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Just need to brag about my daughter. Indulge me, please?

Jenny in Florida

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After living at home and working and saving her pennies for about a year and a half, my daughter fulfilled a nearly life-long dream and moved herself to NYC in June. She left with two suitcases, one month of a pre-paid AirBnB room in someone's apartment, and no job. 


In early July, she signed a lease and moved into an apartment she shares with friends of friends of friends. She also landed a temporary job teaching summer musical theatre camps for kids. She started as an assistant and moved up to lead teacher. By the time of the last showcase performance, there were multiple families telling her boss that the show my daughter helped direct was the best one the program had ever done and asking to have their kids placed in her classes for the fall semester. 


Today, she began training for a nearly full-time admin job at a very large and well-known dance school where she will be allowed to take dance classes for free in her spare time. She will teach at the theatre program on her days off from the primary job.


In about three weeks, she begins a two-year program at a prestigious acting school (recently listed among the 25 best alongside Yale and NYU Tisch and similar universities). 


She has been invited to help the director of the theatre program expand and possibly found a small theatre company. Based on the editing/ovehaul my daughter did on the script they used this summer, she's been asked to adapt some more material into scripts for their upcoming programs.


Did I mention she's 19 years old?


This morning on her way to work, she had a little joy breakdown when she realized that the life she has wanted since she was eight years old is all falling into place for her. 


It's not going to be an easy couple of years. The two jobs combined won't quite cover all of her monthly expenses, meaning she will have to live frugally and continue to draw on her savings more heavily than would be ideal. And between the two jobs, acting classes, dance classes and whatever other side gigs she can pick up for some extra cash, she won't have much time to rest. But it's going to be awfully exciting, and I'm about as proud of her as a mom could possibly be.


Okay, I'm done now. Thanks for letting me say all of that out loud!



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It's not going to be an easy couple of years. The two jobs combined won't quite cover all of her monthly expenses, meaning she will have to live frugally and continue to draw on her savings more heavily than would be ideal. And between the two jobs, acting classes, dance classes and whatever other side gigs she can pick up for some extra cash, she won't have much time to rest. But it's going to be awfully exciting, and I'm about as proud of her as a mom could possibly be.


Okay, I'm done now. Thanks for letting me say all of that out loud!


My eldest is also living her dream in NYC.  However, she is past the barely-making it stage :-) and doing well.  However, one thought came to my mind about extra monies:  my daughter managed to get a couple or two with small baby who needed babysitting one evening a week.  I think she averaged an extra $100 per session plus free dinner (couple would order take out for her) plus bonuses for past midnight hours.  She could study/read/etc/ once the baby was down.  The pay was so good that she kept up the babysitting for a year or two after graduation because it paid more than her "real" job just out of uni. 


Best wishes for all!

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Absolutely, you should brag!!


Congratulations to you both!  So nice to see your daughter achieving her dreams.  My Mom left home (against her parent's wishes) to go become a ballerina in NYC in the 50s.  She saved her pennies, left, and was successful…until a bad injury.  Still, she said it was the best thing she ever did.  Among other careers, she taught ballet, tap, and flamenco until her late 70s.  At her 75th birthday, she performed a tap routine as well as doing 5 or 6 pirouettes in a row.  


I love that I have her life as a role model in following your dreams.

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However, one thought came to my mind about extra monies:  my daughter managed to get a couple or two with small baby who needed babysitting one evening a week.  


Thanks for sharing that thought. My daughter has put out some feelers about babysitting, but hasn't found anything yet.


She does have a phone interview today with a company that provides mascots and other entertainment for corporate and similar events. Her local job was in a related field, and she has great references. So, that may turn out to be a good source of occasional extra income when she can fit something into her schedule.

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Awesome!  So many local arts and theater types here we know have their hands in many projects and jobs to get by.  But many of them are also the most happy and fulfilled people we know.  Congratulations to her and I hope she enjoys New York.  Good for her for having the guts to move there on her own - what an amazing opportunity!  :)

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