalls and leather -- yes. Garments that visually change the shape of a human, with raw edges hanging out and raggedy strips of mismatched fabric stapled on here and there -- no.


But we are a buttoned up people here in the midwest.

Oh, not everyone dresses that way, but at a large festival with thousands of people I see some odd attire.

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A couple of articles on the HA blog is hardly the media jumping on it.


ETA: My bad. Apparently it got an article in the CS Monitor and some blurbs in a few other places. I still don't see the media jumping on it. There are lots of pro-homeschooling stories in the media as well. She's pushing for the story to go viral and working to make that happen. The media's going to cover that.

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I think the young lady is playing people and the media is jumping on it because it makes a great anti-homeschool story.


How exactly is she playing people? She moved out last October and has been trying since then to prove her identity. Her own mother says she has met with her yet they haven't helped her. She now, four months later, finally made it public. She has since been offered legal help so it seems to have done the job.

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This is something I always wondered about. My guess would be that the parents are self employed, and don't pay taxes, other than maybe property tax. Texas takes a sales tax break sometime in August also, so they probably pay almost no taxes and she is forcing them to be on the radar? Lots of families have a scapegoat that they do not allow the normal privileges of the other kids. It is often the oldest. To a point, my parents did not do many things for me the did for my siblings. I think my mother feels slightly (and I mean slightly) bad about it now, but my dad is just clueless. My MIL was not allowed to learn to drive. Even when she moved away and got married her parents were very upset when her dh taught her to drive and they never let her use their car even to run to the store for something they wanted when she was visiting them. Very, very odd.


Self-employed people have to pay income tax - they file slightly differently, but we definitely pay the same income tax everyone does.  (My husband is considered self employed)

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Considering that Alecia's father, James Pennington, is a lawyer and a CPA, and that he has been involved in litigation with the IRS to prevent them from accessing his bank accounts as part of their investigation of him over tax issues, I'm sure he's very aware of what the legal issues are here, and what needs to be done to get his daughter the information and ID that she needs. He also bought the domain name HelpMeProveIt.com, so Alecia can't use it. So I call BS on the parents' pretense of cluelessess — "Oh, I think the midwife was supposed to file something, I don't really know, but gosh of course we'd be willing to help her..."  It sure sounds like they are punishing her for leaving home and moving in with her grandparents (especially given the mom's reference to the grandmother as a "godless woman").

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I think the young lady is playing people and the media is jumping on it because it makes a great anti-homeschool story.


This. Or someone is using this young lady to play people. Or she's escaped a controlling and manipulative family and is trying to get her life in order.


There's not enough information at this point.

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In our case, I talked about stuff going on with our daughter in the months preceding her leaving. Then she moved in with "grandparents" who were not even her real grandparents, but rather birth grandparents. Currently, in a little update, she has been using drugs now and getting drunk. We got some lovely texts from her the other day where she was obviously drunk. They were not mean texts, but they were obviously the rambling of someone who was under the influence. She is now couch surfing because my birthparents got tired of her. But not before exposing her to the world of drug abuse. They still let her stay there some nights I have been told, but she mostly just couch surfs.


Thing is, we had arranged previously for her to return to college in January. We had put the money down and arranged the dorm and everything. I posted how she did not want a job. She felt she was too good for minimum wage. She got fired days before she left. We tried to contact her, she refused any contact. She contacted her brother wanting him to steal stuff from our home, but not her own personal stuff. Stuff, basically, that she could sell. She did not want clothes or such. She said her "new family" had purchased her all new stuff so she did not have needs there. BUT, we did try to reach out to her to see if she still wanted to go to college in January. Despite having left December 15, she claimed in January that she is prevented from going to college or having a job because we committed "identity theft" and stole her ID. Ok..the birth grandparents live on the same street as the DMV, just a few blocks down the road. She could walk there. Her public high school she attended, if she needed anything, is down the street the other direction, a place she could walk to. That is much further away, about a mile. The church she was baptized at and they know her at is right by the high school, she would pass it on the way to the high school. IF she wanted these documents, she can get them. PLUS, we tried to offer to give her her clothes and such. She did have a huge habit of losing her license all the time. I do not know if it is even lost or if she just doesn't want to have to go to work or school. Freeloading seems to be suiting her just fine right now. IF she actually did leave her ID here, it would be in her stuff. She refused to answer our texts or emails asking if she wants her stuff. Her brother tried to ask her. Her other brother tried to call her. She told her older brother she wants nothing from here at all. She refused to take a call from her younger brother.


But regardless, if the government has copies of this stuff and she is a grown adult, she can get it herself. This slamming video the girl made never mentioned her even trying to contact the state to see if there was a birth certificate. And I doubt the family has skipped out on using her as a deduction on the taxes all these years. There has to be a SSN then. You can order all these things online if you want. I think this girl sounds to me like she wants to lash out at her parents. I am not saying her parents are me. But the siblings could not have enrolled in college without some form of ID or vaccination records or vaccination exemptions or social security or other id numbers.


Despite my daughter's refusal to even take our offers to help, I called the DMV and looked up how to get a new license. It is not complicated at all. I sent her a link from online. But she would rather make excuses to get sympathy and money from others than just grow up and take responsibility. I wonder how long before this girl in this blog has a fundme page to support her "plight."

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I agree that her going online in a parent-bashing video makes me question her judgment and everything else.


There is nothing to be gained by doing that, other than smearing one's parent and making them even less likely to feel cooperative.


If there is a birth certificate anywhere, the girl is able to go get a copy for a very small fee from the locality where she was born.  If there isn't a birth certificate anywhere, there is no point in whining about the parents not giving her a copy.  She needs to find out how to get a bc made now and go do it.  For starters she could go to the local registrar and ask what the process is and get the blank documents and fill them out.  Just do it.  Then go get your social security card, which is very simple once you have a birth certificate.

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In our case, I talked about stuff going on with our daughter in the months preceding her leaving. Then she moved in with "grandparents" who were not even her real grandparents, but rather birth grandparents. Currently, in a little update, she has been using drugs now and getting drunk. We got some lovely texts from her the other day where she was obviously drunk. They were not mean texts, but they were obviously the rambling of someone who was under the influence. She is now couch surfing because my birthparents got tired of her. But not before exposing her to the world of drug abuse. They still let her stay there some nights I have been told, but she mostly just couch surfs.


Thing is, we had arranged previously for her to return to college in January. We had put the money down and arranged the dorm and everything. I posted how she did not want a job. She felt she was too good for minimum wage. She got fired days before she left. We tried to contact her, she refused any contact. She contacted her brother wanting him to steal stuff from our home, but not her own personal stuff. Stuff, basically, that she could sell. She did not want clothes or such. She said her "new family" had purchased her all new stuff so she did not have needs there. BUT, we did try to reach out to her to see if she still wanted to go to college in January. Despite having left December 15, she claimed in January that she is prevented from going to college or having a job because we committed "identity theft" and stole her ID. Ok..the birth grandparents live on the same street as the DMV, just a few blocks down the road. She could walk there. Her public high school she attended, if she needed anything, is down the street the other direction, a place she could walk to. That is much further away, about a mile. The church she was baptized at and they know her at is right by the high school, she would pass it on the way to the high school. IF she wanted these documents, she can get them. PLUS, we tried to offer to give her her clothes and such. She did have a huge habit of losing her license all the time. I do not know if it is even lost or if she just doesn't want to have to go to work or school. Freeloading seems to be suiting her just fine right now. IF she actually did leave her ID here, it would be in her stuff. She refused to answer our texts or emails asking if she wants her stuff. Her brother tried to ask her. Her other brother tried to call her. She told her older brother she wants nothing from here at all. She refused to take a call from her younger brother.


But regardless, if the government has copies of this stuff and she is a grown adult, she can get it herself. This slamming video the girl made never mentioned her even trying to contact the state to see if there was a birth certificate. And I doubt the family has skipped out on using her as a deduction on the taxes all these years. There has to be a SSN then. You can order all these things online if you want. I think this girl sounds to me like she wants to lash out at her parents. I am not saying her parents are me. But the siblings could not have enrolled in college without some form of ID or vaccination records or vaccination exemptions or social security or other id numbers.


Despite my daughter's refusal to even take our offers to help, I called the DMV and looked up how to get a new license. It is not complicated at all. I sent her a link from online. But she would rather make excuses to get sympathy and money from others than just grow up and take responsibility. I wonder how long before this girl in this blog has a fundme page to support her "plight."


You obviously haven't been following the thread or even attempted a quick Google search on her. The state of Texas did a search months ago and found no record of her birth. According to articles online the parents haven't paid taxes since the mid 90s either. I get the feeling she would love to grow up and take responsiblity but she can't do that with nothing to confirm get identity.

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It is this simple to get a copy of your birth certificate in Texas....  https://txapps.texas.gov/tolapp/ovra/SelectRequestType.htm assuming one exists. Since the other kids from this family seems to have one, then I would assume this girl has one. And since the girl refuses to speak to her parents to even ask for help, nor does she seem willing to order her own. She never states she ordered her own, she just says her parents didn't give her one.

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I agree that her going online in a parent-bashing video makes me question her judgment and everything else.


There is nothing to be gained by doing that, other than smearing one's parent and making them even less likely to feel cooperative.


If there is a birth certificate anywhere, the girl is able to go get a copy for a very small fee from the locality where she was born. If there isn't a birth certificate anywhere, there is no point in whining about the parents not giving her a copy. She needs to find out how to get a bc made now and go do it. For starters she could go to the local registrar and ask what the process is and get the blank documents and fill them out. Just do it. Then go get your social security card, which is very simple once you have a birth certificate.

According to articles online she had done this. They require three documents that confirm her age and name. They have told her the things she had aren't enough.

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It is this simple to get a copy of your birth certificate in Texas.... https://txapps.texas.gov/tolapp/ovra/SelectRequestType.htm assuming one exists. Since the other kids from this family seems to have one, then I would assume this girl has one. And since the girl refuses to speak to her parents to even ask for help, nor does she seem willing to order her own. She never states she ordered her own, she just says her parents didn't give her one.

To get one, her parents would have to have filed a record of her birth, which they did not. It's not simple for her. This girl and your daughter have different situations.

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I agree that her going online in a parent-bashing video makes me question her judgment and everything else.


There is nothing to be gained by doing that, other than smearing one's parent and making them even less likely to feel cooperative.


If there is a birth certificate anywhere, the girl is able to go get a copy for a very small fee from the locality where she was born. If there isn't a birth certificate anywhere, there is no point in whining about the parents not giving her a copy. She needs to find out how to get a bc made now and go do it. For starters she could go to the local registrar and ask what the process is and get the blank documents and fill them out. Just do it. Then go get your social security card, which is very simple once you have a birth certificate.

I'm sure the process involves her parents signing something that will certify that she is who she says she is. If they won't do that unless she returns to their dictatorship and submits to their rule, that's going to be problematic.

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This is something I always wondered about. My guess would be that the parents are self employed, and don't pay taxes, other than maybe property tax. Texas takes a sales tax break sometime in August also, so they probably pay almost no taxes and she is forcing them to be on the radar? Lots of families have a scapegoat that they do not allow the normal privileges of the other kids. It is often the oldest. To a point, my parents did not do many things for me the did for my siblings. I think my mother feels slightly (and I mean slightly) bad about it now, but my dad is just clueless. My MIL was not allowed to learn to drive. Even when she moved away and got married her parents were very upset when her dh taught her to drive and they never let her use their car even to run to the store for something they wanted when she was visiting them. Very, very odd.

Self employed people pay taxes.

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I agree that her going online in a parent-bashing video makes me question her judgment and everything else.


There is nothing to be gained by doing that, other than smearing one's parent and making them even less likely to feel cooperative.


If there is a birth certificate anywhere, the girl is able to go get a copy for a very small fee from the locality where she was born.  If there isn't a birth certificate anywhere, there is no point in whining about the parents not giving her a copy.  She needs to find out how to get a bc made now and go do it.  For starters she could go to the local registrar and ask what the process is and get the blank documents and fill them out.  Just do it.  Then go get your social security card, which is very simple once you have a birth certificate.


She was told she needed 3 documents verifying her age and citizenship. She does not have them. 


Attestations from the parents and the midwife are frequently used in these situations, but if her parents are refusing to give them, there is not much that she can do as far as that goes. 


As far as "what will it benefit", I would suspect that after repeated attempts to get her parents to sign a document saying she is who she says she is, she is hoping to either shame them into signing a document or get legal assistance. 

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She was told she needed 3 documents verifying her age and citizenship. She does not have them. 


Attestations from the parents and the midwife are frequently used in these situations, but if her parents are refusing to give them, there is not much that she can do as far as that goes. 


As far as "what will it benefit", I would suspect that after repeated attempts to get her parents to sign a document saying she is who she says she is, she is hoping to either shame them into signing a document or get legal assistance. 

Drivers license only requires 2.... and social security card and birth certificate are enough. The social security card and birth certificate can both be obtained online with no ID. That would give her 3. IF she has a social security card, she does not need to file for American citizenship. 


Do you have any links to back up anything? Because I am not finding anything online to support this girl's story.

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Self employed people pay taxes.

Self employed people are supposed to pay taxes, but that doesn't mean all do. There's a segment of nuts who claim religious exemptions to filing taxes too. I'm guessing a good crossover with nuts who don't file birth certificates... If you're self employed, it's harder for the IRS to track and file liens.

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I'm sure the process involves her parents signing something that will certify that she is who she says she is. If they won't do that unless she returns to their dictatorship and submits to their rule, that's going to be problematic.


I am sure there are other ways provided in case a parent's signature is not available.


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Drivers license only requires 2.... and social security card and birth certificate are enough. The social security card and birth certificate can both be obtained online with no ID. That would give her 3. IF she has a social security card, she does not need to file for American citizenship.


Do you have any links to back up anything? Because I am not finding anything online to support this girl's story.

She doesn't have a birth certificate or a SSN. You can't obtain them online if they were never issued in the first place.

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Drivers license only requires 2.... and social security card and birth certificate are enough. The social security card and birth certificate can both be obtained online with no ID. That would give her 3. IF she has a social security card, she does not need to file for American citizenship. 


Do you have any links to back up anything? Because I am not finding anything online to support this girl's story.


Here's a link: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Society/2015/0212/Alecia-Pennington-can-t-prove-she-s-an-American-or-even-exists.-What-would-you-do


The birth certificate can be obtained online IF one is filed in the first place. According to the article, she received a certified letter that they have searched and there is no record of her birth. 


Could she be lying? Of course she could. But her story is plausible and saying "it couldn't happen that way because she could get another birth certificate" is flatly wrong.

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Drivers license only requires 2.... and social security card and birth certificate are enough. The social security card and birth certificate can both be obtained online with no ID. That would give her 3. IF she has a social security card, she does not need to file for American citizenship. 


Do you have any links to back up anything? Because I am not finding anything online to support this girl's story.


Really? I can just file online and get a social security card without having to provide any proof of who I am? Like I could give a name and birthdate and just get a social security number?


It seems like it should be harder than that....

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Here is information on how to get a delayed birth certificate, which she was told she needed: http://travel.state.gov/content/passports/english/passports/information/secondary-evidence.html


I quote from the article: 


If you were born in the United States and cannot present primary evidence of U.S. citizenship because your U.S. Birth Certificate was not filed within the first year of your birth, you may submit a Delayed U.S. Birth Certificate. A Delayed U.S. Birth Certificate filed more than one year after your birth may be acceptable if:

  • It lists the documentation used to create it (preferably early public records), and
  • It is signed by the birth attendant or lists an affidavit signed by the parents.

If your Delayed U.S. Birth Certificate does not include these items, it should be submitted together with Early Public Records.

If she cannot get the birth attendant to sign or an affidavit from the parents, she is rather out of luck. 


Scrolling further down, in all cases people are told that they MUST have someone who has personal knowledge of their birth to sign. An older blood relative OR anyone else who has personal knowledge of the birth is required.

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This slamming video the girl made never mentioned her even trying to contact the state to see if there was a birth certificate. And I doubt the family has skipped out on using her as a deduction on the taxes all these years. There has to be a SSN then. You can order all these things online if you want. I think this girl sounds to me like she wants to lash out at her parents. I am not saying her parents are me. But the siblings could not have enrolled in college without some form of ID or vaccination records or vaccination exemptions or social security or other id numbers.


Despite my daughter's refusal to even take our offers to help, I called the DMV and looked up how to get a new license. It is not complicated at all. I sent her a link from online. But she would rather make excuses to get sympathy and money from others than just grow up and take responsibility. I wonder how long before this girl in this blog has a fundme page to support her "plight."


Alecia says she has a certified letter from the appropriate state agency in Texas saying they have no record of any birth certificate for her, for any unnamed baby girls born on that date, or for any children born to her mother. She has an affidavit from her grandmother and a few other bits of info that show her name and approximate age (e.g. she saw a doctor once at around 9), but without her parents'  cooperation, she can't prove citizenship so she can't get a driver's license, and she can't get a SSN as a citizen. She has contacted various senators and representatives, who have been unable to help. One simply said she needed a lawyer.


As for doubting that the parents have "skipped out on using her as a tax deduction," the Penningtons have been investigated by the IRS over tax issues, and lost their petition to block the IRS from accessing bank accounts that James Pennington controlled as head of The Anchor Group, which they claimed was a church.


Also, there's no information about where (or if) her two older siblings attend college. The only thing the father has confirmed is that he helped the two older siblings get drivers licenses. They may still be living at home and doing what the parents want, or they may be boys who are "allowed" to have jobs, or there could be any number of other reasons why the parents allowed the two older children to have their identities, while withholding the same privilege from Alecia.


I don't see any evidence whatsoever that this girl is lying or is just looking for attention. 

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Drivers license only requires 2.... and social security card and birth certificate are enough. The social security card and birth certificate can both be obtained online with no ID. That would give her 3. IF she has a social security card, she does not need to file for American citizenship.


Do you have any links to back up anything? Because I am not finding anything online to support this girl's story.

Her parents have said they didn't file a record of her birth, which means there is no birth certificate for her to obtain. This isn't simply getting a COPY of a birth certificate. She has to get the state to generate a birth certificate 18 years after the fact, which is meant to be a difficult process for identity theft/criminal reasons.

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