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We're done!! - Would love some prayers or good thoughts for the next two days


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Our youngest has an MRI and an EEG in the next two days. Due to his disabilities and challenges he's a toddler hiding out in a tween body which will make these two days quite challenging.  


Tomorrow he will be under general anesthesia for 2-3 hours for them to do a brain and full spinal MRI. His appointment is in the afternoon but he won't be able to eat after midnight. This is a boy who likes to eat and won't understand why he can't. Thankfully we're allowed to give him juice up to 4 hours before. We'll probably get home from the hospital by about 7pm. We then have to wake him at midnight and keep him awake until we go back to the hospital for a 2 hour, sleep deprived, video EEG Wed morning.


We tend to live on the edge with him as a general rule but this is crazy even for us.  :willy_nilly:


Needless to say - any prayers, good thoughts or fairy dust are much appreciated. I've a feeling we're going to need them. Along with a good stiff drink when it's over!

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:grouphug: That all sounds very difficult, especially having a kid who is hungry but doesn't understand why he can't eat.  And then keeping him awake from midnight on when you will be physically and emotionally exhausted yourself...I pray this goes quickly for you. 

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Something is wonky with the MultiQuote option so you'll have to imagine all the pp here. 


Thanks everyone!


My dad is ds' favorite person in the world so we have 'The Grandpa' going to the hospital with us as a diversionary tactic (we have to be there 2 hours early). Grandpa and I will be with ds tomorrow and then dh and I will be with ds on Wed. Dh and I are splitting the midnight to leave time between us so we'll each get a little bit of rest. 

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We tend to live on the edge with him as a general rule but this is crazy even for us.  :willy_nilly:



I have prayed here. 


When my youngest was 8yo, he snapped both bones in his forearm, leaving it in a sickening "S" shape. It was a Thursday afternoon. The ER folks confirmed the breaks, put it in a sling, and set up an appointment for the following Monday morning with the orthopedic surgeon. This kid was a trooper -- no complaints, no crying, asked for one pain pill in four days.


Monday morning, the Dr. told us he would need to be sedated for the reduction. When T heard he couldn't eat or drink anything until after the surgery, only then did the tears and general drama start. It was almost funny. 

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(((Hugs puddlejumper)))


I'm praying for successful and stress free testing.


DH and I always split the "up all night" shift, too. He was better at staying up late and I was better at getting up early. So he'd stay up til 3 or 4, then I'd take over.


Sometimes DD and I'd go out to breakfast which was fun but tricky. The fresh air and change of atmosphere woke her up but if she ate TOO much, she'd get that sleepy feeling.

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DH and I always split the "up all night" shift, too. He was better at staying up late and I was better at getting up early. So he'd stay up til 3 or 4, then I'd take over.




This is us exactly! My insomnia usually kicks in around 3 or 3:30 anyway so I'm going to put it to some good use for a change. 

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I have prayed here. 


When my youngest was 8yo, he snapped both bones in his forearm, leaving it in a sickening "S" shape. It was a Thursday afternoon. The ER folks confirmed the breaks, put it in a sling, and set up an appointment for the following Monday morning with the orthopedic surgeon. This kid was a trooper -- no complaints, no crying, asked for one pain pill in four days.


Monday morning, the Dr. told us he would need to be sedated for the reduction. When T heard he couldn't eat or drink anything until after the surgery, only then did the tears and general drama start. It was almost funny. 


That's one brave boy you've got. I can't imagine going through that. I hear you on the not eating triggering the tears and drama. That's such a hard part for the kids. 

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Ugh, sorry you have to do this. We just did this before the new year with my seven year old but she didn't need sedation for the MRI (first time nonsedated!). It's exhausting. I really wish that hospitals had their child life people available in the middle of the night to help give mom and dad a rest. 

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In the olden days they admitted people and we kept them awake all night at the hospital.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: It seems crazy to put him so far down on the schedule instead of first thing in the morning. I'll be praying for all of you.

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Oops...almost forgot...


I've got some fairy dust around here somewhere...


*rummages through the pantry*


Ah, here it is, on the "magical" shelf behind the cookie butter...


*unscrews mason jar lid and flings a handful in PJ1's direction*


There you go!!




Thanks ever so much! I'm enjoying the shower of fairy dust :)

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In the olden days they admitted people and we kept them awake all night at the hospital.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug: It seems crazy to put him so far down on the schedule instead of first thing in the morning. I'll be praying for all of you.


They have always put him first on the list for surgeries (after the children with diabetes) but this had something to do with scheduling and his neurologist wanting it done sooner rather than later. Apparently they don't see many children having full brain and spine MRIs so they blocked a huge amount of time for him.  Unfortunately that meant the afternoon. I have a feeling we're last on the list on top of everything else. Here's hoping there are no glitches in the day's schedule to push us further into the afternoon!

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Ugh, sorry you have to do this. We just did this before the new year with my seven year old but she didn't need sedation for the MRI (first time nonsedated!). It's exhausting. I really wish that hospitals had their child life people available in the middle of the night to help give mom and dad a rest. 


Wouldn't that be nice! We thought about snagging a college student from church and then realized tomorrow is the first day of classes around here. 

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Update for today  :thumbup1:


We made it through MRI day! Ds really rose to the occasion and surprised us. He didn't start asking for food/drink until about 1/2 hour before the test. Grandpa was a huge help - took miles worth or trips up and down the hallway. Test took about 1 1/2 hours and he did great the team said. We're home earlier than expected. 


Now for a few hours sleep until we start again at midnight. 

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And we're done!!  :hurray:  :hurray:


LONG day. What we expected to be a 2 hour EEG was actually a little over 3 hours on top of the hour it took to put on the leads. After being up all night and having to leave by 6:30 it made for a long morning but we survived. Little guy was giving people the stink eye by the end but he made it through with his easy going demeanor intact. I just wanted to crawl in a corner and cry when they added the extra hour+ so he's definitely a bigger person than I.


I can not thank you all enough for the thoughts, prayers and fairy dust. I know it had a lot to do with us getting through the last 2 days  :thumbup1:

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Our youngest has an MRI and an EEG in the next two days. Due to his disabilities and challenges he's a toddler hiding out in a tween body which will make these two days quite challenging.  


Tomorrow he will be under general anesthesia for 2-3 hours for them to do a brain and full spinal MRI. His appointment is in the afternoon but he won't be able to eat after midnight. This is a boy who likes to eat and won't understand why he can't. Thankfully we're allowed to give him juice up to 4 hours before. We'll probably get home from the hospital by about 7pm. We then have to wake him at midnight and keep him awake until we go back to the hospital for a 2 hour, sleep deprived, video EEG Wed morning.


We tend to live on the edge with him as a general rule but this is crazy even for us.  :willy_nilly:


Needless to say - any prayers, good thoughts or fairy dust are much appreciated. I've a feeling we're going to need them. Along with a good stiff drink when it's over!

Praying for a miracle and wonderful improvement. 

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