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Anyone swelling your pot today? (New Year's Day traditions thread)


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My mom is happily ensconced in my kitchen, making her traditional pot of beans. The swelling of the beans = symbolic of financial gain in the new year.


So I was just curious: what are your traditions for the new year? (Also would love to hear if you have any for New Year's Eve as well.) :)

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That is what I was thinking, too? Is it a person per load?

haha I have a lot of laundry to do, I could help clear out the idiots in my life lol.


Actually laundry is already being washed because oldest woke up today with a stomach ache, sat on the toilet with "issues" and then projectiled across the dirty laundry in the bathroom (the washing machine is in there) so laundry is an absolute must today.

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My Grandma from Arkansas passed away this past spring. New Year's was a cute, big deal to her. Black-eyes peas and some pork, so you "root forward" and no chicken so you don't "scratch back." She lived a long, hard-working 98 years, so there must be something to it! ;)


And you definitely can't do anything on the first day of the year you don't want to be doing alllll year long. Bad luck.

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I usually try to make sure the house is as clean as I can get it by New years eve, fridge stocked, money in my pocket etc on new years eve because how things are when the new year starts is how they will be all year.  Instead the house was a mess, the freezers are both stocked but the fridge is nearly empty, I am broke and the first thing that happened today is my son woke up with a stomach bug.  This is not a good way to start the day.

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We do a version of Hoppin' John that is probably not very authentic but it's close enough for us.  I wanted to get some collards but could not find any fresh yesterday!  I didn't think to check for frozen ones.  


I already started laundry.  :lol:   Oh well!


My family never had traditional food for the new year. I make a hoppin' john that's similar to the one you linked. It's MIL's recipe. Dh's family has few food traditions, but this is one, so I make it for him. We skip the greens because none of us like them (though some years I've made spinach just to have greens of some kind). 


My hoppin' john is done and on my warming burner on my stove. I'll make cornbread (his mamaw's recipe) later to eat with the beans.

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My family never had traditional food for the new year. I make a hoppin' john that's similar to the one you linked. It's MIL's recipe. Dh's family has few food traditions, but this is one, so I make it for him. We skip the greens because none of us like them (though some years I've made spinach just to have greens of some kind). 


My hoppin' john is done and on my warming burner on my stove. I'll make cornbread (his mamaw's recipe) later to eat with the beans.


Thanks for saying "cornbread."  I was wondering if I should make biscuits.  But cornbread is a much better idea.


I found some kale and a small acorn squash, then googled a recipe for it so I have a veggie side dish. 

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New years day meal always consists of black eyed peas, turnip greens and hog jowl. For luck, money and health.


Never do laundry on the first. Means you will wash someone out of your life.

Oops, already threw in a load. Will try to remember for next year.

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We are eating black eyed peas with bacon, spinach, sauerkraut, and cornbread for dinner tonight.


I'm too far behind on laundry to skip a day and I need to do at least a load or two every day to keep up with it, so it's probably for the best that I've got some going right now. Growing up my mom usually tried to get us kids to clean starting every new year, and gave up by the end of the month, so I'm following that tradition. I need to get this house clutter back under control so the kids are going through cleaning boot camp this week. ;) They found semi-permanent homes for most of their Christmas toys, so that is a win. Plus I cleaned off the mantle, so now I have ONE (!) surface in the house that isn't covered with things I have taken away from my youngest. If I could reclaim something from the clutter every day for the rest of the year, it will be worth the extra bit of work today! I'm telling myself that even if it doesn't last, following through just for this month would be an improvement.

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I'll be having black eyed peas with a salad (that will have to count as my greens).  I didn't intend to do laundry, but when the cat bled all over the blanket on my bed at two a.m., I put it straight into the washer.  I'm not doing any other loads today, though, so maybe I'll get a pass on that one. :)

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How is your DH doing?


Any updates?

Thanks for asking! He's still in ICU but (hooray!) they did not end up intubating him -- he responded well to just the oxygen mask. He's feeling poorly (still has pneumonia or something inhibiting his breathing) and the massive amounts of antibiotics are giving him an...unsettled stomach (which sucks since he's restricted to the bed/bedpan).


I'm sure that was TMI, haha, but things are improving (slowly but steadily). Hoping to get back to oncology floor in a day or two (we are not fond of ICU).

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I misread the title as 'Anyone selling their pot today?' Ha!


Mil thinks we're tempting fate by not having greens and black eyed peas today. Every single New Year's Day we go through this conversation. And she tells us she'll eat a bite for us.  Gotta give her credit- she's been trying to get us to follow this tradition for over a quarter of a century. 



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NYE, we always have a "hedgehog" to snack until midnight among other goodies.

New Year's Day is always pork but I am not big on pork so dh is eating pork and I will have some leftover salmon, perhaps still a little soup.


I should "swell" some beans for that financial gain aspect...

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NYE, we always have a "hedgehog" to snack until midnight among other goodies.

New Year's Day is always pork but I am not big on pork so dh is eating pork and I will have some leftover salmon, perhaps still a little soup.


I should "swell" some beans for that financial gain aspect...


What's a hedgehog?

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I want to know too.  I'm picturing a cute little spiky critter cruising along the buffet. . . .


It is a pineapple with the top cut off and a thin slice cut off on one side so the pineapple will sit and not roll. Lay pineapple on its side. Then I put cheese cubes and grapes on party picks and stick them into the pineapple "body" until it is covered in "prickly," tasty picks. The part where I cut the top off has exposed fruit flesh and I usually put some picks with either grapes or black olives to give the hedgehog a face, eyes, nose , etc.



Similar to this: https://www.google.com/search?q=pineapple+hedgehog+recipe&tbm=isch&imgil=qI7xC_1JkvE3PM%253A%253B3elc1Nkd2NmB-M%253Bhttps%25253A%25252F%25252Fkatyboo1.wordpress.com%25252Ftag%25252Fhow-to-make-cheese-and-pineapple-hedgehogs%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=qI7xC_1JkvE3PM%253A%252C3elc1Nkd2NmB-M%252C_&usg=__ojNX92wv3dH4__Zhgr9wE9Pbr5A%3D&biw=1366&bih=617&ved=0CEMQyjc&ei=gb-lVJ3VFIufyQS0vIKgAw#facrc=_&imgdii=qI7xC_1JkvE3PM%3A%3BH5tS2WZuc-pZxM%3BqI7xC_1JkvE3PM%3A&imgrc=qI7xC_1JkvE3PM%253A%3B3elc1Nkd2NmB-M%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fkatyboo1.files.wordpress.com%252F2010%252F05%252Fpineapplehedgehog2.jpg%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fkatyboo1.wordpress.com%252Ftag%252Fhow-to-make-cheese-and-pineapple-hedgehogs%252F%3B3648%3B2736


Except I don't cover my hedgehog in foil, the pineapple skin is just covered with picks.

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We're having ham and scalloped potatoes tonight.  I don't remember when we got into that, but it comfort food and uses up the last of the Christmas Ham.


Mine always go to a New Year's seminar at their Aikido Dojo.  The tradition is that whatever activity you do on New Years will become a habit in the coming year.  I enjoyed it because I got to see a friend's two-month old and talk baby stuff!


Around here a "hedgehog" is a cheese ball with almonds covering it.  Funny how different the meanings of words can be!

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This is DH's tradition that he introduced to me.  We watch Dinner for One on New Years Eve.  My 9 year old was so tickled by it this year that he wanted me to read the play with him (it's short and only has 2 parts).  So I read it with him today.  Then he asked his grandfather to read it with him.  And his dad.  And again grandpa.  It's funny what ends up amusing him.



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We have a 14 year old tradition where we go for a walk with several other families, ending at someone's house for a potluck meal. This year was about 4 miles ending at our house for chili, paella, and a ton of other food. 43 people total (25 of whom were kids ages 1 month-15 years). 

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