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MIL in hospital so my wife went out of town (UPDATED in first post)


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My MIL has had a problem, for the past week or so, if not longer, with pain and/or swelling in one leg. I told my wife, if her mother was not in an accident and she does not have an injury, that could be very bad and that if her mother came here, we would take her to the E.R. of the local hospital and ask them to figure out why she has a problem in that leg...


My SIL called yesterday, in the late afternoon and told my wife their mother is in the hospital. They live about 5 or 6 hours from us. This morning, after Breakfast, my wife went there. The custom here in Colombia is that when someone is hospitalized, that a family member stays with them in the room. My SIL needs to work. 


We were supposed to have out of town company from that area arriving on Friday, so yesterday I made a major raid on the supermarket and there is a lot of food in the house.  Probably when my wife returns the out of town company will come with her. I'm hoping the carton from Miami will arrive before they arrive, because it contains a WiFi Router and the goal is to provide WiFi service to the other end of the house where they will be staying...


If anyone has a circulation problem in one foot/leg/arm and not in the other one, it can indicate very serious problems. I'm sure that's why my MIL is in the hospital today. I have included her and the doctors and nurses who are taking care of her in my prayers.


UPDATE: My wife called my cell phone a few minutes ago. Her mother did most of the talking and I didn't understand a lot of what she said, because of the language barrier and it being on a cell phone. I believe the problem is Vein related. A lot of the swelling in the leg has gone down. She is in a Public (government owned and run) hospital. My wife said they are taking excellent care of her mother and are very nice; as if her mother was in one of the best Private hospitals here in the city of Cali. So, that's wonderful news. I am not certain that they have totally diagnosed the problem(s) at this time. Sounds like my wife and her sister will alternate in the hospital and/or that my SIL will be available if she needs to get anything.  (718 A.M., 11 DEC 2014)

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Thank you both!   I believe that if I was a doctor, making the correct diagnosis would be the hardest part and then trying to guess which medicine to give would be the next hardest... I suspect this is a vascular issue, because my wife mentioned something about her mother has a problem with her veins. I don't know if that means varicose veins or something else, but that can be an extremely serious vascular issue. Years ago, the woman who introduced us came down here (she lives in Wisconsin) and had surgery for Varicose Veins. Varicose Veins are *not* a cosmetic problem. It's vascular...  Again, thanks!

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How scary! Hope all goes well with your MIL. Kudos for you for taking care of all those many things on the homefront. I'm sure your wife is breathing easier knowing she can focus on caring for her MIL since you've got home stuff covered.


Thank you!  DD and I can take care of the 8 dogs and the cat, but the Parrot is probably bored out of her mind when my wife is gone. My wife talks to the parrot a lot, sings to her, etc. It's a real show... She is hoping the bird will learn new words and talk more. Hopefully my wife will have a good idea about what's going on with her mother in a day or two.


We sure miss my wife's cooking and other things when she is away!  

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Thank you!  DD and I can take care of the 8 dogs and the cat, but the Parrot is probably bored out of her mind when my wife is gone. My wife talks to the parrot a lot, sings to her, etc. It's a real show... She is hoping the bird will learn new words and talk more. Hopefully my wife will have a good idea about what's going on with her mother in a day or two.


We sure miss my wife's cooking and other things when she is away!  


I really think you need to sing to the parrot while your DW is away.


Sending healing wishes for your MIL and wisdom for the hospital staff.

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Sending my prayers from here, Lanny.  Offering  :grouphug:  that don't come with doggy licks too.  It sounds like you can keep everyone well fed even if it's not the same cooking-wise.  I hope your MIL heals quickly and that you get to enjoy your wife at home again (with all the company too) soon!

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Sending my prayers from here, Lanny.  Offering  :grouphug:  that don't come with doggy licks too.  It sounds like you can keep everyone well fed even if it's not the same cooking-wise.  I hope your MIL heals quickly and that you get to enjoy your wife at home again (with all the company too) soon!


Well we have *plenty* of food in the house. Not sure how I got all of that into the shopping cart yesterday and I forgot that it had a thing underneath where I could have placed some things... My Stepson and his wife are living with us now and if he is home he is a good cook, but not like my wife's gourmet cooking. The little I knew about cooking, I've forgotten after 17 years with a gourmet cook.  DD can make our Breakfasts.  In the kitchen, my job is that of dishwasher...


Thank you for the prayers!

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Well we have *plenty* of food in the house. Not sure how I got all of that into the shopping cart yesterday and I forgot that it had a thing underneath where I could have placed some things... My Stepson and his wife are living with us now and if he is home he is a good cook, but not like my wife's gourmet cooking. The little I knew about cooking, I've forgotten after 17 years with a gourmet cook.  DD can make our Breakfasts.  In the kitchen, my job is that of dishwasher...


Thank you for the prayers!


Hmm, eating-wise, it pretty much sounds like we need to come visit you!  However, my youngest is coming home from college tomorrow, so I suppose I ought to stay here and consider cooking for us again.  I've gotten lazy about that lately.

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I've known someone with one leg swollen and it turned out to be a clot.


I hope everything goes well. I know in many other countries, families are supposed to be the ones to do the daily care of hospital patients. I realize it's a hardship, but it's very kind of your wife to be there with her mom.

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I've known someone with one leg swollen and it turned out to be a clot.


I hope everything goes well. I know in many other countries, families are supposed to be the ones to do the daily care of hospital patients. I realize it's a hardship, but it's very kind of your wife to be there with her mom.



Yes.  A clot or something bad... For example, if she has a problem with veins and they are ruptured/ leaking. Not sure what the correct terminology is.  Years ago, when we had excellent medical insurance (like a PPO in the states) my main doctor was an Internal Medicine/Cardiologist.  I told my wife, I remember him examining me, and he would check my blood pressure/pulse/ (some  of those things) on both arms and then near both feet and I remember asking him if they were different if that indicated a bad problem. His reply was "yes".  So, I'm glad that my wife did go to accompany her mother in the hospital. I'm not so sure if it is daily care of the patient, but the hospitals here want someone to be there with the patient if they need something. I remember after DD was born (scheduled C section) that I slept in the hospital room where my wife and DD were. They have like a bench for the person who is with them to sleep on. Not comfortable, but for me it was only for one night.

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Parrot related....Not sure if you remember because our parrot conversation was at least a year ago but I had one for years that talked a lot. My parrot was very social and liked to be where the people were. At that point in our lives I was working from home and would simply move him and perches around the house with me. Your parrot will probably be happier hanging out in some way with you and dd even if you don't sing to him! My bird actually seemed to enjoy sitting by me while I read books to myself, he commented quietly as the pages turned sometimes while he dozed, totally a companionship issue.

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Wishing the best for you all!  I believe a blood clot can be spotted on an x-ray or MRI...  My husband had an IVC (clot) in his leg after he became paralyzed.  It was really scary, but doctors were able to put a miniscule filter in his vein to keep it from traveling to his heart or brain, and eventually the clot just dissolved. 

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Hope things are going well Lanny. I'm intrigued by the idea of having a parrot!


They are protected here. Someone gave us this bird and she is too old to be released into the wild. She wouldn't know what to do to survive...  Where we live, in a huge rural subdivision, there is a flock of approximately 50 Parrots. When they fly over our house, or stay in our backyard, they are very noisy. There are approximately 50 species of birds in our subdivision and 400-500 species of birds, in the mountains to our West. Canaries and other species come to our house for food and water.


We had a Parrot who lived to be 48 years old. He died 2 or 3 years ago.


The "problem" with birds is that they are very messy with their eating and bathroom  habits...  

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Parrot related....Not sure if you remember because our parrot conversation was at least a year ago but I had one for years that talked a lot. My parrot was very social and liked to be where the people were. At that point in our lives I was working from home and would simply move him and perches around the house with me. Your parrot will probably be happier hanging out in some way with you and dd even if you don't sing to him! My bird actually seemed to enjoy sitting by me while I read books to myself, he commented quietly as the pages turned sometimes while he dozed, totally a companionship issue.


Yes, they are intelligent and like company. We have an inner patio with a lot of plants in it and most of the day my wife leaves her mobile gym (it has a cage but that's a small part of it) near the inner patio and she can watch the view. Sometimes we put her on the back porch so she can see the grass and trees.  My wife converted a mobile thing I had for clothes to dry (?) into a gym for the bird...  It has wheels so we move the bird around to various places during the day. If we had gotten this bird when she was very young she would probably talk a lot more. 

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Hey Lanny,  Will say a prayer now.   (((Hugs))) to you.


What kind of tests will the drs. run?  I believe that swelling in those areas may indicate a heart issue.  My Dad is a cardiac patient and has been for most of his life.  I'm trying to remember but he used to have swelling.  She may have to go on a diuretic to pull the fluid from her.


Lanny, I hope there will be some tests involved.  

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