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Please help me explain this strange occurrence. Bring your imagination.


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Last night I fell asleep on the couch trying to finish my paid work. I conked out completely and didn't wake until this morning. When I opened my eyes, I was laying flat on my back, and I had the auxiliary cord from the bathroom (which we use to connect phones and iPods to the clock radio so we can listen to music and audiobooks) clutched in my hands on my chest  :confused1:


Everyone else in the house was already asleep, and we have no pets. I've never sleepwalked before (that I know of!). No one admits to waking in the night for any reason. I was dreaming, but nothing that might explain why I would have gotten up and pulled the cord out and then gone back to sleep on the couch. (I was dreaming that I took the kids to sleepaway camp and then decided to stay there with them :lol:)


What on earth could have happened here? Did some burglar sneak into our house just to mess with me? It's the oddest thing!



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Either you got in while you were so dazed and cannot remember it or you had in your hand before you fell asleep but don't remember it now. Or the little elves came and carefully threaded the cords through your tightly clenched fists and did your work while you were sleeping. If this is the case, the work you had started should be done now. :lol:

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Was it this forum where a lady didn't believe she was snoring at night so she left the tape recorder on and people had snuck in during the night and she could hear them talking?!?!?  Does anyone else remember that?  That was the first thing I thought of.  

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Was it this forum where a lady didn't believe she was snoring at night so she left the tape recorder on and people had snuck in during the night and she could hear them talking?!?!? Does anyone else remember that? That was the first thing I thought of.

I DO remember that!!! How did that story turn out?

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Was it this forum where a lady didn't believe she was snoring at night so she left the tape recorder on and people had snuck in during the night and she could hear them talking?!?!?  Does anyone else remember that?  That was the first thing I thought of.  


Yes!  And there was another poster who kept finding a wet spot in a closet or something like that.  The most plausible explanation was a peeing ghost.  It kills me that we never learned how those turned out.

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I DO remember that!!! How did that story turn out?



Yes!  And there was another poster who kept finding a wet spot in a closet or something like that.  The most plausible explanation was a peeing ghost.  It kills me that we never learned how those turned out.



I don't think we ever found out.  


I guess it must have been aliens.  

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Seriously. Do you take any kind of sleeping aid?  My dh was taking ambien or something similar. There were several nights that he woke up, came into the family room and conversed with several of us, went back to bed and NEVER remembered. We're not talking half asleep (which he's done before), he seemed completely lucid. It happened enough times that it started freaking him out (and us), and he stopped those meds.

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When I'm sick I will half-sleepwalk with no memory of things like that, particularly if I'm very tired. I don't sleepwalk, per se, but if I'm sick and slightly feverish, then I will forget what I do before I go to bed.


The other thread is FREAKY. :(

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That thread became a real legal issue and the poster could no longer post about it.


ETA: Not the thread itself, but the issue.


That's a joke, right???


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There's some time when you're half asleep that you can end up in sleep walking-like behavior. Basically you're partially asleep and you simply forget that period when you wake up. The way you forget what you're thinking about right before you fall asleep. 


Was the cord in or near the bathroom? Needing to urinate is one physical thing people often do half asleep. Usually we just lie there. I'm not a sleep walker but my mother would sometimes run into me on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I would not remember it the next day. You're in your own little world too. Reality doesn't make much of an intrusion. 

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Thank you all for the laughs! I'm seriously mystified and a little weirded out by the idea that I must have sleepwalked that night (though I'm even more weirded out by the idea of ninjas and aliens :leaving: ). That particular cord never leaves the bathroom, because we have no use for it anywhere else, so I don't know what I was thinking I needed it for! I've never done anything like this before, but hey, I turned 40 recently and all kinds of weird things are happening--suddenly I'm doing that thing where I can't read small print with my regular glasses on, and my hormones are all wacky, and I suddenly need naps. I guess I can just add sleepwalking into the "40 Stinks" bin! :lol:


I remember that thread! That was scary. I'm dying to know what ended up happening, especially if there was legal action. That sounds like a good crazy neighbor story right there. Has anyone PMed CalicoKat recently to see if it ever got resolved? The idea of people in my house when I'm sleeping is one that terrifies me. We have an alarm system for that reason!


Anyway, I'll be sure to notify everyone if this starts happening regularly :lol:

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Was the cord in or near the bathroom? Needing to urinate is one physical thing people often do half asleep. Usually we just lie there. I'm not a sleep walker but my mother would sometimes run into me on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night and I would not remember it the next day. You're in your own little world too. Reality doesn't make much of an intrusion. 


It WAS in the bathroom. It's possible that I got up to go, I guess, but the weird thing is that I'm a very light sleeper when I fall asleep on the couch (which is all too often). DH often gets up in the night to go, as does DD9, and that almost always wakes me.


I don't know. Sleep is strange, I guess. It has to be sleepwalking (or wandering in a mostly unconscious state, anyway)--nothing else fits. I guess I'd better start making sure I put the alarm on at night in case I decide to try to go somewhere! 

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Okay ladies, please explain to me why hairbrushes disappear and appear in our house?


We had a house inspection- Open house actually..... and we had the house spotless. Even cleaned under the beds etc.... No clutter- moved it all into the garage....


Afterwards, I showered and went to brush my hair, but couldn't find one brush anywhere! So I had to use a comb- Ouch! :sneaky2:


Then next morning 2 appeared out of nowhere! :ohmy: Even my dc are starting to think this is phenomenon is strange. :smilielol5:  It's happened quite a few times before.


So do you think aliens are involved here as well? YIKES!!!!



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Okay ladies, please explain to me why hairbrushes disappear and appear in our house?


We had a house inspection- Open house actually..... and we had the house spotless. Even cleaned under the beds etc.... No clutter- moved it all into the garage....


Afterwards, I showered and went to brush my hair, but couldn't find one brush anywhere! So I had to use a comb- Ouch! :sneaky2:


Then next morning 2 appeared out of nowhere! :ohmy: Even my dc are starting to think this is phenomenon is strange. :smilielol5:  It's happened quite a few times before.


So do you think aliens are involved here as well? YIKES!!!!


:lol: This happens here with brushes and nail clippers. No one can ever think where they last used one of these tools, yet they're never where they belong. And just when you finally get desperate enough to think, "OK, I need to go out and buy a new one," up pop several of the old ones. And you put them all where they belong, and your DH says, "Oh, hey, you found all the nail clippers!" And then they start disappearing again, one by one. 


And heaven forbid that, in desperation, you pull out the secret set of clippers or brush you keep in your travel bag, never to be touched so that you actually have them when you go on vacation. You'll never see those again!



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:lol: This happens here with brushes and nail clippers.


YES!!!!!  Nail clippers and tweezers here!


 And heaven forbid that, in desperation, you pull out the secret set of clippers or brush you keep in your travel bag, never to be touched so that you actually have them when you go on vacation. You'll never see those again!


Yep, inevitably, dh and I will share the location of our new, secret stash, and then those eventually disappear too.


Seriously, though, I think my kids truly don't know where they are, and then when they find them, they realize, uh-oh, I might get in trouble, so they put them back when no one's looking.  :laugh:

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I opt for the 40+ explanation. I am forever leaving papers and coffee mugs in weird places. I can misplace a mug in less than 30 seconds walking from one room to another, and it usually takes 10 minutes to find it again. If I can't seem to remember what I did walking from one end of the house to the other (while supposedly awake  ;) ), it wouldn't surprise me that I may not remember getting up in the night.


I also completely identify with the missing nail clippers. Hammers also seem to be a problem for my dh. They are much larger than nail clippers, but have super ninja skills to make themselves invisible when needed.

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I opt for the 40+ explanation. I am forever leaving papers and coffee mugs in weird places. I can misplace a mug in less than 30 seconds walking from one room to another, and it usually takes 10 minutes to find it again. If I can't seem to remember what I did walking from one end of the house to the other (while supposedly awake  ;) ), it wouldn't surprise me that I may not remember getting up in the night.


I also completely identify with the missing nail clippers. Hammers also seem to be a problem for my dh. They are much larger than nail clippers, but have super ninja skills to make themselves invisible when needed.


I have this same problem with mugs and my cell phone...I lost my phone too many times to count this weekend.  I absolutely could not remember where I put it.  Repeatedly.

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